"HIGAN DAILY L "JVL. ., .- a v .,.,_,. 0 SPRING TRIP CERTAIN FOR IF EGE TSVARSITY BAND, SAYS 3MANAGER "The band is practically certain to take the spring trip," said James S.' ES PETITION Klumpp, 120M, student manager of the band. "Only two more' guarantees are red from Page One) needed before it will be a certainty D. Harvey, H. 3 . Horn- as we already have four guarantees H. Hughes, J. W. Ken- and six are needed. K~unert, L: Kiizchinski, "Appearances have been guaran- I- WvHAT'S GOING -ON -1 I I SATURDAY 2:00-Benefit card party Cook 'dormitory. at MarthaI ,mond, Vera M. Lane, 1. E. Le- W. McCormick, M. f. Mac- R. A. Mclver, C. S. Markham, issnick, C. H. Motulsky, Kath- Orth, W. L. Peach, G. F. Phil- M. C. Piatt (as A ' class of J. Power, C. L.. Rasmussen, iu, F. E. Roth, R. A. Runyon, ,arbinski, A. 0. Skye,' Evelyn M. M. Stone, L. S. Thomp- A. Trumpor, D. L. Vanl)sen ass of 1918), H. B. Vinkemul- of class of 1919), H. N. Walk- H. Watkins, C. R. Webb, C. on (as of class of 1909), R. of Scifence were ou: lison, F. T. Hawley, L. M. Rosenbluth, rude Strother. F. 0. L. owing were miade Bache- cience in Forestry : 3ranson, R. C. Ely, T. S. A. C. Foley, D. R. Hook, R. efollowing were recom~mended' ceive the teacher's diploma: 'nice I. Brown, Maria H .Hughes,I E. TKunert, Georgia MW. Brown, M. Lane, J. C. Peters, A. 0. Evelyn W. Stock, Mildred M. H. J. Wambold. rees of Bachelor of Science in Engineering were awarded to: . Anderson, Taeke Beiboer, Louis r, B. C. Choy, G. F. Hauke, J. club, V. W. McAdam, E. M. Mil- t. J. Morgenstern, A. D. Pelikas, Robinson, R. L. Stonrer, D:' M.. , I. A. Wojtaszak. following fwere made Bachelors' ,ence in Mechanical Engineer- 0. Babcock, M. R. Fox, Edward r, A. W. Hudnutt (as of class 4), R: S. Moore, Laurence Say- '. W. Steelsmith, C. 0. 'Stetler. ;rees of Bachelor of Science in. ical Engineering were award- W.T Camnpbell, P. E. Thomas, W: etmore. following received degrees of lr of Science in Chemical sEn- .lag : E. Campbell, M. B. Doty, E. W. sse, A. C. Marwinske, I. D. Pat- , C. L. Rice, S. M. Schnitz, T.' apson, C. 3. Tobin, helot of Science in Nawil Arch- re and Marine Engin~eering were led to:' ., Ballard, G. W.. Spender. helor of Science in Architecture a.warded to: J. Hosman, E. MW. Read, 3. H. 4pring Thaws Flood Ceollars er from the recent spring thaws' ooded the cellars of many homes .n Arbor. The city motor pump w' at work. pumping out the cel- Michigani Daily, the only morn- xper in Ann Arbor, contains all test Campus. City and World -Adv. teed at Evansville, Louisville, Akron, and Cleveland, and we are practically sure of guarantees from Terra Haute, Jrdianapolis, 'South Bend, and Day- ton," STUDENTS OBJECT TO MAN4Y STATEMENTS AT "48" MEETING (Continued, fromh Page One), hall followed the meeting, at which It was announced that the commit- tee of forty-eight will hold a meeting Monday, March 22,' in the Chamber of Commerce building in Detroit. Marie Jane, Alexander, a sister of 'the speaker, was. a freshman in the ;:University in 1915, pursuing a course in journalism. She left the following Year to attend the University of Chi- cago. iVongregationaiists to Have Banquet A banquet of all Congregational young people will be held at 6 o'clock ,this evening in the parlors of the Coin- gregational church. Music furnished. by the School of Music and also quar- tette singing will be rendered during khe banquet. Dr.. Ozora Davis, presi- dent of the Chicago theological sem- 'nary, is to be the main speaker of the .evening. Prominent men on the cam- pus will also be on the list of speak- ers. Cosmopolitan Club Meets Townight At 7:30 Saturday evening in room 302, University hall, there will be a discussion on "Esperanto." All mem- *bers of both chapters of the Cosmo- politan club and all students and pro- fessors of the University who are in- terested are invited to attend. The speaker of the evening is Mr. S. J. gaffe. Fochi Denies He Is Against League Washington, March -12. - Marshal Foch through the French embassy de- nied the report published in this country, regarding heis attitude toward the League of Nations. The dispatch- es had said the marshal was opposed to the league. 200 Disabled Soldiers at Wise-onsin Nearly 200 disabled. soldiers are studying in the University of Wiscon- sin this semester under the supervi- sion of the federal board for voca- tional education,: according to figures just compiled. Lase semester. about 175. were in attendance. Craftsmen to Confer Third Degree The Craftsman club will co'tfer the third degree in a meting to be held at .7:30 o'clock tonight. at the Masonic temple. This is a special meeting and those in charge desire a' good attend- ance. 6:30 -- Banquet for Congregational students in Congregational church. Dr. Ozora S. Davis will speak. 6 :34-Dinner for members of the Un- itarian guild in the Guild hall. Dr. Samuel A. Eliot guest of honor. 7:30-Members of both groups of the Cosmopolitan club will meeti room 302, University hail to discuss "T.he World Language." 7:30-Craftsman club meets in 3lbi- sonic Temple. 7:3()-O pen Student Volunteer baud meeting in Lane hall 8:00-Japanese club will hold meet- ing at Lane hall. The Korean ques- tion will be discussed. 8:~00-' Michigan -Chicago tract: ~meet. 5:30--Dr. Samuel A. Eliot Will be' guest of honor at the Unitarian Guild Forum. 6:00--S ocial balf hour of Plymoutlh guild in Congregational church. 6:00-Social ,Hour at the Baptist guild. 6:00-Hobart guild serves lunch in Harris hall. 6 :003-Social half hour at the' Meth- odist church. The Wesleyan guild meeting has been cancelled for this week. 6: 30-Union service, Hill auditorium. Dr. S. A. Eliot speaks. MONDAY 7 :30--Mandolini club practice lit n i- versity hall. S :00-Republican mass meeting in Union assembly hall. U-N~OTICES The Varsity band will meet o'clock tonight to play ati meet. All members arez tat 7:301 the track' requested SIX CONCERITSm-----FOUR, DAYS ----------_~ .. to be present. in W\Xaterman gymnasium. SUlNDAE Mullane-, Ta.flie 12-W--D~ruids hold Important mieet- Tires' Drug Store, 3:30-Junior Baptist get-together and' Read the Daily ad taffy pull. Guild house, 503 E. tin- ANjilled you to thl ron. 4:30-Republican 'club executive COOn- !bar's stores.--Adv. mittee meets on third floor of Un- PS of Cincinnati. u117 So. Main.-- dvertisements. They ie. best of Ann Ar- PROG RAMS i.WEDNESDAX.,rvENING, M~AY it) TITTA RUF'FO, BARITONE A S y m ion. TALBOT -1/3'sin. TYRONE-' 2Ys iI I. ARROW f omCOLLARS ark curve cut to fit the. shouukkrs per&tty Cztfeabody &o1c~acs Branch Nickels Arcade j PRESSERS, ILadies' Party Gowns a Specialty Overture : "Patrie," Opus ig Aria : "Patria" . . Symphonic Poem, No., 2. Ara "Tasso; Lamento e Trionfo" Ara:"ZaZa, piccola zingara," from "Zaza" INTVR MIS SION I w Leoncavallo MAY 19; 20, 21, 22, 1920 Vysherad'Smtn The Moldau . Sman- Aria: "0 yin, discassia la iristezza," from "Hamlet" Thomas Capriccio Espagnol, Opus 34 . . . Rimsky-Korsakow Albarado ,Variations0 Albarado Scene and Gypsy Song Fandango of the Asturias (Played without pause) The Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Frederick Stock, Conductor Bizet F'aladihe 2. THURSDAY EVENING, MA~Y 20 THE MANZONI REQUIEM-Verdi SOLOISTS LJENORA SPARKES, Soprano CAROLINA LAZZARI, Contralto WILLIAM WHIEELER, Tenor LEON ROTIER, Bass The Chicago Symphony Orchestra The University Choral U'nion Albert A. Stanley, Conductor 3.. FRIDAY AF~TERNOON, MAY 2I I 1. P OUR IDEA OF' A KODAK PICTURE We have always had the idea that every Kodak User wants the best possible results. So instead of rushing films and prints through the developing and printing processes, we take the required time and care to do the work right and we find our customers are in favor of this plan. If you have never' had LYNDON AND CO. do your Amateur Fin- ishing you will be most agreeably surprised by bringing, your next. roll to us. Our service is 24 hours from 3 p. in. each day. SOLOISTS EDWIN ARTHUR KRAFT, Organist JAMES HAMILTON, Tenor A Chorus of Children Russell.- Carter, Conductor Folk Songs: "Dear Harp of IMy Country" . . . elsh Ora: "Caller Herrin"' Scotch Ogn "Marche Triomphale" . .. . Guslav J. Hagg "Song of India" . . . N. Rimsky-Korsako ff "Serenade" . .- . Sergei Rachmaninoff "Barcrol"l.e!' .K3rul f "Prayer," from "Der Freischiitz" . Weber Organ: Caprice '("The Brook") . . . Gaston M. Dethier Scherzo . . r . Alfred Hollins Rhapsody .'. . Rossetter G. Cole LYNDON & COMPANY *719 NORTH' UNIVERSITY AVE* II ESTABLISHED 1905 AT THE SIGN OF THE KODAK I Arias: "E Lucevan, de Stella," from.:"La Tosca" "Vesti la Giubba," from "I Pagliacci" "The ,Shepherd on the Hills" "At the Window" . . Organ : Second Sonata in C Minor, 'Op. 44 Molto Moderato, "Wo Toccata .Di Concerto "Wois Sylvia ?" ":Hark, hark, the lark" . Puccini Madsen Vander Stucken Josef Renner Edwini H. .4emare Schubert David Warfield Injuqred In Accident Los Angeles, March 12-David War- 'field, actor, 'was struck by an. automo- bile here today, his left leg was brok- en and his face 'lacerated. Read the Daily for Campus News. 4. FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 21 MARGARET MATZENAUER, CONTRALTO Overture to 4"Euryanthe" [V . . eber Scene and Aria: "Ocean! Thou Mighty Monster,?" from "Oberon" Weber Symphony, No. i, B 'flat major, 'Opus 38$ Schumann Andante un poco maestoso--Allegro molto vivace Larghetto Scherzo" Allegro animato a grazioso Letter. Aria: from "Eugene Onegn". Tschaikowsky. Symphonic Poem, No. 2, "Le Chasseur Maudit". . Franck Recitative and Aria: "Thou Monstrous Fiend," from "Fidelio" Beethoven Symphonic Poem, "Finlandia," Opus 26, No. 7 , Sibelius The Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Frederick Stock, Conductor IE EB3ERBACH & SON CO. 200.204 EAST LIBERTY STREET sSATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 22 JOSEF LHEVINNE, PIANIST Overtur,e to "Russian And Ludmilla" ~ymhqyNQ 4 F minor, Opus 36 Andant. sostenutq-k o erato con animza A" i nq in ENodi di' canzona $cherzo : Pizzicato ostinato F" 4le Allegro con fuoco Glinka 7 schaikowsk y Laboratory 'Supplies INTZRMTiSSION rt o rofry, $0 ,GP nj or, Opus 15 Thmck ' Th Qr ago A # on QrT,,4 Aft7 on Rave nc ) , Beethoven Drug 'Store frehandiseI or Traveling""Anywhere 'Anytime YOU WILL ENJOY, USING THE .B. A. Travelers' Checks as issued by this bank. They me in denominations of $10, $20, $50;and $100, are cashed Banks, Hotels, Railroads, etc., without - identification. ifzt Pop lnctor THE DAMNATION QEF4ST' =e-iil a MYRNA SHARLOW (Soprano) , uei EDWARD JOHNSON (Eduardo Giovani) (Tonar) RENATO ZANELLI (Baritone) ,, . ROBERT DIETERLE (Baritone) . . , wThe Chicago Symphony Orchestra The University Choral Union Albert A. Stanley, Conductor TICKETS: $4.50, $6.00, $6.00, $7.00 (If, Pre-Festival "cover-coupon" Is returned, deduct $3.00). PUBLIC SALE of tickets, at Hill Auditorium (instead of School of Music) Saturday morning, March 20, 8 o'clock. MAIL ORDERS will be filled in advance in order of receipt, as near as possible to location asked for. A44ress x4 qp4_grs q CHARL S A. SINKC, SECRETARY. - ash&US - ,c S. & MECHLANA[CVS BANK STREET SREET330 SOUTH STATE STREET (Nickels Arcade)