camps in col l. .I INESOTA IMENI ,. . . .. 1 #,; LONG ABSENCES DUE TO OF "FLU" THE CAUSE I 'IWome FEAR r U 1 I kable it is made pres- Hard and fast are the new rules and restrictions recently placed on women students of the, University of Minnesota. Must Give Excuse senti Feb. dop- The faculty of that university has eing put the lid on all unnecessary absenc- class es among the girl students. They are" the now required to present a satisfac- I ex- tory excuse for absences of more than >eing three consecutive days, signed by a nent parent, landlady, or by a physician, to Mrs. Jessie B. Ladd, dean of women. According to Mrs. Ladd, she has 5 all been deluged with notes brought to Uni- her in-the past two weeks. Many of Day the students have been absent from 'sary classes either on account of being vic- Y. tims of the, recent influenza epidemic or were fearful of attending classes ous- because of the possibility of con- dis- tracting it. Mrs. Ladd also declares' at- that although reasonable excuses will quir- be accepted, unnecessary absences ding will be strictly deilt with. resi- orority hi will be e women ill be re es accor )m the p versity corpora- hat the salaries ssistant profes- dvanced, begin- r of failures at broken all rec- lure among fra- .d to exceed by ng the 'non-fra- TO BE SCATORI A. A. WELL REPRESENTED AT NURSING EDUCATORS' MEETING The Michigan State League of Nurs- ing Education will hold its seventh: annual meeting in Blodgett Memorial hospital, in Grand Rapids, March' and 4. This3 meetinug was scheduled to be held Feb. 4 and 5, but was post- poned on account of the influenza. At the first session business of the association will be cons'ldered, while the second session will be given over to papers on topics of interest to the profession. Among these is an ad- dress by the president, Miss Fantine Pemberton, superintendent of nurses ,at Peterson hospital, and papers~ by Miss Alice L. Lake, director of edu- cation at. University hospital, and Miss Mary Welch, superintendent of 'nurses of University hospital. Purdue Favors Military Training Lafayette, Ind., Feb. 27. - Resolu- tions were adopted at the afternoon- session of the Scabbard and Blade convention favoring universal mili- tary training, and copies of thge res, olutions were sent to congress. Much There will be a rehearsal of all the choruses of the second act of the Junior Girls' play at 9 o'clock, Sat- urday morning, Feb. 28, in Sarah Cas-I well Angell hall. Sophomore girls who have not al-+ ready secured tickets for thesopho- more party, this afternoon can get them at the door of Barbour gymna- slum before the party. It has been found necessary to post- pone the women's cotilion and ban- quet which was to have been held Saturday, Feb. 28, until Saturday, March 6. Sophomore girls may procure tickets for the sophomore party by applying at either Heten Newberry residence or Martha Cook dormitory. SERUM SAVES LIFE OF NEW,-YORK GIRL Anti-Toxin of Government Responsi. ble, Not That of Illini Doctor The serum which saved the life of a New York girl, poisoned from ripe olives several weeks ago, was not that discovered by Dr. Robert Graham of the University of, Illinois, but that sent out by the bureau of animaltin- dustry at Washington, declared Dr. Herbert Emerson, .of the Pasteur in- stitute of the University, yesterday af- ternoon. Dr. Graham informed the press of this country a few days ago that he would furnish his serum to be used to combat the latest peril from olIVes, which have been sent out by the Sprague Warner company of Chicago. '"I do not know," said Dr. Emerson, "whether Dr. Graham has discovered lately the type of serum necessary to combat the prevalent olive poisoning. There are two types' of anti-toxins, type A and type B, and the anti-toxin which Graham discovered a few weeks ago was of type B, which is worth- less in the present situation. If he has discovered type A since then, it will prove valuable in the peril which has befallen this country." "It is probable," continued Dr. Em- erson, "that only a few containers in the assignments sent the various towns throughout the country ,will be found to be contaminated, but until it is known definitely to what extent these have been contaminated, none of the suspected brands should be used." JAUL MUMIb KRO W14 FEATURElWOMEN'SPARTY POPULAR SONGS AND CLETER COSTUMES ENTERTAINt 200 GIRLS Varied and entertaining acts were received with enthusiasm at the Women's league party yesterday aft- ernoon. They were played to an audi- ence of more than 200 girls in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Beulah Brown, '21, and Jean Wal- lace, '21, dressed in gorgeous red, yellow, and black, sang "Just Like a Gypsy," and completed their act with a flirting dance in the soft glow of rosy lights. "Dardanella' was pre- sented by Grace Ohlmacher, '21, School of Music, in an oriental costume of heavily embroidered black and yel- low panels. The' parts of two barefoot boys in "Patches" were taken by Olivia Dein- mon, '19, and ,Elizabeth Phillips, '22, and in the next stunt the outdoor girl, Elsie Oisen, '23, was supported by a chorus of seven girls dressed as artists. Jazz, with all its harmonies and dis- cords, was the medium through which the "Sorosis Sympathy Orchestra" displayed its talent. The air was carried by the piano and embellish- ments added by horns, whistles, and an accordian. Their second number was a trio of toy horns accompanied by the piano, and their third was the melody, "I Need Sympathy.", "An If for Girls" was read by Ka- trina Scherierhorn, '21, and inter- preted Eloise Smith, ' 22, in pan- tomine. Dana Pettibone, '22, conclud- ed the program with a 'doll dance. Carranza Thanks Humane Soo!ety San Jose, Calif.--The Santa Clara County Humane society has just re- ceiveda letter of thanks from 'Presi- dent Carranza of Mexico/ for a mess- age the society sent him commending is stand against bull fighting in Mexico. 1~~ "..t . LA 1 ---- in- "It Pays To '' Advertise" 4. ,, * ri, of the Span- give a~n illus- nish at 7:30) g, March 2, in e room of the Mg. e given in be- ispanica. Mem- free of charge, Spanish may ents each froni ;y -or from the BRY AN-T A~ Paramount-!4rtcraft Picture Last Times Today 66 TEP up closer, ladies and gents, and I shall endeavor . to show to you the most scintillating collection of dare- devil ventures in love and business that ever moved a crowd to gales of mirth. "At the special request of the management, I have evad- ed the police for a brief period, in order that I may immortal- ize on the screen the story of "13" soap-unlucky for dirt- a laugh in every bubble-the soap that made me all I am today. "The whole thrilling history now ready to start! Come right along, folks, and while the band plays, the little lady will pass out tickets. You'll have to hurry if you want a seat!" COMING-SUNDAY EVERYVWOMAIN i rcade J. L. CHAPMAN JEWELER AND UPTOMETRIST. 113 SOUTH MAIN STREET F You will now find on display a fine line of spring millinery at the parlors of STEVENS & PERSIIINO 618 PACKARD STREET SHE-Was a Senior in the Radical Studies of the Anti-Kiss Club? HE-Was a Freshman in the School of Osculation? wat wait. 90,07 s .+..r....s a..i. . .... w.rftr" . I FLOWERING PLANTS Cousins & Hall Florists Telegraph Delivery 1002 S. Univ. FREE - The first twenty-five ladies present will be admitted free of charge to the first slow Monday and Tuesday afternoon. Would you take a chance and let your best friend teach your fiancee how to kiss on second thought perhaps, you had better see WWC-%' I, h N I. ( e Lim eCopy ADSFIE E b e DVERTISING I -_LOST AND FOUND i, .I is Suit, white1 shirts. Cheap3 actically new, an 5ft. 11 in. unds. Call at urday between] ticket fbr Lazzari ket for $1.00. Call ickets for Lazzari airs. Call 1671-J. Conn clarinet;' LOST-A small silver Dorine case with old English "H" on the front. Call 2497. LOST-Seven ring leather notebook. Please call 739-J., Reward. WANTED WANTED-Responsible sales repre- sentative by manufacturer of ad- vertising novelties. State experi- ence, if any. Give references in first letter. The Leo Hart Co., Rochester, N. Y. WANTED-Roommate. Room, seven minutes from campus. Reasonable. Dent preferred. 415Benjamin St. Phone 99-J. There are fifty-seven varieties of Love-Making BEWYED U CHATER. And solve this uestion for youarself You see them all in this novel romance k 'WOU* o wnIAP. Hf.R&' - U Ii" t.+ rmrr ww'r 1 LM~ll~ - !g I~ J WUERTH THEATRE ,h bril- 3 DAYS STARTING SUNDAY 'ED-Imtmediately a for a table of 18. phone 2605. competent Call stew- ADULTS 35c CHILDR t. Call 1128-J.