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March 26, 1920 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-03-26

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Cocks recently installed in Uni-
versity buildings are being regulated
by the buildngs and grounds depart-
O ER REPORTEDment and so will not be entirely de- ON JOINT BALLOTfet
pendable for a few days yet, accord-
TAA Ning to Mr. Edward C. Pardon, super-
DEPART Pardon, "and were never regulated, so CANDIDATES,
we are having them inspected and
QUESTION OF SOLDIERS' governed daily. They will, in a few CANCEL REPUBLICAN
PAY NOT YET SETTLED days, be running with regularity. It STRAW VOTE TODAY
may take even R week or two for SI
~esel Said to be (japtred by Work- some of them, so I would advise stu-
14 s~ Sid o b Cpreen b wrk dents to go by the University chimes eide More Reresentative Vote Can
' er; Belgians Warn Germans for a while ,t Be Secured Under Proposed
V iA10t Firii6 Oyer Mile System
(By Associated Press) The campus straw vote on presiden- MICHIGAN'S AFFI
London, March 25.-Essen was quiettial candidates to have been held- to- T. M. RYGH, '21, ANNA M. McGU
and orderly today. The center of in- day under the auspices of the Uni-
terest was -the town hall square where versity Republican club has been can-
troops were continually forming into celed in order to permit of a generali
platoons to be marched to the front II II I straw vote under the combined au- TIME TO AFFECT CLASSES
according to a dispatch to the London spices of the Republican and Demo- I
,Times- President Johnson Sets Forth Views cratic clubs and The Daily, Thursday, All University classes will be
The question of the soldiers' payRnko April I, held on the new time schedule
has not been settled, but employers on k of "Military Credit" Decide on Co-operation beginning Monday morning, due
are paying them the same salary they Freshmen Co-operation of the two partisan to the change of time effective
would have received if still at work. organizations was decided upon at a at 2 o'clock Sunday morning,
'he employers have ben told to apply CAMPUS SPIRIT QNIIY T3UILY preliminary conference between mem- I March 29.
[ the workers' council for reimburse- ACQUIRE'] # EARS' STAY bers of both executive committees yes- SHIRLEY W. SMITH,
mct4. terday. It was thought the results of Secretary.
' e workers' delegates are said to Regarding the cla'siieation of over- the vote would be more truly repre-
Se4 haelir:rthatcied case of a goy-tsentative if both parties balloted at
tyy er th orkers the smen once, as the returns would then be
1 ifles Wpl certinly be pown Roy W. Johnson, '0, president of the in the nature of a local primary. E
pup by the piners. club, stated yesterday, "The life and To provide an opportunity for per-
spirit of- any institution can only be sons supporting candidates outside1
B1GgIANS WA WOIIKEI1$ preserved by the upholding of the the two main parties, .a blank space
ludi riCh, 1henish Tissure, March various traditions (f that nwill be left on the ballots of both par-N
P.-Cvloni'4 revua s ttnnandingsthet ties. Hoover supporters, as well as
Belgian forces, today told the cor- To be a Michigau man is the aim and adherents of other parties, will thus,
respondent that he had, sent officers ambition of every one who eaters the be able to express their preference. Series of Pictures Depicting Weird
tl}e workmen's headquarters at University. No true Wichigaa man Plan to Meet Sunday Sides of Tibetan Life Ex
W: sgl t n tify the work5rs formally wishes tQ hold a position on the cam-- Representatives of both clubs, and plained
tht tle Blgiahs wold gpen fire im- pus paid for by his experience - The Daily will meet Sunday at the.
ditly if any more shots fell in.ide Union to make plans for a preliminary SEES GREAT POSSIILITIES 1
0elg .01 64fppied territory. Vp to the side. campaign of information such as pre- IN COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY
pret t @bhre iave been no Belgian Present Caipns Opinion Wrong ceded the peace treaty referendum in
gssugtigi. A number gf §hells l ave "To get down to the point in ques- January. All political- groups on the Twenty-five hundred miles into the i
*fploe4 close to this tgwf. tion," continued Johnson, "tC over- campus vill be given an opportunity heart of western China and back
- 'seas man wishes to place his militay to meet in discussions at the Union again, was the ground covered in Mr.
WESEL.4 APTURKPP record before a sympathetc student during the three days preceding the Emil S. Fischer's lecture in the Natur-
Berlin, March 25.- It is reported body to' be judged whether or not he ballot. al Science auditorium last night on
that Wesel, 2 miles northwest of is a freshman or sophomore, just on Faculty speakers will be s ured to! "Far Western China."
,$sel4orf, where the government account of a general tolerance which address these meetings, bringing out Travel Course Pointed Out .
orces have been besieged by revolu- University officials and students may the qualifications of the candidates After pointing out the course of
tionary workingmen, has been cap- have for him. Nevertheless, this-.seems they support. Students will be in- travel thrugh China, the speaker pro-..
plred by the workers. to be the opinion on the campus a t vited to express their opinons, so that ceeded to show and explain a series of
the present time 4n4 it is abslutely the gatherings will be in the nature miscellaneous pictures taken on the
wron.a of forums. journey. There were the revolving
The fact that former service men Student Attendance Urged prayer wheels of Tibet which require
who enrolled in the University lt Those in charge urge that all stu- only that the person praying givei
- October have now a toaalvOf 24 hours dents will attend, so that they may them a turn to secure the, resultant
or more, depending on the number of formulate from the presentation of the benefits. There were the stolid cool-
military credits received, raises the records of various candidates a defi- ies who carried the travellers over]
question: "Am I -a freshman or a nite opinion enabling them to vote much of the route, and there were the]
F this.afton wtaidi AniA- sophomore?" Johnson state. Accord- positively in the straw ballot. scenes above the clouds on China's
s ast ing to a University ruling, any stu- A general mass meeting in Hill aud- highest mountains, as well as a host
ting recruiting for the Marme or s. dent with, 24 hours of required fresh- itorium will be arranged, according of other unusual pictures, many of]
Th °"- oingMarnes," as the toQp l ma nvest wrwhte gie
Si e aman University work, whether gained .to present plans, to wind up the se- them obtained with not a little dif-'
balled, ca y with them e ,ban4, g at Michigan or at any other univer- ries of discussions. ficulty. ,
.rohostra, pnd a doube quatet sity, is considered a sophomore as far __While in Cheng Tu, capital of Sze-
.etween 0and 4 0'4lc in the t- as collegiate standing is concerned. chwan, Mr. Fischer was detained forp
ernoon the 'whole to t owill' prade' Such a man, according to the ruling, IltreeweksIy ImiLtryKe1ut1n
heade4 by the band. At $ 'gl4~ n'uiiiu Inur.un m l* trewesb iiayrvlto
is entitled tb wear the, ophomore - and was released after an interviewf
the evtuing hey will giye sg pram toque. rwith the governor of the province, Taii
.t the igh scho41 auditoriumt. Service redits Not Enough Kan. Several weeks later came a
3giges band, prchestr, and quartet "I do realize," J nson admitted, second revolution during which his
:usic there Will 1 0 . hgrt copgedy "that credits gained for military serv- NAMES OF MUSICIANS TO PLAT excellency the governor, was be- ]
1kit put on. Moying pictures depict- ice are not the required work for the IN COMING SHOW AN- headed.
lug the life of a recruIt at the tran= freshman. -While they do count for NOUNNED Fluent Linguisti
"ng station and tat of a epldiev n graduation, they cannot be counted _The speaker, after a study of the,
duty will be shown. to apply in the class distinction rehearsals of the Michigan Mandarin language for many years, isi
Although there is no admission question" UDily t dhable to speak it with fluency, making,
pp', cksts will be distributed In nion orchestra during the coing1 it possible for him to be understood
eri e Itis Johnson's belief that the erv- week are planned in order to prepare alonssthe borders an ea stool
'pder to lessen the 4anger Of OVal ice -men here now with this minimum it for the six local performances of ong the borders and east foothills
pwding and tig gugratee thsat all number of hours have a valid and the opera, The orchestra has -been
ein who desire to attend will have just argument for their beliefs, and playing together as a unit since in the mountainous section of Kansu
@tr narrow, sneering remarks cast against Christmas. where the population is largely Mo-

them cannot but be met with a great Members of the Union orchestra, n e .
(AR % EE JF, P E TO deal of resentment, which will play for opera performan- Since most of his work has. been,
V0NQESTJ( IN RESS 0OA He feels that good sound argument ces in Ann Arbor are: E. F. Bacon, pursued in the extreme western por-
eesin nn rbo ae :E. . ,Bacntiona of the empire, Mr. Fischer de-
can easily convince an overseas man '22E, L. B, Burdick, '21, J. E. Comin, ined to make any comment upon the
That the Qargoyle did not appea' that a "Michigan man" can only be '21, M. R. Fox, '20E, H. Herman, '21, Shantung question, a matter which
on the campus yesterday ornipg Was created by the spirit he Inhales In the S. Hinmelstein, '22, E. J. Hillier, ex- has caused more discussion' in the
duo to the eonggstipn in tbe press four classes on the oampua. He pass- '18P, W. S. Kilpatrick, Grad., William eastern provinces. After his return
rggms. The editors expect tO have es from the first to the last, in the old Kruger, '23M, RI. Lounsbury, '21,' W. to China at the close of the Panama1
it gn sal§ either this aftergogn of traditional sequence, Of which the p. Lyons, '22E, W. D. Ogden, '23, C. Pacific exposition where he acted as
gnday iorning. wearing of the frosh pot Is the be- B. Pierce, '20, C. Reichner, '22D, C. advisor and foreign secretary to the
ginning and most Important element. Rhodes, '21E, H. S. Sherman, '21E, H Chinese government commission, he
- - F. Stot.er, '20, F. B. Thomas, '22, H. made extensive economic studies in
A WATS P T UNIO BOA OF OVENORS M Friedman, . E. Wlliams,'22E, the province of Szechwan
'TTO NUTAT 10 7TONIGHT D. Christie, '21E, P. Mason, '21, W.
h tp t of Moore, '22, C. Schneider, '22, D. M. Views Field for Enterprise _
te -op t is pneeary ht To elect officers and proceed with Teal, '21D, H. H. Stryker, '21, W. H. Io declares that the tremendous
The Daily have new and revised organization plans, the Union- board Sealey, '22E, A. Davis, '20E, R. A. commercial and industrial possibil-
of governors will meet for the first Cowles. ities of China are just beginning to be ,
lists of Hop guests for public-
tion in the J-Hop extra. Booth time at 7:30 o'clock, Friday evening. Those who will make the trip with realized and that there is a splendid
number, names, and cities "from A regular meeting period will also be the company will be announced at a field of American enterprise.
Which guests are coming should established at this time. later date.
includpd in the lists. The personnel of the board compris- Prof. Davis Spends Week End :n East
All -copy must be in the hands es President Harry D. Hutchins, Re- Hoosiers Adopt New Diamond Sufts Prof. C. 0. Davis of the educational
( of Hugh W. Hitchcock at The gent J. 0. Murfin, Mr. Frederick W. Bloomington, Ind., March 25.-Green department, is visiting this week in
Daily office not later than April Stevens, Prof. Evans Holbrook. of the uniforms with crimson lettering have the East. He will speak on Thursday
1 in order to insure publication. law department, Mr. Henry W. Dou- been adopted for the Indiana un ver- afternoon at Worcester, Mass., and on
glas, Carl T. Hogan, '20, and Prof. H. sity baseball team. Heretofore the Friday afternoon and Saturday morn-
I ,. Sadler, Aepartment of engineering. collegians have worn gray. ing at Harvard university.

Total of $262 Taken in Wit
Amounts From Fraternities,
Sororities, or Schools
RMATIVE TEAM Subscriptions to the French M
RK, '20, AND O. A. BROWN, '21 orial fund reached the total of $26
yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'
and the campus campaign was dis
. tinued at that hour. This amount
taken in at the three posts on
campus and does not include the
tary club donation of more than
nor any of the fraternity or 'sor,
-- subscriptions. Grtton L.Rurke
chairman of the Sphinx commi
Lloyd T. Williams, C. T. Johnson, and handling the drive estimates that n
Howard Lewis Announced as than $100 will come from this sou
Judges Schools Responding Well
As the entire quota for Ann Ai
FINAL PREPARATIONS S1hW is only $250, the fund is already o
subscribed. Last night Superinti
BOTH AICIIGAN TEAMS BEADI ent of Schools L. A. Butler, chair
of the city committee, reportedr1
Illinois debaters come here today the schools were responding well
to meet the Michigan affirmative team he did not know what success
at 8 oclock tonight in Hill auditor- dirive was having elsewhere in
ium. city.
With the negative team at Madison, He said that in view of the am
Michigan will be represented in two of the University subscription,
debates tonight, with fine prospects campaign would doubtlessly be te
in both, according to Prof. Thomas inated except in organizations like
C. Trueblood, of the oratory depart- schools where it is already under i
ment. These will be the second de- A meeting of the city committee
bating meets of the year for tne be held this morning to take ac
Wolverine teams but the first in the on this question.
Mid-West league, which consists of Any Surplus to b Used
the three colleges: Michigan,'Wis- In case the national !und exe
consin, and Illinois. $250,000, the estimated cost of
Dean Bates to Preside memorial, the surplus will be use
Dean Henry M. Bates of the law providing for French orphans or s
school is to preside tonight over the kindred work. The expenses of
debate with the same question as that campaign will first be deducted bu
which will be used at Madison, "Re- the drive is being conducted by
solved - That employes as such of unteer workers, these charges
each industrial corporation should be be small.
allowed to elect from their own ranks Registrar Arthur G. Hall, who
at least one-third of the board of di- designated by Mayor E. M. Wur
rectors of such corporation-all di- to make the appointments of -the
rectors to have equal rights and priv- iversity students to handle the di
ileges." praised the work of the Sphinx c
The judges were announced last mittee highly. He said: "The ac
night as follows: Mr.. Lloyd T. Wil- of Sphinx is gratifying in that it ,sh
liams, Judge C. T. Joh'nson, and Mr. that campus honor societies are re
Howard Lewis, all of Toledo, Ohio. accomplishing the objects for wl
Team Has Woman Member they were formed. Sphinx desea
The team which will represent the thanks of the campus."
Michigan here consists of 0. A. Brown, Complete Returns Today
'21, Anna M. McGurk, '2, and T. M. Chairman Rourke said -yestr
Rygh, '21. This will be the second that complete returns would not
time a woman has represented Michi- available until this afternoon.
gan in a debate, although women have It is estimated by officials of
twice been the representative speak- city drive committee that Ann Al
ers at the Northern Oratorical league will return more than double its qi
final contests. to the state campaign executives.
Final preparations for the teams
were made Wednesday night when a
head-on debate was held between the
negative team, now at Madison, and 'I M [
the affirmative team of tonight's
meet. Both sides seemed to pleasa LEAUE CO IPi
the coaches and Professor Trueblood
expressed himself as being well satis-
fied with their work. BODE TO WORKOUT ET
The Illinois debaters are: Edward OF PERMANENT CON.
A. Sadler, George G. Gilbert, and John STITUTION
Powell, Jr.
Band Will Play London, March 25.-Elihu Root

M1usic will be rendered by the Uni- accepted an invitation to becom
rersity band from 7:30 until 8 o'clock member of the committee agreed
before the debates. Profes:3or True- on at the London meeting of
blood requests that the audience be council of the League of Nation
in their seats by 8 o'clock. work out the details for the coi
There will be no admission charge. tution of a permanent court of in
national justice.
Provisions for the permanent re
were made in Article XIV of
League of Nations covenant at
suggestion of American delegate,
Deans and Regents' Committees Pre- the Peace conference as meank
pare Recommendations for Report prevent war by resoft to judicial p
j Discussion of a proposed expense
budget was accomplished last night at
a meeting of the deans of the various ALL CLOCKS GO AHEAD ONE
'colleges together with the eecutive HOUR EARLY SUNDAY MORN
and financial committees of vie Board
of Regents. Sunday, March 28, at 2 a.
The recommendation reawded at the all clocks in Ann Arbor will
meeting last night will be reported to set ahead one hour in accordance'1
the Regents today at their meeting. the Time Saving law.
No information concerning the action For 217 days, until Oct. 31, the
of the deans and committees in the will be at a time variance with
matter will be given out until after Michigan Central railroad. During
the Regents' meeting, Dean J. R. Effi- period their trains will run an I
ger announced yesterday. behind Ann Arbor's time.

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