.." las.- & *\ * lL --.--r . :00--Upper Room Bible at 444 South State stree class meets t. INTf RAMURAL SPORTS PROVE AID TO 6UTDOOR ATHLETICS S PIR IRT a a a V %AJ& a u n THURSDAY All-soph banquet at' the First tist church. .Mandolin club rehearsal in Un- sity hall. -Cooley club meets In practice n, Law building. -Poindexter club tieets in read- room, Union. -Junior law smoker at the on. - Chemical engineers meet In n 151, Chemistry building. - Hoover - for - President club ts in AssenrTly hall, Union. -Mr. H. S. Csborn ranks to A. I. E. in room 348, Engineering ding. -Rochester (N. Y.) club meets in m 304, Union. -Mr. Emil Fischer speaks in Na- l Science auditorium on "Far tern China." FRIPAY -Seujor girls' supper at Con- gational church.s - Alpha Nu Debating society ts in club room,, University -Bayonne (N. J.) club meets at Union. -Social at the Methodist church. -Roving Marine entertainment high school auditorium. -Graduate club party in Barbour- inasium. -Michigan-IllinoIs debate in Hill itorium. -Junipr Girls' play at the Whit- theater. S? U-NOTICES Men of the senior lit class are re- quested to get their measurements for caps and gowns at George Moe's before the .beginning of spring va- cation by the committee in charge. Wards of the Federal board who de. sire to consult the district repre- sentative may do so Thursday and - Friday afternoon from 1 to 4 o'clock in room 301, University hall. Junior engineers are r1equested to purchase tickets in the Engineering building for the junior engineer movie Saturday night. An All campus straw ballot. on the presidential candidates will be held from 9 to 3 o'clock Friday in the Engineerintg and Medical buildings, University hall, and the Library. (Continued from Page Three) but merely between the classes as a . ... ,. ri a."v a a aua c e. _ w hole. tt ls Bowling Includeds As soon as the present bowling tourney is completed an inter- fraternity bowling contest is plan-- LunChes ned. This will be followed by an in- Nunnallys terclass indoor track meet. For the Spring period interfrater-Ca nity and interclass outdoor track meets are planned. The national sport will be recognized by an interfra- ternity indoor baseball contest and an - outdoor interclass league. Tennis and It is felt that this work cannot help , but uncover promising Varsity mate- rial and also arouse a greater campus KEP IEA n interest' in and knowledge of' all and= branches of sport. The value of this a PAUL WILSON both to the campus and the individ- = sing ual cannot be over-estimated and Di- "THE LIGHT IN YOUR rector Mitchell is to be congratulated EYES° upon his efforts. EYES" The Big Waltz from The Michigan Daily, the.only morn- "GEORGE DID IT" ing paper in Ann Arbor, contains allD the latest Campus, City and World Newa.-Adv. i1111111; IIIII1if1{Iltillilfllllllilllillllllilllillill:. HEAR = SANDY WILSON at his best in "YOU'RE IN IT" from the Opera "GEORGE DID IT" I1 ll!!!!=1Ul tl!1lfl -llltll Courteous. and satisfactor, TREATMENT to every. custom- er, whether the account be large or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $50.000.00 Resources.'.........$4,000.EH.O( Northwett Oor. Main & 'Huron 707 North University Ave I WHY NOT CALL- CLAUDE BROWN AND OPERA NOTICES Sell Your Discarded Clothing He buys everything in the line of clothing and pays the highest cash prices. A Phone Call will bring the wagon to your address. THURSDAY 7:00---First act rehearsal. 7:45-Interlude rehearsal. 8:30-Second act -rehearsal. FRIDAY 3 :@0-'You're In It." 4:00-"Mecea." 7:30-Act I. 8:30-Interlude. CLAUDE BROWN 120 NORTH FOURTH East side of Court House TELEPHONE 2601 Open Evenings until 9 P. M. A growing interest is evident at every service of the series which Dr. Dinger is holding at The Church of Christ. He is proving a most forceful and convincing speaker. Every one who attends is enthusiastic in his praise and is urging his friends to hear as many as possible of these powerful discourses. *Services at 7:30 each evening this week and next, Good music. One hour, 7:30 to 8:30. -Adv. SATURDAY tior Girls' play at ater. the Whit- E REASON WHY PEOPLE 7 ANN ARBOR ASK FOR- 4 fl r' _.5w _ " a- P% E rR EALM IT IS PURE UNIVERSITY OF 4 MICHIGAN TN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TARRY B. HUTCHINS, LL.D., President Cosmopolitan Student Community Eight Schools and Colleges LLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS-JOHN R. EFFINGER, Dean. erary and scientific courses-Teachers' course-Higher commercial course-Course rance-Course in forestry-Course in landscape design-All courses open to pro- l students on approval of Faculty. LLEGES OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE, MORTIMER E. COOLEY, Deaa. te courses in civil, mechanical, electrical, naval, and chemical engineering-Archi- and architectural engineering-Highway engineering-Technical work under in- s of professional experience-Work-shop, experimental, and field practice--Me- ,'physical, electrical, and chemical laboratories-Fine new building-Central heat- lighting plants adapted for instruction. DICAL SCHOOL, V. C. VAUGHAN, Dean. Four years' graded course-Highest I for all work-Special attention given to laboratory teaching-Modern laboratories e clinical facilities-Bedside instruction in hospital, entirely under University con- special feature. W SCHOOL, HENRY M. BATEs, Dean. Three years' course-Practice court work alty-Special facilities for work in history and political sciences. LLEGE OF PHARMACY, HENRY KRAMER, Dean. Two, three, and four years' -Ample laboratory facilities-Training for prescription service, manufacturing y, industrial chemistry, and for the work of the analyst. MOEOPATHIC MEDICAL SCHOOL, W. B. HINSDALE, Dean. Full four years' -Fully equipped hospital, entirely under. University control-Especial attention given :ria medica and scientific prescribing-Twenty hours' weekily clinical instruction. LLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY, MARcus L. WARD, Dean. Four years' course- building housing ample laboratories, clinical rooms, library, and lecture room- material in excess of needs. ADUATE SCHOOL, ALFRED H. LLOYD, Dean. Graduate courses in all departments al courses leading to the higher professional degrees. MiMER SESSION, E. H. KRAus, Dean. A regular session of the University afford- lit toward degrees. More than 275 courses in arts, engineering, medicine, law, y, and library methods. full information (Catalogues, Announcements of the various Schools and Cl- Campus Guide Book, etc., or matters of individual inquiry) address Deans of and Colleges, or the Secretary of the University. SHIRLY W. SMITH, Secretary r a ,. ,. Western China :mi Fischer will give an Natural Science Auditorium Illustrated Lecture Banker, Traveler, on TONIGHT ADMISSION 8 o'clock Contractor FREE Auspices of Cosmopolitan Club