I 1 "iz i' L x va as,,,, 2r-- £ rir~ JJt't.LLd I «.._. ;w..,...._ . .. ,, Earle F. Boxwell, '21, J. J. Goshkin, '21L, C. 'T. McKinney, '21, W. H. Mes- singer, '21, Earl Miles, '21, and D. C. Shelton, '21. The seniors will be se- lected today in their first elimination contest. he junior and held the first senior f'nal will nday night and e time Tuesday son hall. The the finals are Students of all Colleges should read page four of the Students' birectory and sign their names i4f the space for that purpose.-Adv. . - I At PMAN BTRIST [N STREET .s Arcade -I -II l E1't111 ftii tEi 1Y1 ,^- 'Lunches Sodas Candies SUGAR BOWL 109 S. MAIN ST: I i I 1OIlliIlIllllfEEEE ttEE![EEEEE11 -..-W.-- ' uourIeou ancl atisfactor, CR EATM ENT to every Custom- .r wtrethei tbe account he large ir .'ma The Ann Arbor Savings Bank t wtrporated 1869 t..apjtal and Sitritis, 4.$ M .ll aM ber aMn $ 4.IustMI,1 a $ PLANS COMPLETE FOR BIGBgBNQUET: TONIBRT WOMEN'S ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION HOLDS ANNUAL AFFAIR IN BARBOUR GYM With special entertainment provid- ed both for the banquet and for the cotillion, plans are now complete for the big annual gathering of the mem- bers of the Women's Athletic asso- ciation to be held at 6 o'clock to- night in Barbour gymnasium. Following the custom of past years, a loving cup will be awarded to the class that is represented by the great- est number of girls and that evidenc- es the most ingenuity in its class stunt. Each basketball team will provide entertainment with a skit be- tween courses at the banquet. Toasts by Dean Myra B Jordan, Miss Marion Wood, and Olga Shink- man, '17, with Lucy Huffman, '20, president of the association, presid- ing as toastmistress, will conclude the banquet. Aesthetic dancing is the form of entertainment provided for intermis- sion between dances at the cotillion. Tickets for the banquet and cotil- lion may be ;procured at Miss Marion Wood's officetin Barbour gymnasium. Following this these same girls, aided by Georgia Hicks, '22, Dorothy Wilhite, '22, Winifred Buck, '23, Laura Mills, 23, and Genevra Parker, '22,. ap- peared in a scene from a country school. "The children" sang songs and spoke pieces and threw spitballs at "Teacher" in a very realistic man- ner. - Campus News Mrs. G. W. Kipg, -04, of Detroit, is the guest of friends on the campus over this weekend. Mrs. John Howard, '05, of Dowagiac, is in 'Ann Arbor for a visit with friends. Tickets for the Women's Athletic association banquet are on sale at Miss Wood's office, in Barbour gym- nasium. Cotihlion tickets may be pro- cured free at the same place. Senior girls are riquested to call at Mack and company to be meas- ured for their gowns before March 12. Rehearsal of the entire first and second acts of the Junior :Girls' play will be held at 9 o'clock Saturday morning in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Elsie Erley, '20, will be acting pres- ident of the Women's league during the absence of Marguerite Chapin, '20, who will be in Detroit for several days or a week on account of -the illness of her sister. There will be a meeting of Mortar- board at 10:30 o'clock Sunday morn- ing at Martha Cook dormitory. A mistake concerning the appli- cants for Betsy Harbour' residence was. made, in The Daily for Friday. A great many applications have been re- ceived from freshmen and sopho- mores, but as yet no appointments t'atroiznuAI v. t A A...I have been made. However, it is not All senior basketball girl too late for juniors and seniors to an important meetinij at apply. this morning in Barbour - 4 You will enjoy our Chocolates and Hard Candies. They are fresh and the besc for quality. I-- - ~709 N. Unversity , a4 ;trat;ur uui ,E.iY CTiSY.T:I:- t v is a Specialty !+ M ~' ..4 i s .s / FLOWERING PLANTS Cousins & Hall Florists Telegraph Delivery £@02 S. Univ. I ANN ARBOR. MAY 'FESTIVAL I, r l .. ... Six Concerts-May 19, 20, 2 ,/22, 1920-Four Days 04 ll N J , ,"" ,,,, . _ _, :. ji y ; j ' l H <+ p c ill 'AR1TSTS- TITTA RUFFO Wednesday Evening (Chicago Opera Association) "Thp highest priced Baritone in the world" LENORA SPARKES Thursday x s" z Mary Harper, '19, of Detroit, spending a few days in Ann Arbor. (Metr'opolitan Opera Company) "A brilliant star" (Soprano) is CAROLINA LAZZARI PRING OPENING OF lats, Beautiful in Detail - AND Exquisitely Feminine in their Charm. Evadece R. Wright, '19, of Detroit, is the guest of friends on the cam- pus. Hope E. Ferguson, '49, of Birming- ham, is visiting friends here over Sunday. Marjorie VanZandt, '19, of Toledo, came Friday to spend a few days as the guest of friends. Margaret McDonald, ex-21 of De- troit, is a guest here this week end. Louise Potter, '16, came out from Detroit, to spend Saturday and Sun- day with friends. Reah Barbarin, '19, of Detroit, is in Ann Arbor for the week end. Ardath M. Paul, '19, of Detroit, is the guest of friends here for a few days. Mrs. Thomas Jefferson Smith, '95, of Birdsville. Ky., is visiting friends in Ann Arbor this week. (University School of Music) "A splendid American Tenor" LEON ROTHIER (Metropolitan Opera Company) "Here is a voice that reaches the heart" (Contralto) WILLIAM WHEELER fA FOGL BEY!S AL TY HAT SEHOP 117 L. Liberty Street * Thursday Evening Thursday Evening Thursday Evening Friday Afternoon Friday Afternoon (Metropolitan Opera Company) "A Bass of the highest order" EDWIN ARTHUR KRAFT (Trinity. Cathedral, Cleveland) "A premier American Concert Organist" JAMES HAMILTONA (University School of Music) "A general favorite" (Tenor) MARGARET MATZENAUER (Metropolitan Opera Company) "A glorious and gorgeous voice" (Contralto) JOSEF LHEVINN (Russian Pianist) . "A pianistic tidal-wave" MYRNA SHARLOW (Chicago Opera Association) "An ideal Marguerita" (Soprano) EDWARD JOHNSON (Eduardo Giovanni) (Chicago Opera Association) ."The operatic sensation of the year" (Tenor-"Faust") RENATO ZANELLI (Metropolitan Opera Company) "Chile's most distinguished Baritone" ("Mephisto") ROBERT, R. DIETERLF (University!'School of Music) "A capable "Brander" (Bariton) Friday Evening Saturday A Saturday son: TISI Leas" Copy at QMMIYS and, /The Delt Saturday Evening Saturday Evening vE }s...... C AND FOUND L ailet with identifica- F. S. Fisher, containing Lad miscellaneous. Re- et with or without mon- I F. S. Fisher, 1021 E. 481-R. be party who took tan with checkered lining Science building Thurs- n, either return same to naw or, call J. H., at 319. >f brown fur Tuesday cade Theater. Reward. ldred Rennolds. 'OR SALE Ban's evening clothes and afternoon clothes. ed less than one year. ne new Spencer Micro- sell at once. 412 Cam- WANTED WANTED - Bright Young Women. tExperienced or inexperienced, to work part time including Saturday and Sunday. Apply Miss Bowes, Chief Operator, Michigan State 'el- ephone Co. WANTED-Several students weighing about 150 pounds or over as donors for blood transfusion. Fee $15. Ask for Dr. Biern, University Hospital. WANTED-Ten or fifteen fellows who desire good board at a reasonable rate. Private dining room. Box B. !1 6nra TliV.4 .. Grace Millard, '97, of Detroit, is spending several days on the campus. Margaret Novy, '19, of Detroit, is the guest of friends heres over Sunday. CLEVER SKITS PUT ON AT WEEKLY LEAGUE PARTY UNIVERSITY CHORAL UNION - 11. Albert A. Stanley, Conductor Russell Carter, Conductor A CHORUS OF SCHOOL CHILDREN THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Frederick Stock, C Two clever skits, enacted in Bar- bour gymnasium yesterday, entertain- ed a large number of girls gathered , there for the weekly party given by the Women's league. The first, called "Featuring Half- Breeds," was acted out by Frances Ea- ton, '23, Florence Hoffmaster, '23, Mar- y.,-a e f garet White, '23, and Margaret Schna- WANTED-Saleslady for afternoons. ple, '22. They came out dressed as Mrs. E. B. Fogerty's Specialty Hat boys, and while singing "Listen, My Shop. 117 E. Liberty. Children, to This Tale of Woe," sud-; denly, by some ingenious trick of cos- FOR NTturning, turned around and appeared, FOR RENT-One or two rooms. Block' dressed as girls. and half from campus. For either two or three young men students. The Michigan Daily, delivered to Phone 1471-W. your home, six mornings a week, for SCHEDULE OF PRICES FOR TICKETS (All Tickets are Exempt from War Tax) Orders for course Festival tickets (with remittance) should be sent in BY MAIL at the earliest possible date. They will be filed and filled in the order of receipt, and tickets will be mailed out about April first. BLOCK "A"-Three central sections (2-3-4)1 on the Main Floor. and the first Eight Rows in the First Balcony.....$'7.00 BLOCK "B'-Two side sections (1 and 5) on the Main Floor and the last Seven Rows in the First Balcony.........$6.00 BLOCK "C"-First Fourteen Rows in the Second Balcony.......$5.00. BLOCK "D"-Last Nine Rows in the Second Balcony...........$4.50 Holders of Pre-Festival Course- Tickets should deduct $3.00 from the above mentioned prices provided they return -the "cover-coupon" attached thereto, the schedule then being: BLOCK "A"-$4.00; BLOCK "B"-$3.00; BLOCK "C"--$2.00; BLOCK "D"-$1.50. please address all orders and make remittances payable to CHARLES A. 'INK, SECRETARY, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. Call evenings ierine. Phone FOR RENT-Single room for one or two. Convenient and near campus. Inquire 522 Monroe St., 2612-3. the rest of the year, $2.00.-Adv. Get your Furniture and Rugs Koch and, Henne.-Adv. at 11 .. . -T ~NEVER Weinbei a S...r.., BETTER