Ii, FoodDrafts The Ann Arbor Savings Bank is selling food. drafts under thee plan submitted by Herbert Hoover, Chairman of the American Relief Administration. American Relief Warehouses established in Warsawi, Hamhurg, Vienna, Budapest and Prague, are now being stocked with the following commodities: Flour, bacon, beans; canned milk, corned beef, lard and cottonseed oil. These food drafts may be purchased in denominations of ten and fifty dollars by customers desiring to help individuals in Poland, Germany, Austria, Hungary and Czecho-Slovakia. The purchaser receives a food draft to be mailed to the + s person he desires to assist in one of the above named coun- tries who will be entitled to receive on presentation of this food draft at the nearest central warehouse the food ,desig- nated in the draft. "There are two ten and two fifty dollar food drafts designated to meet Christian requirements and Jew- ish requirements. This plan has the approval of our State Department and that of each of the foreign countries concerned. The European Governments will hold all contents of Am- erican Relief Warehouses free from requisition and will as- sist in transportation of all foods. Should any profit accrue from the operations, it will be turned over to .the Children's Fund. Those desiring to contribute to the General Relief of any of the countries namted without designating any individ-- ual may purchase a draft and we will forward it to the Re- lief Administration. This is a constructive relief measure without the uneco- nomical methods of sending food packages from here with- out any assurance that they will ever reach their destination. We are selling Foreign Exchange now on all Europe except Russia. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $600,000.00 Northwest Corner Main and Huron Streets and 707 North University Avenue ,: A