es in the weather are to be expected. The Health service also offers a word of warning that students learn to recognize the poison ivy plant so as to avoid it in walks or hikes on the boulevard. 'Snowfall Reveals e T opSecrets e Exclamations of joy burst forth from n the lips of many J-Hop girls at the re- I . v 1 Rea te Dil aderiseens. he Grunewald Origiinal Creole Pral'ines1 Campus news, ea will lead you to the best of Ann Ar- of New Orleans. Tices' Drug Store, of the outside wo bor's stores.-Adv. 117 So. Main.-Adv. found in the Mieb cut d4 cr TI cent snowfall., The original velvetI I, on the the audi- ill be leftl dresses may now be worn. The heavy' The Ann Arbor Telephone company will pay University women $9 a week for 35 hours of service. Women who are interested in thisnoffer should see Dean Myra B.' Jordan: There will be no meeting today of the Y. W. C. A. cabinet. There will be a rehearsal of Act III of "The New Lady Bantock" at 4 o'clock today in Barbour gymnasium. All women who have not yet taken their apparatus examination must do so at their regular class hour on Thursday or ,Friday. Spring sports for women will begin Tuesday, April 20, and all women must be present at their regular hour on that day. NURSES REPORT TO RED CROSS BOARD SENIORS! Phone Orders Promptly Filled 0 Mail Orders Promptly Filled Established 1857 furry party capes need not replaced by light airy ones. a February hop may be held it even' though it be three' now be In fact in spir- months LET US FURNISH YOU WITH CAPS\ AND GOWNS. which are now meeting in orium will be accommodated . The larger classes, such story courses and the fresh- mbly, will meet in Hill audi.:l hile the smaller sections will obability be re-assigned, ac- > Prof. J. F. Shepard, who is of the assignment of rooms. >n the remodeling will be I before the opening oif the fall, stated the buildings rds department. IS WARWED AGAINST EASES DURING VACATION s who are going home dur- pring vacation arq advised to r possibility 'of conming into vith people having commu- seases, according to a state- ed by the Health service. of caution is also given to f tennis not to put on light- ig too soon, as this is the late. The problem of clothes has been a vital one to solve by many a J-Hop girl. The late snow flurries, how- ever, have solved the difficulty. Summer Work Offered to Students Dean John R. Effinger reecived a communication from the Kellogg Toasted Corn Flakes company, of Bat- tle Creek, asking- for names of men and women students who would be interested in working in this factory during the summer. Further infor- mation on the subject may be obtain- ed from the Y. M. C. A. Athena Elects Hoover by Large Margin Herbert Hoover won a large ma- jority of the votes at the mock Re- publican nominating convention held by Athena 'Literary society Tuesday' night. He was nominated by Ida Grat- ton, '20. .We can provide any quantity necessary, for the Senior Swing-Out and Commence- ment. We are now taking measures for all de- partments, for garments, either for rent or for sale. Call at once and leave your order with Reports from the public health1 XL Camping in the REAL Woods unting, Fishing and Canoe Trips vith Indian Guides in the Won-' derful Timagami Country nursing and civilian relief divisions of -the American Red Cross were read' at a meeting of the board of directors of the Washtenaw county chapter held Tuesday afternoon at the Ann Arbor headquarters. Board mem- bers from all over the county were in attendance and plans for future' work were discussed. The .public health nursing branch reported an educational campaign' car- ried on through the public schools, the establishment of "baby- clinics" and general nursing in cases of ill- ness throughout the county. All work is, of course, given free. The work of the civilian relief divi- sion is principally with soldiers who are being sent to the University by the government and includes other in- bidental matters in connection with ex-service men. Clean Up Campaign Being Waged A clean up and paint up campaign is being carried on this week in Ann Arbor under the supervision of John. Wessinger, health officer. The aim of the campaign is not only to beau- tify homes and grounds, but to there- by minimize fires and sickness. City Council to Meet Tonight City council will meet at 7:30 o'clock Thursday night in the council chamber. Fresh shipments of Gilberts Choco- lates, Cushing's.-Adv. Patronize our Advertisers.--Adv. US. No deposit required until cap. you get the I I FOR THE J-HOP -we have engaged special marcellers throughout the week. Miss Mary Minniss, expert chiropodist, is also engaged Friday by our department. Make your appointments early. Soft water shampooing, marcelling, manicuring, facial mas- sage, scalp treatments, skin bleaching, etc. I ,I #0 I 4 0 CALL 652-M AFTER 7:30 P. M. LAN DERS OR (THIRD FLOOR) LOWERS I y x irman-' 213 E. Liberty 715 N Univ. 4 F2 A SOUVENIR I ILure Copt st Quamr4s and The Delta SET OF FIVE PICTURES E-Fraternity House, Oak- s. Easy terms. Call Albert d, 2191 or 137 to make ap- It. 3-L. C. Smith, Underwood, >n, Royal, -Oliver, Ham- pewriters. O. D. Morrill, 17 Arcade. - A Rogers Tenor Banjo, dition, $20. Call Haight, afternoon or after seven -Four tickets, seventh row, rday matinee, Union opera. der, 1460. E- Gibson Mandolin with ase. Practically new. Call LOST LOST-Somewhere between S. Univerz, sity and Main St., a brooch with moonstone set. A reward if finder' will return to 708 Church St., or phone 1145-J. LOST-A leather note book represent- ing all semester's work. Liberal reward to the one who returns it to D. J. Gilchrist, 338 S. 4th Ave. Phone 1861-W. LOST - No. 1 Jr. Eastman Kodak. $5.00 reward and no questions ask- ed if same is left at Lyndon's on N. University. LOST-Notehbook containing French notes, with stiff mottled" cover. Finder please phone 954-J. LOST - Small white purse Sunday evening. Finder please call 2668-W. LOST-Sigma Delta Chi pin. Please return to Box A. A., Daily. WANTED-Small furnished house or apartment for one year, from July 1920, to June 1921, by married couple. Box S. S., Daily.; WANTED-Students to make money Spring vacation. -'Preston at Lane Hall will tell you the High Gloss propostion. $5.00 A ENJOY the J-HOP for YEARS Portraits quality by PHOTOGRAPHY WITH a COMPLETE SET OF Photographs *. p1! 1 wo May Festival cou- a. Call 1780-R. B RLENT Large alcove room. Three blocks from 619 I E. LIBERTY PHONE 604, W. ingle front room, occupancy April e - WANTED-A student wants room- 'mate at 425 S. Division St. Call 1565-J. Ad - __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ gan WANTED-One girl to help.with light housework daily. Call 1034-R. '