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October 12, 1919 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-10-12

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n Arbor high school won its third
today by a score of 47 to 0,
Port Huron high school. After
. minutes of play the visitors
pushed over their goal, for the
touch-down. The performance
repeated three times in the first
with little effort for the local
n. The second half saw no
ge, Ann Arbor scoring four more

Nine managers for interclass
football teams have been tem-
porarily appointed at the Ath-
letic office. Any man desiring
either to play on a class team or
of acting as manager of one is
requested to leave his name at
the Athletic offices on Maynard
street, and Director Mitchell
will see that he is taken care
Speed on the part of class of-
ficers and independent volun-
teers is urged as the schedule
depends upon entries of classes
and it is hoped to start the
games' at least by' the Monday
following the M. A. C. game.

ubstitutions were made in both
-ups in thb second half. Yutzy
t in qt Walker's position, while
is replaced Crippin at full and
>dard took Levi's station at guard.
the Port Huron line-up Sullivan
it in for Carson, the latter taking
's. place at right-half.
regory, who in the last quarter
le a specacular 50-yard run for
uch-down, starred throughout the
le. Crippin at full, a strong can-
te for the all-state team, played
ood game.
nn Arbor Port Huron
'les .......R.E........Muguvero
nkins ......R.T...........Carson
midt ........ ..G......... .. Moore
y ..........C.............Ross
sregor ...... L.E......... Lougtry
affer .......L.T .........Freeland
I .......... L.G............ Stuart
,tly ........Q.Q............. . Bonnet
[ker ....... .TETI.............. Hill
gory ..... , . L.H ............Philip
;pin ........ F.B. ....:...F. Moore
uminary touch downs: Crippin, 3;
Lker, 2; Gregory, 2. Goals from
ch-down, Novy 5 in 5.

Clever .pen-field Running by Weston
S Featuve of 21 to 0 Vic-
Coach Yost used the open date. Sat-j
urday, for a formal scrimmage be-'
tween his squad and Mather's Ail-.
Fresh. The Varsity combination2 e-
erged with thle heavy ,end of 'a 21 to
0 total.
In accordance with the Conference
ruling which limits each team to
seven outside games, Michigan was
unable to *-ffer a bona fide . clash
against foreign foes which is generally
considered the regulation Saturday
afternoon performance at this time of
Yesterday's tussle was a continuation
of the scrimmages held earlier In the
week and the gates were thrown open
to the publlc without charge. By mov-
ing the time of the scrimmage up a
little, the combat served the double
purpose of. giving th.e Wolverine
coach the information desired and of-
fering the student body a squint at
the football situation.
Several Hundred Out
A crowd *numbering several hundr ed
braved the sudden chill to take ad-

brands of football .displayed by first
year men in many years. Paper,
Johns, Dunphy, and Johnston appear-
ed as major luminaries of the outfit
and were supported by equally stellar
work on the part of their teammates..
The impression given by Mather's
grid men is one which would compare
favorably with, that left by Case,
through its efforts of a week ago.
The Lineup
Varsity Position All-Fresh
Dunne.........L. E......Johnston,
Goetz, Fortune ..L T.......... Clarke
Fortune, Czysz . . L.G.....Johns, Van
Cress, Culver .. ...C.........Colburn
Schumacher, G.
Dunn, Timch ac RG......... Wachter
H. Wilson ...... R. T........ Rowland
Barnes, .McGrath
Henderson ...R.E. Goebel, Johnston
Knode ......,...Q.B... ...Searle
Weston . .. .L.H.. .Paper, Banks
F ades, Breakey .R.B........'Dunphy
Stuart, Vick,
Eades.......F.H........... Collie
Touchdowns- Weston 2, Vick 1.
Goal from touchdowns-Geotz 2, Cul-
ver 1.
Did our team win? Don't ask ques-
tions, read the Michigan Daily. All
campus, city and world news.-Adv.

Watchea Clocks~iR
Diamonds $1C5ocUp
Waterman and Conklin Pens
Schlanderer & Seyfried, Jewelers

Gym sup~


city c:


30 MEN



An interf aternity bowling league
will be organized by I-ustcln Brothers
this year, as has been done in past
seasons. Five ian teams will take.
part and entries will be accepted be-
ginning tomorrow. The date set for
the opening match is Oct. 20, provided
eight or more teams enter.
This year a sup will be awarded
permanently to the team winning first
place. Last year no cups were given
for the team winning the tournament
once, but wore recuircd to whn two
years for permanent possession. The
,teais whi : h: '. in v'e:u_ to their
credit will have a chance to annex
the cup parmanontly by winning this
If enough interest is rI hu l
terclass bowling this year an inter-
c~lass bowling league will be organiz-
ed.. It is desired tha't at lean six
teams enter this league.
Librarian Bishop to Attend Convention
JLibrariap William W. Bishop will go
to Youngstown, O., the early part of
this week to speak on jhe higher lib-
rary association's plans before a con-
vention of the American Library asso-
The Michigan Dgaily, the only morn-
ing paper in Ann Arbor, contains all;
the latest campus, city, and world
Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(June 9 1919) t
(Central Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-8:io ;.
ni., and hoursly to 9 :xo p. m.
Jackson Limited and Ex.press Cars-7:48
a. in., and every hour to 9:48 p. M. (fx-
presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.)
Local Cars East Bound?-6:oo a. M,., 9:05 a.
m. and every two hours to g:o5 p. n., 10:50'
p. m. To Ypsilanti only, 1:45 p. M., 12:20
a. ni., 1:ro a. in., and to Saline, change at
Local Cars West Bound-6:48 a. m. andj
T 1:20 1). in.

Seven new entries in the interclass
tennis tournament have brought the
total number up to 30 men. This is
all that have signed up to yesterday.
New entries are urged to come out
immediately; any man in the Univer-
sity is eligible to play except "M"
mon, and Drnctor Mitchell is anxious
to have every man who wantst to
compete to get in touch with him.
By calling the Athletic association
omces or, better still; by going
arour d to headquarters in the Press
bul ding on Maynard street, any man
desiring to , enter will be taken
care of.
'There seems to bei a slight misun-
derstanding as to the doubles which
are to be played as a part of the tour-
nament. This series is not confined
to entry by class, but any man at all
can compete, and more entries are de-
.sired for the do Tbl s. Any. man al-
ready entered for tle singles may get
a partner, for t doubles regardless
of whether that partner is of the
same class as hiuself, or whether he
is entered in the singles *or not. The
entries for the doubles are not by
,any means confined to those already
signed up for the singles. Each mem-
ber of tho wink-; team in the dou-
bles will receive a cup, while in the
singles only one cup will be awarded.
Prizes to be decided upon later will
be given the runners-up.
Every man desiring to enter is urg-
ed to give his name to Intramural
Director Mitchell immediately. The
men will be notified either through
'he Daily or by telephone as to when
! sy °vill play.
LISTEN. Do you realize that Ann
Arbor Las the safest organization for
investing your money? The Huron
Valley l3ld. and Savings Ass'n., or-
ganized 1891 under State supervision'
Inever paid less than 6 per cent divid-
ends, free from taxation. You can draw
cut your money at any time and re-
ceive 5 per cent. H. H. Herbst, sec'y.
Ann Arbor Savings Bank Bldg.-Adv.
The Michigan Daily, delivered to
your door daily except Monday, $3.50
a year.-Adv.f
- - -

I,. #

vantage of the opportunity in spite of
rival campus attractions. Grey "pots"
vqere numerous and noisy in sulaprrt
of their representative eleven.
Yost openedpractice with the usual
blocking drill. The scrimmage which
was set for 3 o'clock was delayed and
it was about cne-half hour after the
appointed time when Abe Cohn, wear-
ing his football "M," finally coaxed
the first year men on to the main grid-
iron. Several teams ofdmixed calibre
ran through signal drills in all di-
rections while the impromptu officials
took control of the situation.
Freshmen G an
Captain Goetz of the Varsity, open-
ed the entertainment by kicking to the
Freshmen who defended the east goal
The frosh returning the ball 'was.
downed on his own 20yard line, On
the next three plays the younger elev-
en made first down with little dif-
ficulty but was forced to kick on fail-
ure to repeat this early success. We-
ton received the boot and dged
through for a 50 yard -return. The
Varsity passed up its first chance to
score by fumbling on the 18 yard kine,
following Weston's -ong run. Durhrg
the remainder of the period, Weston
alone gained consistently, atho =gh
he Mather's backs'registered sm'l
additions through Yost's line, Thx*
quarter. ended with the oval on tV- :o
yard line.
Play in the second period repeat xt'
the style displayed in the firs.. Was-
ton again came to'the front and tore
off 25 yards, placing the ball on the
All-Fresh 3 yard line. The Varsty
slipped on the next play and the ball
changed hands on a fumble.' Not dis-
couraged by the results following his
first gain, the fast little Michigan half
opened up a second time after the
yearlings had punted and scampered
aroundleft flank for 40 more yards
and the first six points. Goetz s- toe
made it seven.
Vick Gins 30 Yards
At the start of the second half,
Ernie Vick, who in company with th%
Varsity commander had shadowed te
formations of tle eleven oppojg the
All-Fresh, replaced Stuart at full'
back. This big backfied man who has
been out of the running with a trouble-
some foot tocad his first chance of te
year at handling the ball in ggpytgi-
tion. his first heavy eftY in thisi
period was easily conveied into a 30
yard gain which paeV Weston in cor
rect politiol; for his 15 yard run a
second tuohdomn. (oetz again et
tributed the additional poiit.
After juggling, West i ntrn ed the
next ki..kcff for 50 rds and yik.
crossed the lin s r ta e thi d and lst
counter the; aternon- V lver
goaled successful y.
Weston is. Wr
Beak Weston, wh performed 'for
four perieds. gt -Varsity halfblac,
earned I..e-tenths of the alAaue
granted> to individuls. lie workI
ing true to his old 1917 fu.z;a and pK
ed to great a prq ?t+, for the begin- 1
Vic-, i Ordled the back4eld i s'otd.
shape and gave an intimation f what
is goin to happnWhien ie dcides
to open up with atl he heas. 'it is txe
best guss at present that Yost will
keep tho big cener i the bacideld
job and shift Crne to half.
Goetz apd] U nne seemed thoroughiy
absorbel i: every play and were most
apparent of all linemen at protect-
ing the advance of their own backs
and halting that of the opposition.
The yearling eleven individually and
as a unit it put up one of the best





Just received a liberal shipment of Borsalino
hats. They're great hats-just as soft, just as
light, just as finely made as ever. We think you'll
be mighty glad to be able to get one.




.._ _. ,
.... r 1 ... .;..



Matinee Musical-
announces a concert couirse


- - --

-w~ -


Student ushers wanted by Athletic
+ Association for both 0. S. U. i4id Min-
nesota games. It will be necessary to
turn' in Student coupon number Three
(3) for usher's ticket for 0. S. U.
game,, and numlier Five (5) for ush-
er's ticket for Minnesota game. Tf'
working in 0.' S: U. game, must also
work in Minnesota game. Must re-
port at Ferry Field at 4:15 p. m.
sharp on Fridays preceding' games
for instruction and for work on day
of games at 12:30 p. m. A fee of fifty
(50c) cents for the 0. S. U. game and
one dollar ($1.00) for Minnesota game
will be paid by the Athletic Associa-
tion. No'one who cannot comply with
above conditions need apply.

Watching a game is fun, we'll
admit. And everyone is WEL-
COME4 to watch the bowlers at
our alleys, as often as they like.
But to get real benefit from
bowling you must ROLL YOUR
OWN. (With apologies to the
Bull Durham folks.)
Ruskin said: "I you want
pleasure you must toil for it."
Bowling is a most beneficial ex-
ereise and the real pleasure and
benefit comes from playing-not
Billiards andBowling, Cigars.
and Candies. Cigarettes Mp ,
"We, try to treat yo night"

Michigan Unin Assembly Hall
8:00 . m.
1. Oct. 27-Olga Samaroff, Pianist.
2. Dec. 1-Zelina De Maclot, Draniatic Soprano
in Costume Recital, accompanied by Mrs.
Maud Okkelberg.
3. Dec. 16-Ypsilanti Norm'l Choir---200 Voices.
Frederick Alexander,' Director.

4. Jan 21 --Ilya Schkolnik, Violinist


Master, Detroit Symphony Orchestra;
companjst Mrs. George B. Rhead.
5. March 24-Zoellner String Quartet.




9sirrsnrrrrrtilrrrrrrrrrnrrrrrrr lilill2


MeMbers' Ticke ts $1.00
Course Tickets $2.00
Sale after Thursday Oct. 16, at Wahr's


State Street



.. r...

IL IN- n x~m

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