z 1wp4b a~t SWARER TODAY PRESS DAY ANl) NIGHT I ' SERVICE VOL. XXX. No. 12l. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1920. PRICE SENATE SUPPORTS SELFGOVERNENT CL9TMS OF IRISH BREAKS LOOSE FROM CONTROL OF REPUBLICAN LEAD- ERS DEMOCRATIC SENATORS SUPPORT RESERVATION Final Form of Resolution of Ratifica- tion Prepared; vote Planned Today (By Associated Press) Washington, March 18.-Proceeding under forced draft to reaTh a final ratification vote on the peace treaty tomorrow, the senate broke from con- trol of the Republican leaders today and unexpectedly swept into the Re- publican reservation program, a de- claration of sympathy for self-gov- ernment in I:,a'and. Demociats Support During the debate Democratic lead- ers supported the reservations, and the managers of the Republican side opposed it because it included a gen- eral declaratoin that this nation ad- hered to the principle of the self-de- termination of people. Revival. of the Irish question pro- longed into the night the senate's task of getting into final form the res- olution of ratificaton on which it is planned to bring a vote tomorrow. One after another a long list of mis- cellaneous reservations were voted down as the leaders were bent on completing their task before adjourn- ment. Simmons Makes Fight After the Irish reservation had been approved, Senator Simmons, Demo- crat of North Carolina, made a last minute fight to secure a change in the Republican reservation to Article X, but his substitute providing that the United States would use "its friendly offices" to help preserve ter- ritorial. integrity -and political inde- pendence was tabled by a vote of 45 to 34. REGENT'S SON PLUNSS FOnO CAR- INTO Ri1ER MICRIGAN GRAD UNDER WATER FOUR MINUTES IN CLOSED AUTO Smashing through the railing at the foot of Woodward avenue, Detroit, in a Ford sedan which somersaulted into 30 feet of water in the Detroit river and emerging to the surface four minutes later, after fighting his way from the submerged car, was the ex- perience at 1 o'clock Thursday morn- ing at Travis F. Beal, '17, son of Re- gent Junius E. Beal. , Accident Due to Steamed Widows Bea, who lives in Ann Arbor but also maintains a residence in Detroit, attributed the accident to his not be- ing well acquainted with the streets in Detroit. While driving along the lower end of Woodward avenue, the windows of his closed car became clouded with steam and he crashed into th'e river front railing before he had time to notice it. In giving an account of the acci- dent to his father over the phone yesterday morning, Beal said that the machine sank quickly and by batter- ing the windshield with'his elbow he was able to free himself from the au- tomobile and reached the surface. A life preserver was then thrown him by a patrolman who had witnessed the plunge. He was under water four minutes., Escapes Serious Injuries He was taken to the Receiving hos-; pital after being rescued, but except for a deep gash four inches long on his right arm and a few other minor injuries sustained in breaking open the windshield, Beal was apparently# none the worse for the accident and was able to go home unassisted. Beal graduated from the literary college of the University in 1917. Dur- ing the war he served as navigation officer of the United States submarine BARTELME WILL ATTEND MEETING Athletic Directors to Confer at. Chi- cago with Yost Present Athletic Director P. G. Bartelme left for Chicago yesterday morning to at- tend a meeting of Conference athletic directors which will be held Saturday. The officials for the football games next fall will be chosen at this meet- ing. Coach Fielding H. Yost will be in Chicago at the same time to attend a meeting of the Conference coaches. He will come to Ann Arbor Monday to make arrangements for spring foot- ball practice. ILLINOIS GOVERNOR HERE UNDER . .P. AUSPICES Beauty, Chaperones, jazz; All Ready For Tonight 's Soph Prom To the strains of "The Victors," played by "Sandy" Wilson's 10 piece orchestra, Douglas Dow, '22E, with his partner, Helen M. Sturgis, of Detroit, will commence the grand march of the Sophomore Prom promptly at 9 o'clock tonight in- the Union ball room. The grand march will break right into the first dance on the program of 20 numbers. Chaperons for. the event will be. President Harry B. Hutchins and 'Mrs. Hutchins, Dean M. E. Cooley and Mrs. Cooley, Dean John ,R. Effinger and Mrs. Effinger, Prof. F. P. Jordan and Dean Jordan, Prof. W. G. Hoad and Mrs. Hoad, Prof. L. R. Strauss and Mrs. Strauss, Prof. W. R. Humph- reys and Mrs. Humphreys, Prof. R. L. Talamon and Mrs. Talamon. Class Colors Used The decorations will be carried out in the class colors, red and white. Banks of palms and flowers will be placed in each of the four corners and each of the end fireplaces will be con- cealed beneath a mass of smilax, palms, and flowers. The class emblem in floral design will appear on the mantelpieces. Due to limited dining accommoda- tions supper will be served in three calls, different colored supper checks being issued at the door. It is sug- gested that members of parties wish- ing to have supper together be sure to get the same colored check. Many Visiting Women Many out of town guests are com- ing to Ann Arbor for the Prom week- end. Among those coming out from Detroit are Misses Charlotte Wiley, Ruth Kresge, Muriel Westbrook, Mar- ion Leigh, Marjorie George, Elinor Broock, Kathryn Rauch, Mary Ather- ton, Jeannette Granet, Agnes Shell- art, Marian Spaeder, Dorothy Adams, and Dorothie Bernhard. Other guests will be Miss Edwina STONE TO ADDRESS CHURCH WORKERS Dr. John Timothy Stone, Chicago minister of the Fourth Presbyterian church, will visit Ann Arbor on Sat- urday and speak at a 6 o'clock dinner of church workers in Lane hall. At 7:30 o'clock in the evening he will address a meeting of students at the Congregational church on "The In- vestment of a Life." As the organizer of one of the most influential churches in the city of ,Chicago, his public services have re- cently been recognized by his election to the presidency of the Union League club of Chicago, a -leading business men's club of that city. Dr. Stone was a moderator of the general as- sembly of the Presbyterian church and held the rank of captain chaplain of the Illinois reserve militia in 1917. He also directed the religious work of the Y. M. C. A. at Camp Grant dur- ing the war. MAINE CORPS SOCIETY CONDEMNS RADICALISM TO GIVE PUBLIC ADDRESS MAJESTIC THEATER THIS AFTERNOON ATI BULLETIN Although a Detroit paper told of the cancellationtofrall speaking dates because of the illness of Governor Lowden, this report could not be con- firmed last last night. Governor Frank 0. Lowden, Repub- lican candidate for the presidential nomination, is to arrive in Ann Ar- bor at 11 o'clock this morning, ac-. companied by his wife. Upon their arrival they are to.be taken to Martha Cook building, where there is to be a reception in their honor from 11:30 to 12:15 o'clock. This is open to all University women. Following the reception Governor Lowden will deliver an address in the Majestic theater whichi is open to the public at 12:30 o'clock this afternoon. A dinner wil lhe served in the Un- ion directly after the speech, tickets for which may be had from George Struckman, '20L. The governor is to give a short talk at the dinner, fol- -lowing which he will proceed to Jack- son and from there he will go to De- troit where he is to finish up his Mich- igan campaign Saturday., The Illinois governor is here under the auspices of the University Republi- can club and will deliver a non-partisan address, though he will doubtless speak of the budget system which he is advocating. JUNIOR ENGINEERS ELECT STUDENT COUNCILMEN TODAY Junior engineers will hold an elec- tioli for Student councilmen from 8 to 12 o'clock and from 1 to 4 o'clock today in the Engineering building. STUDENTS PASS RESOLUTION MEETING HELD LAST NIGHT ATI I HELEN M. STURGIS, DETROIT Martindale, Farmington; Miss Venus Walker, Wayne; Miss Esther Rhodes, Alma; Miss Marjorie Howard, Flint; Miss Eleanor Cramer, Kalamazoo; Miss Fay Hoffman, Milwaukee, Wis.; Miss Leona Bernstein, Lima, 0.; Miss Virgina Henley, Mattoon, Ill. Invitations, and -announce- for the senior lit class will go on sale this afternoon in Uni- versity hall from 4 to 5 o'clock. This is positively the last oppor- tunity that will be given to ob- tain these -"announcements. DAVID NASH. I CO-OP STORE PLAN AGITATED AT OHIO A committee of 10 who are i epresen- 4atives of the various campus organ- izations, has been appointed by the Student council of Ohio State univer- sity, in order to formulate plans for the establishment of a co-operative book store. Nominees are: R. P. Dillon, R. B. - All material concerning the opera- Marshall, M. E. McGowan, and R. 0. tion and success of similar stores at Smith. other universities is collected by the FORMER MANAGING EDITOR Student cotdncil, and will be placed in OF DAILY VISITING TN CITY the hands of the committee. From Clarence Roeser, '19, managing ed- itor of The Michigan Daily last year, is in Ann Arbor today visiting friends. fhe has sold his share in the newspa- per at Kenmore, Ohio, and expects to go into newspaper work in another Ohio town soon. these reports, the committee will draw up its plans, which will be submitted to the board of trustees, for its ap- proval. On this committee are two faculty men, seven representatives of men's organizations, and a representative from the Women's Student council. Revocation of Letters for After-Ae. quired Professionalism Only Suggestion RULING, 11 PASSED, WOULD APPLY TO FOOTBALL ALONE Prof. R. W. Aigler, chairman of the Board in Control of Athletics, wishing to correct a prevailing erroneous opin- ion regarding the revocation of letters awarded to football men who partici- pate in professional football after leaving college, issued the following statement yesterday afternoon: Rules Explained "In the first place Michigan has had a rule for some time to the effect that any athlete who participated in pro- ,fessional athletics while in college