2T4 r -J t t Jar V DAY AND MGH SEE VIC] ;.: ' 4 .. - ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1920. -Z)- F. L. A. STRAUSS PPROVES DORMS Louis A. Strauss, who has just I from the conference of deans isor's of men, where a resolu- xoring university control of conditions, when asked as xtent to which the introductian 's dormitories to Michigan change the present situation Petition for Bladkets for Varsity Men Allowed; Hockey and Swilmning Teams Recognized MAY MAKE PRESENTATIVE AFFAIR RIVAL CAP NIGHT r * :; MID WEST LEAGUE DEBATERS IN TOWN not feel that it would affect ernities to a very great ex- e said that he felt it probable freshmen would be required to he dormitory and that much policy which is .now in effect to the women in the Univer- Id be put into effect. sor Strauss aided in- making on of the conference unan- r casting his vote 'in favor of action of this conference is ing upon the universities rep- , it being simply a meeting is the matters coming up be- . different universities Pro- trauss was secretary Iof the ce lasti year. . AGGIES VARSITY I Among the matters, discussedtby the Board in Control of Athletics at a. meeting held yesterday afternoon was the matter of a trainer. Although ,no definite information was given 'out by the board it is un- derstood that a trainer who will also act as assistant track coach will be appointed though the name of the man will not be divulged until the contract is signed. Approve Blankets The petition submitted to the board to give blankets to athletes- receiving two or more "Ms"was approved. Un- der this plan any man receiving two or more "Ms" will be givenj a blanket with indications as to the number of "Ms" won during his college career and the sports in which they were ob- tained will be given at the end of the last year of his eligibility. It is the hope of the originators of this custom to make the event as-big a one as Cap night and one which will receive as much fame as Cap night. The petition relative to hockey, which according to a member of the board did not ask that it be made a Varsity sport but only that there be an informal team next year, also re- ceived the approval of the board. A petition submitted by- the swimmers ,was acted on favorably. 'By this ac- tiofi the expenses inc'urred in using the Y. M. C. A. tank will be sustained by the Athletic association. JAPAN DIET~I1S LED DYER SUFFRAGE FIGHT Debaters, who will participate in the Mid-west League debates have been chosen in the final eliminations. Friday afternoon they presented the first drafts of the final' form of the case before Professor Friday of the Economics department. Prof. Leos Sharfman of the same depart'ment will hear the case Monday. After this for the remainder of the week the two teams will participate in head- on debates. The league's question this ,year is, "Resolved, that employes as such in each industrial corporation, should be allowed to elect from their own ranks at least one-third of the board of di- rectors of such corporation. All di- rectors to have equal rights and priv- ileges." The members of the affirmative team, who will debate here with 11- linois university on March 26, are O. A. Brown, '21; Anna McGurk, '20; J. M. Rygh, '21; W. H. Wise, Alt., '21. The negative team will debate with the University of Wisconsin the same night at Madison. The members of the negative team are 3. W. Hindis, '21; J. K. Pollock, '22; C. M. Young- John, '22; W. R. Clark, Alt. '21. At the same time the Wisconsin negative and Illinois affirmative teams will clash at Urbana, which completes the debates in this league. HOCKEYSETETT IWINSFNLCM Do Strong for Mather's1 i; Count 84 to .7 I PRESIDENT SIGNS ESCH-CUMI BILL, RETURNING RAILROAD PRIVATE OWNERSHIP AT M. A. C. OUT] g, Feb. 28. - iral college b TO" ie Michigan :etball team1 ned victory ichigan ag- The farmers were entitled to the long end of the score, for at no time during the game did the Ann Arbor, team let up in an attempt to over- come the lead of their opposition. The Aggies were forced to fight with such consistency that that every point they made was well earned. Fail to Stop Aggies Karpus and Williams, the two Mich- igan sars, were both given an op- portunity to get into the contest for a good share of the time, yet their istellar support was not sufficient to s top the Aggies. f M. A. C. presented a front that proved more than the Mchgan team' Pcould cope with. The home team led throughout the contest, with Michigan unable to get within sufficient reach to reverse the decision. * Reflects on Record 1 Although the game was not a Con- ference battle, it reflects somewhat on the Big Ten record of the University for M. A. C. meets many Big Ten. teams. It is the third consecutive defeat of tae University team after its one Conference victory over Min- nesota. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. TO HAVE PROFIT SHARING * Dayton, Ohio, Feb. 28.- The Na- tional Cash Register Co., employing approximately 7,000 people in its plant here, today announced 50-50 profit sharing plan for employes for 1920. PREMIER ACTS AFTER VIOLENTI SCENES IN LOWERS HOUSE Washington, Feb. 28. - The fight 4n Japan for universal suffrage result- fed in the dissolution of the Japanese diet last Thursday by Imperial de- crees. The emperor's action was taken after request of Premier Hara, cnable advices of Tokio of today said. It followed violent scenes in the lower house of Parliament, when the police fougUt members of the party and a military force was called upon to restrain the crowds outside, at- rteipting to break into the build- .ing. The demonstrations ontinued throughout the night. A new election of members of Parliament is to be held within five months under the terms of the Japanese constitution. Although excluding the entire body Af labor, farm laborers and mechan- ics, the measure was describ as a considerable enlargement of the old -and restricted suffrage list, and the government was said to have desired to test it by the election of a diet be-. fore considering any measures of fur- ther extension. Closes Season by Defeating Detroit Rayls 7 to 1; Teams Show Rare Form WINTER'S SCHEIULE GIVES MICHIGAN UNDEFEATED RECORD In a fitting climax to its highly suc- cessful season, the Michigan informal hockey team, last night, defeated the sppedy Detroit Rayl sextette by a. siore of 7 to 1. The game which according to all advance dope had promised to be the hardest one- of the year lived up to expectations. The crowd, which in- cidentally was the largest of the sea- son, was treated to some excellent hockey. The score does not give one the correct impression of the tight- ness of the game. Practically all of the scoring was done in the first per- iod. Michigan Fast Michigan started with its character- istic rush, and within two minutes after the opening whistle Anderson caged the first goal. He followed this up three minutes later with another. Kerr; maintaining the speed shown by Anderson, coped another point for the team. Anderson not to be outdone, nabbed his third and final point of the evening five minutes before the: period ended. A half minute later Barkell scored a pretty goal from the middle of the floor. The Rayls bristling with fight, came back in the second period four minutes after the whistle with their first and only score of the night.. Barkell counted once in this period, and once more for the closing point of the game in the third period. Barkell again was the stellar per- former of the evening, his all around work meaning much to the Michigan. sextette. The teams appeared to be well balanced, and even when 'all of the regulars had been replaced by the substitutes the Rayls were admir- ably held in check. Mohan, of the Detroiters,' failed to make the showing expected of him, but was instrumental in goaling the only score for the Rayls, when he passed the puck to Silden who scored. Lineup Michigan Rayls Barkell.........C..........Babb Kerr (Capt.)...L.W........Sildenj Anderson..... .R.W........Hall Kahn ..........P............Mohan MacDuff ........ C.P........ Billings0 Richards........G.........Kenny' Substitutions-Follis for MacDuff, Cannon for Anderson, Hotchkiss for Kahn, Didier for Cannon, Cannon for Barkell, Busby for Follis, Thompson for Hall. Goals: 'First period-Anderson in 2 and 5 minutes, Kerr in 8 minutes, Anderson in 10, Barkell in 10 1-2. Sec-] ond period-Silden in. 4 minutes and Barkell in 9. Third period-Barkell inb q min'dp-ui DAILY WILL PUBLISH DIRECTORY SUPPLEMENT The Michigan Daily, following a custom established last year, will compile a supplement to the official Students' Directory, for the benefit of those who arrived late in the University, and to correct unavoidable errors, and chap ges in the regular edition. same, class, Ann Arbor ad- dress, home town and Ann Arbor'- phone number, in the order nam- ed, should be placed on a one cent post card and mailed to the Directory Editor, 'The Daily, Press building, City, before Mar. 3. No names will be accepted after that date. cAoLINA0111A0ZARIOESES AUIENCE WITH SINCERITY DISPLAYS ABILITY *ITHOUT AT. TEMPTING VOCAL ACRO- BATICS (By P. A. S.) Although she may not possess the mature authority of one or two of her sister contraltos, Carolina Lazzari pre- sented a program of songs last night in Hill auditorium in a manner that bids strong for recognition when con- tralto voices are tlie subject of con- sideration There is a pleasing sincerity and lack of- the "sensational" about Ma- 'dame Lazzari's voice that takes well with her audience and, though she made no. attempt to startle them with vocal acrobatics, she did display a confidence and security in what she, did sing that would put to shame many a more ambitions soloist. Free ;from Th oiiess\ No dubious tones mredher high notes and in the lower register she was h'appily free from that harsh throatiness which immediately be- trays the shortcomings of a contralto who has wandered beyond her depth. Schubert's "A"e Maria," the most familiar number of the evening, was sung with a simple reverence that quite satisfied those who awaited it with anticipation. A "Samson" aria was substituted for Grieg's "Autumnal ,Gale" and brought for an encore a merry little tune about the sea and a road which seemed to lead to it. The swinging "Lieti Signor" aria from Meyerbeer's "Les Huguenots" proved to be the piece de resistance of the program and brought another encore. Ferrate's "Night and the .Curtains Drawn" and Ganz' "Love in a Cot- tage" pleased mightily with their frank simplicity and MacFaydens "Cradle Song" deserved-'the repetition it was given. Densmores "Roadways'r and an encore completed the program. Accompanist Good Madame Lazzari and an accompan- ist, Isaac Van Grove, who, by the ray, knows the difference between ac- companying a' sloist and playing a solo, gave a program which quite earned for them the warm reception they received. THETA CHI FRATERNITY BUYS RESIDENCE OF PROF. SCOTT DIRECTOR hINES IS VESTED POWERS OF EXECU- TIVE WILSON ANSWERS PL OF RAILROAD WOR Will Request -Carriers and E to Join In Conference n Wage Problem Washington, Feb. 28. - Pre Wilson signed the railroad bill eve of the return of the roads t owners and private orerations. In a proclamation issued a time the bill was signed, Mr. vested in Walker J. Hines, diree railroads, virtually all power in the executive by the bill. Mr. will also continue to exercise t ties of director general which c beyond the return of the ro private control at midnight-ton night. X ake Reply Public The White yhose'also made the text of a recent reply to sentatives of bhe railroad broth that he appoint a commission 4 ployers and employes' delega consider 'wage demands made brotherhood. It deals wholly w -wage demands settlement pre 'dhd does not refer directly to ti morial later presented by the erhood -heads asking that he ve railroad bill. Announcement of the signing ibill came after officials had b convinled Mr. Wilson did not to act tonight, although they certain he would not prmit the ure to be lost by the expiratio 10 da limit allowed for presi approval or veto "of an act', of gress.-In his letter President V said the passage of therailro "made it evident that I could i on your suggestions until ita have beensdetermined whethe bill would become a law or not, Asks Harmony "And if not, it was manife letter continued, "that if th should become a law,'-the negoti and considerations, of the wage ought to proceed in harmony twith. "The bill having now become the way is open for imnediate on the wage matter -in accordanc its terms. The bill evidently c plates that the carriers aln'd em should select representatives w thus constitute a bi-pattisan bo the purpose -of attemptIng a c ence to atee upon a solution wage problenr. in accordapce assurance of last August and re in substance'in my letter of th instant, I shall at once reques arriers and the employes to this action. I believe such a stE 'go far towards clarifying and n ing the subject for final dispo Continues Fuel Beard . Coincident with the signing railroad bil President Wilson - tonight executive orders providi the continuation of the powers fuel administration dividing the t'ween the general director of r and the committee of four. 'The creating the conimission is ef until April 30 next. BARTENDER WAN -POSITION AS K' San Francisco, Feb. 28.-Here advertisement that - appeared 'daily paper here recently: Wanted-Position - in kitche general housework by man tha been keeping bar for twenty years., The applicant, John Kornahrei cording to a newspaper inte suggested-that as household hi lacking the "members of a nob profession might come to the cue." German Periodicals Again Appear eOn Shelves Of University Library &- 1 I After an absence of' nearly 'six ears, current German periodicals are gain to be found on the shelves of e University library. Since the sign- .g of the armistice more than 5,000 agazines have been received, some >ming in complete volumes ready to 3 bound immediately, and today available both from the war and from the works of prominent men complet- ed before the conflagration began. As the war dragged on, however, the bet- ter material could not be obtained and as a result the magazines, printed in 1917 and 1918, were published con- taining only mediocre articles. igan stands second among the li-- In view of the coming foreign de- les of the country in respect to mand large quantities of magazines completeness of her German were stored in Leipsig and it has been through agencies in Denmark and Hol- Theta Chi fraternity has purchased the residence of Prof. F. N. Scott, at the corner of Washtena1y and south University avenues, and will take possession of that property before the opening of summer' school, moving from their, present location at 821 east University avenue. , The house will be remodeled during the summer to make it more adapta- ble for fraternity uses. Waldo Fel- lows, '15, Harry Gault, '17L, and' Glenn Coulters, '20L, were here as. members of the board of trustees to complete the deal.I th the outbreak of hostilities the . influx of German publications this country came to an abrupt md the supply of first class sci- c works was greatly. diminish- or the entire duration of the however, the Germans contin- o print their leadbng magazines , at times the actual work wast by -men and women well past; prime, and by mere children. ; s was made possible in no smalll uA by the walth of mateial land that the library has been able to obtain these valuable works. Among the collection are the lead- ing scientific, medical, and political publications of Germany, considered to be among the best in tbp world. At present the files are practically com- plete up to the first of July, 1919. The magazines give the German viewpoint and peculiar theories on the vital is- sues of the last six years and there- by are not only interesting but ex- ceedinz e nli-ninr_ Tickets Left for Illinois Game There are a few tickets for the Il- linois basketball game tomorrow night still left that may be had by calling G. 0. P. to Lansing, Mic tipu a,