AL NEWSPAPER OF THE- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN every morning except Monday during the Univer- *e Board in Control of Student Publications. MBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS iciated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for of all news dispatches credited to it or.not otherwise is paper and the local news published therein. t the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second on by carrier or mail, $3.50. nn. Arbor, Press building, Maynard street. Business, 66o; Editorial, 2414. ations not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig- ccssarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of ices of events will be published in The Daily at the he Editor, if left at or mailed to The Daily' office. munications will receive no consideration. No iman- ,e returned unless the writer incloses postage. does not necessarily endorse the sentiments ex- ecommunications. oing On" notices will not be received after 8 o'clock g preceding insertion. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 2414 EDITOR.....................HARRY M. CAREY k K. Ehlbert Edgar L. Rice W. Campbell Joseph A. Bernstein rge Brophy Hugh Hitchcock ... .......H. Hardy Heth, Lee M. Woodruff ............... ......Renaud Sherwood ..... .... ... .. John I. Dakin t .........................:.....Brewster Campbell ..................... ........Robert C. Angell artment........ ..........Marguerite Clark ...............Thomas Adams, Thornton Sargent Jr. St 1.i mA vtA AA Remember the favorable impression made by Cor- nell last week in their treatment of our men. It will do well for us to do likewise. HIGHER DRAMATIC IDEALS, That student dramatics at -Michigan should lack the spirit of striving after the' finished touch which characterizes professional work is not the fault of the directors of the various clubs, but of 'a sys- tem without co-operation. If it is to be impressed on every student atcor and every campus produc- ing organization that Michigan has a standard of dramatic excellency to be lived up to - a standard higher, in some respects, even than the profes- sional - some )way must be found to bring the clubs together, inculcate this common spirit, and work in concert to attain the best results., A committee representing every dramatic society on the campus might be formed, in which the aims of common striving could be brought out in discus- sion. Authorities on drama would be ex-officio members of this committee, and the net result could be a valuable interchange ,of directing talent. At present, no matter how. the directors may labor, it is hard in many productions to get students to realize that they are striving for the attainment of real 'art. The attitude of conscious amateurism is fed by a knowledge of'what casts in the past have been expected to do, and our "best" is too often only that which "will get by." If the work of all societies were put on 'a common plane, with the -ideals' Michigan demands clearly in the mind of every member of every cast, we might expect ,to achieve the air of completeness and reality which University drama can attain if it'- wills so and la-. bors hard. Eventually, more practical use could well be found for the committee. Interchange of directors would. be only a start; it could become the routine of this body to make practical arrangements for times of rehearsal, dates of production, 'securing of the best. costumes. It could issue joint invitations to author- itative speakers on the drama to address Ann Arbot audiences. And a-s a crowning ideal, it might even provide such a distribution of surplus funds as to aid to better production those societies which pre- sent the less popular, though artistically more im- portant, forms of drama. K T"he Telescope GAN DAILY I EASTE R GREETING CARDS AT TWO STORES G, R A H A M as BOTH ENDSOF THE DIAGONAL WALK "George Did It" TWO STORES p Assistants G. E. Clarke Thomas J. Whitery R. W. wrobleski 'George Reindel Dorothy Monfort Minnie Muskatt Winefred Biethan Robert D. Sage Marion Nichols Frances Oberholtzer Edna Apel J;. P. Lovejoy I BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 SS MANAGER................PAUL E. CHOLETTE lg..........LeGrand A. Gaines, Mark E.. Covll. id Classified Ads................ .Henry Whiting n .................................Edward Priehs ......................Curt P. Schneider, R. A. Sullivan Assistants mbrecht F. M. Heath D. P. Joyce win Sigmund Kunstadter Robt. Sommerville Kerr Harold Lindsay Arthur L. Glazer .ns wishing to secure information concerning news for any he Daily should see the night editor, who has full charge s to be printed that night. ight editors for the week will be Mark K. Monday night;; Hugh 1l itchcock, Tuesday Edgar L. Rice, Wednesday night; George Thursday night; Chesser Campbell, Fri- ht; Joseph Bernstein, Saturday night. THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1920. CHE STRAW VOTE PRIMARIES, wave of campus interest in national affairs was first evidenced by the peace treaty ref- n last January has not abated, and all indi- point to a record vote in the straw ballot This is'significant both because of the fact idents are showing a re-axyakenii'g of that y to serious thought on public affairs which for the training of better citizens, and be- is an index to the tremendous interest stir- in all intelligent circles by the issues of the ttial campaign. >allot today will be a replica in every way of e primaries to be held next Monday, so far apply to the nomination of presidential can- The same names will appear on the 'hal- >r those who will be old enough to vote in maries, this preliminary vote should serve y to educate in the purpose and the ma- of the real ballot, but also to focus atten- the candidates and lead to a more intelli- d more carefully considered vote four days r the present American party system, for the selection of noninees of high cali- ter to a large extent in the choice made by torate in the primaries. The stirring up of in these nominating ballots, whether straw votes or by any other "means, may td to better realization of the citizen's, DETROIT UNITED LINES (Oct. 26, 1919) Between Detroit,-AnnArbor. and Jackson (Eastern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6: o a. m., and hourly to 9:to p. m Jackson Limited and Express Cars-8:48 a. m., and every hour to 9:48 p. m. (Ex- presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.) Local Cars East Bound-6:o5 a. in., 9'05 a. m. and every two hours to 9:o p.m.,r 1o:5o v. in. To Ypsilanti only, 11 :~ p. 'mn., 1:10 a. in., and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Ypsilanti, Local Cars West Bound-1:48 a. m. and tz :zo a. m. Asked At ra'nd'om foday's question: "Do you think is would be a good Idea for Mieh- igan's Glee and Mandolin club to tour eastern cities, thereby tending to es- tablish a closer relationship between western and eastern colleges" . Herman, A. August, '21L, editor of the Athletic Program: "I doubt whether this would work out finan- cially. But I do think there is a great need for Michigan to begin to do things outside of the vicinity of Ann Arbor. When I was at Cornell with the football team in 1916, the students there didn't think Michigan amounted to anything outside of ath.letics. They had great opinions of such schools as Princeton, Cornell, Dartmouth, as they had recently given various ex- hibits throughout the country. I think the alumni in the East would be more than glad to help such a cause as this." Donald Knight Mirrielees, '20E, in she cast of the Michigan opera: "I come from the East and it is surpris- ing how little easterners think of Michigan. The average person on the coast thinks this a 'little up-start' of a college and they regard Columbia, Williams, and Harvard as real col- leges. Why? Because these schools are continually coming before the public eyes in athletics, dramatics, and debates. The people in the East are curious about us, and in my opin- ion a good, peppy show would open their eyes and raise Michigants stock 100 per cent." Elsie L. Erley, '20, vice-president of the Women's league: "Yes, I think this would be an excellent idea. If this proposed trip is carried out, it will certainly help broaden the Uni- versity, besides giving it practical publicity." Johns Hopkins' Professor Here Prof. E. B. Mathews of Johns Hop- kins university is in Ann Arbor this week, holding conference with various men in the science departments of the University. Professor Mathews* is a member of the National Research council. i11t11111 1111111111111 1t lll i lllli ll1 .1101 1:1111111tll lilll11111111 Inllunlr11111 B ASE' BA LL 'GOODS IOFFICIAL, PLAYGROUND BALLI - S Someunusal bargains in Base Ball Mitts and Gloves. MIL- UNIVERSITY VVI BOOKSTOES - George Did It Ceorge Did It l 11111111111111111 1 11111silis 11 111111111111111!{'11 11111 11111111lltilli111 !111111: 9a Trube y's Dinners. Lunches Confectionery Ice Cream, Delicious Sodas We Make our own Ice Cream Orders solicited from Fraternities and Sororities. 218S. Main Phone 166 SENSATION plus ATTENTION- THA T'S MEMORY plus a resulting MENTAL-PICTURE The first step in memory improvement is to train the mind to see mental-pictures; and to see and retain them at will. Exercises in mental-picturing arouse keener sensation and attention; wilful con- 'centration becomes easier; .the power of mental sssociation is devel- oped. "Memory and Concentration" (a new booklet). tells how and why. Proves itself in first lesson. Student's edition, 6c, at bookstores, or by mail, with type-written instruction letter, $L)0? Recreative; aids other study. Address THE EDUCATIONAL COURSES, Box 98, Ann Arbor, Michigan. .LANDERS OR- LOWfERS Main Phone 294-Fl 213 E. Liberty Branch Phone 294-F2 715 N. Univ. A Figure of Speech They had never met be4, But what had she 2 care; She loved him ioderly. He was a Joo,oooaire. Dear Noah: - Do you think it a good idea .to be bent on some particular goal in life? Student. Certainv. If a man does not have some partic- ular bent he is apt to find himself in straightened circumstances. The Telescope feels that it is its bounden duty to refrain from unearthing any of the standard April Fool jokes, but it does wish to take this oc- casion to wish its readers many happy returns of the day. Didja see the fair dame trying to put a Hoover tag on Professor Hobbs? Knowing that college students as a whole are keenly interested in intellectual symposiums we have prepared a great feast for them by propound- ing below some'of the great questions which have puzzled the philosophers of all ages. When can a man buy a cap for his knee Or a key for a lock of his hair? Can his eyes be called an academy Because there are pupils there? What gems are set in,the crown of his head? Who travels the bridge of his nose? Can he use in shingling the roof of his mouth The nails on the end of his toes? Can the crook of his elbow be sept to jail? And if so what did it do? Where does he sharpen his shoulder blades? I'm sure I don't know - do you? We have no desire to curdle anybody's milk of, human happiness but feel we must sob out this tragic story which has just been brought to our at- tention by a Pontiac reader. Supt. of the insane asylum-There (pointing to a young lady).is one. of the saddest cases' we have here. Visitor-How's that? Supt.-Why the poor girl went to high school here and was only fairly popular then. After high school she went to Ann Arbor, where to put it crudely "'she got -away big." But for some inex- plicable reason she still continued to labor under the delusion that' even then she wasn't any better than the boys and girls she used to know back home ; in fact she had even been known to be chummy with the home town boys she me- there at school. Pamous Closing Lines "Ha, the lost chord," he muttered as he searched in vain for the stolen wood pile. NOAH COUNT. I } - f MICHIGAN'S VISITORS next two days should be big days for our -sity. We have within our walls the basket- presentatives of sixteen of the leading high ; over the state. It is a privilege to be able ertain these men and try to show them the ages of Michigan as a University. ight in Waterman gymnasium the first round state championship basketball tournament held. The subsequent rounds will be played fore tomorrow night, at which time the final ionship game will be played. A list of the s rounds will be found in the sport section, woujd be well for everyone to be on hand many of these games as possible. While we his splendid opportunity of showing our et's not fail to turn out and make the name :higan mean something to every one of these n teams. interfraternity conference 'has provided for the teams. Ihey are going to do all in >ower to make this opportunity bring re- We have been talking about 'getting ath- > tome to Michigan'; we have suggested va- >lans for bringing this about; we have also a few attempts to accomplish something his line; but now, for the first time this year, ily have a chance to do sonething. Michigan's opportunity to display her spirit. Flowers for Easter Say it with flowers for Easter Morn, r With spring-like plants help that day adorn. For the lack of flowers you shall ever miss On this brightest of days full of joy and bliss. i "Say it with Flowers" this Faster BluMaize Blossom Shop F. T. D. Nickels Arcade Phone 600-M t i r ,,