ITHEL MICHIGiAN )I~ UAIL T U" F riday. .ratus examinations will be giv- nday, Tuesday, Thursday and "YANKEE" DERIVED FROM CHINESE, MAN SAYS who have earned chevrons for c arm bands are asked to leave .nds in the physical director's before next Wednesday in or- at the chevrons may be placed E 'Th nAL tylus will meet at 7:45 o'clock esday evening, Xpril 6, at the Gam- Phi Beta house. Prof. F. N. Scott I the rhetoric department -vill ad- 1 ss the meeting. lyvern will hold a short but im- tant monthly meeting at 7:30 Tues-1 evening at the Gamma Phi Beta; se. ' Chicago, April 3.-The name "Yan- kee" came"from a Chinese phrase "Yang Jung" by way of East India, where the words were corrupted to "Yang Gee," according to Teh Yi Hsieh, Chinese labor leader who re- cently arrived here to establish rela- tions with the American Federation of Labor. "Yang Gee" means "you are a young foreigner." Get, your base ball supplies at Cush- ing's.--Alv. Patronize our Advertisers.--Adv. POSTION OPEN FOR JUNE GRADUATE NURSE SHORTAGE THREATENS STATE; May Necessitate Campaign to Interest Women in Work Due to the great shortage of nurs- es all'over the country, there is a movement on foot by the State Hos- pital association and the, Michigan State Nursing association to wage a recruiting campaign in order to at- tract more young women to take up courses in nursing. "The demand is much greater than the supply," said Miss Mary Welsh, superintendent of the University Nurses Training school. "Nurses are needed more than ever before.' She also said that the fall class- es had been larger than any previous' and that they expect them jc be even larger next year. There are 168 stu- dents enrolled in the school at pres- ent. Detroit is short 1,000 nurses. GIRLS' GLEE CLUB TO VISIT JACKSON Will Be Guests of High School Husi- cal Organization Arrangements are being completed for the University Girls' Glee club to appear in concerts in Jackson and De- troit. Friday evening, May 7, the club, unedr the direction of Miss Nora Crane Hunt, will give a concert in the Jack- son High school. Emily Powell, '19, head of the music department of the Jackson school, has stated that the proposed visit of the club has caused much enthusiasm and that the Uni- versity girls will be the guests of the High School Glee club. The following week end, May 14 and 15, the University Girls' Glee club will give concerts in Detroit North- ern and Central High schools. -Will Stop OvertimelWork Cleveland, 0., April 3.-Systematic overtime work will be stopped here after May 1, according to a notice sent to contractors by officials of the Cleveland Building Trades Council, which includes all construction unions. Where emergencies exist workmen will work more than eight hours, but the emergency must be patent, Charles Smith, secretary of the council, said. Drive On for Starving Polish The National Allied Relief com- mittee is making an Easter drive for the relieving of the children of Po- land. The American Food Adminis- tration in Poland reports that many children are suffering for th'e actual necessities of life. Ann Arbor has been asked to assist the drive. French Toast, Tomato Soup, Toasted Rolls, 0 and Toast 'George Did Ir" WM R. MENOLD PROPRIETOR r 9 STUDENTS' LUNCH 409 E. JEFFERSON ST! 1 For LADIES OUR SPECIALTIES JUST RECIEVED I A rapidly growing, substantial, Michigan mail-order house offers the opportunity to some young man to enter the business in June and learn it from the ground up, with the idea of becoming Assistant Manager and, being taken into the firm later. Must be willing to start at a moderate salary and work hard. Give home address and full particulars regarding actual business experience. - Address 4 Styles of Wing-Tip Oxfor OPPORTUNITY 572 Care Michigan Daily. BLACK and BROWN CALFSKIN, with military heels, the finest made-only $16.00 per pair The BEST REAL CORDOVAN, with flat heels, $18 per pair. I have these as NARROW as AAA and up to 9 in LENGTH. An early selection would be advisable for indications point to a shortage of these styles this season. II A Studio I And a DARK BROWN CALF-with low heels-at $12.50 per pair. PORTRAIT College Notes 123 East Corner Personal and Distinctive Washington Street Phone 598 FAN'S LUNCH for Quality and Service 116 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. t Copy 1 Y's ant Delta VERTISI N Leave Copy At Quarry: sand The Delta Doris McDonald, '19, of Lansing, is spending the week end in Ann Ar- bor. Helen Gifford, '18, of Flint, is vis- iting friends in Ann Arbor over this week end. Margaret Rauner, '19, of Hartford, is the guest of friends in the city over Sunday. Marguerite Eness, '18, of Grand Rap- ids, came Friday to spend a few days as. the guest of friends in the city. Helen and Mildred Cannelly, '12, of Detroit, are in Ann Arbor this week end as guests of friends. Helen Robeson, '17, of Traverse City, is the guest of friends in Ann Arbor over this week end. Florence Snyder, '16, of Owosso, came Friday for a visit with friends. Luella Gallmeyer, '16, and Alice Fish, '17, of Grand Rapids, are spending a few days in the city as the guests of friends. Anne Visseher, '17, of Holland, is visiting friends in Ann Arbor this week end. Winifred Chase, '05, of Deruft, is spending several days in the' ciLY. Helen Bourt, '19, of Detroit, is the- guest of friends in Ann Arbor over Sunday. Margaret Long, '17, of Detroit, came Friday to spend the week end in the city as the guest of friends. FINAL FACULTY CONCERT SCHEDULED THIS AFTERNOON Samuel Pierson Lockwood will lead the University Symphony orchestra in the 'last Twilight concert of the sea- son at 3 o'clock this afternoon in Hill auditorium, to which the general pubs lic is invited. An attractive program consisting of "Two Slavonic Dances" by Dvorak, the "Ruy Blas" overture by Mendels- sohn, and Tschaikowsky's B flat min- or concerto, has been prepared. Mrs. Maud Okkelberg of this city, for many years a member of the School of Music faculty, will appear as piano soloist. Liberty J-Hop Necessaries ,s Especially applicable to those mho I have not yet made their preparations St. HELP WANTED Evening Gowns, 1-2 Price For those who have been tardy in getting their dresses for the J-Hop - or any other formal affair-our sale of Evening Gowns at one-half price will be decidedly interest- mg. All these gowns are in choice materials. of the season and in styles thoroughly indica- tive of the prevailing modes. All desired colors are showni chiffon taffetas; satins and laces, trimmed in maline and crepe Georgette-a few are lace trimmedy Prices are one-half. (SECOND FLOOR) FOR MEN-just received-a BLACK N 0 R W E G I A N GRAIN BROGUE OXFORD-a real one. f Fourth Ave I t Get Good Goods at Goodyear's New Afternoon Dresses We have on display an unusually wide as- sortment of Afternoon Dresses, embracing all the fashion tendencies of the spring sea- son. Dominant among these for semi-formal wear are the dresses of satin, chiffon, taffeta and )ST-Black leather covered notebook in second floor corridor Chemistry building. Finder please return to 1122 Washtenaw or leave in room 230 Chemistry building. Stuart J. Colvin. )ST-Cream colored silk scarf with blue stripes. Had owner's name on. Please return to Helen Middleswart, Newberry Residence. )ST-Will the man who exchanged overcoats with me at the College Inn, phone Martin at 904-J. )ST-Phi Chi Fraternity pin. Find- er please call F. Miner, 609. Re- WANTED-Students wishing to make some extra money may do st4 by acting as pin setter at Michigan U n- .on Bowling Alleys. Apply at Man- acting as pin setter at Michigan Un- ion Bowling Alleys. Apply at Man- ager's office. MEN WANTED - The Production Foundries Co. can use four men for work during afternoons next week and during spring vacation. Call Weston at 1875, Monday morning. FOR SALE crepe Georgette in plain and fancy creations. Many are prettily beaded, while others are embroidered in attractive designs, making each dress stand out as an individually dis- tinctive model. (SECOND FLOOR) P Gloves - Large Cameo pin. e call 1870-J. Finder FOR SALE-Two May Festival cou- . pons. Price $3.00. Phone 197. A Glove-assortment is found here that includes silk gloves of every kind, chamoisette and French kid gauntlets, 16 and 20-button kid gloves for formal wear, and almost any thing that may be desired in the glove category. (MAIN FLOOR) Hosiery Many new Hosiery items are presenting themselves this season, as are many new shades. Among the new col.- ors is one of light brown to match the shoes which are so becoming and so popular this spring. (MAIN FLOOR) Blouses are here in a profu-. sion of colors, materials and designs too numerous to elab- orate upon. Suffice it to- say that almost any personal preference may be gratified in a manner entirely satisfac- WANTED D - Student desires single in vicintiy of Hill and Wash- Ayes. Phone, Middleditch, ID, TO BUY-A good second- cainoe. Phone R. C. Schuntz, Blouses I! FOR RENT TO RENT-Dress .suit in fine condi- tion, size 36. Phone 2485-R. MISCELLANEOUS ALMA NORSWORTHY - Mackinnon (Gold Medalist) Humorous and Dramatic Reader, Teacher of Elocu- tionn and Expression, is now open to receive pupils apd concert. engage- ments. 343 r-2 S. Main St. WILL GIRL who took Umbrella from corner in Natural Science rest room kindly return same to Secretary's, tory. (MAIN FLOOR) )m mate to share a 11. Phone 1374-W. r without 8 o'clocks. The Michigan Daily, the only morn- ing paper in Ann Arbor,. contains all the I st Campus, City and World News.-Adv. Oriental Rugs on sale, $75 to $200. See our window. Koch and Henne. Adv. Indoor'base balls, all sizes at Cush- ing's.-Adv. Patronize our Advertisers.-:Adv. I e li WrIl I ; .1 II I Entrance 124 S. Main. Telephone 1000. I' T