There' will be a rehearsal of the complete first and second acts of the ,D Junior Girls' play at 7 o'clock Mon- day evening, March 22, in Sarah Cas- well Angell hall. ETO E IELDWEDINESDAY WILL LAST ONLY ONE DAY iN- STEAD OF, WEEK THIS 'YEAR Get Good Goods at Goodyeair's 4 on The Michigan women's annualTenx oainlcneec o luncheon will be given at 12:30 o'clock Tena oainlc'frne o Saturday, April 3, in Barbour gym- women is 'to be held Wednesday, nasium. The luncheon will be follow- March 17, at 4 p. mn. in Barbour gym- Pr b ae ~ri ciac ma .n . frnasium. The conference which usually Draperies for the JHHop House Party .', to theetent, the Michigan womer, who will be in lasts a week is to be held only a day attendance from various parts of the this year. tic reception 1 state.a Speakers for the occasion are Miss t' lst yar,"Sydney Bach,. assistant superintendent' Kh XElson, 4di- Anyone wising to contribute cloth-oftercainccmlinDri, wee tempted ing or sewing materials to the box M~ oaBrenrea nvr lays for ever. which the D. A. R. Is collecting for. sity hospital, and. Miss Jgannette ctioa, we dethe Serbian relief work will please !Kiekintweld, '18,armet frHo 'sth etroet. thg sdi_ send in his or her contribution not ngdprm tofuso',Dti. posbl o~ later than Monday to the chairman,I Miss Bach will talk on recreation SMrs. M. D. yarned, 522 North Dlivis- work for the summer; Miss Barnes dearold ionsret h bxwllb4hipdon nursing,' and "Miss Kiekinweld on jTuesday, March 16, advertising. A¢l herself is In: connection with. the conference, The tryout for Masques annual play, Miss Cleo Mertland, who spoke to ttil- versity women a short time ago, will will be held Jeromne K:, Jerome's The New Lady, eunfrteproeo aigpr idWeiisa antock," will be held at 4 o'clock :rtr o h ups f aigpr sonal interviews with the -girls who ymnnasium. All Tuesday and Wednesday in Sarah Cas- heter eligible well1 Angell hall. All members, wheth- care to interview her. Miss Mertland er liibl o no ae rquste b th Iwill be in Ann Arbor at 9 o'clock be present. reiil o o r euetdbIht~dnsa onn, n ilItr mebr ildirector, J. Raleigh Nelson, to be pre-,,ensdymrigadwllnt- e parts. The sent both afternoons. All eligible ve il hogotfi'dy Smembers are askedi to try out for one- of th~e parts, TICKETS FOR PLAYFO SA EM N Y Votes Tickets for the. senior girls' supper will be on sale Wednesday, Thursday, - and Friday of this week in University. Tickets for the, Junior Girls} pliy go Marg;aret Bo- hall. Tickets will be 35 cents each. on sale from; 1 to -4 o'clock Monday, in Rifrkamn! '17. U'*I~fA. r3.r,------ -11 --A i #' FRATERNITIES and sororities often find themselves a't this time of year in need of New Draperies, and' the ap- proaching J-Hop may emphasize this need as'immediate for many. To those who contemplate New .Hangings we offer a special .service. We are now so efficiently equipped that-~ we can come into your home, give whatever suggestions may be needed as regards the proposed decorative scheme of. Hangings, make proper measurements, furnish materials and do all necessary work. This thorouighly coimpletex service 'relieves our customers of all details anRd ives them the proper draperies for their require- mi~nts; at prime surprisingly moderate. mnce Bowles, ex-'22, Oath- lLois Tillet, iting friends week-end. of Rochelle, friends here .Clair is Arbor. P, of De- SENIOR GIRLS TO HOLD A :r- AL DINNER IL M 26, Thie. senior girls' supper will be at 5:30 o'clock, March 26, at the Congre- gational church. From here the girls . will go to the Whitney theater to the Junior Girls' play. The senior girls' supper is an old' tradition revived, the last one taking place in the spr'ng of 1917. At this time the seniors come to 'the Slipper ire caps and gowns. This ye~r e girls have decided to weak ofty ok- gandjie collars, ulligri, wh~ii h bave been prgqrec ., the corridor of University hall, and at Graham's book store, and between 8 and 4 o'clock', the remainder of the week. The reserved seats will be sold r directly at these places, at the sannqI tm s cotayt th utmvious years. Prices, including war. are, $1.10 and 83 cents. All Senior girls shguld c.Aj ' ~thai tickets Tuesday, y cnesda r, o.'hu s- day at the, tb e i~u~ vrsty ba Each Senior gib is Atitk d to oOne free ticket iA the section of- the the4ter* rese~yec, fQ .Senio,., 'pickets, willr e- Ir-riday night, lMArch 2t and! Saturday After'aoQo, March 27, Tie aegior" g'irk w~ill attend ixe a body Fdyngt 0 t A A - r-r /i Entrance 124 S. Main Telephone I14 is uiiiiaigssgiiiziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuinnu I~tr~rn Eut'sIII nr n u11110111111tIgIII tIIIIII IIIII I ggunn~ngif I If I I Iug III II 111111 Um 0 * 'GRAHAMS ' U AL B 0 0 K S A L. E 0 * ,- NoRsvais No, Deliveries Tberms: Ca! 0 wordlnary display of books Will1 be offered for sale beginning Monday, March prices, Those, familiar with the sales which we have offered in' the past 9t values to be received. I of books covering every subject, the stocks of two Ann Arbor's largest Ibe offered at'suprisihgly low prices. 0' I This is the time to buy.thM reference books which you have- been wanting. The latest Fiction, modern books on the tSciences, History, Peilosophy, Education---all will be on sale.. Visit our stores Monday and you will not be disappointed 0 0, Sale GRAHAM'S At Both ends of the Diagonal Walk' Open Evenings during this Sal I 11