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February 27, 1920 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-02-27

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lidates will re-
William Bade at
in Waterman
one at 319.





Coach Drulard Enters Two More Men
in Tank Meet Given by
D. A. C.

- cally narowed down to .:arbert (120),
As sooh as the present straight-rail' and Gale (150). Both men are play- MARTHA WASI
billiard tournament has been played ing good billiards and a forecast as at Tices' Drug Sto
off, a three-cushioned league will be to the winer would be difficult. Fresh every Frid4
organized' at the Union, according to
Al Taylor. The tourney 1ill be open LAW STUDENTS MULLANES -TA
to any student and an en angc fee of The portability, durability and be- Drug Stbre, 117
$2 will be charged, which will cover cause of it's interchangeable type fea- veived every week
the use of the tables throughout the ture, adaptability to your line of work,
match. A silver loving cup will be makes of the MULTIPLEX HAMMOND Michigan Daily
presented to the winner. The method typewriter a companiont which you one recognized a
of taking the final score is by the cannot well afford to be without. Mar- student trade

So. M



Real competition for regular berths
Michigan's 1920 Varsity baseball
ae will begin next week when bat-
g practice starts. Coach Lund-
e is after some heavy hitters and
ery candidate will be given a chance
exhibit his swatting ability. With
ch pitchers as Captain Parks and-
izicka in the box, the men will be
against pitching which should
ual any they will face during the
Pinch Hitters an Asset
MIen who are handy with. the stick
d can -swat the pill will be needed
gardless of their fielding ability. A
avy hitter is a great asset to the
am and players who can deli er at,
e right time will be needed as pinch
tters. Last season, the Wolverine
tered the ninth inning in the game
th the.Maroons at Chicago with two
ns needed to win. The Michigan
meback spirit arose to the oecasion
ien pinch hitters Pheney and
hluntz each delived .three' .bag-
rs, driving in enough scores to put
e game onice'for the Wolverines.'
This seaso the Wolverines will need
be well- fortified with ;batters, to
Nset the strong pitching staffs which
number of the other Big Ten teams
il have with the return of their
'e-war moundsmxen. The presence of
iorty Mraz, a heavy hitter, and third
iseman on the 1918 team, along with
il$Knode, the leading swatter of
st year's nine, will greatly add to
e offense of the Varsity squad.
Strong Offensive Needed
Last season, the Wolverines 'were
>t rated as highly with the stick as
ere the Illini nine, but when these
ams met at Urbana, Lundgren's
aarges upset their oponents in a
eat slugfest. At the same time Parks
atered the hall of fame by holding
ie Illini scoreless and hitless. This
ason, however, the Wolverines will
eed both a strong offense and de-
mse to repeat their victories of the

Two more men have been named by
Coach Drulard to represent Michigan
in the Central A. A. U. swimming
meet to be held at the Detroit Ath-
letic club tomorrow night. They are
Lewy, '22, and Dunlop, '23. Both will
bei entered in the 50 'yard free' style'
and it is possible that one or both of
them may be substituted in the relay,
for two of those already named. Dun-
lop hails from Duluth, Minnesota,
where he has established an enviable
reputation as a short distance swim-
mer. Lewy JA probably one' of the
fastest men on the campus today.
Woman Star May Enter School
There is a possibility that Margaret
Woodbridge of the D. A. C., claimant
of the national 50 yard back stroke
and other titles, may attend Michigan
next Year. The presence of a swim-
ner of her calibre would greatly en-
courage other women to stake up the
sport seriously and would, in addi-
tion, be an incentive to the men to pull
together and put Michigan on the col.
lege swimming map. Miss Wood-
bridge will be' seen in action at the
D. A. C. tomorrow night against Sybil
Bauer of the I. A. C., her chief op-
ponent in the backstroke events. A
good race should result.
Among other nationally famous stars
who will appear in the meet are Cle-
ment Brown of the Chicago Athletic
association, and 'holder of the Ameri-
can mile record, and Bud Wallen of
the I. A. C., who last- year set a new
world mark for the half mile, only to
have it broken b1 his teamn mate,
Norman Ross.
Showing of Boss Is Brilliant
The career of Norman Ross is an
interesting one. He entered Stanford
university in 1916, where he proved
the sensation of the year under the
tutelage of Coach Ernst Brandsten.
The lure of swimming proved to be
the undoing of Ross' collegiate life,:
for he left the university at the end of
his freshman year to contest for the
Olympic club of San Francisco. Dur-
ing his sojourn with the" Olympic
club, he became nationally known as
a "breaker of world's records," so
famous in fact that he was sent to the
inter-allied games in Paris last sum-
mer. There he won every event in
which he ,was entered, winning the
swimpming championship of the allied
forces for th~e A. E. F. almost single



Watching a game is fun, we'll
admit. And everyone is WEL-
COME to watch the bowlers at
our alleys, as often as they like.
But to get real benefit from
bowling you must ROLL YOUR
OWN. (With apologies to ther
Bull Durham folks.)
Ruskin said: "If you want
pleasure you must toil for it."
Bowling is a most beneficial ex-
ercise and the real pleasure and
benefit comes from playing-not
Billiards and Bowling, Cigars.
and Candles. Cigarettes & Pipes.
"We try to treat you Right"

Nickels Arcade

Up the

Hey Boy! Have You Tasted The Good
Food At The ARCADE?

Pure foods at low prices, prepared by experts.


Everything displayed on our forty-foot steam
serving tables.
Select just what appeals to your own indiv
Bakery goods fresh from our own ovens.
Delicious coffee with rich Jersey cream.
Kindness, courtesy, and good service prevail he
y -

-Over all the hurdles!
Spur Cigarettes were bred for
Put out all the hurdles, widen the ditches:--
Sp rs will clear them all. Bred for the course,
trained to win. Ask the man who has smoked
all kinds. He knows Class. He will pick Spurs
eery time.
There was room at the top for Spurs because
Spur is not merely a new brand but a new and
better cigarette.
Spurs are crimped, not pasted. That is new
and makes them easier-drawing, slower-burning.
1Jended in a new way to bring out the good old
taste of American and Imported tobaccos. Smart
"brown-and-silver" packet, three-fold to preserve
Eur's delicious taste and fragrance.

Upon his return he' entrusted his
future training to Coach William
Bachrach of the T. A. C., and the wis-
dom of his move is Aow attested to
t by: the fact that he holds .nearly

i Farrell

be held 'tomorrow afternoon in
:ermnan gymnasium. More first;
r .men have signed up" for , this
nt than ever before.
esterday there were 75 yearling
k aspirants working out, which is
largest number that has -ever- re-
ted for practice for a meet of this
d.. The interest 'which the fresp -
a are showing along this line aug-
well for the future track teams.
s expected that some excellent ma-
al will be uncovered in this meet
ch will be available for the Var-
next year.
'he coach is especially desirous of
lin; some distance men, as, it is
tAs department that the present
t team is weak. With the gradua-
i this June ofa se'veral of the best
n on the Varsity, including the ir-
lacable Johnson, new material
st be developed. New men in the
ips, hurdles,. and the weights will
o be required. This meet is the
opportunity that Steve has in
Leh to get an idea of the material
will have to work with next year.
Ul entries for the meet must be
this afternoon. It is expected that
re than 125 will have signed up"°by

every world's record in free style
swimming from the 40 yard up to the
mile event, as well as several world's
backstroke 'marks.
Boxing enthusiasts will have a
chance to witness four fast bouts to-
niglt at the . Whitney theater... The
local post of the AmeriQan Legion is
'putting on the affair.
There will be two preliminary bouts
of four rounds each, a semi-final of
10 rounds, and a final of 10 rounds.
The latter match will see Texas Kid
opposing Eddie Ketchel. Both of
these men are aggresive fighters and
a fast exhibition' is expected. Four
of the principals in the other three
bouts are students, a facts which gives
the exhibition a University Interest.
Mr. Floyd Rowe, one time director
of intramural athletics at the Uni-
versity and now state director of
physical education, will be on hand
as the representative of the. state box-
ing commission. Jimmy Devers of
Jackson, will referee.
Tickets are on sale at Huston's,
Sugden's, at the box office of the
Whitney theater, and at the City
Cigar store.


,a ' ,




and Spurs are right there

" 'Due to the fact that the announce-
i ment did not reach the freshman as-
- semblies,, enrollment in the R. 0. T.
C will not be closed until a week from
e this Sgturday,". is the statement of
t the R. o. X. C. officers.
"The statement that enrollment
would close this week did not reach
s the engineer assembly Wednesday
e morning and there was noa freshman
e lit assembly Monday, so it has been
thought best to hold the' enrollment
open for another week. There wiH,

University Students to Address Church
Fifteen University"members of the
Baptist Guild hail of Ann Arbor will
conduct a series of gospel meetings
Friday to Sunday, inclusive, in the
Warren Avenue Baptist church, De-
troit. Rev. Howard R. Chapman will
be in charge.
- Meetings are scheduled for Friday
and Saturday evenings and all services
on Sunday will be addressed by the
University students.
The Michigan Daily is au all-Cam-


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