.L .. I Vera Mlohelona i ,HAPMAN Lunches Sodas' Candies SUGAR BOWL 109 S. MAIN ST. 1 3 THE MAJESTIC OUTH MAIN STREET a11111111111lll lllllilllllllll l llIIIt 11 IVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC IRLS GB 'S MAUDE KLEYN, Director CONCERT - AT igh School Auditorium 'hursday, March 4, 1920 8o'clock MIDNIGHT DAUGHTERS QUARTETTE Dazzling and brilliant in costume and setting, the screen adaptation of the famous morality play "Every- woman" will be repeated for the last time today at the Majestic. The quest of "Everywoman for the God of Love" is the thread that weav- es together the various scenes of pag- eantry and luxury prominent in this photoplay. In her search "Everywo- man" encounters the vices and virtues of the world and is often misled and deterred from her goal. The false re- peatedly offers itself to her for the true but at the conclusion after she has been disappointed in wealth, pass- ion, and other things that seemed at- tractive to her at first, she reaches y the end of her quest. THE ARCADE Booked by the Arcade to appear about a month ago but postponed, "She Loves and Lies," featuring Norma Talmadge, will open a three days engagement in Ann Arbor to- dary. The unique characteristic about this pictu're is the multiplicity of roles Miss Talmadge assumes in. the course of the story. Her first change is from a frivolous girl of 20 to a middle aged woman of, 52, who has no difficulty in secur- ing a husband when she remarks that she has the right to a fair sized for- tune. Becoming younger once more, she represents herself as a gay young Greenwich Villager and entices her husband 'into being untrue to her old- er personality. Not content with this she confronts her stupid better half [ with accusations and finally eases 'his conscience by revealing her real self. "The Beloved Cheater," one of the best of Lew Cody's films will be re- peated for the last times today at the Wuerth. The story revolves around lessons for a bashful suitor given by a recognized lady killer with unantic- ipated results. FACULTY RECOMMENDS ENBINE ERS FR DEIREES Thirty-five men were recommended for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science at a meeting of the faculty of the College cf Engi- neering and Architecture held dur- ing the week-end. They are: Civil Engineering-Frederick J. An- derson, Taeke Beiboer, Louis Cantor, .Bung Chew Choy, Gilbert F..Hawke, Jacob H. Holub, Vernor W. McAdam, Earnest M. Miller, Max J. Morgan- Stern, Anastas D. Pelikas, Robert L. Storrer, David M. Wilson, Ignatus A. Wojtaszac. Mechanical Engineering -- Clifford 0. Babcock, Milton R. Fox, Edward Hauser, Ashley W. Hunt, Ralph S. Moore, Lawrence Sayner, Paul W. Steelsmith, Charles O. Stetler. Electrical. Engineering - Clarence W. Campbell, Merle B. Doty, Eugene W. Geniesse, Alfred C. Marwinske, Ian D. Patterson, C. LeRoy Rice. Samuel M. Schnitz, Thomas C. Simpson, Clar- ence T. Tobin. Naval Architecture and Marine En- gineering-Lyman X. Ballard, George W. Spender. Architecture-Leo J. Homnan, Ed- win M. Read, Jorn H. Rhsu. Patronize our Advertisers.-Adv. SHUBEI Vera Michelena heads t cast in "Betty Be Good," pany that ds presenting this week at' the Shubert the numerous cast assist such names as Eddie G Kirke, Georgia Hewitt,, I Frank Crumit, Lucile Man ington Romaine, and Jos all of these entertainers assigned new features sin was in Detroit last. "Betty Be Good' is un rection of Stewart and- M music, written by Hugo has been characterized as ry, and melodious," by c Ics. GARRICK-D1ETk "Friendly Enemies," a carries a message of loyal spiring, is being presente by A. H. Woods at the C the title role Louis Mann the best iacting of his stag The play concerns two C ericans whose opinions -G er in POPULAR MELODIES ETHELYN METZ, Reader VIOLIN QUARTETTE TICKETS 50c UHRS AND SCHOOL OF MUSIC% to be irresistabl Associated wi comedy are Jess ardt, Betty Alde Williams, and N Asked A (Editor's Note- sons connected either students.o ed at random t current topic by dom" reporter.) Today's quest igan have a store ?'' Prof. A. G. Ca in favor of the co-operative stt such a. store is a: be at 1icbhigan; meart. that is. tho * i TODAY A TOMORROW TUESDAY ' proposition t store could guaranteed". Pierce Me the Student no reason wh You've Been Waiting For I Norma Talmadge chance sonable LOVES AND LIES" letic associatim Robert V. V. the freshman li It would be a nothing that D: leges have ma Michigan can (Be prepared tion: "Do you spiritualism?" °, ,-r, picture, then postponing, it on account of closing The Arcade, doz- quired as to when it would be shown. Now is your chance to see it. ,II III :. 11 1* What is a two-sided triangle? A man whose wife is also her hus- SPR 'TALMADGE band's affinity? Impossible, you Now .,. . , _ say? Come and see. Get measi today and b for spring "Cheaper ready m Ak " ed comedy-drama that abounds with fun and laughter. Talmadge in her first comedy role-Let's Go!! ADULTS 64A, 30 VA ly, "BUNGLED BUNGA LOWS. Special Orchestra CHILDREN Iloc