, I y 1IICHIGAN DAILY at ah1iy na duing the Univer- udn ulications. ATED PRESS entitled to the use for ited to it or not otherwise s published therein. rbor, Michigan,' as, second tard street.' Yords, if signed, the sig- , but ag' an evidence of bed in The Daily at the lIed to The Daily office. consideration. No man- r incloses postage. orse the sentiments ex- .... Minagiag Editor ....Business Manager. the University, have been forced to work roan, times until after midnighat, to take care of these small checks. The condition is becoming so seri- ous that the bank officials are contemplating issu- ing an order that no checks will be honored for amounts less than five dollars. It has even been coniidered to stop many student accounts. The solution of the problem is for students to cease to make out checks for less than five dollars, unless under extraordinary circumstances. The student cotild carry a few dollars in his pocket to pay for niscellaneous expenses. Surely we do not want a high monthly tax put on student accounts at the local banks. The no-less-than five dollar check will solve, the problem. Rohlfs recently rose to a height of 34,610 feet in a Curtiss plane. He must have been somewhere near the present level of prices. "This is a striking place," declared the foreign potentate as he made his initial visit to one of America's big steel plants. . Even brooms have gone up in price. Cleanli- ness used to be next to Godliness but now it is next to impossible. It hardly seemed possible that Chicago would forego the finacial benefits o: stretching out this series. At. least no one denies the fluidity of the anti- prohibition argument. 1\ 1 *..... . , ' ......N....................News Editor .'City Editor .-. Sports Editor .............Woifien's Editor ......................Telegraph Editor ITORIAL BOARD Charles R. Osius, Jr. ... ... ... .--... Advertising M anager .. ]Issue Manager Qffice Manager .Publication . Manager Circulatior Manager .Subscription Manager .... ... .... ... ... M usic Editor -.Literary Editor Exchange Editor Campaign Editor ...Staff Cartoonist AL TAYLOR TO BE IN CHARGE OF U14O BILLIARD ROOM Opening about October 15 with 18 po-ol and billiard tables and with Al Taylor in charge, a professional in- structor and one of the best billiard players in the country, the Union pool room will offer playing opportunities at the same price as any State street halls. Al Taylor will haye charge of the billiard room, and he will be around at all times to give free instruction to any University men desiring .it.j The tables, vhich have arrived, are stored in the reading room until such time as everything in the bil- liard room is ready for their installa- tion. Wood panelling of the walls is completed, but the hanging of the light fixtures is not finished. It was originally planned to open the room earlier, but a hold up of some riquired marble necessitated setting a later date. Michigan Daily advertising is the one recognized means .of reaching student trade. Attention stud ents You will always fined it at Mich. best book store and at the right price. You are welcome. I i University \VWahrsBookStore Tuttle 'S :TORS Wdams Brewster Campbell John 1. Dakin STAFF iley Ralph DuBois Ferhorn Robert C. Angell H. Hardy Heth STAFF D .Jye Lunches. DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (June 9, 1919) (Central Standard 'ime) D'elroit Limited and Express Cars-8:io a. In., and hoursly to 9:io p. in. Jackson Limited and Express Cars-7:48 a. in., and every hour to 9:48 p. m. (Ex presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.) Local Cars East Bound-6:oo a. in., 9 :05 a. m. and every two hours to 9:o5 p. n., 1o:5 p. mn. To Ypsilanti only, 11:45 p. in., 12 :20 a. m., r:io a. in., and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-6:48 a. m. .and :11:20 p..in. Robt. Somerville a/ ! gz a -i " Mormon LwIL. SargentU, ,sr. FIELD FLAG-POLEF :o Michigan men killed in the e to be'erected on Ferry field. an fiags are to be raised, with each football game. -This is propriate , form of commemo- vised. Nothing is more sig- ethose men 'have rendered their country and University. privilege of every Michigan' contribute to the sum being e this memorial. Eight thou- raise $400 in a few hours. patriotic; it is not necessary eir duty. The Daily, on an- otinced how money may be :ionably the. -students will being called tpon to support Prices are high enough. Boost everything at Michigan. On The Other Hand Concerning Confusion The New-Comer says:- I like the looks of my new books; They cost me three weeks' wages- Therefore I fain would ascertain What's written in their pages. But every day, where I now stay, The racket is increasing- A dreadful din, a mandolin- And chatter without ceasing. , Oh how, indeed, is one to read In such wild agitation? I've lost my poise in all this noise: Please deal with this vexation else Nunnally's Candy Maynard St. I COMING : ,, For Satisfactory Amateur Finishing leave your Films at I 'I Charles Whitney Gilkey. Quarry's Drug Store "A Faith Au ditor'iumn F ETIF' G, 7:30 for the Times" .11 The SWAIN do the work ATWith Late War Maps To the students of The Unlverslty of lUchigan who take advantage of this offer now made in connection w. JRS autumn day- of a motor beneath -rous shouts of fare- far end. of the cam- ad flourish, the party aoon-at the same The Old-Timer replies:--- You've told the truth, oh wretched youth; The tumult here is awful! We also used to feel abused, Declaring it unlawful But every year this earthly sphere Grows noisier than ever: Our peace of mind we've left behind To be recaptured-never. 'Twould be unkind t train your rmind To think in peace and quiet ; Then shout, some day, "Get in the fray, You cloistered monk-and try it !" .So; to have noise, we've hired some boys To furnish great confusion; They think that they are here to stay, But this is mere delusion. Webster's New The Only Grand Prize (Hi given to dictionaries at the Panama-Pacific Interna- tional Exposition was' granted to Webster's New International and the Merriam Series for superiority of educational merit. Internation Words of Recent Interest Anzac, ace, barrage, Bertha, blighty,' Boche, Bol- sheviki, camouflage, Lewis gun, Liberty bond, Sam- my. soviet, tank, war bride. These are but a few from the thousands of late words,-all clearly de- fined in this Great Work. entioned class is struggling irteous obliviousness to the erhaps the instructor has out in the middle of a lec- nts are in the midst of a g as best they may on the he people outside don't will. scenes are enacted in a on the campus every day. iver'sation'andwwhistling he open windows as stu- on the matter at hand to are disturbing anybody. elves are not immune from made the scene of unnec- able gatherings during the The Hferriam. Webster A Complete Reference Library in Dictionary Form-with' nearly 3,000 pages, and type matter equivalent to a 15-volume Encyclo- pedia, all in a single volume, in Rich, Full Red Leather or Library Buckram Binding, can now be secured by readers of The Michigan Daily on the following remarkably easy terms: The entire work in either binding (with complete 1919 Atlas) Delivered for $1.00 and easy payments of only a few eents a week ierea r (In United States and Canada.) REDUCED ABOUT ONE'HALF (IN THICKNESS AND WEIGHT) If you can toil in this turmoil, And practice concentration, You will agree, some day, with me, That it was your salvation. essary attribute of. effective study is con- n. Noise is the death-blow to concentra- grave-yard silence on the campus cannot ted and is, morebver, to be avoided. But nore consideration from those who are at or those who are not, would mean consid- the latter class. At the same time it would concessions on the part of the former for we assume, spend a certain amount of the class rooms. Al' EIGHTEEN CENT CHECK ong discussed question among bankers in owns a to student deposits has become a blem in the announcement of the cashier f the local banks near the campus that his 11 charge 50 cents per month for all ac- nder $ioo unless the students co-operate e 'the congestion of checks sent into the Editor's Note-The above verses with some oth- ers which will appear in later issues of The Daily were written by a prominent man of Ann Arbor, who is very much interested in student affairs, but who, in his own words, wants his "anonymity care- fplly preserved." They were written for the purpose of printing them in a booklet for the freshmen. As the latter plan did not materialize, he has given them to The Daily for publication. 1 Didn't Write It, Boys, Don't Blame Me Dear Sir While perusing. your worthy sheet of October 2, we happened upon a mirth maker involving the em- inent Mr. Hoyle. It is not our purpose to criticise but we call your attention to the fact that we fail to understand how four queens can be pitted against a royal flush. If, however, you have in your possessions a deck of cards of such a nature, please forward at once ; even though in the early days such a deck in a game would provike an argument highly dangerous to the participants thereof. Yours truly, Two forrmer "Stew-gents." These two former "stew-gents," if they have left- the University, are still students of the great Amer- ican pastime. There is always one safe line to put in ,a story about our chief executive: "Mrs. Wilson - - --* next to the President. Printed on -thin, opaque,- str superior India Paper. It has excellent printing surface, re ing. in remarkably clear imp lons of type and illustratio What a satisfaction toown New Merriam Webster in a f so light and so convenient to 1 This edition is only about one- the thickness and weight of regular edition. Size 12Y4 it 94 in. x 2Y in. Weight 8 11 ,aRegular-Paper Edition Printed on strong book pare the highest quality. Size 12% x 9Y in. x 5/ in. Weight 15/ te S. "It is an ever-present and reliable schoolmaster to the whole family" The only dictionary with the new Divided Page, characterized as "A Stroke of Genius." Over 400,000 Vocabulary Terms, and in additibn, is,ooo Biographical Names,, nearly.30,o0d Geographical Subjects, be- sides thousands of other references. Near- ly 3,000 Pages. Over 6,ooo Illustrations,. ., that about .5o-per cent of all tudents of the University are i five dollars. Many are for ne was received recently for THE ATLAS, Is the 1919 "New Reference Atlas of the World," containing nearly' -24 pages, with 128 pages of maps, beautifully printed in colors, with marginal reference indexes, late Census Figures, Parcel-Post Guide, late War Maps, etc., all landsome- ly bound in red cloth, size 10%4x13% E. VanTO THOSE WHO MAIL THIS COUPON AT ONCE E. Tan Allen, 805 Empire Bldg., Detroit, Michigan (Publishers of Genuine Webster Dictionaries for over 70 years) Please send me free of all obligation or expense a copy of "Dictionary Wrinkles containing an amusing "Test in Pronounciation" (with key) entitled "The American- ization of Carver"; also "i25 Interesting Questions" with references to their answers,. and striking "Fascimile 'Color Plate" of the new bindings. Please include specimern pages ofIndia and Regular paper with terms of your Michigan Daily free Atlas offer om Webster's New International Dictionary.