The Stage GARRICK-DETROIT aDAY, I, THEATRE MAR. 16 r I- NOT A MOTION PICTURE | 1 Negro minstrelsy, Shakespearian roles, and vaudeville -entertaining have given Andrew Tombes, who leads the cast in "Nothing But Love" this week at the Garrick-Detroit, a variety of acting experience. Two other play- ers of exceptional training are Ruby Norton, who appears as the prima donna, and Florence Enright. The book of "Nothing But Love" has been declared to be so witty that music was unnecessary, but Frank Stammers, its author, has been sup- plemented by Harold Orlob, the com- poser of the music for "Listen Lester." Tomorrow---Thursday OLIVER MOROSCO PRESENTS FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN Today--Return Date DOROTHY AND E V E RLY B A Y N E c.;.) , APPEARING IN PFRSON THE FACSINATINC MYSTERY PLAY "THE MA TTI" FROM THE FAMOUS "PAYMASTERS" STORIES OF RICHARD WASHBURN CHILD. THRILLS! MYSTERY! SURPRISES! PRICES: LOWER FLOOR $2.00, BALCONY,$1100$1.50 ,6ALLERY75c The Screen D A L T ON THE MAJESTIC Milt Shanks, the hero of "The Cop- perhead," a screen version of Augus- tus Thomas' dramatic hit, to be re- peated for the last times today at the Majestic, is rewarded for great serve- ices to the Union side in the Civil war only by the deaths of his son and wife and a life of undeserved dishonor. Lionel Barrymore plays the leading role. THE ARCADE' Staking a penniless stranger and telling him not to come back until he has made good, results in a complete transformation in the life of "The Flame" in Dort)hy Dalton's "The Flame of the Yukon," which will be shown today at. the Arcade. She leaves the saloon where she has'been entertaining Black Jack Hovey's guests, declaring that she will never return. But when her\ prospector comes backsuccessful, he is promptly cheat- ed out of his gold and "The Flame" goes back to her old life. She re- covers the stranger's fortune for him and beats Black Jack at his own game. The story is presented in an attractive way, the dramatic situa- tionsdbeing neither underplayed nor 1 overdrawn. e --n- he Flame of the Yukon" She was renowned in every dance hall of Alaska Flame of the Yukon". as "The A drama of the gold-mad days I ii in the lawless Arctic land. 01 Snmut Go~ctwvgn.tRex Beach. KIN'Rx'S CALLED, ' dcrctcda ~llacal rs~eY Waoon.~ Cti1Le,-5 g'aedMiltoni. SLUG 1 k ALSO a I Fatty Arbuckle BESTATTRACTIONS FIRST ! /I ii -IN - "Fatty the Sleuth" I ADLHZUO peet f . . r i J ; } C a: ;SLr a_ r i h r er"' WITH LIONEL. BARRYMORE y 9Garamounireraft * 2iczure Shows at 2, 3:30,P 7, and 8:30 Washtenaw Taxes Are $637,387 The total taxes assessed Washtenaw county for the year 1919 are $637,387. The books and cash will be in the hands of the county treasurer by March 17. Get your Furniture and Rugs at Koch and Henne.-Adv. Grunewald Original Creole Pralines of New Orleans. Tices' Drug Store, 117 So. Main.-Adv. Buy your reference books now. Graham's Annual Book Sale.-Adv. MAJESTIC LAST TIMVES TODAY "TIHE COPPERHEAD Lionel Barrymore ..... i Mail Orders Promptly Filled Established 1857 Phone Orders Promptly Filled - -7 -- Radiant New Raiment for Easter' with Charm of Spring in Line and Fabric ' . 7_ of /i, I Mack Sennett Presents "THE SPEAKEASY" A thesis on Prohibition or Whr Step at 2:75" The Coats, Suits,-Frocks, and other arti- cles of smart attire, we now present, rep- resent the choicest interpretation of their individual modes. They are novel, differ- ent and uncommonly lttractive. The Suit for Spring To choose a suit this spring is a pleasant duty for one can find most delightful models in serge and tricotine, siniple yet smartly tailored. Our suits show the desired slender silhouette, the severe I I .1 : F 7, 74 F. s LAST TIMES TODAY .1 AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA Parquet 65e Balcony 35c Kiddies 1Qc Extra Added Feature th99y "The Speakeasy" A satire on Prohibition. Wednesday--Thursday "EVEN AS EVE" With an All Star Cast Friday--Saturday. Vivian Martin ii l- "efisOticialFiancee" WUERTH THEATRE TCues-14-15-16---Elsie Janis in The Imp" also a "Snub" Pollard com- edy. and colored review. Wed-Thurs-17-18-H. B. Warner in "For a Woman's Honor" with a kino- gram weekly and comedy. Fri-Sat-19-2ยข-Zazu Pitts in "Seeing It Through" also news weekly and comedy. COMING Locklear in "The Great Air Robbery." William Russell in "Shod with Fire." Tom Mix in "The Dare-Devil." ORPHEUM THEATRE 2 00, 330 7 00,8.30. 10:00" Tues Wed-16 17-Madlaine Traverse in "The Hell Ship" with a Mutt and Jeff cartoon comedy and Craig Kennedy stories. Thurs-Fri-18- 19-Monroe ~Salisbury in "His Divorced Wife" with a news and comedy. COMING Norma Talmadge in 'She Loves and Lies." Olive Thomas in "Footlights and Shadows." S ETBER T AL JOLSON in DETROII "SINBAD" GarrickDeroit Nothing But "LOVE". tlltlllnni11111!!!l1111!!1ll !l11" 0 8 " The Newest Frocks lines or the gracefxul flares, to suit every style, c'ordially invited to attend to it. demand. Dresses have never been so original and engaging as they are this season. Taffetas, bouffant at the hips, fig- ured georgettes graced with beads or plaited bits of taf- feta-all these frocks will delight the woman who is looking for the something "new." Fashion's Favorite Sport Coats Partiality in style means distinction. The coats of the year show a marked' partiality to short, full polo cloth coats, cut on the sport line. The generous pockets, the narrow leather belt, the coveted mannish cut to the You are _ I s ti } , ::A ,J F ; I i ly -'i <" I -.r r _ ' shoulders and back, the dashing brevity, these are decid- edly new features. We are showing other wanted models in long coats suitable for more formal afternoon dress. 1% .3 (Second Floor) L a