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ern Flyer, Lands First
la Field; Statz
ociated Press)
Oct. 11.-First Lt.
ard, piloting a DeHav-
, leader of the west-
the transcontinental
ed at San Francisco
, Y., at 1:12:07 o'clock,
t Mayynard's actual
)ss the continent was
autes and 55 one-half
rst Westerner -
11.- Lt. E. C. Kiel,
bound transcontinent-
complete the journey
isco landed at Roose-
:10 o'clock today, -fol-
s later by Major Carl
ously had landed by
urt field.
el leftBinghampton,
stop, at 5-06 o'clock.
Instituting a new system of havingI
each comniittee with a chairman and
secretary, the Union appointment com-
mittee will meet at 7 o'clock Tuesday
night in the office of PresidentCarl
Hogan, '20E, for the purpose of se-
lecting these members of the com-
Activities for the Union will be
quickened by the end of the week
when men for these positions have
been chosen. At present it is in-
tended not to appoint any more mem-
'bers of the committese, in order. that
a bettertline on the available mate-
rial may be obtained.
All the registration cards have been
cut into the proper size, and they will
be filed in the recording secretary's
office Sunday and Monday. Data con-
tained on these cards has been al-
ready consulted, and Union officials
report that a great amount of ex-
cellent materal, well qualified for
positiors in various- activites, has
been discovered.
Many underclassmen reported to
George Hurley Saturday in response
to the call for men for activities.
Plain Folks Are
White's Passion
"William Allen White's greatest
passion is folks," declares one writer
of this author, lecturer, and journalist,
who speaks on "What a Reporter Saw
at the Peace C:ference," at 8 o'clock
Friday night, Oct. 17, yin Hill auditor-
Pa, i University A ckniowledges
Ihichigan's Role In World War
President Harry B. Hutchins has venir of the war, has caused to be
received from the University of Paris struck off a medal which' represents
a large bronze medal, presented to the Science at the service of Right, and
Univrsiy o Mihign i coinen-'which recalls the services rendered
University of Michigan in commen- by professors and students,reither
oration of its part in the war. upon the battle-field or in the quiet
On the face of the. medal is a de- 'of the study or the. laboratory; sci-
sign representing "Science" at the entia instrumentum justitiae, libro,
service of "Right," an d on the re-_l ense, such is the inscription whch the
verse is an inscription stating 'that medal bears.
the medal is presented by the Uni- "The University of Paris has decid-
versity of Paris to the University of *ed to present a copy of this medal to
Michigan,. each of the universities in the coun-
This medal will probably be placed <-tries allied to France. It is a par-
'permanently in the Library as a
trophy of Michigan's part in the
war. It was forwarded to President}
Hutchins through the French consau-
late in Chicago.'
President Hutchins also received a
letter from A. Poincaire, vice rector
and president of the university coun-.
cil, which reads As follows:
"The University of Paris, as a sou-
ticular "pleasure for it to have thus an
occasion to thank the University of
'Michigan for the brilliant part which
her professors and students have play-
ed in the common victory. It begs you
to consider this medal as a proof of
its fraternal friendship.
"Be good enough to accept, sir, the
assurance of my great consideration
and esteem."
Speaking in behalf of The Michigan
Chimes at sororities, dormitories, and
league houses, the women's subscrip-
tion team under the direction of Mar-
garet Chapin, '20, and Martha Guern-
sey, '19, has already sold more than
400 subscriptions of the magazine to
University women.1
With several reports not yel sub-
--- .
id neck ium-
After graduating at the University
hmton- of Kansas, Mr. White began active
mmand- work on the newspaper, eventually
ou'rged purchasing the Gazette at Emporia,
tonigh: Kan., where he has been loc'ated since
ellent. that tine. Through his paper he has
made himself a commanding influence
in the west.
unfavor- Dr. T. M. Iden, teacher of the Upper
t of the Room Bible class in Ann Arbor, was
ntinued e. rsonally acquainted with Mr. White
nce and while engaged hi similar work at Em-
poria, and describes him as " a plain,
Ly in a simple, old-fashioned man; a typical
f Cleve- Kansas product." In telling of this
making friendship of ome years,'Dri. Iden re-
ie over- lated that Mr. White would often joke"
ap .d in- abouthis rotund structure, remarking
mtpn+ frequently, too, that he was "no good
ad and
hey ex-
.g New
Gilkey, of the
rch of Chica-
on service to
onight'in Hill
e for his sub-
in a dress suit."
But despite Mr. White's tendency to
underestimate fiimself as a speaker,
Dr. Iden says, "As a story teller on
the platform he is extremely interest-
ing," and Prof. H. E. Riggs of the eng-
ineering college, a close friend of Mr.
White's, asserts that he is 'not only a
good talker, but distinctly original.
It, is to such. a man that George M.'
Adams, more familiarlyknown as Walt
Mason, owes his regeneration, for Mr.
Wlte took Adams into his office when
he was, in his own words, "down and
out." By the very charm of his per-
sonality he gradually .drew Adams
from his unfortunate habits and es-
tablished him in the position in which
he today finds himself..
Co-operation between the citizens (By Associated Press)'
of Ann Arbor and the University in. Copenhagen, Oct. 11.-A report from
the matter of assuring better housing Helsingfors states that the Esthonan
conditions is already taking practical'gd
government has rcie napa
form in the shape of a survey now be-
ing made by the Ann Arbor Home help against the Russian'and
Building company to secure suitable German forces attacking Rigi and is
property on which to start foundations now discussing the situation with the
for a number of new houses this fall. Esthonian army leaders.
Backed by C. of C. Letts Claim Aid Granted,
The new enterprise, though private, (Statements at the-Lettish legation
has the backing of the chamber of (
commerce. The co-operative charact- at London were to the effect that the
er of its work may be judged by the request had already been granted and
names of its officers: President, E. C. that at least two Esthonan divisions
Goddard; vice-president, Daniel F. would be sent to help the Letts.)
Zimmerman; treasurer, C. John Waz; Gm
sepretary, William Underdown; board General. Sodia, commander in chief
of direc'tors, the foregoing and Erwin of the Esthonian army operating
Schmid, H. J. Abbott, and William "south of the Gulf of FinlandN against
Goodyear. Petrograd, believes that althongh the
The idea behind the new firm is that Germans and Rusgians are well sup-
Ann Arbor can most practically meet' plied with arm and munitions and
the rooming and housing shortage by
immediate building. On .a basis of: although their attack is causing gen-
20,000 population the government es- eral alarm in the Baltic states great
timate places the excess of births over ,.cord exists between them and their
deaths at one per cent or 200 per T car. co-oreratin will last only a short'
City Slow in Building time.
This alone requires 50 new hou a n ch Jig
on a basis of four pesons to the house.Germans eaRiga
In addition a number of outsiders have Berlin, Oct. 11.--A despatch to the
been moving into Ann Arbor. It is local Anziger states that the Russian
the opinion of the chamber of con- and German.troops this morning oc-
merce that due to the government's cupied the bridge across the Duna at
ban on all building during the war the Riga connecting the Mitau suburb
city has fallen behind by a total of with Riga.
some 500 .houses. The troops entered the outskirts of
Students Too Particular Riga, Friday, after severe fighting.
Members of the chamber of com- This morning after another heavy en-
merce have been working steadily for gagement they took the village of
bettering the rooming situation which IThorensberg, one mile east of the
has confronted students this year. The Duna by assault. Thereupon the
(Continued on Page Eight) bridge into the city was occupied.
Dean V. C. Vaughan Warns
Against Influenza Return
"We are certain to have influenza the soft drink parlor, cafeterias, and
this winter," declared ,Dr. V. C. establishments of like character, in
Vaughan, dean of the medcal col- which glasses, spoons, knives, -forks,
lege, when questioned concet'ning the and other tableware are seldom ster-
posslbilifies of an epidemic this win- ilird-are breeding houses for the
ter. virus of flu.
"Influenrta is never absent from this Young Adults Susceptible'
country," he continued. "It is pres- "During th fall of 1918, this dis-
ent, usually in a mild form. There has ease was most evident among young
been no time duringthe past 20 years adults, even in civil life. The rea-
when influenza has not existed, in son is plain These are the people
sporadic form, in this country. It be- who crowd together, as in movies,
came virulent in the summer and fall dances, resturants, and places of like
of 1918, especially so on board troop character. 4. 1
ships and trains. . "Minor factors are food, clothing,
--Spread Uncertain *and personal hygiene.. Should there
"Just how extensive the influenza be a scarcity of food or fuel this win-
wilt be this winter dept nds upon ex- ter, or any other condition leading to
isting circumstances. The imost im- a lowered vitality, influenza will again
portant factor in the increasing viru- take the form of a serious epidemic."
lence of the flu poison is the crowd- Codifies Rules
ing together of susceptible individ- In regard to precautionary meas-
uals. Influenza develops and spreads ures Dean Vaughan suggests that each
in direct proportion to the density of student should:
the susceptible population. 1. Avoid all unnecessary crowds.
Crowds Dangerous 2. Eat only where certain that ta-
"To avoid this disease we should able ware has been sterilized
avoid crowds. People may danger- 3. As far as is possible, live in open
ously .crowd together even vhile out air, day and night.
of doors. 4. Dress sensibly. Avoid .undue
"A second important factor in the wamth and exposure to cold and
development and spread of influenza wet. :
is the use of non-sterilized eating 5. Give attention to the details of
utensils. The poorly kept restaurant, personal hygiene..
mitted and one or two houses re--
maining to be canvassed it is expected
that the list will finally be swelled
to well beyond the 500 mark.
Students and members of the faculty
who have not been approached in the
present' campaign will soon be given
an °opportunity to subscribe to The
Chimes under a plan now being work-
ed out by Business Manager Walter
S. Riess,. '22L. .
Reed Bachman, '20, managing edi-
tor of the Gargoyle and Chiihes' art
editor, commenting upon the publica-
tion from the art standpoint, has said,
"We hope to make -the drawings onr
all issues of a serious nature. Noth-
ing of the slap-stick variety will be
employed. The two-page cartoon
spread will portray in an interesting
manner each month certain weakness-
es, of University life which contrib-
utors, or the board of directors, may
think need publicity."
Union Arranges
Service Regster
Plans for the registration- of ex-
service ,nen have been made, and the
book to be used fair that purpose will
be placed at the desk in the Union
lobby Tuesday morning.
Each man registering will be asked
to give his name, home town, Ann Ar-
bor address, phone number, class in
the University, corps, outfit, period of
service, and any citations or medals
which he received
1This policy will be initiated by the
Union in order that men, who made
friends while in the army, may locate
former companions if they have entered
the University. Following a period of
two weeks' iregistration in the book,
a card index will be compiled both
alphabetically and by outfit in order
that the med may find each other'sr
address easily.
Students are urged to sign as soon
as possible in order that an accurate
and comrlete index paay be secured
immediately, but men may register
after the index has been made.
Union officials saythat the building,
will be- open at any time. to any
smoker or reunion which the ex-sold-
_ers wish to give, and that they hope
the men will take advantage of the
opportunity offered them. George Hur-
ley, general secr'etary, says that he
expects at least 1,000 men to regis-
ter, including members of the faculty,
who are also urged to sign if they
were iii the service. N-
The recording secretary will have
charge of keeping the card index, and,
the work of arranging dates for any
(smokers will be made by Dennis
Donovan, steward.
r East Lansing, Oct. 11.-Held on the
defensive for two' periods, Western'
State Normal football eleven braced
in the third quarter, executed a numn-
ber of brilliant forward passes and de-
feated the Michigan Agricultural col-
lege this afternoon, 21 to 18. Superior
kicking ability aied the Kalamazoo
eleven. Quarterback Olson was the
individual star of the Normal team,
sccring one touchdown and kicking all
Ehree goals.. -
Other Games
Purdue, 7; Illinois, 14.
Minnesota, 6; Nebraska, 6.
Ohio State, 46; Cincinnati, 0.
Wisconsin, 13, Marquette U., 0.
Chicago, 124; Great Lakes Naval
Trainin4 Station, 0.a
Northawestern, 20; De Pauw, 0.
Among gifts made to the University
recently are two from alumni now
living in Chicago. The first of these,
a collection of coins and paper mon-
ey, was received from Mr. Sydney C.
Eastman, '73, the other being fromI
Mr. Allen B:'Pond, '80.
The latter is in the form of a "Mar-I
tin" guitar.
Student, to Be Urged to 'Atten
Ing of Detroit Grads on
Friday Night
With only one of the alumni
ers remaining to be chosen f
Traditions' day program I
night at Hill auditorium, the c
tee in charge of the event ha
tically completed its work, ac
to Carl T. Hogan, chairman.
This event will be the firs
meeting of the entire Univers
dent body this year. It is expec
cause of the extraordinarily la
roliment that Hill auditorium
taxed to its full capacity.
Final Speaker Known MTo
Invitations have been exten
alumni to be present Tuesday
according to Hogan, but as yE
nite lhformatin.a.upon who will
representative of the graduat
not yet been received. It is e
that by Monday the name
Alumni speaker can be annou
J. Fred Lawton, '11, author c
sity" and other Michigan son;
already accepted an invitat
speak at the- meeing. Anothe
ni speaker is desired.
Originally Held In Sprim
The event Tuesday night
the second annual Tr ditions'
the University. Havimin been in
ed during the latter part
1918-1919 school year, it met v
stantaneous support and was
ed by the Students council as
ficial day for reviewing MV
traditions. It was decided t(
the day to the fall of the y
stead of the spring in order
the football ,season the henefi
Ralph Gault, president of t
dent council last -year. under
regime Traditions', day was I
t.roduced to the University, cc
lates the Student council lead(
because of the
Approves Change of Day
"It was a great success lasty
Gault declared, "and it worked
ders. There is no question at
about thefact that it will be of
more good this year, since it has
moved to the first of the year."
Announcement of a meeting o
U. of M. club of Detroit, Friday
will be made at the meeting, H
said last night. University sti
will be urged to go to Detroit
tend the meeting since no pep me
for the M. A. C. game will be
Due to 'revious arrangement
auditorium, will not be availa6
mass meetings, with the except
'Traditions' day, until the Ohio
game. For this reason, it will be
ed that as many students atten
Detroit meeting, as possible.
be closed
ie Univer-
he organ
uring this
lip obligato, That 24 speakers will enter the
at Sea," will final debating tryouts for places on
s. William Central league teams was definitely
klin of De- decided this morning, at a meeting of
re lesson, the oratorical board.
In addition to alloting each literary
PSdebating society a quota of six speak-
S ers, the board decided also to allot a
ARGED quota of six to the Law school at
re 'added to The squad 'of 24 to enter the final
omedy club eliminations must be chosen before
sterday aftr Nov. 1.
Final plans were also made this
1 Eaton, '21; morning, for the series of leptures to
red Henry, be given by the Oratorical associa-
y, '22, were tion. The first of these talks will be
for admis- givsen by Coningsby Dawson on No-
vember 5.
le club will
Paris, Oct. 11.-The vote on the
mpossible peace treaty with Germany in the
an received French senate was 217 for ratification,
1 be unable none against, and one absent. The
ty Convoca- vote for the adoption of the ratifica-
ble that the tion of the two defense treaties was
Itfi the au- unanimous, all of the 218 votes be-
Washington, Oct. 11.-Intere
organized labor's'effort to-obta
tervention by -the industrial a
ence in the steel strike shifted
to New York and steel centers
-members of the steering comn
were endeavoring to secure c
.sions from the steel corporat
enable the committee.to agree
a report to lay before the conf
Members of the committee
pointed out that the cotferen
'tion would be useless unless the
ed States steel corporation was m
to accept mediation by the conf
and agree to reinstate the si
.workmen pending arbitration.
Gary returned to New York yes
and is expected to confer wit)