_______THE MICHIGAN DAILY "M '. r ai. .. ,. - ,. " -' " "'s -. . . ".. ._ ..: . <. " V . . .. .. ., . ..., s ., .. r .. ,. ,, .,, " ..." e ,,. .., ,. ,. , ., y". ti i _ _ 00T HS1 1 ISants In 440 and Half Mile Wll 'ight for Places in Finals Saturday six -MIUHIC1AN RBNI Fl1 [U ENTE~R PUJLINAtI Johnson and Beardsleyt 440 yard dash-~--Butler, Meese, Wetzel, .and Hardell. Half mile Vun-IBurkholder and Lukins. Mils run-Earle and Maynard. Two mile run-Earle and Maynard. Pole vault - Cross, Wes- brook, and Slaughter. High jump- Johnson and Later. Sjiot put-Baker and Stipe. Mile relay team-Butler, Meese, Wetzel, and H-ardell. WLasts IHalflHouri Men Whom Coaclk Drdlard licks for Varsity. Will Be Ineligible fur. Fvent CONTEST WILI lIE CONC14DJIEJ AT "T" NEXT SATURDAYV 1 TGIT ficult proposition. There should be two men each in the plunge, back stroke, breast stroke, and dives. While these will be no easy choices to n~ake, his greatest task will be in selecting the free style men. There are any number of excellent crawl -swimmers out for the team, and Drulard will have to pick seven of them. Thus far only three of them seem sure of selec- tion, and ,the decision as to the other [four will be a hard one. It seems al- most Impossible to find a really good plunge man. This event offers an ex- ceptional opportunity to a man of any 'Michigan's half and qgarter milers, n~o h ot fnttems n wl opetei peln ~ra ~ces at terestjng .wrestling ratches in the Wllastop tonight to determipe whp i~oyo h yu okpae.ptr Ahall qualify fpr the final heats tg 1heHityofteg'Itoldc str ruin on Oatnrogy. Inthe44 yr day between. Dyi a nd Vapkard. The dlash, Butler, Mese,3Vtzeiand ar-t"welt~erweights struggled for the dell will run for W@l~oa; esreulr period of 10 mil q~ts, neither formenwilas constitute th¢ ascrig ~ n~e sityon mile relay team. After a~ rest of ninutes they took Only Two Haldf Milers tea the mkt 'gain and ws rke4 for 2~ Ooach PFarrell has seen fit tqt enter minutes before Dyni ?panage4 tp dpwnt but two half tnilers, Burkholder a id his opponent with a, crptch and arvm I~ikli~s. Tiho pr'elimnanry will be the hold. This i's the second time thisi Jr~t real test to Which t urkholer pair have byen alloed an extra pe- will qive pnt his lei silipe it Was in- riot inl ordbsr to determine the 'k- jnre4 some weeks §gq. the hait mile ner and it was, decided to let tinil gnd 440) yard aig ar e the only tw o' tght it. out to a quish. This feature pvpts wh!ih wll Pe held today. 'laOc1 a§ thelast ogthe se?1i-$nals,. The ret pt he Val sitar squad leaves It is assured eq~uaily interestin~g bouts this Ii9 gi? i 9n te $.A A Floc tran ,will arppeal. in the finals next Setur- for CJheagt. g i d rrll nf i- tain Jal niwa 1e44 yesterd4y RWitl4the first squad and Manager Parsgns qand Illviolq Clull l 1P lea# Athietts, Clarence go with the men this 'morn- Tq get llln fi athletes' tp come to ing. It is expected that a number Michigan is the purpose of Ji4lin- of the student boiiy will ea.ve this ois' club as stated in the constitution afternoon to pplij p the teatsl. adopted i st nighlt. ZW~gre it is at all Posgtple, it 1 Qff icefrs ~eted were as foll ws §09I-y ?4rged that every student? .President, Frrest I rrill, '20M; vice- *01p gg, ehoald ma~ke the trip. lap q president, 14arojd H. aIshill, Grl d Rioft Where the outcomq will Pe so secretary, Fred S. Fletcher,.}'21; treas- tcoU , §npart from the student body urer, G. S. MVartip ,'23. will moan a great hleal to the men competing Par ;'Michigan. City, jnyitej Florist Copeutloii !P~chifgan'g Eutrle§ Thrpugoi" representatives ' f the ,Coach ,Fa~rrell has entere j hi191 Chamber of Commerce, ;Ann Arbor.has: men in the 10 eve~4.s qs flw: extended an invitation to the -Michi- §0 yard dlash-Johnson, Losc0, Las#- gan State Florists; association to hold mpet, and P~ook. 09 yard high hgrdles=- its 1921 convention in tb~is, city. On next Friday and Saturday nights, I considerable' weight, and it is hoped March 26 and 27, the interclass swim- that some big fellow will put in his mirnng meet will be hold in the y. M. appearance before next Wednesday. C. A. pool . On Wednesday Coach Dru- W. F. Elliott, '22, has been appoint- lard will pick 'a Varsity team of 1,5 ed manager of the team by Director men and these will beo ineligible to Mitchell and E. B. Booth, '22, has been take part" in the interclass ee't. made assistant manager. There will be eig'ht events, the 40, 100, and 120 yard free style, 1-00 yard breast MOELLER WINS WAY TO FINALS, stroke, '100 yard bAclX stroke, the IN UNION BILLIARD TOURNEY plunge for distance, fancy diving and (--- relay. Men who are now, out forI By virtue of his 24 to 19 victory swimming shoulil enter the events Of, over' W. H. Infiham, '21,. (21) their chgoe with Coach Drulard, and ' .t the Union billiard room Thursday thos~e who hove not tried out should afternoon, S. D. Moeller, '23, (24), will enter with Director Mitchell -at the, be one of the players in the final con-~ Intramural oiie. 'test of the Union handicap three cush- For evgry five lnen entered 4in the ion tournament, which will be played meet one man Will win his numerals,1 at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Mael- TI jalf o f the fiumer~ls aiwaipded4 will go1' ler has displayed excellent form and 'to the llighest ppint winners ()4 the- good judgment In all of the games winning teamn, And the other half iQ he has played in this tournament and tle ether .1hcst point winners r$- should furnish strong opposition to gadless, of elals. No Alum erals will! any of the men whom he might meet be awar ec4?to & man Winning less! on Saturday., than. gyvppoipt 44ndnot gore than 1 ?nmerls, will be liven. First place - counts five points, seontd 1Aro% and , t ults of the Conference third 'qm I meet to, be held Saturday at Any vjan W49o has entered 5and wish- i Evanston will be announced at e§ tp practice may sign on the inter- ftfie Union that evening, ac>or~- class book at the Y. M. C. A. and pay [ n ~pasq Viuoeas fire cents. Beginning teoday the ad- mission for all Varsity oapijddates wl!-------_____________ likewise be reduced to fiye c~ets Hard t+o Pick TeAm Mullane's Taffes of 'Cincinnati. When Coach Drulard pickts the team, Tices' Drug Store, 117 So. Main.- he will find himself up against a -dif-a Adv. C 'FOOTBALL RULES SLIGHTLY ALTERED Now York, March 17.-Only' one change of importance was made by the football rules committee which finished its sessions here Saturday. That was the elimination of the punt- out after a touchdown. Under the new rules, the goal-kick shall be attempted from any point in front of the goal posts which the kick- er may desire, regardless of the point at which the touchdown is made on the goal, line. It is thought that this change will do away with the unfair- ness caused by the kick-out, under which arrangement the better, team sometimes loses out by one point. The definition. of a player not in. motion was qualified to read, "Come to a full stop with both feet on the ground and still." A player relieved by a substitute is officially out of the game whether he is off the field or not when the next play begins. Several more radical changes such as the elimination of the goal kick, the revision -of the. scoring system, and the change from a 15 minute quarter to a 40-play period, were re-1 jected .on the ground ,that they should be tried before they were definitely! adopted. The recommendation was made that some of the Eastern schools" The Michigan Daily, delivered to the rest, of the year, $2.00.-=Adv. try the proposed method of determ- lining the °length ofP periods in some of their early gamnes and then bring the matter up next year. /x ARE YOU INTERESTED in the WELFARE OF YOUNG MENI Play Is as necessary as work. Any game which is interesting enough, to afford real Re-crea- tion is a beneficial gam'e, pro- vided it is played amid clean, decent srroundings. Most; young men prefer games like billiards for their leisure hours. 1f, you are interested in the welfare of young men, you are invited to visit our billiard -parlors as often as you wish. You will find that this is a plece of clean sport, . where gambling, profanity and other undesirable elements are abso- lutely"TABOO. HUS TON BROS. Billiards and Bowling, Cigars and Candies. Cigarettes & Pipes.' "We try to treat' you Right" HUNGRY 'Try our home-made salads, 'sandwiches, roast meats, etc. Franks Quality Liver Sausage, Frankforts, Rye Bread, etc. Jellies, Jams, Honey, Fish, etc. BUJRT'S DE~LICATESSEN 119 E. LIBERTY ST. E 1 1 l u t l l t l 1 I l l t 1 ! ! l l t j l { I 1 i t t 1 [ N 1 1 1 1 t t t t t t l t t t t t t l t t l t t ~ 1 I n I II ~ i t i e £ - -~st~j Two Stores GRAL AM'S Two Stores Two Stores s Friday and Saturdaya~re to be Leather days at Graham's Book SaIle I 0 . You Will1 find the works of" all standard authors beautifully bound in genuine .Leather, at a remark- * f able saving. 4: Those brooks wuil make idea gifts for present or future giving. a i 0 At Both ends of the Diagonal Walk