. . 'est to University Yomen 'I Notes r the Women's Athletic banquet will be on sale ay noon at Miss Wood's -bour gymnasium. Cotil- may be procured free at ce. s are not turning out to ractice in satisfactory hursday will be the last re the selection of the Erley, '20, last year's es as many seniors as how up at 5 o'clock for s enrolled with the ap- mmittee should come to w'een 10:30 and 12 o'clock hiis week in order to fill Tanks. >f all the choruses of the .e Junior Girls' play will o'clock Thursday after- 1 Caswell Angell hall. r the Girls' Mandolin held from 4 to 5:30 o*'clock Tuesday, March 9, in room 305 of University hall. Senior girls are requestedto call at Mack and company to be meas- ured for their gowns before March 12. All junior advisors and girls on the ,intercollegiate committee are request- ed to 'meet at 4 o'clock in Helen New- berry residence. It is very import- ant that allbe present. Campus News Dyme Bodenstab Hamilton, '19, .of Detroit, has been the guest of friends here for several days. Alice Yaples, '10, died at her home in Merton, Feb. 10. Her death came after an attack of pneumonia. Miss Yaples took her masters degree in 1912. She was a member of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority. The Michigan Daily, the only 'mwm lug paper in Ann Arbor, contalin an. the latest campua ity' and wwld naws.-Ad.- OW Sc BOSTON UNION OFFERS ECONOMICS FE1hLOISNiPS TENT NOXTHS TRAINING GIVEN BEFORE REAL FIELD WORK BEGINS Dean Myra B. Jordan has received a letter from Miss Lucile Eaves, di- rector of research of the women's ed- ucational and industrial union Bos- ton, asking for desirable candidates for three paid fellowships in social economic research, which are offered ,each year by the union. Pay $500 and Expenses These fellowships carry a stipend l of $500. Clerical assistance, equip- ment, and traveling expenses neces- sary for the investigations are furn- ished by the department of research. The qualifications are as follows: A degree from a college of good stand- ing,' training in economics or io- ogy, satisfactory references in regard to health, and character and special fitness for this sort of work. The fellows are required to give their en- tire time for 10 months to the training offered by the department. Offer Critic's Training Training is offered -in the making and criticism of schedules, in field work, in ,the construction and inter- pretation of statistical tables, and in the presentation of results. Two co- operative investigations will be made by the staff of this department. The problem will probably be "Methods by Which Self Supporting Women May Provide for Their Old Age." Many eastern colleges and several western universities have accepted the completed studies as these for ad- vanced degrees, and have given grad uate credit for training in research. Women who are interested In these fellowships are asked to confer with Dean Jordan at once] PLIGHT OF SERBIAN ORPHANS REPORTED TO BE FRIGHTFUL Mrs. Larned Plans to Send Relief Box of Local Clothing Contri- butions "Serbia has 500,000 orphans with- out proper clothing. Orphans are sent out from their homes in rags. They have no stockings or shoes A child with a piece of burlap for shoes is considered lucky." These statements were made by Mrs. Morris D. Larned who is respon- sible forthe 'getting up of a Serbian relief box in this city. Mrs. Larned wishes the box to be complete by March 10. It is to include clothing for men, women, and children but es- pecially for the /children. Mrs. Lamned asks that all contribu- ,tions be biought to her home, 522 North Division, or left at Mr. Lamned's hardware store on State street. DEAN EFFINGER PRESIDES AT MICHIGAN EDUCATORS MEET Lxpect To Show French War Film Elsie Erley, '20; Ann Fitzpatrick, '20, Marguerite Clark, '21, Ruth Mills, '22. and Agnes Holmquist, 22, a com- mittee appointed from among direc- tors of the Women's league, met Wed- nesday at Barbour gymnasium to dis- cuss the ,project of bringing here a film, "The eritage of France." It takes an actual Freneh family through the war. Miss Grace Parker will deliver an address at the same time, telling of her experiences in France while rep- resenting the American committee for devastated France. A definite date and other details will be published as soon as fully decided upon. between PEGGY PARIS. Ladies' and Misses' sizes. sizes and of .lusic Notes The Two musical programs will be giv- en in Hill auditorium' during the next few days. At 3 o'clock Sunday aft- ernoon, March( 7, a complimentary twilight recital will be given. Mass singing under the direction of Russel Carter will be featured. The audience will be led in the singing of 'familiar hymns and patriotic airs. The Uni- versity band, under the baton of Wil- 'fred Wilson, will contribute two They -are made from patterns cut es- pecially for Girls---and Little Women- Whose smaller figures cannot be well Correct Cut and Coloring 9 1 9 t groups of concert numbers, while Frank A. Taber of the organ faculty of the School of Music, will play sev- Vral pieces on the organ. There will i be no admission fee. Detroit Symphony orchestra under its conductor, Ossip Gabrilowitch, will make its second a pearance in a pro- gram of orchestral selections, at 8 o'clock Monday evening, March k Lois M. Johnston, soprano, who has appeared a several Ann Arbor festiv- als, will appear as soloist, offering two arias. British Army Reeruits 200 Daily London, March 3. - Recruits are Joining the British army at the rate -of 200 per day and many of the men jl fitted in regular cleverly altered. Peggy Paris Il We are showing a number of various models-all beautifully tailored and skilfullylinished. "Beauty sizes-even Is not.only in their snappy youthful- ness of style and effect- But in the very important distinction though f fK IS EXEMPLIFIED IN OUR Display of Spring Apparel f *. ) e are making a preliminary showing of approved styles in wo- coats, suits and dresses, to which we invite your most discrim- whose period of service was about to expire have re-enlisted. Campus news, student doings, news: of the outside world, are all to be found in the Michigan Daily.-Adv. MAIN AND LIBERTY STREETS N it's a tempermental little ripple or astonishing brevity or a or a tailored model that you desire in the jacket of your new ur "wish may be gratified in our selection of suits. The most shades of n~vy blue, brown and heather mixtures are pre- r coats and dresses show the same selected variety. Some re in polo cloth and cut ip a short, snappy fashion. Dresses aew conceits of fashion in taffeta puffs and ripples-around the r in the newest flowered patterns in georgette. n ' TODAY-r-Your Last Chance to See your attention to this display. Norma (Second Floor) Talmadge / KING MILLINERY OPENING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY- At the parlors of Stevens & Pershgin exclusive showings are millinery for all occasions. 4DTLan Copy LA001F11 Qa~~~~JS nDETSIGy Delta "She Loves and Lies" HERE'S THE LOVE THAT LIES IN WOMAN'S EYES-AND LIES, AND LIES AND LIES FOUIND een Majestic theater and I Ave., 4 bar pin of alter- Is and turquoise. Finder 12418-J. ay afternoon, a package brown skirt. Finder ne A. M. Hinshaw, 1680-J. 1 black pocketbook con- .80 and a key. Finder all Margaret Spalding. Log Log slide rule and se. Will finder please no- uigley, 620 S. State St. FOR SALE WANTED-Four students for circular distribution, Saturday at 9 A. M. J. B. Carter, Allenel Hotel. FOR SALE- Violin. Call evenings after 6. 1021 E. Catherine. Phone 964-R. WANTED WANTED-One dog. Thoroughbred necessary. Puppy preferred. Call 231.. WANTED-Used Log Log slide rule. Call 2612-J. FOR RENT FOR RENT--One or two rooms. Block and half from campus. For either two or three young men students.' Dean J. R. Effinger presided last week in Cleveland at a dinner given for the 400 Michigan educators in at- tendance at the convention of the Na- tional Educational Association. Dean Alfred.H. Lloyd of the gradu- ate school, Superintendent Knapp of Highland Park, and D. B. Waldo, president of Kalamazoo State Normal College spoke, their speeches being followed by a program of Michigan sopgs. Dean Myra B. Jordan talked to 58 Michigan women at a luncheon dur- ing the same conference, at which means of meeting the debt on Alum- nae residence were discussed. Plans were.made for a tea to be given at spring vacation for Cleveland wo- men who are now attending the Uni- versity, and for those who intend to come. Glee Clubs to Have Dance University Girls' Glee club will en- tertain the Freshman Girls' Glee club from 3 to 5 o'clock, Saturday after- noon, March 6, in the parlors at Bar- .bour gymnasium. Dean Myra B. Jor- .dan will be a guest. The freshman girls have prepared a number of orig- inal songs, which they will sing at this time. Dancing and games *ill furnish the entertainment, and re- freshments will be served. 1,000 Draft Evaders in Michigan Detroit, March 3. - Approximately 15,000 draft evaders are belie7ed by de- partment of justice agents here, to reside in Michigan. For Campus news road the Mich- Igan Daily.-Adv. The fountain of youth is some- times hidden by the false foliage of old age.* So it was in She Loves and Lies." Don't miss Norma Talmadge in her first comedy- diama. Also Star Comedy "BUINNGLED BUNGA- LOWS" and Weekly. LET'S GOI Adults 30c Children IOc SHOWS AT 2:00 3:30 7:00 8:30 I TOMORROW AND SATURDAY t CHARLES RAY I THE CLODHOPPER" emical laboratory ox, B. M., Daily. COMMENCING SUNDAY MARY 'PICKFORD "POLLYANNA" I