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February 29, 1920 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-02-29

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Clains First Site of Univer-
Board of Regents Estab-
hed in 1837, Fixed Tate
By Paul A. Shinkinan
iu know when your University

"Easy! you say, "Take a lok at,
the University seal and read 18"
' i ,unfortunately, (for our read-
ers) the Founding of th3 University of
Michigan was not sOsimple an affair
as to permit of an arbitrary settle-
mont of the date of foundation with-
out some discussion.


First Act-1817.
On August 26, 1817, the Governor
and Judges enacted that there should
be established a Catholepistemiad of
of Michigania (Can you imagine their
college yell?) It was to be composed
of 13 professorships, namely those of
universal science, literature, mathe-
matics, natural history, natural phi-
losophy, astronomy, chemistry, medi-
cal sciences, military sciences, histo-
rical sciences, and intellectual sci-
ences. The professor of the first was
to be president of the institution and
the professor of intellectual sciences'
was to be vice-president.
However, neither group seems to

have been in great

evidence, which

renders our whole discussion futile,'
for we find that within a month the
Governor had filled the Presidency
and entire faculty of professors mak-
ing use of but two men (it was possi-'
ble for one man to hold any number
of chairs.) However, the Rev. John
Monteith, -who held the Presidency
and seven professorships, had a lit-'
tle, the jump on the Rev. Fr. Gabriel
Richard who held only the Vice-
Presidency and the remaining six.:
Regents Authorized.
According to Prof. Isaac N. Dem-
mon's history of the University, "An
Act approved March 18, 1837, provided
for the organization of the University
of Michigan under that name. Its
objects were defined to be to provide
the inhabitants of the State with
means of acquiring a thorough knowl-
edge of the various branches of lit-
erature, science, and the arts. The
government was vested in a Board of
Rlegents,to consist of 12 members and
a 'Chancellor, who would be ex-officlo
President, said members to be nomi-
nated by the Governor and confirmed
by the Senate, etc." The University
was to consist of three departments;
namely, those of Literature, Science
and the Arts, of Law, and of Medi-
cine. The fee of admission to the
University should never exceed $10
and the Board was required on or be-
fore the first Monday of January fol-
lowing, to procure the best and most
appropriate plan for the University
building which should be adopted by
the Regents on its approval by the
Governor- and Superintendent of Pub-
lic Instruction. The Board of Re-
gents met in Ann Arbor June, 1837,
and it has been suggested that this
day might appropriately be called the
natal day of the new organization.
Four Year Delay
Although the doors of the Univer-
sity could not be opened until four
years after its birth, for financial rea-
sons and the reasons that students
must be prepared for entrance to the
This, then, was the foundation of
the University organization and, as
such, has given to the year 1837.

;Dr. Jtarion Leroy Burton

By Robert Sage
Staff Photographer
When Dr. Marion Leroy Burton',
President-elect of the University of
Michigan, visited Ann Arbor a week
ago, he posed for his first photograph
taken on this campus. He is the sort
of a man with whom one is impressed
,at first sight. His personality is evi-
dent in his bearing.
Dr. Burton didn't need any urging

to appear before the camera. He know
the students of the University want-
ed a photo of him, taken on their
campus, and true to his own ideas, he
wanted to give the students that
which they asked.
The reproduction printed here is
what the camera saw, and it tells
the story of the type of man that
Michigan is going to have for a Pres-

Officials of Economics Department Re-
port Remarkable Growth of -
Eight thousand elections are ex-
pected by the Economics department
in the year 1920-1921. This figure
was arrived at by officials of the de-
partment after compiling the enroll-
ments for the past several years and
comparing the present freshman class
with that of previous years.
The excellent course in business ad-
ministration offered by the depart-
,ment has, in a large measure been
responsible for this phenomenal
Fifty Percent Increase
In the year 1916-1917, which up to
the present year was the banner year,
4,426 elections were made while this
year there have been 6,754.
In 1880 the only economics course
which was offered was given by Presi-
,dent Angell who taught both political
economy and international law, giv-
ing two hours a week in each. In 1882
when President Angell was sent to
China by the United States govern-
ment as minister plenipotentiary,
'Prof. Hency C. Adams was secured to
take over the work in the line. At
,this time there were about 40 stu-
,dents in the department. Two hours
in theory and two hours in practical
problems were given.
The interest in the subject grew so
,rapidly that in 1887 it was found nec-
essary to introduce quizz sections and
Dr. Charles Cooley was secured, who
in addition to his work in economics
,also offered courses in sociology. It
is due to this fact that sociology is, in
the economics department at Michi-
gan. In 1892 Prof. Fred M. Taylor
was secured as assistant professor of
political economy and finance.
Alumni Ask Department
It came to be felt by certain alumni
in Chicago that some provision should
be made in the department for busi-
.ness education. As a result Prof. E.
D. Jones was secured to fill the posi-
tion of professor of business adminis-
tration. It was from this time that
the business courses in the depart-
anent date.
Two things have featured the de-
velopment of the economics depart-
ment of the University of Michigan
which from a meager start in 1880 has
become one of the largest schools in
the country. First the accounting de-
partment has been considered as a1
branch of economic analysis and the
instructors in accounting have always
been educated as economists. Second,
commercial law has been treated by a
student of economics and has been de-
veloped as it is related to business
and not as in so many schools, sim-
ply for the practice in law. Economic
theory and public finance have never
been given up.
Up until 1910 theer was no separate
building in which the economics
courses were given the classes being
,held in any convenient place. At this
time the department moved into the
building which it now occupies and
which previous to this time had been
used as a chemistry building.
Causes Expansion
Classes have now grown to such
-sizes that the economics lecture room
is not large enough to accommodate
them, it being necessary to hold many
( of the lectures in other buildings, such

as University hall, the Law building,
and the Natural Science auditorium.
Offer Ten Cents Per Rat
Galveston, Texas, Feb. 28.-In an
effort to keep the port of Galveston
clear of plague-bearing rats, the board
of city commissioners has increased
the bounty from five to ten cents per

By Associated Press
London, Feb. 28.-Unable to
find a job, Frank Long, who des-
cribes himself as a "handy man"
26 years of age, has offered
through a newspaper to raffle
his services for six months.
His proposal is that 100 or more
firms'each pay $5 for a ticket.
He agrees to work six months
Without wages for the firm win-
ning the raffle. There was no
immediate rush of firms to ac-
Everyone Airiht
At )'richigan and
Mien 'are Included
By H. Hardy Het$.
When a social director of a girls'
dormitory condescends'to talk to
"mere man" in an intimate, jovial sort
o' way, with several laughs mixed in,
and, best of all, with a constant smile
in her eyes, why-the man must ca-.
pitulate. And when she tells him
that she thinks men really have a

Judges, Lawyers, Architects, Edue
tops and Editors Help Fill
"Who's Who"
,By Thornton WV. Sargent, Jr.
Alumni of Michigan have enterf
many fields of enterprise, and ha
held practically all types of respons
ble positions in the government wi
the exception of the 'presidency ai
vice-presidency of the United State
Men, who have been students
this University, have been justices
the supreme court, editors of lar,
American papers, generals in V
army, authors of great renown, pre
idents and professors of universitie
physicians of national repute, mul
millionaires, and great artists.
Held Sway in Congress

At one time in the past few yea
place in thz university and that they so many former Michigan men w
are filling their capacities pretty well
in spite of everythingwell -wouldn't in the Senate and House of RepresE
tatives that it was said there w
you "take a chair and stay a while?."that it asadate e ng
more Michigan graduates in Congr(
To be honest, the mere man had than graduates of any other unih
never been inside the Martha Cook sity.
dormftory before; and he hadn't in- Topping the list of notables at
.tended to get an interview with Miss present time is William Louis Di
Greenwood-but that is not the story. '00L, who is an associate justice
Too Many Teas. the United States Supreme cou
She wanted to talk about men and Close behind him in importance,
about women, but most of all she probably more nationally known S
abou womn, bt mst o allsheator. Gilbert Monnel' Hitchcock, w
wanted to say things about the super- at present is Democratic leader of
ficialities that pervade certain aspects
of college life. She hates false stand- Senate.
ards and petty frivolities in social ar e r shu stofni zon
aspects that might be called snob- are: Senator Ashurst, of Arizona
bery. She thinks that the whole special student in 1903, who was
Michigan social problem lies In the youngest man ever to be elected
individual idiosyncrasies of a few; if that body, he being chosen soon al
everybody would cease to be conceited h os , '71,y- fi Colr d o; Sen#
and sort of laugh the shortcomings Henderson, 95L, of Nevada; Senai
of other peple away; she thinks the Hend, '78, of n ad S
problem could be solved. She thinks tornscnd78, of Michigan, and S
there are too many teas, and she sayst William Graves Sharp, '81L dist
that college life wouldn't be anything guished himself in the diploma,
at all without a few really unusual service during the great war, when
things to liven it. No Northwestern was ambassador extraordinary
University for her! No ceasing to France.
yell at games and munching bon bons Have Two Surgeon Generals
instead! In other words, everyone is Some of the greatest physiciansa
about alright here at Michigan-men surgeons of the day are graduates
included-if everybody else would only either the Medical or Literary c
think so. A happy philosophy that. lege. Foremost in the list is Dr. 'G
What we did talk most about was liam James Mayo, '83, who is one
the new president, whom she describ- the founders of the Mayo Institute

1 {


By H. E. R.

Chauffering a newspaper column is
the highest form of journalism. Suc-
cessa along this line depends upon
eight principles interdependent and
essential, one to the other. First,
there must be appreciation by the
customers, and second, adequate sup--
ply of material.
It is our plan to conduct this see-
tion as an open forum for discussion
of timely topics, matters of vital in-
terest to the student body; and with
this in mind we have hit, upon a-novel
scheme to promote interest among our
fellow collegers. We are . going to
award, absolutely free, without strings

polish; to the fortunate lady, a beau-
tiful pair of buckleless, self-flapping
goloshes will be awarded. It will aid
the judges materially to pick the win-
ner among the ladies if they will re-
mit with their briefs a snap-shot or
still-life picture. Please do not send
oil paintings or crayon work. Epistles
must be in on or before March 1, 1920.
The works chosen will be published
in the next edition of the Inlander.
Week's Best Story
A Chinest student was seen by the
Tower Watch, the other day, mailing
his laundry home.

ed as a "regular red-corpaiseled man;",
about Kentucky-her native state-
and then about dancing. She be-
lieves in dancing but not in "plow-
ing" when one is upon the floor. SheE
thinks some movements in the "latest

creations"- are nothing less
tatiqns of the Ohio farmer.

than imi-
But she

or padlocks two prizes, one to each of Open Season
the successful contestants, for the best Now is the time for all seniors to
article on Hill Street vs. Washtenaw carve their names in the Tap room
Avenue - Sororities. Everyoqe may table tops..a Working space is plenti-
participate, faculty, students, women ful and you can whittle away at will
and freshmen. your full title, without variations.
All manuscripts must be in ink or What could be more distinctive, more
pencil, so we will know it is your own exclusive than having your cognomen
work, and written on both sides of the; emblazoned in the center of a table,
paper. Communications must be lim- and surrounded by a flock of class-
ited to 35 words, single spaced and mates neat initials done in low re-
small letters. The prizes have been lief? So, out with the hammer and
divided into two groups, one for men chisel and make a name for yourself
and the other for women. To the in. the Michigan Union. Men with
lucky male contributor goes a hand- extremely long names will be allot-
some cordovan collar and a box of ed space on the top of the bar.

didn't mention names or point to spe-
cific cases. Her view seems to be
supported by Ohio State and by Illi-
nois and by other universities that
are just now censoring certain danc-
ing proclivities. And we laughed-
both of us-over the fact that soror-
ities attempt to draw conclusions re-
garding rushees by their several abil-
ities to "plow" up the dance floor.
Approves Union Plan.
Then we mentioned the Tap Room
and the Hop, but mentioned them just
in passing. She agreed that Michi-I
gan men should go through the front
door of the Union, and that Michigan
women should enter through the side.I
She smiled on and on-and didn't
complain about a thing.
She was a good sport-a genuine
"find." The first woman at Michigan
who had ever said -that Michigan men
were alright!

Rochester, Minn. The honor of be
surgeon general of the United Sta
army and the navy falls to two Mic
gan men, respectively, Major Gene
Ireland, and William Braisted.
In the line of journalism Michig
has distinguished men in Edwin
Gay '90, managing editor of the N9
York Post, F. P. Adams, of the N,
York Tribune, and Ring Lardner,
independent writer of feature artic
The most distinguished author
Michigan is proabably StewardF
ward White, '95, who has writ
"The Blazed Trail" and "The Sil
Two presidents of large unive:
ties have at their head, Harry
Hutchins, of this University, and
mer E. Brown, chancellor of N5
York university. Prominent prof
sors found to be Michigan gradua
are numerous and almost every in
tution in the country has a repres
tative of this college.
Charles S. Burch, bishop of
Episcopal church, who is Michiga
representative in the divinity, v
graduated from this University
The inventor of the arc light a
(Continued to Page 4) -





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