THE MICHIGAN DA1L' r, COE MCTION Michigan Graduate Marries Wishes to correct an er- Dr. George Piper Wood, '19H, and the announcement of the Hazel Willwirth, of Reading. Pa., were shown under 'the auspices married yesterday at Reading. They en's league at 7:30 o'clock will make their home in Detroit, evening, March 10. This where Dr. Wood wil assist Dr. Frank shown in Hill auditorium Kelly. He was a member of Alpha arah Caswell Angell hall, Sigma fraternity, and on the Student d.' council in '18 and '19., - - ... :, OLDEST ACTRlESS OF WORLD IN WAR MOVIE~ Y. W. C. A. TO HOLD CONVElITION IN CL1VELA)ND COMING WEEK Representative of Thousand Organfia- tions Will Gather to Discuss, Feminine Problems I w1ore, H- WOMEN'S LEAGUE FILM 'O GIVEN MARCH 10 IN HILL AUDITORIUM BE I ' I ot f Ro T~ a~i Bol ofRic and sattsfactor to every tustom- e account be large or Savings Bank 'Pot of Rot Tea apd Bowl of Rice -with-~ Plain \Chop Suey 35c EXTRA FINE-45c Open 11 A. M. to.1 A. M. Quang Tung Lo 618 E. Liberty. Phone 604. Cor Main & Huron h TUntrerilty A*e ;1 (OIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA OSSIP GABRILOWITSCH, Conductor LOIS M. JOHNSTON, Soprano . , ,. ... .. .. .. i 1r\ J.. . .. ... a s r Hill Auditorium, Mon., Mar.8 8p. m. All parts in the war aftermath pic- ture "The Heritage of France," to be given at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday even- ing, in Hill auditorium, under the au- spices of the Woman's league, are tak- en by people who have lived and suf- fered from the conditions depicted in the pictures. Tliy are French peo-- ple" whose stories are tragic proofs of the awful effects of war upon the ci- vilian population. German Captives Seen The juveniles are war orphans who were in the, war area during many engagements and were captured by the Germans. The characters of "moth- er" and "the girl next door" are taken by beautiful French women who lived in German captivity for months. The grandmother is played by Madame Fressard, who is. probably the oldest film actor in the world. This old lady, 87 years of age, stayed at her home in the war torn country and cooked for =the Gernans during their possession' of her village and later for her 'Francais," when the. district was re- taken. All of these people are being cared for by the American Committee for Devastated France whose work at re- building the shell torn homes has the support of great leaders in botn Amer- ca and France. The film is prepared by this committee and is a realistic depiction of conditions all too famil- iar to their workers. MENORAH SOCIETY COMPLETES PLANS FOR PURD[ MEETING Arrangements have been completed for the annual Purim program of the Michigan Menorah society which will be held at 2:30 o'clock Sunday after- noon in 'Lane hall. Devera Steinberg, '22, will speak on Queen Esther, the moving spirit of the Purim festival. Moris Cohen, '22; has a specialty number on his cigar- box violin. Oscar Brown, '21, in a ser- Twenty-five hundrs4 delegates to the sixth convention of the Young Women's Christian Associations of the United States will meet in Cleveland, Ohio, April 13 to 20. They will repre- sent the 1,000 Y. W. C. A. centers lo- cated in"small and large cities, town and country communities and colleges of the, United States. Unusual sig-r nificance attaches to this convention, as it is the first to be held since 1915, meetings being abandoned dur- nig the period of the war. * The purpose of the convention, as stated by Mrs. Robert E. Speer, pres- ident of the National Board of the Y. W. C. A., is to gather together the members of the Y. W. C. A. "to seek the ways of the most effective service in a world that will never be the same for women." The morning and afternoon sessions will be given over to consideration of the many hew and perplexing problems which the asso- ciation faces in a world changed by years of war. The evening sessions will be given .over to addresses by men and women internationally known for their lead- ership in Christian thought. Dr. Rob- ert E. Speer, secretary of the Board of Foreign Mission ,of the Presbyte- rian church, Dr. S. Earl Taylor, head of the Inter-church World Movement, and Bishop Frank J, McConne1I, of the Methodist church, are among the men who will speak to the convention 'on' the relation of the Y. W. C. A. to world problems. . Senior girls. are requested to call at Mack and company to be meas- ured for their gowns before March 12. There will be a meeting of M ortar- board at 10:30 o'clock Sunday' morn- ing at Martha Cook dormitory. A "mistake concerning the appli- cants for Betsy Barbour residence was made in The Daily for Friday. A great many applications have been re- ceived from freshmen . and sopho- mores, but as yet no appointments have been made. However, it is not too late for juniors and seniors to apply. There will be a meeting of all sen- ior women at 4 o'clock, Wednesday, March 10, in Barbour gymnasium. Mandolin club try-outs will be held from 4 to 5:30 o'clock; Tuesday, March 9, in room 305, University hall. The president invites any girl who plays the mandolin, guitar or banjo. to try out. There will. be' a rehearsal of all songs and choruses of the first act of the fourth floor of Universlt Members of the club will be program. The regular meeting of the m class of Masques is postponed Tuesday, March 16. The cast of Stuart Walker's "Nevertheless," is requested t director, J. Raleigh Nelson, to at 4 o'clock Tuesday, March Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Phisic Notes Two musical programs will b en 4n Hill auditorium during tb few days. At 3 o'clock Sunda ernoon, March 7, a complim twilight recital will be given. singing under the direction of : Carter will be featured. The au will be led in the singing of fa hymns and patriotic airs. The versity band, under the baton o fred Wilson, will contribute groups of, concert numbers, Frank A. Taber of the organ f of the School of Music, will pla eral pieces on the organ. Ther be no admission fee. F "Leonora" Overture, No. 3 .,.. = Symphony in D minor, No.. 4, Q Introduction; Allegro;F (Played without pau Overture to "Bartered Bride" In Aria: "Dove Sono," from "The Aria: "Leonora," from "Le Ta Prelude: Love and Death, from Overture to "Tannhauser" .... PROGRAM r _ ..... ........ . Beethoven )p. 126........................Schumann Romanze; Scherzo; Finale use) ....Smetana atermission Marriage of Figa'ro".........Mozart sse" ........................Godard S ZTristan and Isolde".........Wagner ................... Wagner $1.001 1.1t, $L.O - the Junior Girls' play, at 4 o'clock, Detroit Symphony orchestra Monday, March 8, in Sarah Caswell its conductor, -Ossip Gabrilowitch Angell hall. make its second appearance in a gram of orchestral selections. Board of representatives of the Wo- o'clock Monday evening, Mal men's league will meet at 9 o'clock Lois M. Johnston, soprano, who Saturday morning at Barbour gym- appeared at several Ann Arbor nasium. vals, will appear as soloist, of two arias. Freshman women may attend the film) "The Heritage of France," and Miss Parker's lecture at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday evening in Hill auditor- ium. Campus news, student doings, news of the outside world, are all to beJ ,found in the Michigan Daily.-Adv.. Miss Elise Bennett Smith, Louisville, Ky, is visiting her d, er, Elise Smith, of Sorosis hous Miss Grace Greenwood of Martha building. : Athena Literary society will meet at 7:15 o'clock Tuesday evening on " TICKETS Get Good Goods at Goodyear's TENOVIA BLOUSE. Strictly Hand- Made PrONE ORDERS PRO APTLY FILLED. PARTY P UMPS - with thq prettiness of their slender. full Louis heels, and the flexibility oftheir hand-turned soles give a. charm to the wearer. We are displaying this accepted style of pump in our de- partmaent, reproduced indull calf, dull kid, patent leather, black or white satin, white rein skin cloth, and silver. Ranging in price from $9-$12. Buckles in cut steel, in rine stones, and beaded, in all styles, $1.50-410.00. ies of humorous recitations and Arnin Friedman, '20, vocalist, follow. Simon Shetzer, '21, In a Kipling recital, and a string quartet composed of Phil-Dia- mond, '21, Morle Kann, '204 Fred Zier- er, '21, and Lester Luskin, '21, will complete the program. Refreshments will be served during the entire- eft- ernoon. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Man's evening clothes with tuxedo and afternoon clothes. Size 38., Used less than one year. Call 1405-J. LOST AND FOU(ND LOST-Will the party whb took tan trench coat with checkered lining from new Science -building Thurs- day afternoon, either return same to 1437 Washtenaw or call J. H., at 319. LOST-A Silver mesh bag at Majestic Theater or on State between Liberty and Catherine. It contained about $300. Please call 751-M. s A' i/( ;yf '--111 I N OTHING is fresher and prettier than an entirely Hand Made Blouse of Batiste or French Voile. Novia Hand Made Blouses express refinement of taste and beauty of design because of their individuality, their becoming collars and their smartness. Novia Hand Made Blouses in designs forecasting the demands for spring are priced from $7.00 to $15.00., (Second Floor) Our entire remaining stock of Evening Gowns in the most fashionable of the season's modes has been reduced to ONE-HALF price. In- cluded are numerous models to satisfy completely whatever individual preferences may be shown. (First Floor) Lave Copy nt Quary asd The Dela LQST,-Tail of brown ,.fur Tuesday night at Arcade Theater. Reward. Call 452. Mildred Rennolds. FOR RENT F'OR RENT-One or two rooms. Block and half from campus. For either two or three young men students. Phone 1471-W. FOR RENT-Single room for one or two., Convenient and near campus. Inquire 522 Monroe St., 2612-J., . ,, TIS N """r. ._ i r rri rr.+rwr. +e i ,. . nmi .rr r . "' WYANTED NTED-To rent one single room n second floor; also young man rants roommate for large front oom, first floor. Very pleasant ooms. 1741-R. 429 S.-Division. NTED-Room or suite of rooms by wo graduate students. Must be rithin four blocks of the campus. 'rivate family preferred. Box A. 'WANTED WANTED - Bright Young Women. Experienced or inexperienced, to work part time including Saturday and Sunday. Apply Miss Bowes, Chief Operator, Michigan State Tel- ephone Co., FOR SALE FOR SALE-Dress suit and overcoat, medium size, also set boxing gloves. 509 S. Division. Call mornings. FOR SALE-One new Spencer Micro- scope. Must sell at once. 412 Cam- den Court. Phone 1580-M. FOR SALE-Two tickets for Detroit Orchestra Concert. Phone 1203-J. 530 S. Division St. FOR SALE-Two lower floor adjacent seats, Detroit Symphony Concert. Phone 964-M. about ho are board. A. B., for 'rst class ng room. Box FOR RENT-Nice large single room. I Steam heat. Call 2410. MISCELLANEOUS SALESMAN WANTED - Exceptiohal good pay. Call between 2 and 6 P. M. Room 232 ,Nickels .Arcade. Things cooked as you like them 1 Minute Service, for Breakfas "GOOD EATS" 600 EAST WILLIAM MENU includes t9read and Butter Tea, Coffee, Milk Potatoes,. Dessert Soup-Cream of Chicken, Rice Roast Stuffed Spring Chicken, Cranberry Sauce .. ....75c -Filet .of Beef; Beurigoise Roast Lamb,: Apple Jelly.....40c Roast Leg of Veal, Celery Dressing..............40c .ROast Sirloin of Beef .......35c Mashed Potatoes Combination Salad Deep Pineapple Cream Pie We serve Regular Meals Sunday Night r rv 1 ., t D. " t' We have entirely new styles of this very finest cotton lingerie in gowns and envelope chemises-the most beautiful needlework possible. Seams, hems and scalloping are entirely by hand, and trimmed with beautiful designs embroidered by lBand-in Porto Rico. Some lave fine Calado hand-drawn work. These garments are individually cut, insuring correct sizes and accurate fit, and are carefully laundered and neatly pressed. Our prices are exceptionally moderate for lingerie of this kind. (Second Floor) Hand Made in Porto Rico PORTO RICAN LINGERIE everal students weighing founds or over as donors ransfusion. Fee $15. Ask rn, University Hospital. n M. S. E. Air Service. enced on Curtis O. X. '5 rotors. Call 236. W. H. } FOR SALE-Banjo maadolin. condition. Phone 1554-W.' Washtenaw. Good 12181 FOVW" Alffm" " M I * SALE- Violin. Call evenings ar 6. 1021 E. Catherine. Phone Entrance 124 S. Main Downtown 4