TED PRESS entitled to the use for d to it or not otherwise published therein or, Michigan. s second nard street o words, if signed, the sig- rint, but as an evidence of blished in The' Daily at the mailed to The Daily office no consideration. No man -iter incloses postage. endorse the sentiments ex UAFF 14 ....HARRY 1M. CAREY COLILEGE PROVINCIALISM Student bodies, and particularly students as in- dividuals, are admittedly narrow in their under- standing and appreciation of current topics. Why, when discussing the theater, politics, the league of nations, economic conditions, or numerous other subjects of nation wide interest do we usually find' that the average student, can take little or no part.? We settle down to some one -line of study and pass up the broadening influences. Some of us fail to attend the best lectures or to hear the great- est- artists; many do not read and discuss social and political questions of the day; the mpajority fail to give thought to matters most pertinent to the interest of our country and its people, in short though professedly seeking information we still remain provincial. Last night a new organization was formed, through the efforts of a few students, the purpose of which is to promote informed and intelligent political discussion, and to foster, so far as may be, a liberal spirit 'in matters affecting the interest of the University, the state and the nation. Al- though still in an embryonic state it gives promise of filling a much needed want in our student life. What the average student needs is more thought upon matters of common interest and a broader viewpoint upon everyday events. He needs to read editorials from the leading newspapers; to become informed in literature, art, and politics; and, as his horizon increases, to really take an active part in promoting the general welfare.' Whichever way you look at it, the following will not be read in the* newspapers. of 1928: "Presi- dent Bryan today signed the 25th amendment to the Constitution declaring prohibition in the United States at an end." GRAA' TWO STORES U DETROIT UNITED LINES (Oct. 26, igig) Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6:io a. n., and hourly to 9:to"p. m. Jackgon Limited and Express Cars-8:48 a. in., and every hour to 9:48 p. in. (E~x-% presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.) Local Cars East Bound-6:o5 a. in., 9:05 a. in. and every two hours to 9:os p. in., 0:5o o. mn. To Ypsilanti only, ri:~ p. m.? 1:£0 a. m...and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound--7:48 a. mn. and 12:20 a. in. JUST RECE H LOG LOG SLIDE I- Have you seen the "Rust" L A Great Time Saver. $.25 ._ I sOberholtzer CHOLETTEt rkd B. Covea ...PAUL E. Gain D. P. Joyce Robt. Sommerville Arthur L. Glazer- .ng news for any :>has full charge Mark Ehl- n, Tuesday ight; Edgar pbell, Friday lt. 0. ednes- rooms. LUXE tatutes, amaz- ndividuals en- operatives of lly sealed the ny during the i Wood's ad- ', that a 3 of the s of the having de- ex- Te Telescope First stude--You say it's cheaper rushing a girl than stagging it? Second. ditto-Certainly. I worry so much about theater tickets, taxi fare and candy that I. lose my appetite and don't have to worry about the H. C. of B. (the-high cost of board).. How It Probably Started, Adam, to Eve-You are the only woma' in.the world fo'r me. Dear Noah: - .Do you think we will get our three meals a day in the hereafter. Bobby.- No, Bobby, I' don't think we will; but we will get our desserts there. The Millenium Has Come First fraternity man-This certainfy has been a big red letter day in the history of our house. Second ditto-How come? First I . M.-Thero hasn't been any tag sale today. Yes, Clarice, you.are quite right in your surmise that the giraffe is the highest form of animal life. A 1924 Leap Year Story First sweet thing,-But why did you let him kiss you? Second ditto-He threatened to scream if I didn't. Our Daily Novelette, A young lady was hurrying along the street, her arms loaded with bundles. She was modishly' dressed and ordinarily would not have attracted more than passing attention. But as shereached a point a few feet from where I stood she stopped suddenly and her face began to undergo a series of convulsions. II I had. never before witnessed a person who was subject to those dread epileptic fits. With fascin- ated horror I 'watched the lady. Twisting her head first 'to one side and then to the other hjr whole face distorted by pain, she presented a most piti- ful sight. Her chin quivered, her mouth kept open- ing and closing and all thee while she continued to twist her head about in the manner I have de- scribed . III At last when I could endure it no longer I walked up to her and touched her on the arm. '%Madam," I said, "is there anything I can do to help you?" At my words she breathed a sigh.of audible relief, although when she spoke there was a note of doubt in her tone: "I hardly feel like placing myself un- der a great obligation to a total stranger," she be- gan in a hesitating manner. "Consider me at your service," I answered gallantly. These words of mine wiped out the last vestige of her doubt. When she spoke again it was in a voice trenjilous with gratitude. "Well, sir, if you would hold these bun- dles a minute while I get this veil down over my chin, I would be very grateful." J. W. K. ~Asked At Random (Editor's Note-Every day four per- sons connected with the University, either students or professors, are ask-" ed at random .their opinion of some current topic by the "Asked At Ran- dom" reporter.)' . Today's question: "Do you believe in any form of spiritualism?" Mr. Haigh, instructor in French: "I have never made a study of spiritual- ism and consequently have formed few opinions concerning It. I can not, however, see that there is any truth in it, for I have never seen any of the things they .claim proved.'? Miss Lucy Hoffman, '20, president of the Women's Athletic association: "I really do not know much about spiritualism, but personally I do not think there is anything in it." Angus Goetz, '22M, captain Varsity football.team: "I do not believe in any form of spiritualism, whatsoever." Lester E. Waterbury, '21L, associate editor Chimes: "It seems to me that all forms of spiritualism, including the kind Sir Oliver Lodge advocates, have been proven to be fakes." Tomorrow's question: "Should Michigan, provide special tutors for her athletes?" . SAYS MEDICS ARE TOO OLD IN AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES Chicagp, March 2.--College students are too old when they leave the med- ical college here, Dr. Arthur D..De- van of Chicago, today told delegates attending a congress on medical edu- cation. "The average American. medical student is almost 29 years old when he finishes. his medical course." Dr. Devan said,' "while the medical stu- dent in Europe is through school and practicing when fe is 25." The American student is too old when he enters the medical college and medical school. The solution lies between the primary and secondary schools. Years could be got frdm his education there. The Daily contains the latest Asso- elated Press News.--Adv. 999 TAXI Amateur Finishing-m * En agcnts -9 K- OUR BUSINESS - NOT A SIDELINE If you noti me, are loser. -'"" ) LYNDON & COMPANY 1 719 NORr t ESTABLISHED 19F64 AT I I Ili 11111lillllliilli 9.99 It's dollars to~doughni UNIV BOO TAXI no man ever the ring his speech on y decided to leave blockade. At any privileged to enter xits were packed to capac- ike in every aisle, occupied, led into every nook around toe from the stairs. From dered what the capacity of s; what, the strength of its equired to 'empty that mul- At any rate, they realized ter what that capacity was, ed. With an anticipatory >leasant, they pictured the h them; the gallery settling the balcony below, and that Just why the gallery was artment's scheme of things, t - Wood was speaking; -got it. who were unable even to [ery stairs, and who turned caught the real significance Oversight, or lack of police- ery entrance, might occur >f the matter was, that the ave been forced to house itorium was the only place f Wood's message, or ca- at number who wished to leading candidate for the ed States announces that not the University use its , and cordially offer it for Tuttl's Lunches Nunnally '8 Candy Maynard fSt. ~z, "' :x a AMELS quality, and their expert blend of W- choice Turkish and dhoice Domestic tobaccos hand you a cigarette that will satisfy every smoke desire you ever. expressed. You will prefer this Camel blend to either kind smoked straight!1 Camels mellow-mildness will certainly appeal to you. The "body" is all, there, but that smoothness! It's a delight! t Go the limit with Camels! They will not tire your taste. And, they leave no un- pleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigarettyodor Just compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! Courteous and satisfactor TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or smal. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $560,000.00 Resour.es .....$4,000,000.00 Northwest Cor. Main & Huron 707 &orth University Ave. Pot of Hot Tea-and Bowl of Rice - with - Plain Chop Suey 35c EXTRA FINE-43c Open 11 A. N. to 1 A. M. Quang Tung Lo 613 E. Liberty Phone 604.4 tI "I Famous Closing Lines I'll have to put up a good kick for a the chorus girl. n A T frTTT'