1W 2 4J4 1wb :4Ia itii %I 1NNIGHTWi SERVICE 1- 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1920. PRICE THREE Ilk SONGS THATi LINGIER rSYPHISIGMAINITIATES SALL INCLUDED Twelve Mn Taken Into Honorary (y'Edgar L. Rice) BiologicaleSociety More pretentious dancing, songs that are destined to a long-remembered SPhiSigma society, national honor- place in the history of the Unin S1 P ary biological society, held its initia- Opera,'combined with a book which tion last night. Following the initia- deals delightfully with University -AE Elon a banquet was given thesinitiates life-all these make "George Did It" SCHALLENGE POLICE "TO at the Union., Prof. E. C. Case of the the complete fulfillment of Gog advance COME UP AND STOP paleontology epartment, honorary tam forpt. 'HEM" member elect ,.gv ddeso h claims for it. ' TIIM~'mebereletgave the address of the Not the best looking girls in the evening on "The Relationof Paleon- wo the ofkthe ghrs o in LED FROM STREETS tology to Biology.",a ordare tosee thechorher n The initiates were: Dr. G. P. Grab- telas o yet are they the most KIETS TAKE TO AIR field, Prof. E. E. Nelson, Prof. L;J. graceful, but we overlook all this for -,Young, and F. M. Gaige of the facul- we know that after all Michigan men Leaflets Form Tiny SUQW ty, and S. W. Becker, '21M, C. W. haven't acquired all of the feminine n and Shower Children in Creaser, '20, L. H. McKiih, '21M, E. B. Dupont Circle McKinley, '22M, L. C. Ludlum, '23M,S - ........ ' H. M. Lumsden, '21M, A. C. Starry, 3y Associated Press) '20M, and L. E. Wehmeyer, '21, of the ington, April 16.-Barred from student bod. sets surrounding the British L. P. Gariepy, vice-president of the r the Irish pickets took to the society, presided at the banquet, D. V. Baxter gave the address of welcome, INCORPORATION OF SPECIALIZED and E. B. McKinley spoke for the in- ORGANIZATIONS IS a flying machine they rained itiates. ackages of leaflets' espousing ADVISED h cause and challenged the po- 4ome up and stop them. There D lFindings of the Senior class commit- o sky cops at capital no ar-.J N tee, appointed last Decemebr by the ere made. Four land pickets president of the Senior engineering atured out earlier in the day class to investigate, the relation of -rested and"held in the house H P , the Engineering society to the vari- tion. ous branch organizations of the En- Attracts Attention gineering school, have been announc- bombing expedition attracted Canopy of Smilax and Spanish Moss ed by J. Erwin Goodwillie, '20E, chair- of attention but it registered to Cover Entire man. No "bombs" hit the embassy. Floor .. Investigation Necessary ropoganda leaflets whirled in The appointment of the committee now storm about the windows COMITTEE ANNOUNCES RULES came as the result of a general opin- Iy Madison's house, one-half ion expressed by both faculty and stu- circled into Jackson's Rock- GOVERNING HOUSE PARTIES dents, that the society could not, or se in Lincoln square were.al- at any rate, was not functioning afed into the White House, Actual work on the decorating of properly., and showered down on chil- Waterman gymnasium for the 1921 Chairman Goodwillie, in speaking of Dupont circle. Hop began yesterday. The floor was the situation, stated: "It has long Bond Fixed at $oW surveyed and the places where the been our opinion that the Engineej- I States Attoney Laskey plac- posts to support the canopy which is ing college is in need of some organi- bond of each woman arrested to cover the entire room were chosen. zation whose function it shall be to 0. It was not furnished and The canopy, which .will cover the bind together the interests of the va- re locked up for heating in entire floor, is to be made of green rious departments and save the col- ourt tomorrow. Leaders of the Georgian smilax interwoven with lege from the danger of becoming tonight refused to divulge the Spanish moss, the smilax being carried merely a collection of small, self-cen- They state, however, no bail on into the booths, where it will also tered units. To this end the commit- e offered for the women under be used for the decorating. Birch tee is presenting its recommenda- bark trees were to be placed between tions." the booths. Report Findings Music by Three Orchestras In. its report the committee states The music for the Hop will be furn- that the Engineering society, as it now S lpy ished by three different orchestras, exists, does not come into contact n Sal Today the Ponchatrain of Detroit, and Par- with a representative number of en- ker's of Columbus will play in Water- gineering students; that the present man, while the Addison hotel orches- constitution of the Engineering so- cmbination J-Hop and Opera tra, also of Detroit, will play in Bar- ciety and its branch organization, the of the Gargoyle will appear on hour gymnasium. The opening of the Michigan Technic, is not adequate to pus this morning. Barbour gymnasium was necessitated the needs of either organization; and lished with a three color coy- by the unusually large number de that the student body of the college has n by Red Bachman, '20, show- siring tickets. not the degree of unity nor the spirit hop Siends at their favorite It has also been decided to have the of co-operation that should be ex- and featuring a cdmic 'parody orchestras play on the floor instead of pected or desired. Opera entitled "George Did on the balcony as has been the cus- It further points out that the Tech- 3 number is claimed to be a tom in previous years. nic is not a representative publication breaker for wit and clever-. Two pictures of the J-Hop will be of the college although it admits that taken by means of are lights instead of the policy of the present staff is such ge double page cartoon by by flashlight. The first picture will be as will tend to correct this fault is included while snappy bits taken at the end of the grand march Circumstances in some degree re- r are interspersed among -thewhen the block "M" is formed and the sponsible for these conditions are, ac- tories and special articles second after one of the dances. cording to the report, the greatly in- iumber of the Gargoyle is the Each booth will be required to furn- creased attendance at the college and this year, having eight extra ish a punch bowl, wafer basket, and the diversity of interests attendant nd is predicted to be an over- furniture. The only time that this fur- upon this increase. Recent speciali- ig succe6s. . niture may be placed in the gymna- zation in various departments of the sium is on Thursday. school together with interruptions and i ti , G'tins Announce Rules unrest due to the recent war are also Rules governing the Hop for this cited as being factors in the present year have' been sent by the Senate upset state of affairs. (By Associated Press) Committee on Student Affairs to the Remedy Recommended Fork, April 6.-America's first various organizations interested. Two general changes are reco- h Olympic games for They are as follows: mended as a remedy for the existing [1 sail for Antwerp whtthe In accordance with the rules of the difficulties. The first advocates an in- kating and hockey teams de- Board of Regents dancing must stop corporation of all the more specializ- the steamer Midland. . _ -(Sv Number 2. Page Six) led organizations, such as the Ameri. party, consisting of 16, is to can Society of Mechanical Engineers, t in the Olympic hockey and COSMO CLUB W I L L the American Institute of Electrical HOLD PLAYpsCprTEST-Engineers and any similar organiza- HOLD PLAY CONTEST (See Number 3, Page Six) ngton, April 6.-All of South __Se __ube_3_agSx .tral America is bound by the Fifty dollars is the prize offered by MOVING PICTURE WILL SIOW t of the league of nations. Ad- the Cosmopolitan club for the best WORK IN "LIME" QUARRIES o the league of six more neu- tes including Venezeula, the book and lyrics written by a member in American country to file its of the student body. A similar prize A three reel movie is to be given is offered for the best music for this tonight in the Natural Science audi- ion was reorted today. Othe play. The selected play will be given torium by the Chemical Engineering filn notice of, sonrey in Hill auditorium next January. society through the courtesy ,of the The author is at liberty to select Indiana Limestone Quarrymen's asso- k and Switzerland. ' any type of a play he pleases, butiit elation. - must be cosmopolitan in spirit. The The picture starts by showing the book and the music must be signed by natural outcroppings of limestone and NEERS ON LIBRARY STUDY a nom de plume and the author's follows the process of manipulation name placed in an envelope with the under the hydraulic stream, the steam W. W. Bishop, the University nom de plume on the outside. shovel, the human hand and the im- n, will address the Freshmen The book must be typewritten and mense hoists and other huge machin- rs assembly today. Doctor sent to Professor Hildner, 302 Uni- ery used to deliver the finished prod- who has had wide experience versity hall before June 10, and the uct. Only the size of the flatcars used brary work, will inform the music before Oct. 15. for transportation limits the size of n on the importance of using All students, interested in this con- the finished pieces. Admission to- ary in connection with suc- test, and who wish furthter informa- night will be free, and the society's studying. tion, may consult Professor Hildner. meeting will be open to the public. DANCING, PLOT, RnhAIin IN "GEORGE DID IT1Vii FATAKFq 1IIVI.I 1 WVI I .LIV IUIFI P iWI oEII traits of which they are accused dur- ing athletic season, and. c~nsequently UL[MOCR TICTICKEI we can't expect too much. Chorus Improved Marked improvement in chorus singing impresses itself strongly up- on one who has listened to the faint RALLY IN UNIVERSITY SECTION F voiced ensembles as they broke out SWINGS ANN, ARBOR over the orchestra in former years. VOTE But there are some things which "our girls" are prone to forget, and that isFOOD ADMINISTRATOR C that the funeral has not yet come, and FO DA MNIT AO, there is ample room for a smile. But WINS RACE IN CITY T smiling is not to be interpreted,. as some of the maidens seemed to be- Hiram Johnson Easily Carries Rural J lieve, by open coquetry with the Districts of Washtenaw boxes. County Grouping about the stage too often assumed the formal placing to be An eleventh hour rally in the Uni- avoided in any production, and if the versity section of Ann Arbor swung actors will only forget that they are the city, yote in the presidential prim'- 1, actors, not units in the settings, they aries away from Hiram Johnson and 01 would help considerably. gave Herbert C. Hoover as the city's c (See Number 1, Page Six) choice, by a vote of 836 for Hoover ni and 750 for Johnson, figures compiled M and announced by the election board, c showed yesterday. ig TEarlyreturns giving an indefinte J lE 919'count led to, the belief Monday night er that Johnson had captured the ctiy, LA With but a few wards reporting he J( had what at that time was consideredD " ~a safe'lead. ~ 61 Dinner for Pres. Hutchbis, Opera and a ee Democratic Vote Dances Planned for Meh- However, when the final report from 2 gan Week the section of the city in which Uni- e - - versity professors live, was consider- R INTERCOLLEGIATE LUNCHEON ed, the pendulum swung over to the w WILL START THE CER~MONIES former food administrator. Hoover also carried the lead on the Democratic vote, by 254 ballots. o Detroit's Michigan week which will Despite the fact that the city count P be held between April 16 and 24 un- was favorable to the food administra- tc der the auspices of the University of tor, it was hardly sufficient to have tI Michigan club of Detroit, promises to any influence upon county and state A be the biggest University event ever totals. Johnson easily won in rural J. presented in the auto city. districts of Washtenaw county, while 01 Starting with a farewell dinner to he carried the state by a large major- 6, Pres. Harry B. Hutchins on Friday ity. evening, April 16, Detroit will wit- Results Indicative S ness a series of extraordinary events, The city vote, however, is indicative e which will culminate in Michigan day of the attitude of University men. The on Saturday, April 24. University count was the only thingas To See Opera that gave Hoover a victory in the The Union opera, "George Did It," city. p will be presented in Orchestra hall on c Saturday evening, April 17, following "HOLLAND LIFE" IS An which the cast will be entertailed at SUBJECT OF LECTURE i an after-theater supper and dance to p be held at the Hotel Statler. The din- s ing room on the main floor of the ho- Dr. A. J. Barnuw of the Univer- p tel will be closed to the general pub- sity of Leyden will lecture' n "Social lic after 10:30 o'clock Saturday night. Life in Holland," at 4:15 o'clock this To Attend Ball Gamie afternoon in the Natural Science audi- c Michigan Week will start off with torium. S an , intercollegiate luncheon at Hotel This lecture is given in response to Ji Statler at which the members of the an official invittion by the university t Varsity band will be guests. A large and is free to the public. er. Bar- c attendance is expected, not only Mich- andisfeocthe.epublc Dris-ar igan students and alumni, but also nouw is considered a scholar of dis- students of other colleges. Following tinction both in Holland and in Amer-E the luncheonteveryone will attend ica. He has contributed to the Na-o the Chicago-Detroit baseball game. A tion and the Review for many years. p large block of seats has been reserv- He"speaks and writes in English as 'al ed for Michigan men at the game. In well as in his native tongue, and dur- 41 the evening comes the Varsity . band ing the present ye r has been lec- n 'bounce and concert, which will con- turing as Queen ilhelmina's ex- tai vaudeville, singing, and stunts as change professor 'at Clumbia univer- a part of the , program. sity. Dr. Barnouw comes here after J Expect Other Students speaking at the Universities of Chica- n go and Wisconsin. t It is expected that many students All studdnts who are interested in r from other colleges will be present attending a complimentary luncheon il at the Band bounce, and according toatedin ientaryueon ari a meberof he nivesit ofMic!-to be given in honor of Professor Bar- W !a member of the University of Michi-nouw are requested to communicate o0 gan club of Detroit, prominent De- with Harry Jellema by calling 530, or t troit society folk are to be present. with Marten Hoor at .369M, before ei Prof. John R. Brumm, Carl Johnson, Wednesday noon. ,' t '20, and many other prominent men on .__ w the campus will be present. Mi The events of Michigan Week are 30 AIRMEN ATTEND being managed by members of the Uni- AREO CLUB DINNER S versity of Michigan club of Detroit as well as students and faculty of the Several speeches featured the ban- University. quet of the Aeronautical society last u HOOVER CLUB TO GIVE OUT night at the 'Union. Major Boots, at CAMPAIGN LEAFLETS TONIGHT commanding officer of Selfridge field, ti told the men of the opportunities of ar The -Make-Hoover-President club flying offered by the government at t will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight in Selfridge field and invited them too room 316 of the Union. The purpose avail themselves of- the cpportunity - of the meeting is to interest students for flying practice. in working for Hoover in their home Prof. H. C. Sadler of the engineer- communities during vacation. ing college, spoke at length on the The meeting is for all students, prospective development of the air- from outside Michigan as well as from, plane industry both in business and inside the state. Prof. Ulrich B. for pleasure. Maj. C. E. Wilson alsot Phillips of the history department and of the engineering college spoke on Prof. Morris P. Tilley of the English marksmanship and its development. department will speak. Stickers, bit- More than 30 men attended the ban- tons, and leaflets will be issued. quet. During the course of the busi- ness session a committee was' appoint- Women to Be Denied Vote in Primaries ed to investigate the possibilities of Indianapolis, April. 6.--Women will securing a plane from the government not be permitted to vote in the pri- with the intention of entering intercol- mary elections in Indiana. legiate competition along these lines. f lo ~ l~ lNHLSTATE BALL EW RETURNS AVAILABLE TO SOCIALISTS CHOICE ALIFORNIAN GRATEFL O PEOPLE OF MICHIGA erseyite Gets Heavy Vote in Sagi Kent, Inghan*Oakland, and St. Joseph 'Counties (By Assd"biated Press) Detroit, April 6. - Returns fr 428 precincts out of 2,421 in the sot D both Republican and Democra andidates showed little change ght between Senator Johnson a ajor General Wood for the Reput an presidential endorsement of Mi 'an, while Governor Edwards of N ersey forged ahead of Herbert Ho on the Democrat ballot. The totals were: Republican ohnson, 117,456; Wood, 73,2 emocrats-Edwards, 54,472; Hoov 1,535. Governor Lowden's total was 3 8 and the Republican vote for Ho r, whose name appeared. on bc epublican and Democratic tick as 37,529. Johnson Takes Wayne Late tabulations were not availa n General Pershing and Sena oindexter who had received ea day 5,512 and 894 respectively. he Democratic ticket Wilm J: ,1 doo's total was 34,767, while Willi Bryan received 28,987. Last repo u Attorney General Palmer gave h 950.S Few returns were available an 1 ocialists party in which Eug ebs was unopposed for president ndorsement. While Senator Johnson's great trength was shown in Wayne coi Y, he had on the face of the inco lete returns carried 6 "of the ongressional districts and was trA g close behind Wood in the rema g 7 which comprise for the m art sections which General Woo upporters were expecting to show rofiable margin. Saginaw Supports Edwards Governor Edward's support co hiefly from Wayne county, althot e polled a compartively heavy vote aginaw county, Kent, Ingham, .Oi and, and St. Joseph, all populous d ricts. Hoover's Democratic supp ame proportionately from rural a ity districts. Former Governor Fred War 'as leading Oscar Marx former ma f 'Detroit for the nomination of I ublican national' committeemen bout 6.000 votes. William Conn as unopposed for the Democra omination. JohnsonxGrateful New York, April 6.-Senator Hir ohnson late today issued the follc g statement regarding the outcome he Michigan primaries: "I am t bly grateful to the people of Mi an for this victory. The fight thi 'as against organized politics a rganized exploitation of capital' he result demonstrates that an A rican whose only attributes are th hat God gave him can compete a hip these forces. We have' doe it ichigan." .3 HORTAGE OF SENIORS' CAPS AND GOWNS; ORDER EAR Senior men are urged to be me red at once for their caps and goI t Moe's. E. R. Moore and compa he wholesale house from which tl re secured, report a shortage due he large graduating classes, and v ot be able to supply orders com: much later. COURSES DROPPED AFTER THIS WEEK GET GRADE "E" All courses dropped in the lit- erary college after this week will be recorded with the grade "E," Registrar Arthur G. Hall stated yesterday. Specific action to the to the contrary by the adminis- trative board will be the only ef- effective means of changing an "E" so recorded.