u 743 " tj; L NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY- OF MICHIGAN ery morning except Monday during the Univer- Board in Control of Student Publications. BER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ted Press is exclusively entitled to the use for all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise paper and the local news published therein. ."-L .t the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second on by carrier or mail, $3.50. nn Arbor Press building, Maynard street. Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414. efficiently the thoroughly "practical" things com- monly supposed, and often asserted, to be as far beyond their powers as out of their experience. For a hero of the narrative leaped straight from his classroom into the army, and, after a brief course in' camp, went to France as a lieutenant. There he did about all the things that can be done by anybody of that grade for and with soldiers. His first task was the establishment of military kitchens. on an extensive scale-than which noth- ing else could be much more different from teach- ing rhetoric-and this he accomplished so well that he was assigned in quick succession to a long line of other jobs equally unrelated to his professional activities at home. Mr. Boas vouches for the fact that all of them were as well performed as the first. The question therefore arises, Was the young officer's competence gained after he entered the army, or was it somehow the result of his seemingly irrelevant training in "Latin, Greek, and mathemat- ics," all so hated by the vocatioaalists ?-The New York Times. _ unications not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig- t necessarily to;appear in rnt, but as an evidence of notices 'of events will be publishied in The Daily at the of the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Daily office. communications will receive no consideration. No man- 11 be returned unless the writer incloses postage. Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments ex- the communications. Carey ..........................Managing Editor holette, Jr .....e..4. . ...... Business Manager Phone 96o or s738 3hlbert .. ............................News Editor npbell.... ........... ......City Editor ........Sprts 'editor Clark............ .... Women's Editr Beorntein ,........ .... ,. Telegraph Editor EDITORIAL BOARD hinkman Charles R.Osius, Jr. A. Gaines, Jr..................Advertising Manager ovell ..........................Issue Manager 4mg ................Office' Manager riens...............Publication 'Manager chneider.......................Circulation Manage ivan .... .....................Subscription Manager ApeI ...............................Music Editor .1ane.................. ....Literary Editor waldo>........................ Exchange Editor ::hcock ..........................Campaign Editor ISUE EDITORS Sargent Jr. Thomas II. Adams Brewster' Campbell John I. Dakin EDITORIAL STAFF Marshall William H. Riley Ralph DBois son h atrina Schermerhorn Robert C. Angell H. Hardy Heth BUSINESS STAFF J lings Isabelle Farnurn r D. P. Joyce, brecht Agnes HolnquiAt Robt. Somerville SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1919. Night Editor-Edgar L. Rice" COLUMBUS DAY hundred and twenty-seven years ago this Christopher Clumbus, sailing west in f a route to India, spied a feeble light in ' ness and-America, smerged from the mist Nty. is Columbus day. True,.it does not com- te the firt representative of the old world >ot on the new continent. It is rather to orate the first man to touch these shores so as. the result of a real purpose and after plaining and labor. finer ambition could actuate the discovery r land than a desire to benefit men by prov- it lay within their power to encompass the And who can say that America, the hub rorld's industry, does not typify its discov- irit of enterprise? uired a. faith in his own convictions which P-g1r than fears of seemingly inevitable to carry Columbus across a . treacherous some five weeks of anxiety marked by hun- mutiny were but incidental to what seemed the unescapable fate of the reckless 'party. is faith to follow to the end what has been T decided to be right, that resulted in the y of America and by which men forever i forever shall conquer. SERVICE vie has 'said "No more than you can un- Wink,, undeliver a blow, unbathe a plunge, unste' the step to the university. It is a >hysical act." is small virtue, then, in attempting to come 6 the university the same as one went in. e should entail a change. This 'is rightly se the Michigan man will carry away with tain stamp of which he may well be proud. fichigan be proud of you? Not if you do the-primary qualification which the world Lp everywhere-service. One cannot learn by clinging to his own idiosyncrasies and ideals. Being bored to death is not ex- when there is more than .enough to think > talk about, to act upon. Yet you 'have doubt, the man who is so blase thaf he ven smoke a cigaette as if he enjoyed it. t narrow down. Activities and associations iof the university. Much of the best in fe comes not to you; it is something to be by you. TOPICS OF THE TIMES >s it was for the purpose of suggesting. n modern educationalists a possibility they of ignoring that, under the title of "The r in the Army," George Boae told in Sun- mes the particularly interesting story of 'oung man who held when this country en- war a university position as instructor in was able to do-and did-as a soldier. again, that was not the purpose of Mr. r he made quite clear his dissatisfaction sort of teaching the young instructor had I his far from complete satisfaction with y education and educators, taken by and ver that may be, the article, if'anything can :ed from a single case, proved that what is reneral education," as distinguished from ed or vocational training, does produce : when need ox oportunity arises, can do ZOOLOGY DEPARTiMENT GETS SERVICES OF NEW PROFESSOR Dr. L. V. Heilbrunn, formerly of the University of Chicago, has been added to the staff of the department of zoology. Doctor Heilbrunn is known for his researches in general physiology and will teach that sub- ject here. - He recently returned On The Other Hand Concerning Romance (b) The New-Corner says- Perhaps you're right, Old Wisdom-Light-a I'see yourtpoientquite. clear-y, I -might be led to somie co-ed Whom I could love as dearly. In fact, today, there crosst my way A most ehtrancing vision: I would have smiled, had that sweet child - Not marched with such precision. She seemed so wise Would you advise That I should try to meet her? For instance, when we pass again, Should I attempt to greet her? Or, should I wait some turn of Fate To furnish introduction? Or boldly trace her rooming-place- Please-what is your deduction? The Old-Timer replies:- Pathology-page sixty-three- Explains your case verbatim: At eighteen years, a germ appears- (No doctor can get at 'im.) And, for a time, youth takes to rhyme- Exuding sticky sonnets Inspired by girls with radiant curls Projecting from their bonnets. This curious germ works for a term, Producing pain and sorrow; In love with May or Maude, today- In love with Madge, tomorrow. You're stricken, now, with Abstract Love- And while the bug is touring, You'll' see a face, 'most any place, Resistlessly alluring. Since When Have They Been Calling the Girls Shades? 'An ad in the paper says, "Do you know Myrtle Green, a new shade in silk stockings?" Did you know that when the R-34 landed the crew said that they never would have reached America if they hadn't had a victrola and a cat named Jazz with 'em? Believe me, that balloon isn't the first thing that has been kept up all night with jazz and a victrola. Prof. David Friday: "My idea of the steel strike is that capital is trying to hold a cow by the horns, labor gripping her by the tail where its large num- bers has more room to scure a hold, while the farmer milks her.", A Detroit man lived seven months with his for- rner wife after procuring a divorce because the sum- mons had be'.n served on his wife's mother by mis- take. Shakespeare probably had some incident like this in mind when he said, "this was the unkindest cut of all." "Northwest is' awaiting visit of king winter." Chicago Tribune headline. Well, here is one mon- arch who will get a warm if not royal welcome. Government officials report that the American forces in Siberia are to be withdrawn on account of Japan's failure to protect American engineers in the Japan zone. For a real comment on the sit- uation ask the opinion of some member of the Si- borian A: E. F. Congress has appointed a committee to look into the charge that commissions were awarded or re- fused during the war on account of political influ- ence. No use trying to convince four million buck privates that his second "louie" wasn't a near and dear relative of John J. himself. Cabsk, Drug Co. W from two years' service in the avia- tion field on the French front. Union Wants Changed Addresses Students whose addresses have changed since registration at 'the Union are asked to change them at the desk in order that there may be no trouble in getting in connection with the persons if needed. Vhat about that fountain pen of r r e yours?. If it )e not suit you re that will. The Kempf Music Studios. Piano, 'Voice, Organ, Harmony. 312 S. Divis- ion St. Phone 212-J.-Adv. Dr. Chas. W. GILKEY HILL AUDITORIUM 7:30 Tonight Prof. Earl Moore at the Organ Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Vocalists Prof. Samuel Lockwood Violinist dc k We have o " BOA R DINC SPECIAL" $8.25 For $7,50 You CannotLose.Cood till used ASK OREN ABOUT IT 324 South State St. EaSo University Ave. 711 Packard St. 1121 So. Universily Ave, WAN PRONE ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED ESTABLISHED 1857 MAIL ORDERS PROMP'LY I LLED That i -w ti a i ' " , . lj / %, , + I , i.. /// ,,;. . ยข fall a..:'.. Fascinating Blouse II i t -has become a most essential part of Milady'i wardrobe, whether it is an elaborate one for dress wear, or a strictly tailored one for the class room. You can not really .do without either, and if you have such smart ones as we are now showing you will nv be able to say which you like the better. You can easily turn your suit into an afternoon dress, by using ohe of the season's dress blouses. These are bedecked with embroidery of all kinds,.and;qre made in many' bewitching styles in colors which outdo the rainbow. One most attractive suit blouse in soft tan, is figured with embroidery designs in bright colored yarns. The Russian blouse effect gives the touch of this season. Several of the darker blouses hive the metal embroidery, which Dame Fashion insists on trying everywhere. We agree with her on its effectiveness, especially in regard to these blouses. We have many severe, but smart looking tailored models, excellent for street or classroom wear. These are.in a great variety of colors. The prices on our entire blouse display are $5.95 to $39.50. (Second Floor) 4i A WTit of Tulle f -or silk net, some ribbons, and a little ingenuous planning will often result in the cleverest evening frock imaginable. We have 'now a very wide assortment of silk nets in all possible shades; also some novelty weaves. If you are planning on making an evening gown do not fail to look over our supply. The new veilings are also here in all the smart weaves and in the best colors. They are very pretty, and anyway, no costume is complete this year without the proper veil. Somebody seid that Colonel House have a chance for the presidency because was against third terms. wouldn't everybody They get the 'gunmen finally in Detroit. A whole gang played the Killin' 'diues on the Giannola the other day. (First Floor) I