trmer , r Loses Close Race I PLAYS FINALS WITH ROBBINSi Home-Cooked F from Page One) s will be f.l.ed en- o have formerly play- nines. The first base lt out between New- . Van Boven and 'ear's nine will con- one position. Langen- rtain of his outfield ssner, Perrin and w men on the Var- >erry, sporting writer 'ribune, was in Ann looking over Lund- in. Mr. Cruisenberry of all the big league ii and is now looking nines of the West- He had seen Indi- O. S. U. before lpok- Indiana Strong ng to Mr. Cruisepberry, mndi- r the tutelage of Mordecai as one of the most promis- e nines he has seen. He - battery men look excep- trong. Kunkel and Jeffries ns of known worth. and 0. S. U. are starting en material which gives f development. Bliss, the 3. U second basemai, is ,out oken ankle. Purdue has a t hander in Webber. Wis- a team of possibilities, but men. Illinois is at present th training. Wednesday they the Mississippi Aggies by a to 2. ard Games Expected leaving Coach Lundgren ke no statement as to the itcome of the trip. He said pects some hard games with id Vanderbilt. The Vander- hut out the Nashville South- e team 3 to 0 Wednesday, hem to a single hit. With s as these to meet the Wol- could return in condition to the Conference teams. ssues Call for Grid Players r with a call for all base- dates at Harvard comes an peal for football material. son authorities expect to tg practice in the very near i already Coach Fischer and nold Horween are getting s together in anticipation of In the final round of the interfra- ternity relay race, Phi Kappa Psi won the campus championship by defeat- ing Alpha Delta Phi yesterday after- noon. The winning team made up of Froemke, Dunne, Pentecost. and Cruikshank negotiated the distance in 1:19. The Phi Psi team had eliminated all of its opponents with apparent ease. Such also had been the case with the Alpha Delts and the final race be- tween the two was anticipated with no little interest. The memebrs of the losing team were Swift, Gambel, Lux, and Walter. HANDBALL TITLE GOES TO GEHRING Carl 16. Gehring, 120, yesterday de- feated Irving B. Clark for the Uni- versity handball championship. Al- though Clark had previously shown good form and had come through his other matches successfully, Gehring had little trouble in downing him by a score of 21-5, 21-11, and- 21-15. The final match in the doubles was one of the closest sets played in the University courts, and was the only contest in the tournament which ran. five games. The winning team, com- posed of F. Sanchez, '23E, and J. V. Brucker, '22L, was forced to fight every minute of play, and Horace An- drews, '22, showed exceptional cool- ness and skill in the defense. Doctor May has ordered silver cups for Gehring, Sanchez, and Brucker, to be presented in behalf of the gym- nasium. As both Gehring and Clark were defeated early in the doubles matches, and Sanchez and Brucker were beaten in singles, the distribu- tion of honors was equal. UNDERCLASS LAWS HIGH SCORERS IN BOWLING High score in the interclass bowl- ing tournament is still held by the underclass laws. The senior engin- eers and junior lits have strong teams ,nd may raise this total when they roll. Phi Delta Theta now leads the inter- fraternity bowling tourney. That team spilled 2,517 pins in its match. lpha Delta Pi is next with 2,495, 9hi Kappa Epsilon with 2,322, Sigma Nu, with 2,187 and Zeta Psi with 2,001. Miller, Phi Delta Theta, holds high score for three games, 577 while Da- mon of the same team has bowled the best single game. His score was 234. Several teams reserved the alleys for games late Thursday, so the leaders of the fraternity race may be displaced soon. (By J. E. McNanis) Fearlessly battling the eleme'nts, tearing through drift upon drift of new-fallen snow, Dog-trot Bushnell flashed across the, line a few feetj ahead of Hard-heel Hart, former Daily sports editor, in the sensational fin-1 ish of the Campus Invitation 100 yard dash held yesterday on Ferry field. The race was attended by many cam- pus celebrities,-Knight Mirrielees and George Duffield of the Michigan Union Opera company, Steve Farrell of the Varsity track team, and others of note. From the report of the starting shot gun in the expert hands of Bob Cook to the official picture, snapped by Lyn- don, the enthusiastic crowd of 50 fer- vid track followers cheered the intrep- id sprinters, clad a la Mack Sennett, on their dogged way. Coach Farrell was amazed at the time for the excruciating distance, the calendars secured for the purpose catching the speedsters in 15 seconds flat. The winner, Dog-trot, was flag- ged by the clerk of the course as he broke the tape with his manly chest. At that moment Hard-heel was glimps- ed one yard in the rear. Barry Stuart, promoter, leant color to the occasion with his close-fitting derby, natty black and white checked jacket, and tan vest. Jack Dakin, as the band, featured. Money-heaps and piles of it- changed hands. There are those who will have many a merry time on the dollar won, and those that will mourn the lost malted milk. But so it is on all races, as long as young blood still runs red. The Daily's specialty is service to overvone.-Adv. By defeating H. E. Byrne, Sigma Chi, by a score of 25 to 14 at the Union billiard room Wednesday afternoon. D. K. White, Theta Chi, won the op- portunity to play B. C. Robbins, Sig- ma Phi, for the championship of the interfraternity three-cushion billiard tournament which has been in pro- gress at the Union for the past two weeks. White displayed a class of play that has been seldom equalled in the tourn- aments recently held. Box Lunches Allen Quallay Chocolates _ -.. I r l rr rrI11Ir+ rrrll Irr J tw-ONOPM "THERE'S NOTHING TO DO, IN THIS OLE TOWN" Have you ever said that, when you're tired of the movies, and your best girl is out of town, and you feel sort of "unneces- sary?" Just note the address at the bottom of this advertisement and drop in here "Just to look around" and watch the players. You'll soon find a partner for a game of "rotation" or "straight" and forget all about your lonesomeness. This is a clean, decent place, one which you'll enjoy visiting regularly. Come in today. HUSTON BROS. Billiards and Bowling, Cigars and Candles. Cigarettes & Pipes. "We try to treat you Right" 5 1il THE'.LURE BECKER'S DELICATESSEN 119 East Liberty Open Sundays, 4 to 6 P. M. E AGLE Shirts challenge your attention to their fabric--so rich, so varied, so firmly woven, so appealing to the eye, so satis fyingtothetouch. Awonderfu variety of weaves, rare be Os f cotton, fibre and silk. The weavers of Eagle Shirtinp know the lure of fine fabrics. Every shirt the ultimate in value EA6LE.SHIRT aa WTCH FOR THE 999 TAXI C.- CA. C . C . APRIL 23 x A DODGE CAR AND DODGE SERVICE-- ENOUGH SAID. AT s Hll Auditorium 999 TAXI 99 iU' ments. They of Ann Ar- Patronize our Advertlsers.-Adv. SOUVENIR r. a Dobbs Filth Ave i HATS We Just received ( 14 L another shipment of cthese Snappy Spng tnseCSpC Blocksp More of those Polo Shirts have arrived and also he same styles in Plain Colors. We have all sizes and sleeve lengths for your selection. SET OF FIVE PICTURES $5.00 t p E C ENJOY the J-HOP for YEARS Portraits 9uality by WITH COMPLETE INKER & COMPANY CLOTHES, FURNISHINGS & HATS So. State St at Wlliam St. SET OF Photographs i ,4 YOU WILL NEED DRUGS LABORATORY SUPPLIES 619 E. LIBERTY TOILET ARTICLES e perfectly equipped to give you good and absolute satisfaction in every detail PHONE 604 W. erbach & Son Co. E. LIBERTY ST. *1 1 0 Plastic Portraits