THE ;AN DAILY ~HE ~AN DAILY SGOING ON I 'UESDAY H. Zenjamin speaks toj students in University lub dinner, room 323, rna initiation banquet,; .ion. ni Chimes board of di- son third floor, Union. bdinner at the Union. C'lub meets at the Un- County Club nmeet'sat ni band rehearsal in Un-; 7:00- Trip Mandolin club rehearsal in Lane hall. /:00-Bay City club meets at the Un- iQn. 7 :15-Athena Literary society meets in club rooms, University hall. 7 :15--(,ogeble club mfeets, room 825, Union. 7:15-=Kentucky club meets at the Un- ion. 7 :30-Adelphi House of Representa- tives meets in club rooms, Univer- sity hail. 7 :30-3fichigan Dam~es meet In. Lane hail1. Miss Poole of the University hospital, will speak., 7::30- J-llop coi ittee meets, r~oomi 804, Union'. SO:15-Union opera at the Whtney theater. WEDN~ESDAY 8:30-- Special swimming practice at the city "Y." All team members and tryouts are asked to be present. 7:00 - Maike-Hoover-President club meeting at the Union. 7:15--Commerce club meets, room 318, Union. 7:30 -: Chemical Enginering society motion pictures in Natural Science auditorium. Admission. free. 8:15-Union opera at Whitney theater. THURSDAY 7:00-Trip Mandolin rehearsal ili Uii- iversity Hall. 8:15-Union opera at Whitney theater. Gi.N tTICESl Mir. NPyes' class in history '2 will meet at 4 o'clock Wednesday in room 20I7, Tappan hall, instead of at 2 o'clock Friday. Senior laws are asked to obtain meas- urements for caps and gowns at Moe's before spring vacation. PI Delta Epsilon will not meet this' week. The following gliee club men will re- port at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon in room 316, Michigan Union, for a special rehearsal : McCormick, P'etrie, Ferneau, Walser, Failing, Gabell, Fullerton, Kingsford, Riggs, Dieter- le, Nash), Barton, Beatty, Mart~doff, Jones, Kemp, Mason. Fraternities, have you arranged.. for your appointment with the Spedding Studio, J-Hop Photographers, to phot- ograph your' group during the ''fop., Phone 604-W.-Adv.j ,. KNOWLEDGE OF HISTORY MAY ] BE COMPARED WITH TRAVEL "The knowledge of history may be compared to travel," said Prof. Wil- liam A. Frayer, of the history depart- ment, Monday afternoon, in his third talk before the freshman assembly on "Man and His Past." "Limitation to one place causes narrowness and provincialism as com- pared with the broadening effects of travel," he continued, "and so it is with the study of history. RUSHED Work .on the Betsy Barbour dormi- tory is being rushed as rapidly as possible according to a statement is- sued by the buildings and grounds department yesterday. The finishing plaster is now corn- plete in three of the floors and the work on the woodwork is p, ogressing rapidly., Radiators, pipe and fittings have been ordered and upon their ar- rival the work on the steam-fitting will be completed. "We are exerting eevey effort to have the dormitory ready for the opening of school next fall," said Mr. E. C. Pardon, superintendent of the buildings and grounds department,. yesterday, "and we are pushing the work as fast as the conditions will al- low." "The important thing is what does the past mean to each as' an indi- vidud'l-or does it mean anything? It means everything or nothing, depend- ing upon our heredity and environ- ment." Beginning April "'26, Prof, David Friday of the economics department will give a series' of three -lectures on 1 - M II I "Man and His Fellows." Corc oranAdalns Eng Announcement was mac Do You Know What George Did? Road Commissions Vote Equipment New equipment to be userl in the comning work on the Jackson avenue road was voted at a recent joint meeting of the Jackson and Washte., naw county board of road cominl s- sioners. Call 644-W for appointment to be photographed in your J-Hops.-Adv. at ner given at the Theta Phi Alpha house last Saturday evening of the engagement of Winifred Corcoran, '18, toMr., Arthur Joseph Adams of Jack- Grunewald Original Creole Pralines of New Orleans. Tices' Drug Store, 117 So. Main.--Adv. rw 1 ,..... F YOU attended th~e Union (p-, era in order to find 'out the an- swier to this question; or if You area I k going tonight, t-omorrow, or' Thursday-you will want some of" W HY NOT CALL- CLAUDE BROWN AN~D Sell Your Discarded Clothing He buys everything in the line of clothing and pays the highest cash prices.I A Phone Call will bring the wagon to your address. Special Price Offered for Sheepskin and Leather Coats Ir t" K ' 6 III I u I the "George Did It" -music. You. i will find the 'individual numbers and the. complete scores at head- quarters -- in other words, at the University Music House. NA USIC FROM the Union Opera _v -something that is distinct- CLAUDE BROWN, TELEPHONE 2601 Open Evenings until 9 P. M. 120 NORTH FOURTH East side of Court House 1 Special at Livernois I --ly of Michi;gan-is always a suita- Y / Headquarters for "GEORGE DID IT" MUSIC ble gift for the friends at home. There's something personal in such a remembrance. D ON'T FAIL.,to 'come 'in some time before you start for home. Or, if you're, pressed for t i m e, 'phone us and we'll have- selec- tions desired all ready for you. LARD-HOME RENDERED No. 50 Cans.. ... ....25c Less than 50 cans .. ......27c HOME CURED BACON Thole orHalf, .....-....33c I Market at the I 11 nrn h -iIti iIr~ Si THESE ARE CASH PRICES WE DELIVER TrO ALL. PARTS OF THE CITY UR SALE of popular and operatic music will continue for the re- 118W. Washington Street, maincier of this-week... Very substantial reductions a re being ade and musicians will fi nd- it advantageous to make their pur- N - -I' chases now.. We are overstocked on popular hits and are conduct- UNIVERSITY OF ing this sale in order to make room for the incoming sh ipments, MICHIGAN which include all the numbers to be played 'at the i-Hop. ND THEN, there's the :matter of Victrola Records. ,You'll prob- ably, want to take some home with you, but there are two rea- sons why you shouldn't wait until the last minute to come ,in for theme. The first is: Our'supply of the new records is limited and you ANN ARBOR, MIGICAS&I HARRY B. HUTCHINS, LL.D., President Cosmopoli t& R Student Community may be disappointed if you come late; -the second reason: We can- not pack records as carefully in-a last-minute rush. "The early bird ..'. ..f .." Remember, Eight ill ools and Colleges COLLECE .,OF LITERATURE, SCI"FA-E, AND THE ARTS-JoHN R. EFFINCER, Dean. Full literary at d scientific courss-T. esnihers' course-Higher commercial course-Course in insurace-C ourse in forestry-Cot. u in landscape design-All cours5es open to pro- fessional studen is on approval of Fact MY COLLEGES OF ENGINEERING A, Ws ,ARCHlTECTU4E, MORTIMER E. COOLEY, Dean. Complete coum s in civil, mechanical, dbmtxrical, naval, and chemical engineering-Archi- tecture and an~ hitectural engineering- .Ii +"ay egeig--ehia work under in- structors of pm fesioalexpriece- experimental, and field practi~eM- cghaial, physiintI, electrical, and chemi'. 41.&tp motories-Fine new building-Central heat- in n it~~ plants adapted for inst, fon MEDICAJL. SCHOOL,' V. C. VAUGH. VN De 4W. Four years' graded coure-Highest standard for.'gall work-Special attention I Wen to Lasboratory teachig-Moderm laboratories --Ample clini" facilities-Bedside instru efion in hospital, entirely under University coni- trol, a special! f eature. 'cus-rciecutwr LAW SCIE )OL, HENRY M. BATES,' D. jwr. Three years'cr9-rtieoutwr a specialty-4 cial facilities for work in, i U ry and political sciences. COLLEGa OF PHARMACY, HENRY BKRAMERy, Dean. Two, three, and four years' cou rses-Amrn laboratory facilities--Trai Bing for prescription service, manufacturing pharmacy, intriu ;trial chewi stry, and for the -iork of the analyst.FI orya' HOMO '*I ATH IC MEDICAL SCHOOL W. B. HINSDALE, Deian. Fulforyas course--Fu'y,, s quipped hospital, entirely un Is'- tUniversity control-Especial attention given to materia .nol( lica and scientific prescribin, 'Twenty hours' weekly clinical instruction. COLLE-PII OF DENTAL 'SURGERY, M A ns L. WARD, Dean. Four years' course- Modern 7 '"111~ g housing ample laboratories, as.Iinical rooms, library, and lecture room- Clinical my,*j d L in excess of needs. GRAIIG E SCHOOL, ALFRED H. LLOYD, 1}c an. Graduate courses in all departments --Special ,caul' ses leading to, the higher prof, wsional degrees. SUMA!1*C1I SESSION, E. H. KRAUS,' Dean. A ,egular session of the University afford- ing credit. tav and :degrees. More than 275 t *uses in arts, engineering, meihlw pharmacy., agd library m~ethods. to h aiu col n d FUrAfufL' information (Catalogues, Annow mtnsoftevrusShlsadC- leges,t sangms Guide Book, etc., or matters, atff:individual inquiry) address Deans of Schoo~sn.%ndl±1 .olleges, or the Secretary of the I 1jhiiu'sity. I iuinrit juiir 1fmuse fIi l -fifl5 East WIltu i m