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April 10, 1920 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-04-10

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j HE GUESTS I othy Wilhite, Washington, D. C.; Marie Booth 30-Sigma Nu
THE HtE HOP bUE (S Gallagher, Escanaba. Chaperons-Prof. R. M. Wenley and
THE T Mrs. Wenley, Dr. and Mrs. E. K. Herd A man,
Booth 21-Phi Gamma Delta man, Ann Arbor; Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
(Continoed ram Page Five) gI
Clemeos; M. Browo, Grant iapids; Guests-The Misses Madeline Mc- Randall, Fort Wayne, Ind. Guests- thru bi
Crabbe, Saginaw; G. Burch, Dlwagiac; Cuaig, Detroit; Helen Jones, Marine The Misses Irene McDonald, Bernice
L. B. Walters ,Toledo, D.; P. Pennant, City; Martha Guernsey, Ogden, Utah; Wennerlond, Frances Buell, Beatrice
Hazel Clark, Chicago, 111.; Frances Valentine, Detroit; Mabel Clausen,
New Philadelphia, O. D. Stewart, De- McGregor, Pontiac, Ill.; Katherine Goldfield, Ia.; Helen Webster, Sagin-
lavan, Wis. J Mendenhall, Madison, Wis.; Mary aw; Mary Haller, Louise Tiger, Fort A maid
Bailey, Gretchen Walser, Florence PWayne, Inl.; Veta Shaw, Owosso;
Booth 13-Alpha Sigma Phi Theime, Ann Arbor; Myrtle Bice, Ne.- Faith Palmerlee, Lapeer; Anne Linde- thru he
Chaperons-Dr. and Mrs. Campbell gaunee; Annah Webb, Bedford, Ind.; mulder, Grand Rapids; Anita Sower,
Harvey, Ann Arbor. Guests-The Ruth Abbott, St. Louis, Mo. Frankfort, Ky.; Helen Pipp, Ann Ar-
Misses Marie Braun, Arlyle Tolsma, j(bor; Doris Dewey, Sturgis.
Detroit; Aline Cake, Lake Linden; Vir- Booth 22-Delta Theta Phi -
gna Marshall, Muskegost; Melen Chaperons-Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Booth 31-Alpha Delta Phi
Knowlson, Ann Arbor; Vera Burke, S. Montague. Guests - The Misses Chaperons - Mr. and Mrs. G. C.
Pontiac; Gertrude Bogg. Battle Rth Decoy, Rosalind Sowinski, Es- Thompson, Grand Rapids; Mr and
Creek; Drusilla Pfanner, Toledo, O.;ther Leckner, Pauline Brokaw, De- Mrs. D. G. Smith, Inia. Guests
troit; Frances Eaton, Battle Creek. The Misses Charlotte Benedict, Rose-
Grace Griffin, Lima O. Margareti
Gre Griffn,imurgha,.;MargaretEdna Wonderlick, Saginaw; Leta mary Lowe, Jessie Waterfall, Eliza-
Newell, Eldora, Ia.; Margaret Duffy, beth Parker, Jane Raymond, Detroit;
Syckle, Chicago, Ill.; Elizabeth Smith, Hundson, N. Y.; Anne Loveland, B Alice Newcomb, Bloomfield Hills;
Conneaut, O.; Margaret chwarz, troitlJosephine Woodward, Minneapolis,,
Youngstown, O. __Minn.; Priscilla Briggs, Brookline,
Booth 2-Delta Sigma Delta ass.; Lucy Carlisle, Saginaw; Hor-
Booth 14-Chi Psi tense Miller, Ann Arbor; Mary Eliza-
Chaperns-Mrs W. D.Griflih Mrs.Chaperons-Dr. and Mrs. Chalmers beth Overman, Danville, Ill.; Anne
G. H. Larsen, Detroit. Guests-The J. Lyons. Guests-The Misses Esther Morse, Los Angeles, Calif.; Frances
Misses Helen Paton, Melso Moore, Jones, Frances Cooney, Rhoda Mc- Rigdon, Wabash, Ind., Edith Gamble, T
Dowell, Georgia Gleason, Detroit;
Elizabeth Sherwood, Elaine Pommerer, Independence, Kan.; Eizabeth Adams,
Dorothy DeKline, Lansing; Beatrice oquain, Wash.; Kathryn Schaer,
Joseph Morrison, Grace DeWiCt., Elean- Becker, Cresline, D.; Mildred Britzske, Lima, 0.
ore Broock, Mary Harrigan, Gertrude Manistique; Lucille Merritt, Randolph,
Swift, Muriel Westbrook, Gertrude N. Y.; Mrs. N. D. Scheidler, and Ruth Booth 32-Phi Sigma Delta
Raymond, Detroit; Edwina Martindale, Scheidler, Ann Arbor; Katherine
Chaperons-Mr and Mrs. A. Coop-
Farmigton; Mary Wiggins, Battle Beardsley, Helen Joslin, Pontiac. Detroit. Guests -- The Misses Rose
Creek; Kathryn Bennett, Kalamazoo; Hubar, Ethel Shetzer, Jeannette Gran-
Frances Keith, DesMoines, Ia. Booth 24-Delta Chi et, Anna August, Helen Shetzer, Gert-
Chapermis-Mr. and Mrs. William rude Borenstein, Ruth Bloomosen,
Booth 15-Sigma Phi E. Chope, Detroit. Guests-The Miss- Loretta Robinson, Rae Finsterwald,
Chaperons-Mrs. McCormick, of es Ruth Houghton, Helene June Detroit; Grace Baron, Souix City, Ia.;
Youngstown, O. Guests-The Misses Winckler, Deborah Young, Isabelle Adelle Seitz, Cleveland, O.; Maebelle
Elizabeth Hobbs, Doris Lovett, Grace Laylander, Sarah Smith, Lela Witter, Wallerstein, LaPorte, Ind.; Yma Sil-
Ludden, Detroit; Polly Rathbbne, Dor- Detroit; Edyth Stewart, Thamesville, verman, Chicago, Ill.
othy Van Dugteren, Grand Rapids; Ont.; Madge Newlin, Hudsonville, Ill.;I
Margaret Grayson, Margaret Verdon, Blanche Brant, Grand Rapids. Booth 33-Alpha Tau Omega
New York City; Claire Murphy, Paul- Chaperons-Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
ine Miller, Toledo, O.; Marian Marsh- Booth 25-Theta Chi Butler, Ann Arbor. Guests-The Miss-
on, Saginaw; Clara Hagerman, Lud-. Chaperons-Mrs. Bertha Dillon, Ann es Rose Lehman, Helen McCall, Flor-
ington. Arbor; Mrs. C. B. King, London, Ont. ence McCall, Florence Orr, Detroit;
Guests-The Misses Beatrice Catlin, Mae Beckord, Chicago, Ill.; Elizabeth
Booth 16-Alpha Rho Chi Detroit; Wanda Gillingham, Bayport; Briscoe, Jackson; Catherine Dewar,
Blanch Aldrich, Tekonsha; Mrs. J. H Toronto, Ont.; Olive Hatton, Grand
Chaperons-Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Cissel, Ann Arbor; Zell Crookes, Kal- Haven; Janet Laing, Charlotte Mann,
Bay. Guests-The Misses Gertrude amazoo; Doris Flower, Bellefontaine, Windsor, Ont.; Nora Morton, St. Paul,
Holmes, Prudentia Huffman, Margaret O.; Helen Frost, Ann Arbor; Marion Minn.; Mary Perley, Aurora, N. Y.;
Berkau, Detroit; Lucille Bennett, La- Hood, Big Rapids; Marjorie Howard, Carribel Schmidt, Genevieve Shell,
lah Van Sickle, Ann Arbor; Edna Flint; Mary Dee Lane, Maysville, Ky.; Niles; Evelyn West, Washington, D. C.
Wanderlick, Saginaw; Amy Loomis, Agnes Maxwell, Marion, Va.; Aileen
Grand Rapids; Marie McCormick, Pierson, Flint; Hilda Scotham, New Booth 34-Independents
Ithaca; Mildred Ruess, Grand Rapids. York City; Elizabeth Siddons, Wash- Chaperons-Prof. Roy W. Cowden
ington, D. C.; Kathleen Smith, Lans- and Mrs. Cowden. Guests-The Miss-
Booth 17-Lambda Chi Alpha I ing. 'es Margaret Grix, Beatrice McKnight,
Chaperons-Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Margaret Malker, Detroit; Hilda Bow-
Nickels, Ann Arbor. Guests-The Booth 26-Phi Sigma Kappa en, Chevy Chase, Md.; Frances Buck-
Misses Evadne Wright, Marion True, Chaperons-Prof. Ward Davidson. bee, Rockford, Ill.; Claribelle Day,
Detroit; Marjory Heartt, Marcia Co- and Mrs. Davidson, Ann Arbor. Marshall; Harriet Dewey, Owosso;
burn; Avis Binder, Ann Arbor; Hen- Guests-The Misses Vivian Batty, Beata Hasley, Monroe; Maud Hind-
rika Gronblad, Escanaba; Louise Por- Irene Baisley, Dorothy Baisley, De- (Continued on Page Seven)
ter, Dowagiac; Olive Coleman, Mar- troit; Doris Ewing, Grand Rapids;
shall; Naomi Neubeck, Marietta, 0.; Marie Bertrau, Big Rapids; Kathryn
Nelda Taylor, Pensecola, Fla.; Grace Johnston, Bay City; Lorene Stokes,I
Miller, Napoleon, 0.; Mar; Brown, Rochester, Mun. N E
Booth 27-Alpha Sigma and Kappa
Booth 18-Beta Theta PiBeta Psi
Chaperons-Mr. and Mrs. William Chaprons-Dr. and Mrs. Hugh M.
Beebe, Ann Arbor. Guests-Thse Miss-
Cady; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Harbert. soBbsAtnsoLuesKedD-
es Ciss Adams, Lucille Kennedy, Get-TeMse VraSan l,De-
Guests-The Misses Virla Standish, troit; Barbara Brooks, Lansing; Mary Newton-Amenities of Book Collecting........ $4.00
Dorothy Wilder, Dorothy Dingwall, Lohrstoefer, Port Huron; Cary Smith,
Vera Hamilton, Grace Dohany, De- Marion, Ind.; Heln Englu , Phila Morley-The Haunted Bookshop .............. 1.50
troit; Clarice Winchester, Flint; Ver- delphia, Pa.; Janet Hills, Grand Rap- Spargo-Russia as an American Problem...... 2.25
nelle Head, New York City; Dorothy ids; Bernice Hienemann, Saginaw';
Joyce, Cleveland, 0.; Katherine Wet- Mildred Lehman, Churchville, N. Y.; Davis-Open Gates to Russia. ................ 2.00
tengel, Rome, N. Y.; Cecille Classen, Margaret Nester, Toledo, O.; 'Reta Menckn-Prejudices......................2.00
Ann Arbor. Ross, Anne Kirkpatrick, Ann Arbor.
------- Dawson-Scott-The Rolling Stone ............. 2.00
Booth 19-Phil Delta Theta Booth 28-Monks
Chaperons-Mr. and Mrs. Willard ChFaperns--Mrs. A. F. Schwalbo, Forster-Where Angels Fear to Tread........ 2.00
French, Detroit; Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Mrs. F. Penoyer, Toledo, 0.; Guests- Antsnetli-Balshevik Russoa................2.00
Sanders, Ann Arbor. ,Guests - The ' The Misses Mildred Chadswick, Do-.
Misses Betty Bade, Anita Molitor, Le- troit; Jean Bazim, HollandG; Certrude Gibbons-The New Map of Asia................ 2.50

nore Boesch, Chicago, Ill.; Lois Sok- Seato'n, Grand Ledge; Grace Patter-' Hobbs-Leonard Wood ....................... 2.00
up, Cincinnati, O.; Betty Jordan, son, Manistique; Margaret Addison,
Dayton, O.; Margaret Rea, Pittsburg, Grand Haven; Gladis Maxfield, Hud- Thayer-Theodore Roosevelt ................. 5.00
Pa.; Elizabeth Nichols, Nesw York sonville; Lawrence Simms, Newport Shaw-Heartbreak Mouse...................1.75
City; Anna Bradley, Lima, O.; Gerald- News, Va.; Jessie Penoyer, Toledo,
ine Nichols, Oklahoma City, Okla0.; O.; Cecilia Fohey, Hattiesburg, Miss.; Drinkwater-Abraham Lincoln-A Play ...... 1.25
Esther Kennedy, Lansing; Lillian Benevieve Cudli Iron Mountain;
Bowers, Huntington, Ind.; Lotus Lee, )Marguerite Bayliss, Besimer; Emily Drinkwater-Poems ......................... 2.00
Denver, Col.; Margaret Hughes, Hart- Edwards, Houghton; Jeannette Cur- Zan Grey-Man of the Forest................. 1.90
ford, Conn. tis, Yale.
Menakin-Book of Prefaces...................2.00
Booth 20-Sigma Chi Booth 29--Zeta Psi
Bot°2-igaCh o(t 9-ZtaPlParker-An American Idyll ..................75
Chaperons-Mr. and Mrs. Stratton ! Chaperons-Mr. and Mrs. Ezra H.
S. Shartel, Neosha, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. I Jones, Detroit. Guests-The Misses
Bert Parfet, Port Huron. Guests - Marjorie Spence, Lois Knowlson, Mar-
Mrs. Maunie Waldron Dietrich and the garet Dewar, Detroit; Barbara
Misses Jean Zielke, Detroit; Louise Schmidt, Jackson; Dorothy Seymour,
Hoffmaster, Lena Boss, Battle Creek; IMary Hepburn, New York City; Kath-
Eleanor Shartel, Neosha, Mo.; Louise erine Melhop, Eliza Kilman, Jean Mc-
Warren, Three Oaks; Elizabeth Cart- Kenzie, Chicago, Ill.; Elizabeth Grin-
er, Huntington, W. Va.; Julia Martin- wold, Weatherfield, Conn.; Elise
dale, Clinton, Ia.; Flora Kelly, Kan- Smith, Louisville, Ky.; Dorothy Stein- S TATE STR E ET
sas City, Mo.; Catherine Leland, Birm- metz, New York City; Lillian Waite,
ingham; Ruth Parks, Valpariso, Ind.; Owosso; Isabelle Cook, Monroe; Eliz-
Georgia Hicks, Maysville, Ky.; Dor- abeth Hart, Adrian.

s love is gained
s stomach
's love is gained
ir mind
(That's what the all sag)
116 South University Ave.
Kipling-Inclusion Edition of' Kipling's Verse. 5.00
Weale-The Truth About China............... 2.00
Hudson-The Book of a Naturalist............ 3.50
Wells--The Undying Fire.................... 1.50
Hard-Raymond Robins' Own Story .......... 2.00
Swinnerton-Shops and Houses..............1.50
Jones--Samuel Butler-A Memoir ............ 12.50
Strachey-Eninent Victorians ...............23.50
Watterson-"Marse Henry"-An Autobiography 10.00

Anonymous-Our Unseen Guest .............. 2.00
Keynes-The Economic Consequences of
the Peace .......... ....... 2.50
McKenzie-Poor Relations .. . . . ......... . ....1.90
Sitwell-Argonaut and Juggernaut ........... 1.50
Tomlinson-Old Junk ....................... 2.00
ity Book Stores

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