11 for substantial gains. Stuart made the last 25 yards to the goal line single handed, carrying the ball three 1,1 IILULIIW1LU i U'I U1I FRESHMAN ELEVEN Touchdown by Stuart Gives Second String Gridders Revenge for Defeats APPEARANCE OF GLENN DUNN BRINGS JOY TO YOST'S CAMP Followers of Yost's protegees were in a more optimistic mood yesterday than has been the case for more than a week. The main cause for this advent of good spirits was the return of Glenn Dunn, the sturdy lineman who was last seen in action here in the fall of 1916. Bigger Than Ever The big fellow is heavier than ever and appears to be hard as nails. He now tips the scales at 233, although several pounds will probably be taken off before he gets into fighting trim. Experience at Newport on "Cupid" Black's naval team two years ago has helped Glenn to retain his football ability, so that he should start right in playing a better game than ever. There were five All-American stars on the Newport aggregation among whom were such men as Black, form- er Yale captain, Barrett of Cornell, whose fame is well known in Ann Ar- bor, and Callahan, theHarvard star. To be a member of such a team is quite a distinction, and if Dunn is able to come back and play as he did then, the big fellow should help Yost out considerably in his search for more line material. Dunn was a member of his freshman team in 1915 and played on the Re- serves the following year. He is big-1 ger and huskier now than he was at that time while he has lost nothing in speed or aggresiveness. Varsity Perfecting The Varsity practice was again light on Wednesday. The'usual program of kicking, passing, blocking, tackling and signal drill was run through. Sever- al other new men appeared in uni- form yesterday and swelled the ranks to about 25. Coach Yost does not want the men to stop c9ming out, however. He especially desires heavy men who have had experience in the pigskin pastime. The Reserves again scrimmaged the freshmen and this time succeeded in coming off on the long end of the score. Stuart of the Reserves carried the ball over for the only score early in the game and Henderson kicked goal. Staurt, Breakey and Wilson were the big guns in the backfield, while McGrath at right end broke up manA of the freshman plays and did some excellent blocking. Breakey Gains Breakey did effective work running back punts and often skirted the ends I times for good gains, the last one be- ing a line plunge in which he broke free and dodged 15 yards to the nal chalk mark. Cary distinguished himself by recov- ering two fumbles and Jim Campbell at left tackle startled the crowd by nailing Paper, the elusive freshman, full five yards behind the scrimmage line. Cress tarted the game at cent- er for the Reserves, but was put out in almost the first play when he made a hard tackle and his opponent fell on his head. Elmer was so dazed that he had to be kaken out of the fray. Johnson Directs Early Training Track and field sports men repre- senting practically all events are re- porting early this fall in prepara- tion for a banner year for Michigan next season. Baker Trains Joe Baker, although not as yet able to handle the.16 pound bullet on ac- count of a sprained hand, has been out for the last few days working around the gym and getting in con- dition. Joe did not start training last years until late in the spring on account of eligibility rules, but when he finally straightened himself with the faculty, came through as the champion shot putter of the Western Conference. With his early and con- pistent training he' should be better than ever when the warm months me around again. 'Red" Cross was pole vaulting yes- terday on "Little Ferry field" between the gymnasium and the Medical build- ing and appears to be in better form than last spring in practice. Before an audience of wide-mouthed fresh- men Cross was clearing the bar at 'better than 11 feet and doing it eas- Cook Suffers Injury Bob Cook, who carried sprint points in both the eastern and western in- tercollegiate meets last spring, re- ported to the club hou~e yesterday for an examination of his foot. The Var- sity dash man broke a bone in his left extremity while hurdling at Camp Davis this summer but hopes to be in shape by spring. Coach Farrell has a creditable showing of high jumpers with which to develop a champion squad and with practically all of the distance run- ners working out with the cross country men seeral times a week,, predictions for a well balanced and finely trained track team would not be untimely. Martha Washington Candies, fresh every Friday. Tice's, 117 So. Main St.-Adv. SUFER__MISHPS' Damage to Regulars Adds to Confustion Of Conference Football Outlook GAME WITH FRANKLIN LEAVES PCRI UE STRENGTH UNCERTAIN Illinois Urbana, Oct. 8-Zuppke's biggest job in the next week is to remove the feel- ing of overconfidence that has spread! over the campus as a result of the tie1 game that Purdue played with Frank- lin. Expected to win easily, the Boil-; ermakers were lucky to slip over a touchdown in the last few minutes and tie the score. As a result of this, fol- lowers of the Lllinois team are predict- ing an easy win next Saturday, and not even the report of Ralph Jones, who watched the game, has changed this fLeling. Jones says that Franklin sent up a whale of a team and Purdue was fortunate in not being badly de- feated. "Purdue was caught napping," was the remark of the scout. The spur of the tough game for next Saturday has set the Illini coach hard at work and many changes in the line- up are expected when the team takes the field against Purdue. -Wisconsin ' Madison, Oct. 8.-A general shakeup of the men out for line positions is expected this week, as a result of the Ripon game. Coach Richard's men came through the game unscathed, but the line was found weak. Marquette, the team that will oppose the Badgers next week comes with a big reputa- tion, and the Wisconsin coaching staff is worried over tle prospects of the game. Purdue Purdue, Oct. 8.-The Boilermakers will go into the Illinois game in a week condition, minus several of the best of the regulars, who are out on account of injuries. The faults of the team, as revealed by the Franklin game were a weak defense and lack of teamwork. The coaches hope to im- prove these features and partially make up for the liissing stars on Sat- urday. Captain Huffine, who was sent into the Franklin game at the ost moment to stave off defeat, was in no condi- tion to play and at the time wore a felt boot on his injured foot instead of a shoe. Minnesota Minneapolis, Oct. 8.-Neal Arnston and Joe Kennedy, quarterback and fullback respectively, were badly in- jured Saturday in the game with North Dakota and will probably be out of action for two weeks. The line plunging that Ruden exhibited Satur- day marks him to be one of the best offensive players on the Gopher squad this year. Itis expected that he will be one of the stars of the Minnesota backfield in the big games to come. Indiana Bloomington, Oct. 8.- Undaunted by their tough luck in losing to the Central colleg of Kentucky in the last two minutes of play Saturday, Indiana set to work yesterday to train for Kentucky State. Pierce, tackle, and Kyle, right halfbac., are on the hos- pital list and will not report this week. Tuesday was spent in a fast scrimmage with the freshmen, follow- ing a light signal drill and short scrimmage with the fresh on Monday. Iowa Iowa, Oct. 8.-After the hard game Saturday with Nebraska, all of the Iowa men showed uI Monday for prac- tice in good shape, except for minor bruises. The men were limbered up by a short kicking and passing drill. Belling and A. Devine booted the oval for 'good distances. Halford Rich, re- ported but did not go on the field. Jack, whose shoulder was hurt, and Charlton, whose leg is troubling him, both reported but werenot allowed in the practice. Tuesday was a night of hard scrimmage against the fresh, all men goining in except those men- tioned. The coach may schedule a game with one of the minor Iowa colleges to fill the open date before the Illinos game on Oct. 18. ALBION STUDENTS HURT IN EXPLOSION~.OF CHEMICALS Albion, Oc 8.-Two stude s were injured by a c'emical explosion at the McMillan Chemical laboratory of Al- bion college. Rae Carliss received a quantity of acid in one eye, while August Lang .was slightly cut by fly- ing glass. TANK MEN, START REGULAR PRACTICE Regular practice of the Michigan swimming team was started Wed- nesday afternoon in the pool of the city Y. M. C. A. About 20 men turned out for work and all showed up well in the time trials. Settle, a freshman, did the 20 yards in nine flat, which ties the, best time made in that pool. White, who won the Michigan diving cham- pionship, was among the tryouts yes- terday. Ptactice will be held at 3:30 every Wednesday afternoon and at 10:30 Saturday morning in the "Y" pool un- til the tank at the Union is finished. If the men are in good enough shape, and everything uns as planned, a meet will be held along the latter part of November. YEARLI1NG GRID OUTFIT STRONGEST IN YEARS RECENT WORK AGAINST SCRUBS CONFIRMS COACH'S FORECAST Searle at quarter, Banks at left halt, Paper at full back, and Dunphey at right half. This lineup with the sub- stitution later of Collie at right half nade an excellent showing against the older men. Searle has done the field generaling for the team in a commendable man- ner in all of the mix-ups with the Reserves. This little signal caller hails from New Frier, Illinois, and brings with him an enviable reputa- tion. Another back who up to this time has done work which would merit a permanent berth in the line- up is Paper. This man has stood out preeminently and has a particular knack of picking out convenient holes that offer big gains. He has been the best general ground gainer that the freshmen have produced. He obtained his prep school experience at St. Thomas school, St. Paul, Min- nesota. Experienced Pilot Dunphe; who has been used fre- quelitly at the halfback position is one of the two men on the yearling team who played on the M. A. C. eleven last year. ,He has had ex- perience both as halfback and full- back. Collie, anotier man wh into the race late has prophesies of mazy fans a Cleveland high school year and was adjudged ti back in the state of Ohic Line Heavy Extreme weight will be of the line. With a cen weighing 215 pounds, and er huskies nearing the 2( team will present a form The guard positions are alternately by Wachter, Van Ord9n. Wachter play Waite, Johns is the othe M. A. C., playing as guar having been chosen the ously as All-state high ter in Michigan. Van Ord his bulk of 210 pounds to defence. Three men have attract at the end positions. 'T bel, Pipp and Johnson. lanky pass grabbers are same exceeding height a Their performances have equal, all of them havi canny characteristic of and grabbing the opposi men behind their own lin Unusual work against the Varsity reserves has brought the freshmen into the limelight in the last few days. Coach Mitchell before turning the yearlings over to the tutelage of Coach Mather expressed the opinon that the team this fall would surpass any first year team in the annals of the University. With the men becoming organized to a certain degree and the elimina- tion and selection necessary in mak- ing the finished product progressing rapidly, the time has come in the de- velopment of the eleven when the personnel can at least be guessed at. Backfield Fast Coach Mather has an extraordinary amount of excellent backfield material and from all appearances the team will consist of light dodging backs be- hind a heavy line. The biggest problem presented to the coaching department is the de- velopment of a plunging fullback. The last few practices have witnessed the constant rearrkngietnt of the back- field in an effort to discover which of the several possible fullbacks is the' logical choice. The combination which was used yesterday against the Reserires put rl~~ llimlKT BOWLING BUILDS tSOUND NERVES The worry and strain of modern business take a fear nervous energy. So business men see the need for wholesome play to r Bowling is a game that builds sound nerves. Don't weather if you don't feel well. Try bowling and you won alibi for "'off" days! HUSTON BROS. BILLIARDS AND BOWLING, CIGARS AND CA CIGARETTESAND yPIPES "We try to Areat you Right" I' CHORAL UNTO ANNOUNCE7IENT On Saturday, Oct. 11, 1919, an entirely new ,series of dances will open at the PACKARD. Eight Jazz Artists will fea- a ture and chaperones are by the Womans' Club thru Dean Jordan's office. If you are tired of the ordinary, try a real, all-campus party of distinction. Tickets at Busy Bee and Blighty : 1111111111111111111 11111111[Itllll tl1lll t111111 11111 1lilltt111111111i 1111111'11111111111:IIIii CO N C ER T "I[ A limited number of Season Tickets still available at $4.50, $50004$350. j IIDIIIllll l f_'" I tI 1DDHD!111DtItI D1illllli KIRSCH BAUM CLOTHES Beginning Saturday, Oct. 11, tickets for the For Style For Quality For Value FARRAR CON'CERr SPECIAL THIS WEEK OVERCOATS at $37.50 will be on sale at $1.00, $1.50, and $2.00 each at the Uniyersity . y e _., i ;r School o f Mus 4 Nunnally's, "The Candy of the I South." Tice's, 117 So. Mai St.-Ad.' 1