THE MICHIGAN DAILY i - F THE [GAN 'GMonday f Student ring the Univer- lications. F THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ss is exclusively entitled to the use for dispatches credited to it or not otherwise d the local news published therein. office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second ier or mail, $3.50. Press building, Maynard street. oo words, if signed, the sig- print, but as an evidence of ublished in The Daily atthe rmailed to The Daily office. eno consideration. No man- writer incloses postage. endorse the sentiments, ex- EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 2414 EDITOR.....................HARRY M. CAREY k K. Ehlbert Edgar L. Rice M. Campbell Joseph A. Bernstein *rge Brophy Hugh Hitchcock .i A. Shinkman ...H. Hardy Heth, Lee M. Woodruff . Renaud Sherwood it .... .. .. . .. John I. Dakin t ......... .................Brewster Campbell .. Robert C. Angell artment........................ Marguerite Clark .........Thomas Adams, Thornton Sargent Jr. Assistants G. 7Y. Clarke Thomas J. Whiriery R. W. Wrobleski George Reindel Dorothy Monfort Minnie wuskatt Winefred Biethan Robert D. Sage ]i. P. L~ovejoy Marion Nichols Frances Oberholtzer BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 S MANAGER..................PAUL E. CHOLETTE g..................LeGrand A. Gaines, Mark B. Covell d Classified Ads.........................Henry Whiting .. . . ...Edward Priehs i ...........Curt P. Schneider, R. A. Sullivan recht err Assistants F. M. Heath Sigmund Kunstadter Harold Lindsay D. P. Joyce SRobt. Sommerville Arthur L. Glazer s ishing to secure information Concerning news for any de Daily shol4 see the night editor, who has full charge to be prited that night. ight editors for this week will be: Monday igar L. Rice; Tuesday night, Mark E hl- ednesday night, George Brophy; Thursday [ugh Hitchcock; Friday night, C. M. 1; Saturday night, Joseph A. Bennstein. THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1920. lE FOUNDER OF CAMP DAVIS :he passing of Joseph Baker Davis, profes- -itus of Geodesy and Surveying, the Uni- oses another main whose life has been nked with the progress and expansion of -L graduating from the University of Michi- 868, he secured practical experience with ed States Lake Survey in surveying the e of Lake Superior. This completed, he to the University in 1872 to accept a posi- ssistant professor in Civil engineering. The r of his life was spent at Michigan as m- and as associate dean of the Department of 'ing. s;r Davis was an active partiipant in all iffairs and was eager to do all in his power )uilding up his department. He was sev- s president of the Engineering society and founder of Camp Davis, a spot well known ichigan surveyors. gh he was retired in 1910, Professor Davis ys been remembered and loved by all who ni. His death will be keenly felt on the where abundant evidence of his many activity still remain. THE VOTING PRIVILEGE tablishment of a bureau for the use of stu- lO wish to gain information regarding the e necessary for voting when absent from Ie cities, should be endorsed by the student used freely by them. -ocedure necessary varies according to the m which the student comes, but in most s a simple matter involving little time. The >odies of the different universities of the :ontain a large number of voters of a type ould be able to ballot intelligently. Their :ion in the elections should be encouraged means available. With the polls being ilmost to his door the student should feel hei- duty to cast a vote one way or the every national electidn. ize the bureau. EDUCATION AND INCOME these post-war days comparison of the tive scales of college graduates and work- iave received no university training cannot raise doubts in regard to the value, of a lucation. been cited that some unskilled laborers to receive in wages now many times the tion earned by trained teachers. Mechan- acquire their skill in half, the time needed efe a college ,course receive as much for- ; some teachers receive for a month. Even engineers can barely command the monthly :eived by city garbage collectors. facts, however, cannot be said to represent al conditions that usually prevail in this The abnormal wage scales-in which it t the colnpensations of all classes of work- isters-are the results of a war period whos imme- diate influences must soon pass. Once the readjustment takes place, the prepara- tion received in college will no longer be talked of as a financial loss. "For the purpose of living, of enjoying much, and of doing great things,"' says the Minneapolis Journal, "the path through the uni- versity offers more to the ambitious youth than does any unskilled walk in life." IMPORTANCE OF THE SUMMER SCHOOL A marked change in the general attitude toward the Summer session has been apparent during the past few years. Whereas it was formerly regarded as a last resort for securing needed credit, it is now l looked upon as of almost equal importance to the fall and.spring semesters. Every branch of the summer school work has shown a gradual increase at each session during the past ten years. The attendance last year was found to behalf again as great as that of tcn years previous and the increased number of men on the 190 faculty is of a similar proportion.. Graduate work in 1919 was carried on to a greater extent in the summer than in the regular terms, the proportion 'of graduates to undergraduates in the academic year being 1-31, while in the summer it was'almost I-3. Summer school work is coming to be more and more seriously regarded by the average student. And it is being more widely recognized because of the unusual' opportunity for accomplishing the max- imum work in the minimum .time. THE EVENT CALENDAR The publication of' an event calendar every fall is under the consideration of the Student counci-. This calendar, besides containing the footbali sched- ule, would give the dates and a brief hstory of all the annual events such as Traditions day, pep meet- ings, fall and spring games. A publication of this sort would be an excellent means of acquainting the first year men with the many events which occur during the school year, anl, undoubtedly, would also be welcomed by the upperclassmen. If put out in an attractive manner, it. would be an ornament of real use and an appro- priate souvenir for the "M" book. The Tekeope Awful Bored First lady learner-Is the table at your house always of unvarying excellence? Second ditto-No, indeed; why I've known of days at a time when we didn't get a morsel of scandal. Dear Noah: - What is meant by "the language of the flowers?" 'Reader. Nothing, except that a $5 bunch of roses speaks much louder than 50 cents worth of violets. An extract from Izee Manordog's latest novel, "The Soul of the Gumfoufoo Tree," which- created such a furor in prominent literary circles. I, The great moment of her life had come. The full August moon sending a golden path 'across the waters of the lake, the deep shadow of the balsams enshrouding the rustic seat, their trysting place, - all combined .in an atmosphere that whispered soft murmurings of love. She was unschooled in love, and yet the intuition of gently budding womanhood guessed that he was about to declare himself. II "Dear girl," he began hesitatingly, his voice thick with emotion, "it is time that I spoke to you about something which is of vital importance to both of us. I feel that I would be doing both of us a ter- rible injustice were I to remain silent on the sub- ject. . This thing has kept me awake - I have not slept since that first, nerve-wracking night. I could not, try as I would, banish nor forget that which disturbed my slumbers. And as I lay on my bed' the thought kept recurring to me, 'I must tell her.' I have tried to keep this knowledge locked in my bosom, yet always I have been haunted by the thought, 'You must tell her; you must tell her.'" IJI Her heart fluttered. He loved her. Oh, 'what mattered now - what in afl the world could matter now, except the fulfilling and enriching of their love. Their love should flourish like the ever-blos- soming Gumfoufoo tree, whose broad palms wav- ing in the parched air of the desert bring joy to the eye of the weary traveler. And now she asked gen- tly, "what is this that has kept you awake " He cleared his voice several times Before speaking and then plunged desperately on, "Well, you see - ah - ah the truth is your window is just below mine and to be ah - brutally frank, YOU'RE A DEUCEDLY' HUSKY SNORER." Nothing broke the solemn hush of the evening except the gentle moaning of the balmy zephyrs as they stir- red the limbs of the Gumfoufoo tree. Thanks to L. H. S. J. W. K. . . A Timely Hint When escorting-.your lady friend across State Street try the Sir Walter Raleigh act until you run out of clothes, and then carry her the rest of the way. Famous Closing Lines "With all your falseness I love thee still," she muttered brokenly as she picked up her false teeth. NOAH COUNT. TWO p q p DETROIT .UNITED LINES (Oct. 26, 1919) Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern Standard Time) -Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6 : o a. m., and hourly to 9:10 p. m. Jackson Limited and Express Cars-- :48 a. in., and every hour to, 9:48 P. Im. M1x- presses make local stops west of tarn Arbor.) Local Cars East Bound-6:o5 a. m., 9:05 a. m. and every two hours to 9:o5 p. m., 10:50 v,. m. To Ypsilanti only, 11:4, P in., 111o a. m., and to Saline, change at Ipailanti. Ypsilanti, Local Cars West Bound--7 :8. a. n. and 12:2o a. in. Asked At Random (Any member of the University, pro- fessor or student, who has a subject he wishes discussed in this column, may mail it to the "Asked at Random" reporter care of The Daily.) Today's question..;' 'What do you consider the greatest Ioving picture that has ever been produced T" Albert C. Jacobs, '21, president jun- for lit class: "I have always thought that 'Hearts of the World, was the greatest moving picture ever produc- ed. Its fine actors, beautiful settings, and general theme, coupled with D. W. Griffith's directing, were such ex- cellent examples. of perfection that I doubt if they will ever be equalled." Robert F. Grindley, 121E, president junior engineer class: "I think 'Cleo- patra' and 'Salome' are the greatest noving pictures ever *produced. It is hard to decide which was the greater, for both were excepiti onally elaborate, historical, and instructive. In my op- inion either surpassed 'Intoleraavce' or 'The Birth of a Nation'" Ralph 0. Rychener, '22M, captain of the Varsity basketball team: "The Birth of a Nation,' the picture that made D. W. Griffith famous, is in my estimation the greatest photoplay of all time. Although it was compara- tively simple in plot, the inasterful scenes and wonderful photoplay creat- ed a new era in the motion picture field which has yet to be surpassed." Tomorrow's question: "Do you think Michigan should provide dorm- itories for the men students , .; il11t't llltltltlliltilllllifill fli11t1 lll llll 0/1111111 PargumIent's Exercises Franca Bleyer's Special Featuresa - Castle's Genetics and Eug 'i'lll Is Just Articles enics Johnson and VanMette Railway Transportation UNIVERSITY wRBOOKSTOR ES Received R FLOWERS FLOWERING PLANTS Cousins & Hall Members Florists Telegraph pelivery Phone 115 1402 S. Univ. I A H 'AM' S r.* i l STO RE S Studio j )« PORTRAIT Personal and Distinctive S121 E. WashingtnA Street Phone 598 _ '1 ......_ Patronize the Daily Adyertisers. tif liillii i U illlm iillimu, m u liii l i . Lunches' Sodas 'Candies. SUGARBO WL 109 S. MAIN ST. .!!iiiilifii i l H i l1NRi!: Dix ON'Sw% 7he ma ster drawitp i' A man is judged by the pencil he keeps. A well-sharpened Dixon's Eldorado is a. friend to be proud of. SJOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE CO. .Pencil Dell. Jersey city, N. 3. _ &.dian D'iceibutorsl A. It. 3ijeDouzall & Ca,. Ltd. EIADS ]osmefir~eeryire~* vrafeaence - - g :& Are you going: to the Sophomore Prom?' In spirit of our Decoration We'll Be Thee Ulu atz 10 t 0 0 0 m I a 2 '1