kN,,LAJ ' Communications I ekly. eis andII Tues-Wed., 6, 7--June Elvidge In Poison Pen," Mutt & Jeff car- toon, "Putting On a Doeg" and, comedy. COMING Bessie Bar'i scale In ,The Luck of Geraldine Laird." iI. ar & Bayne in hI Master Thief " 11 li l i iiiiii a ii i l111 lly iiiiiliil 1111i. SGarrickaeroit2 :'TOO MANY HUSBANDS' =I I1 taR11Ii limilli11111 . Theater, Wed. Eve., April 14 THE SEASON'S LAUGHING SENSATION! i Klauber Presents (Associated with the Selwyns) ghtv0N]ight 3y Martha ?I. Stanley and Adelaide Matthews You can take Your Wife, Mother and Sweetheart to See thout Blushing, BUT Not Without Laughter.' VEW YORK CAST Direct from the Princess Theatre, New York. Including FRANCIS BYRNE. Editor, The Michigan Daily: The Michiga Chillis of hest mionth, published an article by Francis M. Smith, which purported to deal with the status &o' the honor system oil the campus. The purpose of this commun- ication is to correct a misstatement of facts made by Mr. Smith regarding the Medical school. The following is an excerpt from the article: "On the Michigan campus there are five professional schools, of these only one, the engineering school, has adopt- ed the honor system. It has been made a success by the co-operation of the faculty and students. The other four professional colleges, the Law school, the Medical school, the Dental school,, and the Pharmical school, do not have the system. In the first two colleges, the Law and Medical, most of the students have reached the age of 21. They are men and women. We wonder if the students of these two colleges really approve of -the detective,, the: 'I'm watching you' system now exist- ing. If men and women cannot be trusted in this college work, we fear for the commonwealths from w ich they come and to which they will re-, turn, after graduation." For the enlightment of our literary: friend,' it may interest him to know that the honor system was.first tried out and employed in the Medical school some 10 years ago, and that this system has been very successful and satisfactory to both faculty and students. Three years ago when the Engineering school was considering' the honor system, several members of the honor' committee thorouighly' studied the systems used at that time' in the Medical school and built up the the system now used in the Engineer- ing schpol front some of the informa- tion' gained from our honor system*. F. J. S., MEDIC '20. with whom Van Norman had previous- ly been acquainted that he quickly fell in love with her. Although his wife was at first un- conscious of the fact, it was not long before domesticity lost its charm for Van Norman and be began to seek ex- cit(mont outside. When Mary dis- covered this she adroitly turned all her resources toward winning him back. Yes Sir-eel We made this cigarette to meet your, taste ! PRICES-75c, $1.00, $150, AND $2.00 T'he Stage (Mail Orders Now) U . . J TODAY AND TOMORROW The Screen THE MAJESTIC THE WHITNEY Although it is the aim of every Union opera' to be "the best in Union dramatit history,". the opening per- formances of'Russell Barnes' "George Did It," which will be repated for three more days this week at the Whitney, Justify mor'e than the usual credence that this phrase receives. A combination of plot, music, lyrics, and acting, each, of which is excep- tional,. is not easy to secure yet these are all found having an un- usual degvee of merit is confirmed by ' those who witnessed the Monday and Tuesday evening performances of this year's Union fantasy. In music, which is the usual criterion of the success of an opera, "George Did It" has at least two songs, "The Light in Your Eyes," and "Ann Arbor Days," which are scheduled to be sung years hence. ' Perhaps less immortal but very nec- essary for immediate effect of an opera is the dancing and acting.'Here "George Did It" is also fortunate as it has ,a variety of novelty dances rang- ing from the "Follies" to rhythmic Egyptian dances and dreamy waltzes. But it is the cast that brings out the true possibilities of any dramatic en- terprise and beyond giving the .names of the cast, whose principals have practically all scored hits in previous Union. travesties, further comment is unnecessary. To mention only a few of the prin- cipals who have assured the success 6f "GeorgeDid It," there are includ- ed in the talented and experienced. cast "Sapdy" Wilson, Kemp Kenna, Tom Hart, Tom Underwood, George Duffield, Paul Wilson, and Knight Mir- rielees. GARRICK-DETROIT The re-animation of a husband aft- er he has been officially declared dead and his 'wife has married again is the basis of the farcial elements in "Too Many Husbands," written by W. Som- erset Maughan which is being pre- sented this week by A. H. Woods at the Garrick-Detroit. The situations are complicated by the husband who turns up inopportunely and 'fails for some time to discover, the 'true state of affairs. Included in the cast are Kenneth Douglas, Etelie Winwood, Lawrence Grossmith, Fritz Williams, Marguerite St. John, Florence Edney, and J. H. Brewer. SHUBERT-DETROT . Francis X. Bushman, the screen star who was crowned king of the movies at . the San Francisco World's fair, and Beverly Bayne, who was called queen of the screen at the San Diego 'exposition, are appearing this week on the legitimate stage under the di- rection of Oliver Iorosco at the Shu- bert-Detroit in "The Master Thief.' This"is a mystery play written by Ed- ward E. Rose. "Romeo and Juliet," "Graustark,' "Under Royal Patron- age," and "Pennington's Choice" are some of Miss Bayne's screen hits. Patronize our Advertisers.-Adv. l7RKlS. +y:_ z 0y I ^pJ 'mA Camels are sold every- wv here in scientificallyJ sealed pack- ages of 20 cigarettes. for 20 cents; -or ten packages (200 Wcigarettes) in a glass- ine-paper-covered car-' t ton. We stronglyrec- ommendthis carton for the home or office sup- ply or when you travel. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. wizt'n-Salem, N. C. Camels have everyti iT" Camels quality and C els expert blend of ch Turkish and choice Domestic toba win you on merits. Camels blend mits you to smoke as liberally as like without tiring your taste. And, you'll 'make a quick note Camels leave no unpleasant ciga: aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty( You'll prove our say-so when compare ' Camels with any c rette in the world at any pr ,y Trsrll any smoker ever had C mind about n ideal refte-wonderful full-b mellow-mildness and vor as refreshing as new and delightful. Few tears are shed over the loss of an artistic career by Marguerite Clark as Annabel' Lee in "Luck in Pawn," which will 'be shown today and tomorrow at the Majestic. Coming: to the city only to be told by a suc- cessful artist that her artistic talents are valueless, Annabel, who hast pawned her last bit of jewelry to fin- ance her journey, quickly forgets her disappointed hopes when she becomeL one of the parties of a romance that is carried on 'with a flavor of novelty and adventure, for shortly after her artistic future has been disclosed to her she meets a young millionaire who is attracted by her simplicity and unaffectedness. Her entrance into the innocent deception of posing as his friend's sister, and, in this guise; ac- cepting an invitation to visit the mil- lionaire's mother gives rise to the dramatic incidents which make up the story. .. The swing in rug wear alone will pay for the TORRINGTON. It removes the gritty, introdden dirt that cuts the fabric. It brightens up the delicate coloringsof your expensive rugs and carpets and adds' y'ars to their hfe. Free demonstration. Y2 WASHTENAW ELECTRIC SH THE SHOP OF QUALITY - 200 E. Washington Phone 273 GER GIRL" m Gish and QozsikaDoI TRLANG&L PLAY HERE IS YOUR HTSBANIg He Listened to the Siren's Call? le to a wicked woman's wiles than to your tears? 'Officer Call a Cop," and Bray Pictograph' THE ARCADE Retaining her husbagd's love by meeting his fascinator on her own plane is the expedient Mary Randolph, played by Lillian Gish in "Tiger Girl," which will be presented today and to- morrow at the Arcade,. is' forced to adopt.' Mary was discovered by her husband, John Van Norman, who was a -pledsure-loving and excitement- seekinghnature, on a Southern planta- tion where she had been c'arefully guarded by her two maiden aunts. Her charming naivete so contrasted with the affected mannerisfns of the women OUR IDEA OF A KODAK PICTURE We have always had the idea that every Kodak User wants th best possible results. So instead of rushing films and prints throgh the developing and printing processes, we take the required time an care to do the work right and we find our customers are in favor o this plan. If you have never had LYNDON AND CO. do your Amateur Fin ishing you will be most agreeably surprised by bringing your nex roll to us. Our serviceis 24 hours from 3 p. m. each day. LYNDON & COMPANY 719 NORYH UNIVERSITY AVE. ESTABLISHED 1906 AT THE SIGN OFTHE KODAK e it Notice to Students Desir- Enter Professional Schools. S I its applying for admission to one of the professional the University will not only be required to present :e two years of college credit (including the specific :manded for admission to the respective schools) but show evidence of an average scholarship for the two t least a "C" grade and not be upon the "Warned" tion" list in their final semester in the College of Lit- :ience, and the Arts. its coming from other institutions not employing a. ding system will be required to furnish a recommen- n the proper authority in the school from which they Today and "Tomorrow MagAuerite IN "Luck in Pawn" AND "'THE ROAMING BATHTUB" A SUNSHINE COMEDY KIDDIES..............c SHOWS DAILY ADULTS..............2 2:00, 3:30, 7:00, 8:30 THE ARCADE CAFETERIA Nickels Arcade Up the Stairs Hey Boy! Have You Tasted The Good Food At The ARCADE? Pure foods at low prices, prepared by experts. VICTOR C. VAUGHAN, Dean of Medical School HENRY M. BATES, Dean of Law School Everything displayed' on our forty-foot steam and serving tables. 1, 1. Select Just what appeals'(to your own- individual WILBERT B. HINSDALE, Dean of Homoeopathic Medical School appetite. Bakery goods fresh from our own oyens. Delicious coffee with rich Jersey cream. Kindness, courtesy, and good service pre i I. R * a