and the. little attention iletics. The lecture is open and women of the Univer-j PlTRICIA PESSES" NAME Of JUNIOR GIRLS' PLAY, I w(fomen l l ,.,. ,,, Graduate Visits Sick Sister TRADITION BEGAN MEDIUM FOR RULES IN 1946 CLASS ASI ears in South Katherine Norton, '16, is spending d has visited K, s there. His the week end in Ann Arbor. Her sis- rimarily in a ter Marguerite Norton, '18, now a sen- ersities them- for nurse at St. Joseph's sanitorium, to show con- is ill at the University hospital with nt's life there diptheria. modern E Things cooked as you like them 1 Minute Service for Breakfast GOOD EATS" 609 EAST WILLIAM MENU includes Bread and Butter Tea, Coffee, Milk Potatoes, Dessert Soup-Cream of Chicken Roast Stuffed Spring Chicken, Cranberry Sauce ........750 Potted Roulade of Beef- - French Pes ...........35c Roast Lamb, Apple Jelly....40c Roast Leg of Veal, Celery Dressing..............40c Roast Sirloin of Beef.....'.35c SMashed Potatoes Combination Salad; Deep Cocoanut ,Cream Pie We serve Regular Meals Sunday Night Pot of Hot Tea and, Bowl of Rice with- Plain Chop Suey 35c EXTRA FINE-46c Open 11 A. M. to IA. I. Quang Tung Lo 613 E. Liberty Phone 604k I ,. ,_ . ,. .: .. . Columbia , ,, R Ready 1, NG RUFUS-Prince's Orchestra...................$ .85. 'HTINGALE AND THE FROGS-Sybil Sanderson Fagan., )N SHINES ON THE MOONSHINE-Bert Williams. $ .85 DY-Bert Williams and Orchestra. HAND AGAIN--Campbell and Burr ....................$ .85 SONG, MY ROSE AND YOU-Charles Harrison. -Ted Lewis' Jazz Band $ .85 DOG-Gorman's Novelty Syncopators. V OF MY DREAMS-Art Hickman's Orchestra..........$ .85 E BELLES.-Art Hickman's Orchestra. k DADDY WHO WILL ROCK ME TO SLEEP-Fox Trot. $ .85 BE YOUR ONCE-IN-A-WHILE-Yerkes' Orchestra. The Junior Girls' play was given for the *rst time on the evening of Swing-Out in 1905. This was done up- on the suggestion of Mrs. My'a B. Jordan, who wished the junior girls to' produce a play in honor of the grad- uating class. This play lent an ac- cess for fun-making even at the ex- pense of the people and traditions on the campus. Maen Wrote Music When the Junior Girls' play had not yet become s tradition, many girls .wrote it and the music and lyrics were written in competition. Men were employed to write and furnish the music. But each year it became more and more a junor function; each year it became more compact and uni- fled, although it has always retained its local hitson the seniors. The 1915 Junior play was the first rto make an out-of-town trip. On May 15 it was produced In Toledo. With the exception of this and the 1916 play, the productions have never trav- eled. This year many invitations have been received but it is undecided as yet whether it is advisable to give the play outside of Ann Arbor. Name Out for First Time This year the play is to be called "Patricia Passes." It is the flrst year in the history of the play that the name °has been told before produc- tion. It is to be given at the Whit- ney theater March 26 and 27. "Under the competent direction of Prof. John R. Brumm and the hard and business-like work of Marcella Moon, '21, the play this year prom- ises to be unequaled by any of its predecessors," states Mr. McIntyre, manager of the Whitney theater. Mtusic Notes The following program will be giv- en by the University School of Music irls Glee club at 8 o'clock Thursday evening, March 4, in Pattengill audi- torium in . the High School: Laudes Atque Carmina, 'Tis of Michigan We Sing, I Want to Go Back to Michigan, and Varsity, by the Girls' Glee club; Danse Coquette, Legende, by Nova Nelson, '21; Midnight Daughters Quar- tette in .Popular Melodies by Flora Kelly, Helen Marshall, Mabel DeVine, and Catherine Coburn; The Snow by the Glee club assisted by Dorothy Haymaker, Nevai Nelson, '21, Mar- garet Foote, '21, and Sophia Wolczyn- ski, '22,violnists; Reading, Tle Ab- sent Guest, by Miss Ethelyn Metz; Negro Spiritual, Cossack Lullaby, and Spinning Song, by the Glee cl1, Violin solo, by Dorothy Haymaker; An Episode, and the Snow Storm, by Helen Marshall, Genevieve Alger, Mar- cia Coburn,' and Doris Howe; Read- ing, Mon Pierre, and The Circus at Ole St. Anne's, by Miss Metz; Spring- time, by the Glee club. D. BEEBEE TO TALK TODAY ON MEDICAL FUTURE Dr. Hugh Beebee, pr fessor of surg- ery in the Homoeopathic medical school, will speak on the subject of "Our Medical Future" at 3 o'clock to- day at the Homooepathic hospital. This is the first of a series of six lectures to be given by the head of different departments under the au- spices of the Homoeopathic school. The discussions are open to anyone interested in the subject. CONTRIBUTIONS.REQUESTED FOR SERBIAN RELIEF WORK A box of clothing for the Serbian relief work is being prepared by the Sarah Caswell Angell chapter of the D. A. R. Garments to be contributed to this cause should be sent to Mrs. M. D. Larned, 522 North Division street. The committee requests that all contributions be in as soon as pos- sible as the box is to be sent March 10, University men! Ann Arbor MUST have new houses to me'et the student's needs. The Huron Valley Bldg. & Savings Asso. is the BEST medium to supply this need, but it takes money. Invest with this association and hous- es will soon be started. Furthermore, you will receive better returns than from any other SAFE investment. As- sociation never paid less than 6 per cent in 30 years. Can draw out your money anytime and receive 5 per ,cent from date of investment, free from taxes. H. H. Herbst, Secy., Sav- ings Bank Bldg.-Adv. The Daily's specialty is service to everyone.-Adv. Freshman Girls' Glee club will prac- tice at 4 o'clock Monday in Barbour gymnasium. All Michigan Dames are' urged to to be present at the next meeting, at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday evening in Lane hall. The play reading class of Masques will meet at 4 o'clock Tuesday after- noon in- Barbour gymnasium. All members of Masques interested in helpitig decide upon "the, annual. play, are invited to be present. La Sociedad Hispanica, invites all Spanish students to attend the illus- trated lecture given in Spanish by Senor Scatori at the next meeting at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday evening in the big lecture room of Tappan hall. MICHIGAN DAMES TO GIVE PROGRAM AT NEXT MEETING All danger" from. influenza being practically over, the Michigan Dames are resuming their full activities. The next meeting will be held at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday evening, March 2, in .Lane hall. For the study course in sociology Mrs. E. Reed will read a paper on "Civilization." Mrs. H. D. Armstrong will give a lecture on the history of the American flag with illustrations. Music will be given during the even- ing_ and after the program refresh- ments will be served.$ Aluuinus Spends Week-end In City John B. Cameron, '19, Detroit, is spending the week-end with friends, here. The Daily's specialty is service to everyone.-Adv. WUERTHI THEATRI Monday night March at 8:30 P. M. vr'o.. . ampUell 4a nad 3o years experience with Eastern Colleges and Universities in his Phrenological work. He will deliver his popular lecture on Phrenology, its principles and proofs, before any Ann Arbor or- ganization. Private Phrenological ex- a=ination in respect to Character an- alysis,. brain building, choices of voca- tion, marriage adaptation. The mother of this infant is unable to give It the proper care a she turned It over to Mi,. Wuerth who will find it a home by the above methods. WE CANNOT DIVULGE ANY IDENTI'] OTHER THAN THE BABY'S NAME IS "LOUI A TRY TO GET IN Live Baby tures and ex ment. Addres 2154-R.-Adv. . .I:. Ten Weeks Old Get Good Goods at Goodyear's F WILL BE GIVEN TO THE PERSON HOLDING THE LUCKY The Vogue For The Michigan Daily, the on ing paper in Ann Arbor, con the latest Campus, City am News.-Adv. -- AT THE - Spring WVear ........r...,.. r ' t , . . ' y o ,. i "., o ' , " 1, .. ,,, Representative styles of Fashion await you in the new Coats, Suits and Dresses found in our Spring display. The Spring Coats feature the new silhouette which embodies them with a charmingly refined contour and a' great deal of dressiness. They are fitted with convertible cellars, unique cuffs, and pockets of original designs; some are inclined to be cut quite narrow in conformation and others quite full and flarry around the waists and hen. The Tuxedo front promises to MEDLEY--The Happy Six.....'..$1.25 PAL WAS MARY-Prince's Orchestra. be one of the most popular styles of the; .velvet, light weight velours, camel hair, bolivia, tricotine, serge, gaber- dine, full wool and brunella. You will be delighted with our new Suits and Dresses. The assortment includes models suitable. for all oc- casions, fashioned of the richest ma- terials in 1 styles entirely authentic. season. Materials Music Shop y Street, q The price range for all ready-to-wear apparel is such as to accommodate every purse. (Second Floor) 7447 Ostrih Fan Leave Copy at Quarrys and The DeIts The Millinery Styles tI Bs he FOUN ' eo Broach. Be-1 ic Hospital and t. Valued as 'a e return to Mrs.- "Arcadia." Re- ok Canteen Bag i in Uion Firday and will avoid ng same at once in Union Friday n crucible, cover iber 28. Finder is office and re-. rer Dorine case H" on the front. LOST AND FOUND LOST--A pair of white bone rimmed glasses, gold bows. Finder please call 1954-R. WANTED WANTED-Immediately a competent cook for a table of 18. Call stew- ard, phone 2605. The hard-to-please type will easily find her individual model this season, for there seems to be no limit to the styles. Prac- tically every style one can think of, is happily represented in our displays at 'this time. Unusual beauty is shown in the intricacy of line to'the shape of each hat, yet every one is in lFeeping with simple lines of the, season. Small hats predominate. Pokes and turbans are numerous although the wider brimmed hats have their place.' Our display awaits your inspection. Ostrich Fan, are gre in demand for formal NG this season. A new s ment we have just rec ed shows them in ora pink, black, white orchid, priced at $5.50 $7.50. (Main Floor) .I WANTED-Canoe, write B. GurevicNs, 309 14th St. WANTED-J-Hop ticket. Call 1128-J. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Pleasant suite of rooms one block from campus. Rent rea- sonable. Phone 2626. 1130 Wash- tenaw. - - M n - - . MIYI- .- 114 1 I , (Second Floor) 4v ave at !! P-MMYIFWN-mmqpoq i -'# .. 1 OPPr r ..-s. w .. w Entrance 124S. Main FOR SALE clarinet;l i I