r COLORS: Cardinal Golf Red Navy ,Bl ue~ Copenhagen Blue Tan RecedaGreen Hunter Green Myrtle Qreen White Purple' Sand Brown CANNOT RECT TO' . A, A,. i , . . 81inu\ DINNER AND DANCE MARS 0 On acount of lack of space, tickets for the annual banquet to be given by the Women's Athletic association have been limited to 200. The ban- quet will be held at 6 o'clock Satur- day evening, March 6, in the dining room of Barbour gymnasium. Arm bands and silver pins will be awarded at the banquet to those girls i who have earned the required number of athletic honor points. Toasts, by' alumnae and members of the associa- tion will be given. Arrangements by order of classes will be carried out this year. as formerly. St. Patrick's day furnishes the oc- casion for a decorative scheme to be used both for the banquet and for the cotillidn which follows. Favor dances and special entertainments have been planned by the committee in charge of the cotillion which will be held at 7:30 o'clock in thehgymnasium. Tickets for the banquet are now on sale at Miss Marian Wood's office in Barbour gymnasium at 60 cents a plate. No tickets will be sold after Thursday noon. Admission to the. co- tillion is free. Since the number is limited to 400, girls are asked to call at Miss Wood's office for their tickets. TALKS AND MUSIC WILL BE ON ITALIAN CLUB PROGRAM Two lectures have been provided for the Italian club meeting at 1 o'clock tonight in South Wing. Prof. P.,'S.1 Zamprie of the Ann Arbor high school will sing several songs in Italian and Mr. Frederick Shaffer will tell of his experiences with the American army while in Italy. Any students who are interested in the language are wel- come to attend the meeting. Schedule for Oratorieal Tryouts A schedule for tryouts for the ora- torical contest has been made out as follows: Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Watts, Shetzer, Shelton, Pack- ard, Miles, Boxell. Thursday evening at 7 o'clock, Goshin, Jones, McKinney, Williams, 'Messinger, Clark. Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Currah, Goth- lieb, Buchan, Scott. Friday evening at 7 o'clock, Gratton, Rariden, Altvater, Lewis, Adriance. Saturday morning' at 8 o'clocl, Stephens, Tung, Dunn, Giles, Ross, and Blynn. The Michigan Daily, the only morn- ing paper I Ann Arbor, contains all the latest Campus, City and World .News.-Adv. II Wdtof1e Rehearsal of complete second act of Junior Girls' play will be held at 4 o'clock Wednesday, March 3, in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Freshman girls' basketball practice will be held at 3 o'clock Wednesdays in the future, instead of at 5 o'clock, as in the past. Tickets. for the Women's Athletic association banquet will be, on sale until Thursday noon at Miss Wood's office in ,Barbour gymnasium. Cotil- lion tickets may be procured free at the same place. Senior girls are not turning out to basketball practice in satisfactory numbers. Thursday will be the last practice before the selection of the team. Elsie Erley, '20, last year's captain, urges as many seniors as possible to show up at 5 o'clock for this, practice. All students. enrolled with the Ap- pointment committee should come to he office between 10:30 and 12 o'clock any day of this week in order to fill in location blanks. y .1~ Fascinatin lurks in the SPRING HKIT OUR LINE IS NOW COMPLETE inma VI. logerty 's' Specialty Hat Shop nr7 1E. Liberty St. ki IPANY YORK I. ,., omens TEACHING POSITIONS OPEN IN PHILIPPINE.. ISLANDS Mr. W. W. Marquardt, Philippine educational agent, will be at the Hotel Allenel Friday and Saturday of this week to interview any persons interested in teaching . i the Phil- ippines. He will be there from 4 to 7 o'clock Friday afternoon and on Saturday from 9 until 12 in the morning. Positions are open in the university of the Philippines, as well as in va- rious high schpols there. Anyone in- terested in consulting with 'Mr. Mar- quardt may obtain further informa- tion and assistance from the appoint- ment committee in Tappan hall. Masques Considers Five Plays Five plays were read and discussed at a meeting of the play reading class and other members of Masques Tues- day afternoon. These plays are be- ing considered by the club for its an- nual public production in May.' Classen-Trowbridge Announcement Announcement has been made in Ann Arbor of the marriage of Cecile M. Classen, '19, and William S. Trow- bridge, '20E. The couple Expect to reside in Washington, D. C. BABSON INSTITUTE For Training Men to Become BUSINESS EXECUTIVES Under the direction of the Babson Statistical Organization. Intensive one or'two year resident training for young men who b inheritance, ability or other circumstances are to occupy positions o authority, responsibility and trust. Our men learn by doing while they are studying-small classes c the conference and laboratory basis. Practical Economics and the handling of Commodities. Financial 11anagement and the care pf Property. Business Psychology and the influencing of Men. Personal Efficiency and the control of one's self. Courses include manufacturing, financing, banking, mercnandis ing, domestic and foreign trade, investments, aceountancy,. busines management, labor problems, written and oral expression, individua efficiency, and specialized research woric. The School Trains for Leadership , Only a limited number accepted. For catalog of Babson Institute or information on other feature of the Babson Service for business men address H. LANGDON PRATT, Secretary BABSON INSTITUTE Fo otwear ,. -' minute Brogue Ox- I Vamp,, new low elted soles and of the New Spring Truly an Oxford t ROGER W. BABSONr President 364 Washington St. Wellesley Hills, Mass. ,PH B. W . i ,. 1'' ,. .ter +.... ...n..w...+ i A TODAY $12.00 200 A 3:30 7:00 HOQOT SHOP1 '4 8:30 TOMORROW TO St. NORMA TALMAD -in- I L t.easv Copy at ,uarr;a and The Belta "SHE LOVES AND LIES" AND WINS HER HUSBAND' AWAY FROM HERSELF! WANTED ,kage WANTED-Two young' men to can- inder vass farmers, Saturdays on quick 680-J. money maker. No samples. See me at Allenel Friday at 2. J. B. Cart- - ' er.' con- inder WANTED-An unfurnished apartment ding. of 3 or 4 rooms near the campus, suitable for light housekeeping. Address Box A. B., Daily. gare There are more ways than one of catching a man. Did you ever think, girls, of assuming the identity of an old woman to catch a husband? Learn a 'few pointers from Norma Tal- madge. She will show you how! How would you like to ask a man to be your hus- band and then deceive him into making him love you? That's only one of the amusing situations in "She Loves and Lies," but who -could help but love Nor- ma Talmadge ! f and e no- e St. 620 s Watch between and Ann St., Sat- 11599-J. Reward. evening., In front Gold seal S. J. M. WANTED-Two graduate students de- sire room within three blocks of campus. Private family preferred. Notify R. W. A., Daily office. WANTED - Tp exchange Hawaiian guitar, almost new, for mandolin. Phone 1820-R or call at 439 S. Divis- ion. Ask for Zeiger. WANTED-Four students for circular distribution, Saturday at 9 A. M. J. B. Carter, Allenel Hotel. WANTED-Used Log Log slide rule. Call 2612-J. WANTED-Canoe, write B. Gurevich , 309 14th St. FOR SALE 'I / THE BRIGHTEST COMEDY- Dram& PICTURE of the Year WHEN.THERE'S NOBODY HOME BUT THE CAT EVERYBODY KNOWS .IT'S NORMA TALMADGE NIGHT AT THE ARCADE ADULTS 30c CHILDREN-10c LET'S GO!! OF A CHARMING ROMANCE typewriter