1 r Qs, VWAA -l Ii (ou Haven't Made an Acq ualntrnce / our store, you don't realize what really wonderful s and overcoats we show here and what perfect .fit- Lx-'z8 ELngineerrs no IHold ThWRunion STEPHENSd -18 PACXARD Near S Thirty men of the ex-'13 class of = engineers held a smoker at 7:.30 1. Friday evening in the Michigana Union. The men sang to music, fur 1i111iibi~4y993i111li1111t ished by a jazz band composed, of! members. 4 ® PICTURE FRAMIJNG After refreshmenits and an informal 1 an Ion, Cha irmnan Burlingame called th~e meetlim to order. Prof. F. H. Stev- I o s gave the first talk. He praised the turned to the University after two For everythtrig in "Brighten-Ul rears' service. After the speech of 1svw~ing lram*'s, Hand-Made Professor Stevens was made an hon- _ hade4 at lowest prices. orary member of the organization. The club made plans for future .: , PAINT XA were elected:. president~ B. 0. Bur-ntgs ndhefloig ficr L. . lUngaa~e; vice-?resident, R. E. Elliot; PAINTING AND- secretary, J. B. Brill; treasurer, S. L. PHONE 84 H O1 The social committee is coin- = ,Oosed of E. M. Brown, W. M. McKee, ktap WINDOW S SHING i'adquarters Athes we make to your measure. 'p' lintsbes, best assovn1e picture h amen and Windt iremarkable Autumn and Winter line of fabrics have just arrived, and in looking them over find so many styles, patterns and colors that we want to say this to you, " Make up your £NZEL WALL COVER ING to spend at least one hoyr here when you come in." It's impossible to look these fab- over at a casual glance. They're to attractive. fDECORATING' 207 E. UB1E We're waiting to see you.' aJ. KARL E \STr LIBERTY ST. MA LC O'LM MALCOLM BLDG. V n sLunch 1116 S. U. Phone 69W FIFTHl 1EATIL REPORTED - IN CROSS COUNTRY RACE I- ,eers are requested to attend the next 'neeting or to communicate with Sec- retary, Brills. PEP IN TRADITIONS' M3EETNG (C ortiaued from Page One) troit and made a pronounced success ~fit fL. i- also is, an enthusiastic Michigan man so we are looking for- ardtr 4 hearing him talk." 'Hogan believes that the spirit in which the campus has accepted the plans for Traditions' day make cer- tain the safety of the freshmen on that night. Inasmuch as they are the ones to whom the ideals of Michigan are to be imparted the strongest, there will be no efforts made at freshman discilhine. IA snap and dash in these fine wai, seams that's attractive. Great and wonderful are the assort- ments from which you can select in our / Night Lurches a specialty Ser-vice- -Quality- -Cleanliness .%K' High grade sweet cider de- ivered in five gallon lots, jug ncluded. )rder now as apples are scarc e Lind the supply'is ,limited. CALL 1580-M (By Associated Press) Buffalo, Oct. 10.-The fifth fatality in the transcontinental air race oc- curred here this afternoon when plane No. 24 piloted by Major L. Sneed crashed on Curtiss field and his observer, Worth D. McClure, was killed. Major Sneed suffered slight-; ly from shock but was otherwise un- hurt. Salt Lake City, Oct. 10.-Lieut. B. W. Maynard arrived at Selduro, 100 miles west of here, at 6:03 p.° m. Pa-I cifi time- this evening leading the westward planes in the transcontinen- tal flight. SIBryan, Ohio, Oct. 10.-Leading the a San Francisco entrants in the trans- continental air derby, Capt. L. -H. SSmith,, in a DeHaviland 4. arrived 1 ee from Chicago at 4:50 o'clock this afternoon. PAULINO TENOSO, '23E9 DIES AT H1OSP~ITAL AFTER OPERATION! Paulino Tenoso, '23E, .StL Domingo.' Philippine, Island's, died at noon yes- terday in the University hospital of I tuberculosis after an operation. Tenoso was under the care of a local physi- cian for about a week, being sent pater to the, University hospital. The campus flag flew at half-mast yester- day afternoon. HART, SCHAFFNER &MARX stocks of COTH ING ;, A News Series 01 all campus -a Pckard Dances will11Run every Saturday Evening FOUR TEAMS SIGNED UP FOR STAR'TINTERCLASS FOODTBALL Interclass 'football is scheduled to open at the beginning of the follow-. tng week and four teams are already signed up to compete for the cam- pus championship. h intramural club house at Fierry field will be ready next Wednesday. Coach Mitchell ex- pects to complete his organization of the tennis tournament by that time and to turn his attention to the classes not yet represented on the gridiron and to the arrangement of a schedule. Cross-country running will be the fourth sport fostered by the intra- -aural department this, fall, and with socecer, wil receive attention Imme- diately after tennis and football have been successfully started. An inter- class marathon meet is being plan- ned for November. WHAt'_Gl1GON SATURDAY .0:00 - University oratorical board meets in room 302, Mason hall. ") :30-Sining practice at city 1. M. C. A. pool. Freshmen wanted. 11 :00-Chimes circulation staff meets on t ird floor of Union. 1:30-Fall tryouts for Comedy club in University hall. S:00-Congregational eli rch "hike." Meet at church. 7:40-Wonien's chapter Cosmopolitani club meets in Lane hall. ;:00-Upper Room Bible"class meets at 444 South State street, 7 :30-Bayonne, N. J., club meeting at Lane hall. :45-Cosmopolitan club meets at Lane hall. ~;:00-Episcopal stud. ii- and faculty have mass meetin- at Harris hall. £:00- P. M. social at V'resbyterlan church. SUNDAY 7AO3-Rev. Charles W. Gllkey speaks on "A Faith for These Te iii es,~ In Hill auditorium.. 31(! N D11 7 :30-Ann Arbor Librairy _club meets in Alumni hall. 8 :00-Economics I. E. lecture will be held in, room 214, Natural Science building: TUESDAY 7 :30-Research club meets In rooms 426 and 4'27, Natural Science build- ing. All 'other smart :; double breasted suits, Varsity- English, effects, sport styles, ma assortment as complete as p05 find at any place. Reul',Conlin, iegel Co. Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Southwest Corner of Main and Washington Streets Every style variation, all the ati tive colors and patterns s tyle s .: 0 "0 The 'Ormond" (All Over) Cordovan I Beginning: Oct. 11, 1919 Chaperones by Dean Jordan, 8.3Q--12 Price $144.00 Seven Pee'rheta Tickets for tonight may" still be purchased at Busy Bfee and Blighty Best Qualities are Econom Y You've heard about the carpenter-§who bought cheap saw after saw because he broke so many he couldn't afford to buy a good one? fluying our Wali.-ver, shoes is no ex- travagance but real economy. Wa 1-Over quality holds the customers Wal4-Ovor style. makes. These shops have never been cheapened to sell at a lower pricey STUDENTS LOOK FOR ?ki~i I300T SH1O FOR YOUR I, 11*0 so. Maitn St. STUDY LAMPS & ELECTRIC SUPPLIES l GO T O THE We Lead. Them All At The Only Students supply Store WASHlTENIAW ELECTRIC' SHOP p i Em WASHINGTON ST. Every thing a Student needs We'save PHONE 1160 R 1111 So. Unix I IU