] AN DAILY ... .... :.r,....,. .. ......,.., :,.,. ,,, .... , ...Y, _ TYE .C0T , ,. _i I mm' U Lunches Nunnally's Candy Maynard St. H & SON CO. BERTY STREET atory Supplies :. . . L-,. .a 3T. PATRICK'S DAY DINNER HELD SATURDAY NIGHT IN BARBOUR GYM About 130 women were present at the annual banquet and cotillion of the Women s Athletic association held Saturday evening in Barbour gymnas- ium. The banquet hall was made at- tractive with green and white crepe paper and ferns, the color scheme be- ing green and white in -honor of St. Patrick's day., Seniors Entertain As the two-course dinner was end- ing, the senior girls entertained with snappy songs in which they were soon joined by the representatives of the .other three classes, as well as faculty members and alumnae who were pre- sent. Lucy M. Huffman, '20, president of. the association and toastmaster for the occasion, opened the formal pro- gram by a talk concerning the work of the association in the past #nd its plans for the future. Following this Dean Myra B. Jordan spoke on the early beginnings of the association and its present importance in the lives of )University women. Miss Olga Shinkman, '17, told of her experiences here in her toast entitled "Reminisc- ences." Brief reviews of their respec- tive fields of work were given by the managers of sport. These were Helen Koch, '21, tennis; Beatrice Beckwith, '21, hockey; Helen Campbell, '20, archery; Dorothy Jones, '20, basket- ball; and Helen Bishop, '22, baseball. Miss Woods Speaks Miss Marion Wood, director of phy- sical education, was the last speaker of the evening. Miss Wood spoke of the importance of the association to the girls and also - announced the ames of the girls who ade the class basketball teams and 9e winners of honor points. Phyllis Wiley, '21, was the only girl to win a sweater, hav- ing made 100 points. Winners of pins were Sue Verlenden, '20, 73 points;, Beatrice Beckwith, '21, 62 points; and Marjorie Van Norman, '20, 63 points; Winners of arm-bands were Dorothy Jones, '20, with 31 points; Alice Blair, '21, 31 points; Lois De Vries, '21, 36 points; Joanna Graham, '21, 34 points; Alice Hinkson, '21, 34 points; Helen Koch, '21, 31 points; Quinneth Sum- mers, '21, 42 points; and Frances Wei- nier, '22, 32 ppints. Teams Give Stunts Preceding the cotillion, entertaining stunts were given by the junior and senior basketball teams. The cotil- lion was pronounced a ,decided suc- cess, the dancers frolicking gaily in a maze of ribbon confetti. Favors in the form of ballons, horns, and sham- rocks were given and helped add to the gaiety of the scene., Alumnae Donate To French Fund, - 6men Senior women will meet at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in Barbour gym- nasium. There will be a meeting of the _board of the Women's Athletic association at 5 o'clock Tuesday evening at Barbour' gymnasium. Dean Myra . Jordan wili be at home to Universty women on Tues- day afternoon at 1215 Hill street. The University Girls' Glee club re- hearses at 4:30 o'clock ''ueshay aft-; ernoon in Barbour gymnasium. The Junior girls' party has been' postponed until after the Junior Girls' play. Stylus will meet with Marguerite Clark, at Alpha Chi : Omega house,. Tuesday evening. 'Professor Cowden, of the rhetoric department, will ad- dress the club.. Freshman girls' first and second basketball teams will practice at 3 o'clock and sophomores at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in Barbour gym- nasium. An extra period for apparatus prac- tice will be held at 2 o'clock Wednes- day afternoon in the gymnasium. Dinners. Lunches Confectionery Ice Cream, Delicious Sodas We Make our own Ice Cream Orders solicited from Fraternities and Sororities. 218 S. Main' Phone 166 Trubey' s °I f :T4 HE , ARCADE CAFETERIA Nickels Arcade Up the Stairs {4 Key Boy! Have You Tasted The Good FoodAt The ARCADE ? Pure foods at low prices, prepared by experts. Everything displayed on our forty-foot steam and serving tables. select just what appeals to your own individual appetite. Bakery goods fresh from our own ovens. Delicious coffee with rich Jersey creayn: Kindness, courtesy, and good service prevail here. I Campus News I these well-known Ann'Arbor dealers sell NUNNALLY'S I Mrs. Elise Bennett Smith, '94, is spending A feW, days in Ann Arbor as' the guest of her daughter, Elise B. Smith, '22, and of Miss Grace Green- wood, of the Martha Cook bu4lding. Mrs. Smith's home is In Louisville, Ky. - Marion Ackley,\ '19, of Detroit, spent Saturday and Sunday here as the guest of friends. Gladys Daum, '20, of Toledo, visit- ed in Ann Arbor over the week-end. f! r r_, r.. . ..^i.. lrir.w.f i'i. gw i rw M II IrM ie famous tandy of the South Vera ]Keyser Robinson, '18, Huron was a guest on the Sunday. of Port campus it E. C. EdsiHl Fisher's Pharzmacy Sugden Drug Company John A. Tice Tuttle Lunch Room Honor D. Vann, '15, of Detroit, is here for several 1days' visit. Helen Humphrey, '15, is the guest of friends in Ann Arbor. Christine Stringer,,'17, and Margaret Bassett, "17, are visiting friends in Ann Arbor. Grace Condit, '14, is, here as guest of friends for* a few days. the ,, 4I i li Mrs. Mary M. Needham, representa- 0nC ,ep tive of the American committee for atI' devastated France, spoke to the imem- I Moo asd bers of the Collegiate Alumnae asso- Ths Get Aation at their last meeting, held DV E R TI S I N Gaturday at the home of Mrs. E. C. :oddard.The sum of $100 was voted - to the committee for its further work LOST in France. oung Women. The same sum was also voted to the porn, "Won LOST - Friday 10 A. M., between, Rose Sedgwick scholarship fund, perienced, to Martha Cook Bldg. and Memorial which American women are trying to ding Saturday Hall, gold fountain pen. Call Miss raise, to the amount of $25,000. Miss Bowes, an State Tel- Rose, 290. Reward. Athena Will Discuss U. S. Problems LOST-A pair of brown gauntlet glov- "Americanization," "Profiteering," single room es in U-Hall audtiorium. Finder "The Smith-Towner Bill," "The Radi- young man please return ,to Secretary's office. cal Movement,""Gomper's Position In largntLabor," and "The Personality of Mar- ery pleasant LOST-In vicinity of Arcade Theater ion L. Burton," will be the topics for 3. Division. a diamond setting, about 1 karat. five minute talks by Athena Literary e of rooms by Finder please phone 2325. society members at 7:15 o'clock to- s. Must be night on the fourth floor of University the campus. LOST-Small leather notebook con- hall. red. Box A.-f taining Engineering notes. Reward. Ramsey 692-J". MULLANES TAFFIES at Tices' !_________________Drug Store, 117 So. Main St. Re- modate about veived every week.-Adv. Lows who are LOST- Waterman pen without cap, clas board. Thgmas, 1422-M. Box A. B., FOR SALE I ~ Women Vocat onallsts Meet at Cornell The fourth ' Intercollegiate confer-, ence on vocations for -women took place at Cornell on March 5 and 6. Speakers prominent in the vocational world were secured to address the convention. Discussions concerning "ways of communication" and "un- dergraduate vocational guidance com- mittees" were held. Women from many eastern colleges and uxiversities attended. Patroulse the Daily Advertisers Branch Nickels Arcade ' aNERS RESSER LneUS " LAches' Pa t owns °4 pecialtyj "' '" S- , FR EG G~l .. _.: .. H. ._ '. : . .[ r i r sa .. ,:, .:,' a K_ r"i .. .a#.L ii A u 47{, 4 . , . ..,w .. . G !° , l ,, W. H Frater-1 ease for Box W. G_ I i> FOR SALE-Dress suit and overcoat, medium size, also set boxing gloves. 509,S. Division. Call mornings. FOR SALE-One new Spencer Micro- scope. Must sell at once. 412 Cam- den Court. Phone 1580-M. FOR SALE--One set of Encylopedia Britannica. Last Edition. Address, T~v P xTlt..a1 vJ4F R IV' hotograph are more than photographs--they are true portraits, bringing out all that's' best in character and individuality. /. Portraits 9uality 1 Al. / flake your appointment now, and avoid the rush Spring Season. In