THE MICHIGAN DAILY WSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN norning except Monday during the Univer- d in Control of Student Publications. OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tress is exclisively entitled to the use-for Ws dispatches credited to it or not otherwise and the published therein. >stoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second . ...... . .. w. .50. Maynard street. 2414. ations not to exc ed 300 words, if signed, the sig rin print, buit as an evidence of be published in 'The Daily at the at or mailed to The Dail office. ceive no consideration. Io man- the writer in closes postage. arily endorse the sentiments ex- will not be received after 8 o'clock ecedling insertioi. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 2414 ITOR.....................HARRY M. CAREY <. Ehlbert Edgar L. Rice ampbell Joseph A. Bernstein Brophy Hugh Hitchcock ... .. Hardy Heth, Lee M. Woodruff ...Renaud Sherwood *..................John I. Dakin - -..- .Brewster Campbell ... .RobertC. Angell vent....... .......Marguerite Clark ........Thomas Adams, Thornton Sargent Jr. Assistants G. E. Clarke Thomas J. Whinery R. W. Wrobleski George Reindel Dorothy Monfort Minnie Muskatt Winefred Biethan Robert D. Sage Mlarion Nichols Frances Oberholtzer E.dna Apel l;. 1'. Lovejoy BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960. MANAGER..................PAUL E. CHOLETTE .LeGrand A. Gaines, Mark B.- Covell lassified Ads........................Henry Whiting .... ... ..Edward Prieh .. ....... .Curt P. Schneider, R. A. Sullivani Assistants echt F. M. Heath D. P. Joyce Sigmund Kunstadter Robt. Sonmerville rr Harold Lindsay Arthur L. Glazer wishing to secure information concerning news for any Daily should see the night editor, who has full charge be {.rinted that night.' ht editors for this week will be: Monday .k Ehlbert; Tuesday night, George Bro- iesday night, Hugh Hitchcock; Thursday,. 'ar Rice. DAY, APRIL 6, 1920.. be a. meeting of the entire clock this afternoon. staff and ADS IN THE MOVIES students -continue to'patronize the mov- e. of the present inflated prices it- is evi- )ught that their forbearance has no lim- as though prices were not high enough, ice is forced to sit. through a long series sements with which the program IS 3y actual count onua recent occasion twen- f these advertisements were inserted into am and fourteen into another. Most of e already stale from former showings. egitiifate addition to an avowed enter- an be of value orly to the proprietor. 'It ction for the audience, rather than a_ amusement; yet we must pay to have it A less arrogant and obvious imposition verlookd-mi fact many have been in the i even a pretenses of fairness was made" owners. )ING. THE ATHENS OF TODAY present day America has her choice as she will be a Carthage or an Athens in world." So writes President Lowell of. university in an appeal for contributions he Harvard Endowment Fund Commit- thage was a great commercial power. She ot one remnant of thought of any kind. iaritime power, not so large, not so pow- stamped itself upon the civilizatioh in .y that we cannot think apart frcm the- f Athens. .We can make ourselves sim-° commercial nation, or we can make cur- of the great leaders of thought in the. trough our colleges it is possible and es- it we put forth our great intellectual ye are truly to be leaders of the world. ever occur to you," he continues, "that nduwing institutions man has founded are ,itizs ? Why ? Because the university really to the highest in civilization and contrib- hing that is eternal." ing the rights of America to be called a ens, President Lowell speaks of the new world has had cast upon it by the new responsibilities. Our young men ave gone abroad to be educated, but it is to educate them at horne and make our- only a center of industry, not only the dustrial nation in the world, but the tellectual nation in the world. If it is , It must be done with the aid of and means of our universities." -y practical way President Lowell then what is essential for the building of the today. Primary in importance is in- .y for professors. "What a professor t a fortune, but enough to live comforta- scale oif life in which a professor ought d he wants to educate his childrer as highly as he was educated himself, and he wants to provide for his old age. "And in another' way the question appears. A public man at Commencement last June said that if you underpay any body of men in the cdmmunity they will be discontented, and the class that you cannot afford to have discontented is the class that teaches your youth. "We must have sufficient teachers to enable the greatest among them to give up their classes for a year or two and write books, to make permanent what they know, and not let their knowledge die with them. "We are at a crisis in the history of our country, where the question to be determined is not whether we are in danger from a foreign power, but whether the American people will rise to the height which they can rise to and be one of the greatest peoples which the world has ever known." This agitation toward paying professors more liberally and thus making the teaching profession more attractive is daily gaining momentum. The country at large, as well as the teachers themselves, is. beginning to recognize the fact that inadequate and unfair salaries will not attract into the pro- fession men of the highest ability. The problem has, indeed, become one of national importance and, as President Lowell states, one which con- terns our position among nations. The Michigan Wolverine. THE UNION DANCE FLOOR It seems incredible that college, students should be entirely reckless and often wanton in the man- ner in which they use property. and ,facilities which are placed at their command. Probably the Union has been the victim of more than the usual number of deprecatory acts which are practiced upon Uni- versity buildings or perhaps from the prominence of its articles of furniture and decoration these criminal, acts have been more noticeable. The latest work of havoc wrought at the Union which undoubtedly has been done innocently and without thought is the burning of holes in the ball room floor by 'cigarette butts dropped by the danc- ers The surface which has been polished and waxed until it almost approaches perfection is de- formed by these holes and spots which in some. places form ugly looking patches. This has been noticed and remarked upon by almost every vis- itor who has inspected the dance hall. In fact such things often catch the eye before any of the decora- tive features of a place are seen. Such careless disregard for public, property has been said to be characteristic of the American peo- ple but the Union belongs to the students and any mar or blemish on its decorative schere detracts that much from effects which it is planned will be produced. Smoking rooms have been provided for the dancers and there is no excuse for such destruc- tion of property either innocently or wantonly. The TelescoPe Well Q'ualified Restaurant owner-Have you had any experi- ence at waiting? Stude (laughs in hollow voice)-Have I? Say I've been trying to get into a Friday or Saturday night movie ever since I-hit this town. Watson, the Needle Sherlocko had just finished the dance with the fair young thing. "Aha," remarked the detective, "I see that you are married. The young thing pleased by the Sincerity of the compliment shook her head. "No, she remarked sadly, . "you are wrong there. But whatever made you think that I was married?" The great detective somewhat nonplussed paused a moment before replying."Wliy I thought you were married because you tried to .do the leading the minute we started dancing." The young thing was lost in soulful adoration of such sagacity for a moment and then she replied, "Ah, that's because I've been taking a man's part at these Women's league dances." Dear Noah: - A friend of mine says that I'm a law breaker if I distill a quart of liquor for home consumption each day. AmI? . Likit. Decidedly not. You're a genius. A Short Story Two hoboes met at a lonely siding. One had just finished a college course in business administration The other was broke, too. Heard at the Manicure Clnb* "I had to call a doctor last night." "Who was sick ?" "He was when he saw what I held." *A club which has for its aim the bettering of the hands. Today's nominee for the Royal Order of Oil Cans is the bird who persists in giving a vivid description of his latest discovery in anatomy lab during the dinner hour. These fellows who say that a girl can't hit any- thing she throws at should see our girl, throw out a hint, Pamous Closing I.ines "A great, wag," he muttered as he gazed at the dog's tale, NOAH COUNT. AT TWO STORES G RA H AM'S BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK "George Did It" S DE :TUN TED 1N 111 II h l111llllltlllli l f 1!lIII1lt ilI1111111111 !1111111111i111111111111 111.111111IL DETROIT UNITEDLINES (Oct. 26, igig) Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson =_ (Eastern Standard Time) f - Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6:i a. We have lust received a large shipment of m., and hourly to 9:ro p. m. Jackson Limited and Express Cars-S8:48 L a. m., and every hour to 9:48 p. m. (Ex- _ presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.) S Local Cars Egst'Bound--¢:os a. m., g:e5 a. And SUPPLIES m. and.every two hours to 9:og p. m., 10:50 =l- V. M. To Ypsilanti only, i i: ~p. mn. r : Io - a. ire., and to Saline,'~change at ipsilanti. anlitlrlS Sron Lie - Ypin" ti.~ e~h"A' * Wih and Diison's Stroug Line of Ypsilanti, Local Cars West:oUnd-.=:48 a. m. and Rackets - Price $2.00 to $15.00 2:2o a. m.-= tUNIVERSITY ArNNABcR CHOP SUE fro uW AHBOOKSTORES ExcellentC ROPC SUE ro 11:30 a. m. to midnight w George Did It . George Did It Steaks and Chops $14 S. State - - ..1)l111m 11i1t!Itut11illlmm111, mllil!i'IIt 1111:1m 11u1 111:1illutilnlituuh' ..APRIL S M T W T F S 1 2 3 11'12.13 14 15 16 Tb 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 , 30 .. Dinners. Lunches Confectionery Men-Hats are high; your last "8eason's" hat cleaned ,and ' re- Icra , D liiu oa blocked into 'this season's shape, W e Make our own Ice Cream with a new band, will look likeWaunC new and save you five or ten Orders solicited from Fraternities and dollars. We do only high class .18 S. Phone 166 work. Factory Hat Store, 617 Sororties. 2 . Packard St. Phone 1792. . mu TWO STORES roger Industrial Chemistry New Edition .4 i '4' r. A I