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April 09, 1920 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-04-09

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It Required Long Patience, But FE3 REITDNT
All's Ready For The Junior Hop FOR PRESIDENT
LIEYETO DAY 1,as0the strains of "The Vic- noon found all decorations in their Telegrams and flowers from many RAILR A SWITCH
~tors" fills Waterman gymnasium the place. The gymnasium, which in its parts of the country were received
tor s Ju i s W terma n gy na siucm he norm al state can be called nothing yesterday by . P resid en t H arry B .
N JT lreality and after six hours of danc- more than barren, has been entirely Hutchins in celebration of his 73rd W TnHINrna m yTg48
* -- ing only the best, will remain -- the transformed, by the covering of the birthday. __________ _____
PITCHERS AND SINGLE memory. bleak rafters with a canopy of the Wednesday evening president
TgJER SELECTED FOR Promptly at 9:30 o'clock Miss Wan- green smilax interwoven with Span- Hutchins and Mrs. Hutchins enter- TWO DAILY EXTRAS TO
TOUR da Gillingham, of Bayport, Mich., and ish moss. tained at a quiet dinner party at their TELL STORY OF J-HOP
Roswell Dillon, '21E, general chairman Decorations Uniform home for a few friends. The birthday
N GAME SCHEDULE of the Hop, will lead the grand march The uniform decoration of the was spent with no festivities, re- A special J-Hop edition of The
L EN SATURDAY from the Theta Chi booth. After the booths which encircle-the floor, sepa- membrances of his friends alone fea- Michigan Daily will be distri-
500 couples have fallen into line as rated only by birch bark posts, re- turing his day. buted free of charge at the gym-
the mnatch proceeds around the floor sults in a better effect than can be nasium at 12 o'clock tonight.
Lundgren Makes No Predic. the customary block "M" will be secured by allowing each booth to be A second edition will be sold
is as to Possible Outeofe formed. decorated,acce d according to the tastesoTt unt mniitfi viups c ie r the morning at Cakin's, the
-f the i~ate nrceetdisocpns sycmitemme et, Suden', SCaplksre.
Due to the postponement of the J- A saxaphone quartet has been se- theStudents' Supply store.
h Lundgren and his Varsity Hop because of influenza, unprece- cured to furnish the intermission en-
I squad, 15 strong, leave at dented difficulties faced this year's tertainment. During the entire even- ANN ARBOR MONDAY
'clock this evening for their committee. The re-engagement of the ing novelty will be a characteristic of
training trip in the South music and the storage of 500 cases ot playing of the Ponchartrain and Add- Entire Company to Sing "Yellow and fi ll NON E
he Wolverineseet the big un Georgian smilax which had been or- son Hotel orchestras of Detroit, ando ac
nines of Kentuely, Tennes- dered for the decoration of the gym- Parker's of Columbus, Ohio, which are FO TB LL MAAcE
chedule running from April en nasium, were among these. to furnish the music for the 1921 Hop.
Despite these obstacles all plans Fraternities must remove all furni- NOFINANCIAL GUARANTEES
Team Announced have been made and yesterday after- ture from booths Saturday morning.
of the team choseMADE BY PLACES VISITED
uncement of the team ChoseFPSelection Made Under New System
wsent Michigan on the Southern OPERA'S AIR OF REALITY, POLISHED~Avocated by Student Conci
as made yesterday evening by PRESENTATICN AUDIENCE Leaving the Michigan Central sta- Ae b ent
reity mentor. The following .Etion at 10:43 o'clock, Ann Arbor time,
,rty ethe 20saonfr _____,
will open the(92By . W rfff)r~ Monday morning, the Union Opera
olverines against Kentucky B L.or]FOUR ASSISTANTS NAMED
oy. Knode shortstop, Kirch- The Opera has achieved "the finish- PUBLICATION SUSPENDED company will contain a total of 100 BY ATHLETIC BOARD HEADS
left field, Perrin or Weadock ing touch." Thursday night's audi- persons from the cast, chorus, com-Y
d, Mraz third base, Van Boy- ence, carried away by the complete- With this issue The Daily mittees, orchestra, management, and-
Carpus second base, Genebach ness, the air of realityi the profes- suspends publication until Tues- stage hands. Robert E. McKean, '21, was appoint-
Langenhan center field, New- sional effect which all college produc- day, April 20. Flint will be the first for the ed football manager for 1920-21 at a
roemke first base, Capt. Parks tions strive for and so few acquire,Flfo meeting Wednesday of the beard of
cka pitcher.SĀ£aundrs and paid "George Did It" the perfect tri- '_opera, and "George Did It" will bi directors of the Athletic associatioi-.
will be'the other hurlers laal- bute of genuine and spontaneous ap- ' given there Monday night. Saginaw is The appointment was made under the
round out the staffplause. The appreciation was not visited the next day, April 13, and new system recommended by the Stu-
LI tho udno atr oi ce; twsssandwt ne-F Et Btl re o ensa n. essistarcontedfootbhmaers
four pitchers and one catcher centered on any one number or char- IUIU ALUNt Ifrom there the company comes back dent council.
shegur ae ofes Ca pot aster; it was uStf Ted with an eu- to attle Creek for Wednesday nightwThe assistant football managers-
ir seven games. Capt. Park thusasm which only a very unusual Grand Rapids is the next stop on were named as follows: John M. Win
icka and Saunde ex-arsit a ftcollegeo peradcould merit. Friday Thursday night, and Friday evening ters, Jr., '22; Alfred L. May, '22E;
, and Smith, a promising re- afternoon's audience, and the 00I "George Did It" will be given in the William E. Bndemer, '22E; and Rob-
ill all get into the box against couples who will view the spec- Auditorium theater at Chicago. Sat- W ilE.
ial matinee Saturday, may confident- urday the opera. is billed for Detroit,
Jinx Hits Catchers ly expect one of the chief pleasures Great Britain, United States, Italy, as a feature end to Michigan week.
Jinx hi ch as pursued of the Hop week end. and Belgl Oposed to Special Cars Obtained
nches of athletics this year, The presence of the professional at- Mve Three special Pullman cars and one about I,
acked Lundgren's catchers in mosphere, however, was backed by baggage car will transport the com- A w SayKfd-gasdnr
n of ineligibility and has work- that happy-go-lucky gaucherie of cant FEEL TASK OF RESTORING pany between the various cities. Part S yi a ~ a a
s havoc among the ranks that and chorus which is the chief efiarm ORDER LIES WITH GERMANY of the time it will be a special train.
yve who started Genebach alone of an opera, and the principal source Reports from cities on the route of "Didja hear about the trick we play-
s. He has had more experience of its humor: the sort of thing which (By Associated Press) "George Did It" indicate a heavy tick- ed on the University? Well, we sure
the bat than any of the -men came out last night in the spontane- London, April 8.-After a confer- et sale. No~ guarantees have been foxed them. Last Wednesday night
ported this spring, and should ous titter at sight of the inevitable ence today betwen the French ambas- made by the alumni who are handling we got a big sheet and paintedthe
)rced out of the game from ac- "chorus lady" who had left the shave sador, Paul Cambon, and Premier the ticket sales in the respective ci-
Mraz or Froemke will take put of his makeup. Incidentally, Mar- Lloyd George and a full discussion of ties, and the entire risk and responsi numklt up onhe tower of the Union
mask and mitt. Mraz was land B. Small, second from the left in the Franco-German incident by the bility of management is being handled took it u n rotwher Unio
i's battery mate in prep school front, is as big a hit in the chorus as cabinet council at which the French by the Union. nd hungd it ot in frot wor e
a still receive in -a creditable that wild blonde in "Come On Dad." view was fully explained to the Brit- E ntertainmens ae. b dy "Then we fied the door so yon
He i gilisi ad gaceul s awin- ih mnisersan uthrittiv stte- Extensive entertainments are being Thnw fie tedorsyo
ontinued on Pae Three) e is irlis and graceful as a wind- sh misters an authoritative state- planned by the alumni associations for couldn't get up on to the tower. Next
mill, and his eyes are there.ment was issued to the effect that the member1 of the "George Did It" morning everybody was talking about
Comedy? Well, to put it in a nut- France acted entirely on her own inthmby.FlofingeaGerorm ning ever ow ingt
! shell, Knight Mrrielees' ""Ann Arbor itiative in deciding to occupy German company. Following each performance it and wondering how in the duece
of . N A 1Will Never B h Same" (27 en-tws that Great Britain, ::ia United of "George Did It," "The Yellow and it gt utl there and whgo put it there
cBres) andSandyWilson's "Youre In-States,Itay aBeliumnwerUiedp-the Blue" will be sung by the entire and everything. That's Michigan spir-
cores) and Sandy Wilson's "You're I States, Italy and Belgium were op- company.yaknow;ust raise the dickens
It" (sopdcutn hnb tr-psdt h lnadta rnes E otmrSudtepoueall the .time.
ed over) are only the highlights. Act- action has caused a delicate situation. Earl V. Moore, musical director, Hom- "Some of the boys say it's the best
--'- -- ing? The constable, done by Thomas Expedients Suggested er Heath, treasurer, Prof. Philip E thing that's bon pulled off since thy'
[ON OF THREE ASSOCIA A. Hart, and the straight parts of The statement recites various expe- Bursey, faculty rerersentative, and built West Hall." Such will be they
IONS SCHEDULED FOR kemp Keena, Paul Wilson, Harold dients suggested for dealing with the William A. Leitzinger, general chair- et Woet alle that some freshman,
AI ma Lauver, Al Sirmer, andTom Un- Ruhr situation, will compose the management of home on vacation, will tell the boys.
derwood, reach the top notch in cam- sending of Allied officers with the Ger- the opera on the trip. Officials of the Unkn say that they
iittees nominating oficers for pus opera histrionics; but it' a crime man troops to supervise the German knew nothing of the affair at the
ar in the Women's league, Y. to let more space cut mention of the withdrawal. Another alternative was time, and that no one was given per
A.., and the Women's Athletic rest. that th decision should be left with mission to use the building forgiv the
ion issued their reports last Dancing? Shimmies that would the German government with the stip-si purposes of sbillboard The banner
. Election will be held on lead a Follies chorus to the brink ulation unless the status quo was suf-ser pye of ah bord Th batnn
2. of hopeless envy, and the remark- ficiently restored the Allies them- taed on weru abut on,
sa's League nominees are: able Pierrot and Pierrette dance of selves would occupy German points to In the initial meeting of the con- door, giving access to the tnp of the
nt, Marguerite Clark, '21, Mar- Ringer and Lamport, top an almost enforce their demand. The state- vention of the University Extension tower, which had been barred by
aon, '21; vice-president, Gladys endless list. ment says: association yesterday morning, there freshmen.
i, '21, Aletha Yerkes, '21; re- Plan Last Resort wsar__teat____n
seertary, Agnes Holmquist, ARRANGE RECORD "The-German government seems to other opening session in the histAy
y Loomis, '22; correspondingFR have acted precipitately and France of the organization.
-y, Milred Harris, '21, Jose- OF SENIORS FOR to have adopted a plan which was only Director W. D. Henderson, of the .nAtDDipEW N AMES
~it nnis,121; treasurer, Nor-PHI BETA KAPPA intended as a last resort measure, University, will open this morning's' TO ALL "A" LIST
M '2a e n a ef e Rth Mwllith reo--

zson .G nU~l ~1, 4 5tlandeventhe tohave been the af- session with a report ion "Standards-
ector, Helen Miaster, '21, Ela- Names of all literary seniors have fairs of the Allies and not of one of zation of Extension Credit Courses."
henson, '21; Junior."director been alphabetically arranged, those them simply." The subsequent discussion will 'be Grades submitted following the cor-
be elected), Florence Free- ranking scholastically in the first 10 Great Britain, Italy, Belgium and led by Dean John R. Effinger follow- rection of make-up examinations in
2, Harriet rNeil, '22, Carol per cent of the class having been dou- the United States it was declared all ed by Director H. F. Mallory, Chicago courses marked "X" last February
ld, '22, ElinoCr Nei22: sopho- ble starred and those in the second felt that the task of restoring order university, and Director L. T. Richard- cause the following additions to the
ry Ives, '2t. 10 per cent single starred, preparatory should lie with Germany and all were son, University of California. list of all "A" students in the literary
to facrlty action on election to Phi opposed to their regular forces being The afternoon will be .devoted to a college: Hugh Altwater, '20; George
ni of the Women's league t called upon except as a last resort to discussion of the Washington Exten-
e The list is being sent to members oundertake what was virtually police sion offiec and to a business meeting. E. Biggs, '21; Henry C. Calvi, '22; Vic
Not later than one week be- the faculty this week, said Registrar
date set for the annual elec-, taty Hl yserdai an acy Diretcor W. D. Henedrson and Mrs. tor E. Legg, '20; Helen Master, '21.
minations for directors and of- tion -time has been given for acting It Ated In G1od Faith Henderson will hold an informal re- Registrar Arthur G. Hall stated yes-
aay be made by petitions sign- on the lists and returning them. The It is pointed out that France fear- ception to all visiting delegates from terday that with the recording of all
0 active members of the Wom- ratio of points to hours earned in the ed some ulterior motive on the part 8 until 11 o'clock this evening, in their final grades for last semester, new
ague and presented to -the re- various departments during residence of Germany and doubtless acted in home at 1001 Forest avenue. lists of "warned" and "on probation"
secretary or the president. under the grading system will be con. good faith, but, adds the statement, students had been made and notinca-
m's Athletic association nom- sidered in making recommendations, "The immediate result is that the re- Plan Commencement EnteaInment tions sent out. A number of notie-
'e: President, Eleanor Stephen- personality of the applicant entering sponsibility for her action: cannot be W. B. Shaw, general secretary of the es to the effect that due to the mark-
Phyllis Wiley, '21; vice-pres- into the consideration to a certain ex. shared by the Allies as a whole and Alumni association, says that an in- ing of make-up examinations periods
Wice Hinkson, '21, Helen Koch, tent. certainly there is no intention on the teresting program has been arranged of probation and warning had been
cretary, Doris Gracey, '21, Dr. Hall said that the list includes part of the British government to al- for the alumni who will visit Ann Ar- raised were also mailed out yester-
i Weimer, '22; treasurer, Helen the names of those students who se- low British soldiers to act as police bor during the week of Commence- day.
'22, Teckla Roese, '22; senior cured their degrees last June as well between hostile German factions and ment. Details as to the various forms This latter number almost corre-
ntative, Narcina Bassett, '21, as those who are eligible for gradua fIenter all the duties of such a posi- of entertainment to be offered will sponds to the new list of delinquent
ee Number 2, Page Six) tion in June or August of this year. tion to sy nothing of its risks," soon be ready for publication. students, said Doctor Hall.

Perishable and Passenger F
Alone Moved In and Out
of City
(By Associated Press)
Chicago, April 8.-The unaut1h
strike of switchmen and railrob
ginemen which started in the C
district and -spread to several
will be broken within the ne:
hours, A. F. Whitney, vice-pre
of the Brotherhood of Railroad
men, and S. E. Hederling, intern
al president of the Switchmen's
of North America, predicted tc
The strike in the Chicago d
shows improvement during the d
Whitney said that the traffic h
was still less than 50 per cent c
mal. One thousand Brotherhoo
from other cities have answer
call to come here as strike br4
he added.'
Strike Spreads
The strike today spread throe
the country from coast to coas
situation may be summarized t
Chicago, 8,000 men out, freigh
fic 30 to 40 per cent of norma
000 packing plant workers thro'
of work and complete suspens
other plants -employing 50,004
in prospect tomorrow. Buffalo:
tween 1,500 and 2,700 menidle
sas City: 200 to 500 men out; L
geles: 1,200 men on strike; '
600 men out with a complete
tieup within 24 hours predicted
Many Cities Affected
Detroit: 1,500 men idle and
expected to walk out tomorrcA
Other strikes occurred tod
Gary, Ind., East St. Louis, Cle'
Decatur, Joliet and Springfiei
(See Number 3, Page Si


With final arrangements a
pleted, including a four day e
of spring vacation; 33 member
Varsity Glee and Mandolin c1
resenting the picked talent of
students who comprise this y4
ganization will leave at 8:50
this morning in a special Pul
the Pacific coast trip of the c
South Bend, Ind., will be
stop of the combined clubs, a
in that city having been sched
tonight. Jumping to Cheyenn
the clubs will appear there c
12. An additional concert in S
City has been arranged. On(
days the Michigan organizat
appear in conjunction with I
versity of Utah student opei
Worth, Tex., has been added
trip itinerary.
In Los Angeles arrangemer
been made with the Hotel Ale
the largest hotel" in the Wes
concert, While in this city
bile trips will be made to the
and also to Universal City. I
nix, Ariz., a visit will be mad
Grand Canyon.
Alumni entertainment h
'planned for every city visited
ing to the manager. A joint
with the University of Califer
and Mandolin club is expect(
held in Berkeley, Calif.
A. S. 3L E. Election To
An election for officers of I
M. E. will be held today in' t
neering building. All meml

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