flhwLLw r un 1$ PLAY HELD 1 11 i de Encouraged by new costumesi rapid ticket sales and frequent between- act spreads, the cast and choruses of the Junior Girls' play begin the last week of rehearsal with the expecta- tion of devoting all their nights to perfecting the performance. Girls who had not made arrange- ments for their costumes met at Bar- bour gymnasium Saturday morning where under the direction of the cos- tume committee in charge, headed by Olga Johnson, '21, light and fluffy ma- terials were transformed into varied costumes, gay' in color and original in design. Vv aring apparel appropri- ate to the Orient has been procured from Detroit for use in the second act of the play. Saturday night's rehearsal determ- ined finally the entire cast of the play. Those members who did not ap- pear at that time were dropped from the play. Costumes were broughl to Barbour gymnasium Saturday night in order that the whole effect might be obtained. General interest in "Patricia Pass- es" has been evidenced by the rapid sale of tickets. Since many people were turne away last year, two per- formances were arranged for this year. I aIomen4 Mail Orders Promptly Filled Established 1857 Phone Ord Promp Fil r r r.rirrr rr ri rr rrrr i 0 Announce a Formal L Spring Exposition - OF- Ii - i Stylus will meet at 7;45 Tuesday evening, March 23, CI Omega house. o'clock at the FASHIONS UDE BROWN AND 4 Senior girls' supper tickets will on sale for the last time from 9 to and from 1 to 4 o'clock Monday University hall. be 12 in - FOR--' Women and Misses our Discarded Clothing everything in the line of clothing and pays the highest A Phone Call will bring the wagon to your address. CLAUDE BROWN FOURTH Court House TELEPHONE 2601 Open Evenings until 9 P M. JAOMMITTEE OF 48; LNQUET AT BOARD OF COMMERCE (Detroit) There will be a meeting of the en- tire staff of Masques' play, "The New Lady Bantock," at 4 o'clock Tuesday in Barbour gymnasium. Freshman girls are required to re- main fifteen minutes after the talks to freshmen Monday afternoon to hear a brief discussion. Athena Literary society will meet at 7:15 o'clock Tuesday night on the fourth floor of University hall. The program will be the debate scheduled for last Tuesday. All freshman women will be enter- tained at tea by the Collegiate Sorosis from 4 to 6 o'clock Sunday afternoon. All remaining tickets for the Junior Girls' play will be on sale at Gra- ham's bookstore until Thursday, March 25. After that date they may be procured at the box office of the Whitney theater. There are a number of seats for the Saturday afternoon performance still on sale. Ohrstron-Riggs Marriage Annuonced Emma King Riggs, '19, daughter of Prof. Henry Riggs, was married Thursdayto George Louis Ohrstrom, '18. Mr. and Mrs. Ohrstrom will leave in a few days for Port au Prince, Haiti, Patronize our Advertisers.-Adv. Wednesday and Thursday A Review of the Most Distinctive Styles March 24th and 25th - ON-- LIVING MODELS Evenings of March 24th and 25th Monday, March 22, 6:00 P, M. PRINCIPAL SPEAKER: I. A. H. HOPKINS, Manager for Theodore Roosevelt During the Progressive Party Campaign 7:30 o'clock 11 Gowns Frocks Tailleurs Sport Suits Coats Blouses Millinery THE PUBLIC IS INVITED ,, "George Did It" "George Did It" Call W. W. Denton, 1054-M !' iunirito ifill liiiIIIinniIII IIII III If i11i111Ntf11111litIIII11 nI11il1U1tt l IfiliQIIIIIffllllr11111 Two itores ONE P IIl Two Stores JUVINILE-DAYS MONDAY AND TUESDAY '' 9 lkI lll offer a fine assortment of well selected titles for Childrens at prices that will please the parents Two Stores GRA AM'S Two Stores At Both ends of the Diagonal Walk 4; GEORGE DID IT