aL u !.' 1V0'1 FEATUREES THEATRES LITERARY i'MAr £U*i4Ufl & it~lj SECTION TWO 0 I X. No. 117. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 1920 PRICE THREE CENTS I rIC CUNTRIES RESENTED ON C NUMBER OF FOREIGN. IN ANY ONE SCHOOL, HERE HAS LARGEST KOLLMENT OF ALL of Cosmopolitans Come to :a for Professional Train. Five Religions Counted Alarion TOAST Blurton THEY STAR IN THE JUNIOR GIRLS' PLAY it (By Thomas I. Adams) Of the 7,000 foreign students esti- mated to be enrolled in American schools about 250 are registered in the University of Michigan, the largest number In any one state institution. Of this number it is estimated by Prof. J. A. 6. Hildner, chairman of the board of advisers to foreign. students, that 25 per cent are sent here by their governments and have their expenses paid by that government.. Taking Tchnical Courses The 'great number of foreign, stu- dents on the campus are enrolled in technical or practical work, very few taking the general courses. As Pro- fessor Hildner put it, "They do not come here to learn our ideas of life but how ,we . make the world go round." Nearly all of the students frfm South Africa are enrolled in the Dental school while the great num- ber of Chinese are in Engineering or some other piactical course. En- gineering and political soience are the departments in which most of the Japanese are specializing. Only three 0f the entire number of foreign students registered in the University are in the Law school. It has been estimated by members of the faculty that the number of for- eign students that will be enrolled in the University next year will go as high as 600. 80 Countries Represented In the foreign enrollment of the University at present 30 different countries are represented. From China come 59 students, from South Africa 32, Canada 27, Japan 27, Porto Rico 11, Russia 5, Hawaii 6, Armenia 5, Mexico 5, the Philippines 15, Ar- gentine 6, Holland 1, Chile 4, Poland 6, Turkey 3, India, 1, Hungary , 1, Peru 2, Brazil 4, Italy 3, France 1, Spain 1, Nicaragua 2, Greece 2,. Ko- rea 3, Jamaica 1, Cuba 1, Siam 3, Bo- livia 3, Java 1. This is the first year that there have been any representatives from Siam, Bolivia, or Java on the cam- us, however four countries which ere represented last year are not this year. They are, Germany, Egypt, Straight Settlements, and Switzerland. It is also estimated that more than five different religions are represent- ed on the campus, among which are Christianity, Confucianism, Moham- medanism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Oldest Cosmo. Club The Michigan Cosmopolitan club is one of the oldest organizations of its kind in the country it being estab- lished at the University in 1906. At the same time three others were es- tablished in other institutions. At the present time there are two chap- ters at Michigan. One for women having a membership of 25 and the other for men with a membership 'of 125. The next national convention of the Cosmopolitan club which is to take place in December of this year will be held here. The next international convention, scheduled for 1921 is to be held in Montevideo, Uraguay. In A gust of this year a preliminary in- ternational convention is to be held in AGeneva, Switzerland. A. M. El- kind, Grad., of Harbin, China,is to be Michigan's representative at this gathering. To you, new Man of Michigan, I'll write no stately ode, For you're too much a students' man To fancy a pedanst code. You're human and you're free of mind, Unbound by.dogma's chains;, Your wisdom's of the better kind, And youth still to you remains. We toast, therefore, the coming day, And you, the coming man; Long be your life and long your stay With us at old Michigan. M. K. E. FROM THE TOWER + ---- By H. E. R. Larry-Turn the Crank Rushing' for gold in '49 was a fun- eral procession compared to the daily panics staged at the inaudible drama emporiums surrounding the campus. Next to the press, the celluloid reel is the most entertaining of circulating mediums. You should cultivate the habit of attending these performanc- es. Arrange your college work ac- cordingly. One show a day puts you in class A; two, and you get get num- erals. Motion pictures are not only enter- taining, but also educational, a won- derful combination. This is especial- ly true in Ann Arbor where the best films are procured regardless of ex- pense. Industrial, travel, and current event films are the most popular among the students. This is not an haphazard conclu- sion. It is the result of several months observation by the Committee on Scenic Statistics. The figures sub- mitted here have been taken at ran- dom. Last Monday night one of the show houses had on displdy the screen version of "Herring Fishing in New Mexico." Exactly 849 were enjoying the performance, 132 were standing, and 324 were holding a class rush outside. At the other uptown the- aters was Glorious Gloria in "Under the Shower.". The attendance totaled 67. Two of this audience had seen the other show; the balance were na- tives of New Mexico. Special notice-Classes will be sus- pended at 2 p. m. today so that all may view the screening of "Vamp- ing a Shoe.". Via the 0. L. Route A spiritualistic mellow drama. Chief Spirit: "Things been rushin' since the boss came over. Ah, here's another yap on the line. It's a U. of M. student. Wants to know a recipe for-" . Assistant Spirit: "Someones but- tin' in." Chief Spirit: "It's Ollie himself. Hle says its timeto quit. Gee, I'm glad we're unionized. Big day and I'm tired. Good night." A Intermission. Where're Them Silk Stockngs? Right this way gents,-step right in and be measured for your new knickerbocker unifrom, absolutely the latest, i fresh from the east and first in the west! According to one of the Arcade's leading fabric, draughtsmen, we will be promenading around in golf suits this spring. No more bulging knees or high-water pants. The false calf concession is for sale. Extra! Extra! 'Her mail had just arrived. One of the girls had brought it to the Fine Arts class. Five minutes later. "Oh girls, Syl- van leaves next week and is going to stop off here." Usual chorus. Reading from left to right-Top: Helen Vowles, Margaret O'Reilley, Eleanor Stevenson: Bottom: Marjorie West, Eleanor Spencer. r .. .i-. Pla0ns Laid For Prom Veing With Pre -War Affairs Douglass Dow, '22E, and Helen Stur. giss to Lead Gwand March Open- ing Sophomore Social Eventi (By Hugh W. Hltehcock) Characterized by the attempt to re- establish the Sophomore Prom on its pre-war basis, that of being an af- fair for the class of '22 correspond- ing in importance to the J-Hop to the juniors, everything is in readiness for the second year man's party. When Douglass bow, '22E, chair- man of the Prom committee, with his partner, Miss Helen Sturgis, of De- troit, leads his classmates through the intricacies of the grand march on Friday evening, Mar. 19, in the big ball room of the Michigan Union, the annual sophomore dance will be duly inaugurated. In 1919 the class of '21 held their event in the Armory and records show that in previous years that hall has been the scene of other Sopho- more Proms. In deciding upon the Union this year the Prom committee felt that for conveniences and means of accommodation it was the only logical place to hold the party.- Carrying out the class colors, red and while will be used in the decorat- ing scheme. Word hds been received from Union authorities that the tem- porary lighting fixtures now in use in the ball room will be replaced in time for the Prom by the beautiful lighting system called for in the spe- cifications of the building. The two pianos which together with a saxaphone trio will feature "Sandy" Wilson's 10-piece orchestral are something new to Ann Arbor in dance orchestra personnel. Unlimit- ed musical "pep" combined with Tjaze' acrobatic -,contortions are characteristic Of this dance aggre- gation. BRINGBIG SALE[S Magazine's Appearance Big Factor in Fixing Its Demand, Says Salesman COLLEGE STUDENT PASSES UP TRADITIONAL SPICY STORY (By H. Hardy Heth) (Magazines won't tell the college ~Patricia Passes" Pronounced Best By Prof. Brumm Declares Junior Girls Play of This Year Surpasses All Previous Attempts By Almena Barlow "'Patricia Passes' is the best Junior girls' play that we have ever had," declares Prof. John R. Brumm, "and I' can say that honestly. There are bet- ter possibilities in the Mlay than ever HALF OF STUDENT BODY NGAGED IN CAMPUS ACTIITIES5 -PROF HUMPHREYS. APPROXIMATELY 4,00 POSITIONS OPEN FOR MEN OF UN- IVER.SIT Y PUBLICATIONS OFFER TWO HUNDRED PLACES Varsity and Intramural Sports, Ines- timable, May Include All in School (By Thornton A Sargent, Jr.) Approximately 4,000 positions in campus activitie, are tilled by stu- dents of the University, the work varying all the way from the leading positions on the campus to tryouts for them, service on inrn ma' committees, and competition in intramural ath- letics. Only an approximation is possible, due to the large number of activities and the impossiblity of securing ab- solutely exact data, and the status of certain branches of work, such as membership in honorary and dramatic societies and the like is hard to de- termine. Varied Activtles However, approximately 4,000 posi- tions are taken by students in work at' the Union, on the publications, class ogices and class committees, the Varsity band, Glee and Mandolin club, dramatic activities, such as Red Feather and the Spotlight vaudeville, the Y. M. C. A., competition for ath- letic managerships, Student council, oratory and debating, women's activ- ities, Varsity rports, and intramural competition. Union activties probably claim the time of the largest number of stu- dents, it being esti'mated by officials that 1,000 students will have been on different committees by the end of the year, only 25 per cent of which will be duplications. -This includes not only the officers, chairmen of the standing committees, but those work- ing on the life membership campaign, the orchestra, opera, and Spotlight vaudeville. Two hundred students are either on the business and editorial staffs or are trying out for places on The Daily, Chimes, Gargoyle, and Michi- ganensian. Class officers of all col- leges together with the different com- mittees probably claim as high as 700 workers. Eighty musicians play for the Var- sity band, and 120 students participate in the activities of the Glee and Man- dblin club. Dramatics take about 200 students. For the managerships of the four Varsity sports, football, track, baseball, and basketball, , is esti- mated that 60 are competing. Twenty on Council The Student council has 20 mem- bers, and tryouts for the'debating and oratorical teams interests approxi- mately 40. Women's activities in th nature of the Junior advisors', class games, and other sports take the time of about 300, it is thought. Only 425 of the students competed for membership on the Varsity squads, athletic officials say. Track had the most with about 200, baseball came next with about 100 tryouts, basket- ball third with 65, and football last with about 60.- This includes the en- tire squad and tryouts, both for "the Varsity and freshman elevens. Intramural sports drew 1.000 stu- dents, conductors of this . enterprise say, which does not include the inter- fraternity competition. About 300 stu- dents entered in the departmental football games, the same number is expected for baseball, 118 were in basketball, track will claim about 125, hockey contests interested 125, and swimming will attract about 50. Of course a great many of these dif- ferent activties- are+ entered by the (Continued to page 4) man.) before. The music is better. There A long time ago somebody told me are better spectacular opportunities. all about magazines. It was a rather The lines are witty. It is totally un- interesting story. And sometime when usual for a musical comedy." the hour is late and you are not afraid "The music is the most wonderful to inflict your idling presence upon thing about the play. Every time that some old news-dealer who remains I hear it I am more impressed," said the only wakeful soul in a big, silent Katrina Schermerhorn, '21. depot, perhaps you, too, will be sur- The costumes were started this prised by his sudden burst of gar- week-end, according to Olga Johnson, rulity. chairman of properties. Cover Counts The leading parts of the play are "You know, I sell more of these being taken by Marjorie West, playing bright covered Cosmopolitans in a a vivacious role supposed to represent day than I do of those sad looking the 'modern athletic type of college Atlantics in a year. The cover gov-. girl; Helen Voles, taking a male part; erns two-thirds' of my sales. Most Margaret O'Rielly, a demure young people come without any particular miss who finds, it easy to shed tears;. choice in mind, and the most attrac- Eleanor Spencer, playing another male tive cover catches them. role and Frances Maier are the other "Perhaps you would be surprised," leads. 'Eleanor Stephenson, about he continued, "'to learn what class whom the plot will hinge is taking the comes demanding this sort of stuff," part of the villian. and he pointed to a row of lurid- The juniors leading the production toned covers on fiction of the ultra- of the play are Marcella Moon, general risque type-the various "Stories"- chairman; Thelma Fry, assistant; Breezy, Snappy, Live, and so on- Irene Rosenberg, chairman of music; "practically all of them go to the ap- Katrina Schermerhorn, chairman of parently well-bred and well-to-do lyrics; Olga Johnson, chairman of women-the kind that look married, properties; Cecelia Fohey, publicity middle-aged and bored. They select chairman. Prof. John R. Brumm is two or three and don't even look directing the production. sheepish. I very seldom sell one of the things to any one under twenty- Will Construct Monster Telescope five. Vancouver, B. C., Mar. 12.-A tel- "Men-always in a pompous hurry escope which, it is claimed, will be -buy the Literary Digest and the In- the largest in the world, is to be dependent and begin reading before erected here soon. The lens will be (Continued to page 4) ten feet in diameter.. ra~ham's Order by Phone Stocks of Two Large Stores at Your Service Both Ends of Diagonal Walk Late Books Direct From Publisher Oxr aha lx's 3