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October 11, 1919 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1919-10-11

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No. 12.



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rn Law to House
ion of Search
e Falls
lated Press)
. 10.-Enactment of
iforcement bill was
y congress with the
e conference report,
by the serrate and
re to the President

Comedy Club To
Start Year Today
Comedy club will officially open its
1919-20 season with the tryouts to be
held from 1:30 to 3:30 o'clock this
afternoon in the auditorium of Uni-
versity hall. The tryouts consist of
short selections either impromptu or
of the candidate's own choosing to be
given before 'a committee of five
iudges. Wherever possible, tryouts
are recommended to give some selec-
tion they have already worked on.
Plans for the ensuing year of the
club embrace a series of monthly
meetings at which available people cif
the stage will speak and short, infor-
mal plays will be given by the mem-
bers before the rest of -the club. It
is hoped in this way to give every
member a chance to appear at least
once on the stage before an audience
no matter how unpretentious the pro-
duction may be. In addition, the an-
nual 'comedy will be presented in true
theatrical fashion during the year.
The . first meeting of the club will
be held the first Tuesday in Novem-
Past Presents to Micligan Include
Very Rare Bible Docui.

pproval a vain
id it back to
tions to elim-
ing state. au-
i warrants.
al approval of
e days of two
cent beer are
ecomes effec-
by the Presi-
ys should h,is
om acting on



'his sec,
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Ld ware-
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that the law it
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.scates property
estion according
olves 65,000,000
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clied at $75,000,-

Charles Lang Freer, famous art col-
lector of Detroit, whose will, probated
Oct. 8, 1919, contained a bequest of
$50,000 to the University, the income
of which is to , be used in research
work in oriental art here, is responsi-
'le for several other gifts to the Uni-
In 1909, while in Egypt, he bought
four documents of the Bible which
upon the ascertainment that they
were extraordinarily rare and valu-
able were turned over to Prof. Henry
,A. Sanders of the classical department.
Dpcuments Photographed .
Two of the documents photograph-
ed page by page and published in
heliotype form in volumes eight and
nine of the University of Michigan
studies, humanistic series, one at an
expense of $14,000 and the other cast-
ing $8,000. The outlay for this was
given by Mr. Freer on the condition
that a copy of each of these books,
worth at least $75 apiece, should be
distributed by the University without
any charge to all of the important
libraris- of the world, principally
those of universities, none of them to,
be sold to private collectors.
$30,000 Expended
Mr. Freer also paid for the publish-
ing of volumes 10 and 12 of the Uni-
versity of Michigan studies, humanis-
tic series, which together with volumes
8 and 9,'represented a disbursement of
more than $30,000. When the Alumni
Memorial hall was first opened., he
furnished the exhibition, containing a
remarkable congeries of Japanese art,
bearing the cost entailed thereby
amounted to a considerable sum. 1\fr.
Wilfred B. Shaw, general secretary
of the Alumni association, described
the exhibition as a very notable art
display. Mr. Freer also donated a
sketch of John H. Twachtman which
is hung in Mr. Shaw's office in AlumIli
Memorial hal.
Mr. Freer was honored by the Uni-
versity with the degree pf master of
arts in 1904.
Dean John R. Effinger of the liter-
ary cplleg@, announced Friday that
Prof. . 0. DgIs, chairman of the
'freshman advisory committee, will be
in room $, University hall, for consult-
ation from .145 to 3;15 'clQOk every
Wednesday afternoon. First year stu-
dents desiring to consult Professor
Davis about their work may do so at
this time,
In connection with the work of the
advisory committee, which has been
revived this year, Dean Elffinger
strongly advises freshmen to consult
their instructors. They are at all
times willing to give advice and by
reason of their acquaintance with the
individual student are in a position to
do so. Students having special prob-
lems should see Professor Davis.

SProf. A. A. Stanley Plans Serjes of
' Five Concerts for Fall aid
Prof. A. A. Stanley and his col-
leagues in the Ann Arbor Musical so-
ciety have completed arrangements
for an extra series of concerts to be
,Iven during the year in Hill audi-
The new series will be conducted in-'
dependently of the present'Choral un-
ion concerts and May festival series
and will include a number of attrac-
tive programs which will add great
variety to the musical offerings on ac-
count of the limited number in the reg.-
ular series heretofore.
Five Programs Planned
There will be five programs in the
list of concerts including two popular
ensemble combinations, as well as r-J
citals by prominent singers and i-1
The series as a whole is as follows:
Nov. 6.-Alexandro Bonci, the fam~-
ous Italian opera tenor, landed in New
York Tuesday, after an absence of se>
eral years. His artistic song recital inl
University hall a number of years ago
was an outstanding attraction. lie
will be assisted by Eleanor Brock. the
American sobrano well known as "The.
Nightingale of the South.k"
Dec. 15.-The New York Chamber
Music society, consisting of eleven .ex-
cellent musicians, including piano,
wind and string instrument. The
press of the country has been unani-
mous in-according it firsf place among
organizations of its kind. It will pro-
vide a program of soli, duets, trios '
and other ensemble combinationsi
Jan.23.-Mischa Levitski,sthe ,ds-
tinguished Russian pianist, whose todY
last season aroused a furore every-
where. He ranks very high among
piano virtuosi.j
Feb. 28.-Carolina Lazzari, the re-
markable' contralto of the Chicago5
Opera company. Her song recials are
considered to tae on a par with her
artistic operatic achievements.
' Famons Trio to Appear t
March 31.-Trio deLutece, consist-'
ing of George Barrere, the country's
leading, flutist; Carlos Salzedo, the re-
nowned harpist; and Paul Kefer
'cellist. This organization will offer a
program of soli, duet and trio num-
This extra series in contradistin-1
tion to, the other series will be mate-7
rially lower in price for course tick-I
ets, namely, $3.50, $3.00, $2.50, and
$2.00. Mail orders will be filled in or-+
der of receipt and tickets will be
selected as nearly as possible, from
the 'location desired.
AccountN of transients will be the
only ones affected by the ruling of
the Ann Arbor bank regarding the
amount of each check, according to!
Carl F. Braun, vice-president of the
bank. In some cases where paynientj
of a bill is made through the mail, Mr.*
Braun stated that it would be all,
right for the check to be under the
specified amount;
"A.ll that we want," said Mr. Braun,
"is that the students should meet us

halfway. We want to be.of service
to the students and in order to ap-
proach breaking even on the tran-
sient deposits, it is necessary for us
to ask them to write checks for moreI
than $5. Such a system worked lastd
year, and we believe that it will work I
this y ear."
Penn Sloprmen Strike In Sympathy
Altoona, Pa., Oct.o 10.-Virtually the
entire mechanical force of the Penn-
sylvania shops in this city went on*
strike tonight in sympathy with the
engine house mechanics who walked
out Wednesday to enforce the senori-
ty rule. It is s id that between 7,000;
and 8,000 men quit work and that
others will stop tomorrow.
Episcopal Girls Will Meet Toda '
Episcopal girls interested in church
work are asked to meet with Dea-
coness Goodwin at 5 o'clock this'
afternoon in Harris hall.

French and British Ironclads i Har-
bor of Riga, Ready to Quell
(By Associated Press)
Copenhagen. Oct. 10.-British and
French war ships in the harbor of
Riga have cleared for action, accord-
-ing to a despatch from Riga to the-
Lettish information bureau on ac-
count of the attack by Germans under
the command of General Von der
Goltz upon the Lettish army defend-
ing Riga.
German troops together with Rus-
sians attached the' Letts 30 miles
from Riga and. occupied Schlotsk,
which is' outside the Demarcation
land, according to a report issued by
the Lettish Bureau at Riga.
The report adds that the attack was
repulsed with sanguinary losses.
The forces of General Von der
Goltz include Imperial German troops
with tanks and airplanes, it is report-
ed which adds that the Germans at-
tempted to bomb Riga but were re-
pulsed. The Letts claim that their
losses were small.
A state of siege has been proclaim-
ed at Riga as a -precautionary meas-
Reserves are being formed among
those who are unable to go to the
front. Soldiers who were starting to
the front were pelted with flowers.
The Letts in addition to claiming
to have inflicted sanguinary losses on
the enemy and to have destroyed an
armoured train declared- they cut up
two companies of Germans with their
machine gun fire.
Another despatch from Riga says
Lettish soldiers who have been fight-
ing with the British and French at
Archangel have just arrived at Riga'
and rushed to the front.
The fighting continues on'the whole
of thee front.

Notice of all changes to ap-
pear in the listing of names, ad-
dress, and telephone numbers
for the 1919-20 Students' Di-
rectory must be in the office of I
that publication by 5 o'cl6ck this
afternoon. After that 'time it ,
will be impossible to make any
changes in the current edition.



Student demand is responsible for
e carrying in stock of the unof-
cial da;'k blue and yellow color con-
foato:a, according to statements
made yesterday by .several ,Ann Arbor
%erchants dealing in pepnants, ban-
:irs and other Michigan insignia.
While the true colors of "maize and
blue" are carried in stock, it was stat-
ed that nine out of ten students pre-
fer the darker colors:. Dealers say
that tizy are only attempting to satis-
fy the wa.its of the students in this
Teams Use Dark Colors
The dark blue and yellow is that
adopted by the Athletic association
in preference to the University colors
as they were deemed, imupractical for
athletic wear. Michigan teams since
the early nineties have worn the dark
blue and according to -P. G. Bartelme
it would be advisable to have' one col-
or for both student body and Athletic

"V'aize And Blue" Slighted For
Darker Colors By Pennant Buyers






- .

Washington, Oct. 10.-Deadlock in
the icommittee 15 or the "steering
committee" overtlabor's proposal to
arbitrate the steel strike brought
about adjournment today .of the Na-
tional Industrial conference until
Tuesday. In the meantime the steer-
ing committee will hold a meeting in
an attempt to agree on a report to
lay before the members when it re-
Adjournment -eame after the con-
ference had received the proposal of
the employers group declaring for the
principle of the open shop.and affirm-
ing that "no enployer should be re-
quired to deal with men or groups of
men who are not his employes or
chosen by and from among them." The
latter principle created quite a stir
in the conference and was considered
by some of the delegates as approval
of the stand taken by Judge Elbert H.
Gary, 'chairman of the United States
Steel corporation inSrefusing to meet
the st el strikers.j
Other principles enunciated in the
declaration of the employers in-
Acceptance of the right of strike or
lockout, excepting in the case of gov-
ernment employes; opposition to sym-
-pathetic strikes and lockouts; insist-
ence on the function of management
in directing industry; emphasis .,of
shop unions as proposed to the in-
dustrial council proposed by organ-
ized labor and declaration that co-
operative action between capital and
labor should be worked out in indi-

The traditions that surround the
"maize and blue" are deep in the
I earts of Michigan men and tlis is
appreciated by those selling pennants
and banners of the unoflicial colors,
but as they are only acting in ac-
cordance with the student demand for
the darker color it is the student sel-
ection that will have to change if the
proper colors are to be observed.
AzureLiked for Jewelry
Storekeepers state that it is only
with the stationery and jewelry bear-
ing the official colors of the Univer-
sity that a favorable demand is felt
and that in the case of these articles
the azure blue is most often the selec-
tion of the students.
The general opinion among the busi-
ness men operating student stoies i
that the students should observe the
offlicial colors and according to these
storekeepers the solution of the mat-
ter lies in the selection of the prop-
er colors on the part of the student.

Varsity Band Will Play Mt
Songs; Cheers Will Add
J. Fred Lawton, '11, author of
sity," "Bum Army" and many
JMichigan songs, has accepted tl
quest *of the commnttee heade
Carl T. Hogan, '20E, to speak i
1919 annual Traditions' day
Tuesday night in Hill auditori
Prof. William D. Henderson o
Physics department and direct
the University extension, will b
faculty speaker and Carl E. Jol
'20, president of the Student co
will be the student speaker.
Band Will Play x
Michigan music by the Varsity
and lively chers to be led by
Cuthbert, '20E, and H. G. Sparks,
will intersperse the program.
Wilfred, Wilson will direct the
The cheer leaders have recently
onstrated their ability and the
of the band assures plenty ;
petus 'for enthusiasm.
The canpaigu for the memorie
tole on Ferry field *will be open
this time. The speaker to intr
the campaign has not as yet be
lected. For the two days foll
the meeting booths wifllbe situal
various central parts of the Ic
so that everyone will have an c
tunity to contribute to the fund
Record Crowd Expected
"We are especially fortunate 1
ing able to arrange this prog
said Chairman Hogan. "From
looks of things it will surpass
of last year. The enthusiasm i
affair and the large number; 6
dents on the campus assure a a
Hill auditorium crowd next Tn
night. Mr. Lawton had charge
of the Liberty Loan campaigns i
(Continued on Page Six)
The annual meeting of the
tional Student council of the FE
pal church, in connection wit
great Tri-Annual convention i
troit, Was held at Harris hall
night. Representatives of the
Episcopal provinces discussed
problem of unifying the college
throughout the county, and p1
the work for the ensuing year.
province was -represented by
delegates including several Univ
President Hutchins Speak
President Harry B. Hutchins
forceful speech welcomed the
gates in the name of the Univ
"The churches look to the Univ
for leadership," he said, "an'd th
dent council can help the Univ
to solve many grave problems.
is ,danger now, since the war
the dominant note will be .ma

ism, and the churches can do
to combat this tendency. The St
council can come in closer toue]
the students, for no education is
plete without a religious
The Rev. Paul McKimm, pre
of the Student council, spoke
efforts of the Episcopal chur
'unify its work in the universiti
explained the campaign about
launched throughout the count
influence students toward a
Christian life.
Bowdoin President Talks
Another speaker of note was
ident Sills of Bowdoin college,
outlined the college work it
Three meetings of the Student
cil will take place at Harris h;
day. Some of the most eminent
cipal clergy of the country will
on the various phases of s

mtp dinner and smoker
enginers was held at the
ipn last night. The gath-
4 pf all the old-time pep
the '19 engineers a fam-

All Arp !pupght
After the ginner plans were formu-
e4 for further gatherings of a like
aracter at which all ex-'19 engineers
gardless o what class or school
ey mgy noW belong, are expected
attend. Temporary officers were
eted, Dick Omith, the former presi-
nt of the sophomore class, being
Me temporary president. Qap $and-
, who sucoessfUlly hganied the so-
t activities in the past, was ap-
)Inted temporary 'chairman pf the
ial cgmmittee.
Old Days Revived
Short talks by the old nineteeners
vived memories of the freshmen
w-wOws and pep neetings which ex-
ed a few years ago. It is this spin-
that the organization hopes to re-
re, and every mau who can claim
st association with the ex-'19 class
asked to come out. The idea is 4o
rm a rollicking get-together group
meet at stated times throughout
e college year.
The dates of future meetings will be
nounced later and all ex-'19 engi-
-,., - -. fern nrif

vidual establishment with due regard
One hundred per cent Y. W. C. A. to local factors instead of along
membership campaign is to mean 100 the lines of entire industries as sug-
per cent efficiency in service. The gested by labor.
aim of the campaign is to make mem-
bers and get them interested. There I
WilsonCntinnesto Gain In Health
are now over 300 members and almost
1500 girls to be seen. The workers Washingo ssociated PressPreident
report daily at Newbery hall the mem- Wilson continued to gain strength to-
bers ga'ined and what each will do.W Henwas eptoin. hsrom, to-
Every girl's talents can be used: day. He was kept r, his room, low
financial or executive ability, ability and was permitted to see no one
in tutoring, story telling, reading, except physipians and members of his
shopping, singing, sewing, knitting, family.
giving dancing lessons, and painting.
T m i h(R Co letes etJ Ratifieation

I -niy more girls are neeaea tnis year
to do club work among high school
and glade school boys and girls, and
any number will find work in hospital,
city Y. W. C. A., and Christmas work.
The workers realize that the advant-
ages of service, in experience with
people; in the "Human Touch.,". far
out-weigh the obligations.

London, Oct. 10.-King George to-
day completed Great Britain's ratifi-
cation of the peace treaty. The doc-
ument ratified by him has been dis-
patched to Paris, and probably will
-be the first of the ratifications by any,
of the great powers to be deposited

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