RSITY the Univer- CIATED PRESS' :ly entitled to the use for dited to it or not otherwise ws published therein. Arbor, Michigan, as second rd street.. ing Mr.'or Miss So-and-So of the School of Music; but at the May Festival, which is the greatest mus- ical event of the year, we have a right to demand artists of the first rank. Music lovers from all over the surrounding country come to attend the Festival and these, together with the local patrons, are certainly able to support high grade programs. Then, again, there is the matter of variety. A certain well-known and capable singer, who is to apear' again this year, has been brought to Ann Arbor almost regularly during the last few years. While we do not presume to attack her ability as an artist, we do feel justified in saying that Ann Arbor has been surfeited with her singing. The fact must be recognized that some of the most desirable artists are not always obtainable because of previous bookings. This difficulty, however, might be overcome to a large extent by greater initiative, persistency, and impecuniousness on the part of the Festival management. As the purpose of the Festival is that of education, it is the duty of the authorities to see to it that the edu- cational process is forwarded by the most efficient means-first rate artists. GRAA' I TWO STORES ds, if signed, the ig- but as an evidence of d in The Daily at the sd to The Daily office rnsideration. No man incloses postage. se the sentiments ex- .,.. .:. 1 : .. , r . ....HARRY M. CARRY Brewster Campbell John 1.IDakin Thornton Sart rC . . Campbell .. , .i ., J.P. art .arguerite Clark oseph A. Bernstein Mark K. hibert stants soan Dorothy Monfort. [ Riley Minnie Muskatt . eber Anna McGurk ice Winfred iethan Angell .Samuel Laport robleki" Robert D. Sage Thotas 3. wtinery S STAFF. ion. 969 ....".....PAUL E. CHdLETTE Grand A. Gaines, Mark B. Covell , .Henrywhiting .......EdwardPrihe .Curt P. Schneider, R. A. Sullivan istants ath ,% D. . Joyce. unstader Robt. So.'merville Arthur L. Glazer Lfrmation concernig news for any e night editor, who has full charge ht. veek are as follows: Joseph night; George Brophy, pbell, Wednesday; Thom- y; Thornton Sargent, Jr., stein, Saturday. BRUARY 28, 1920. RS CO-OP STORE ie of authority, has spoken -operative store for Michi- uch establishments at Dart- well as a wide knowledge 1 and management, qualify :he following words of he Economics department: an should lhave a co-opera- ons: because it would save cause it would eliminate cagrying an oversupply of y the present condition of s,; and , because it would :nts a feeling of responsi- t the organization is their e with the use of the co- result, I hope, in extension he business world by col- tion. From the economic ative idea is an excellent would be feasible here, tudents keep in mind this must regard such an estab- siness enterprise, and must y for itself. If such stores has been because this prin- The students ;nust make nanager is hired, who wil, > the business of the store." pared the two plans of co- is acquainted. In the first, the basis of amount pur- sold at the prevailing mar- entitle the purchaser to a :ated intervals. The second ing out profits in advance, e estimated cost, which of erably below market prices. the first plan, as it is more sure of paying expenses ts. d appoint a committee to ition," is Professor Griffin's portant part is to see that on the right basis."" )ING MAY FESTIVAL uncement of the artists to May Festival, musicians of have rather generally mani- of disappointment. They .tertainment to. be furnished andard, and, when one con- case, their attitude appears THIE I920 MEMORIAL. The Memorial Committee of the Class of I920 will soon be making the selection of a gift to the University which is annually given by the gradu- ating class. In order that its choice may be as nearly representativ'e as possible of the whole of the Senior class, the committee bas requested that individual members send in ideas, or suggestions to The Daily. In this manner a fair consensus of opinion should be obtained. Perhaps there is no matter regarding which the minds of students are as widely divergent as over the selection of such a thing as a memorial. Some people would immediately suggest the utilitatian- endowing a scholarship, contributing to the Campus Theater fund, et cetera. Others, with just as rad- ical a view, maintain that if ever it is permissable to digress into sentiment and suggestive beauty, ,that time is when choosing a thing that will live,' forever as a token of one more epoch in the his- tory of Michigan and the lives of her men. Then comes the ultimate problem of choQsing a fitting object whose price will not be out of the question, entirely. , In wishing to gain student sentiment upon the matter now, rather than causing complaint and re- gret later on, the Memorial committee are advanc- ing this .invitation with the best of motives an