op 0 i pi Li r1 DAY AND N SEE f' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1920. PRICE THRE CE SOLDIERS MAY GET Nu CALM RESTORED IN5D S MEDICAL AID HERE O ninrn~ RUM WAR DISTRICT SEwill not be necessary for dis- B I DIN T AEs R U e reI d R Te fl Y E N U OV E T Y IP."L E VItb n c s rUrBIron R iver, F eb. 26.- Calm is re- charged sick, or disabled soldiers to1stred here, following departure UT apply to the ULnitel States - public Maj. A. V. Dalrymple, of Chicago, Fed- heath service' at ashington for free President Hutchins, Douglas, Sadler, eral Prohibition director of the Cen- medial reatenreat6xdig tit, andSteensChosn btAlmzn-' tandtatu, adeamed ntenalRev ORyMEA Su norattra' ecevtdt fr, te'nocalenueagntsntoeamehereto lea formation received from the local As80CIatlon enue agents who came here to clean TILL chapter of the Red Cross. up the county. DONATION CONSISTS OF S x-service Suien wh wish medical A AU IZED Major Dalrymple ordered the men DAILY D PUBLISH ON AT 661 WOODWARD ol atul' istapl t teWaht-ORGANIZATION AhomeRand DhimselIL waBLIunderstood toR S aid should first apply to the Washte- BY 117 CONSTITUTION DIRECTORY SUPPLEMENT naw ,hapter of the Red Cross, where Y[be on his way to Washington as the AVENUE a certified copy of their dischaa-ge and result of instructions of John Kram- The Michigan Daily, following other necessary papers will be made Four men, President Harry B. er, prohibition commissioner, at the isTO BESED DU1ATIN [O ucis,'thar Duls 90 .cptl a custom established last year T EUEDE U A I out. They will then be ref ered to Hutchins, 71, Harry Douglas, 90, H. capital. will compile a supplement to the W OMEN FROM FAR EA br. ,amesF.. Breakey, Ann Arbor C. Sadler, and Frederick Steven Major Dalrymple left asserting that official Students' Directory, for -- representative of the public health '87L, were elected to the Union Board the backdown he was forced to make the benefit of those who arrived Culinats eries of GiftsGvem service, who will give them free med- of Governors by the board of directors was a serious setback to enforceme'nt late in the University, and to Same Man; Ld Leas to ical examination and treatment. of the Alumni association, at a meet- of prohibition. correct unavoidable errors and Same Man; Land Leased to If operations are necessary, the pa- ing Thursday.- Only one clash occurred. It . was changes in the regular edition. Automobile Firm - Iew tien ti be setote cal , hospial -ne n h euareiin new tient will be sent to the local hospital Other members of the board are Re- wordy and was between Prosecutor Name, class, Ann Arbor ad- wrets' witt all oapenses paid by the govern.Sgent Murfin, selected as a rpreseta- McDonough and the Major in the Iron dress, home town and Ann Arbor The donor of a two million .dC ceiv- ment. tive of the Regents, Evan Holbrook, fnn Hotel lobby. phone number, in the order nam- gift to the University of Michi 'lish- fnanciaj secretary of the Union ho- Ru- 1.0ca sceayofteUin hs d, should be placed on a one whssaeutlrcnl a e en by the University Senate, and Carlcent postcwhose name until reentldydal ttbee nent T. Hogan, '20E, president of the Union. IITDirectory Editor,The Daily, secret, was disclosed yesterday te (IlD WL Wr h i Shortly0 Press building, City, before Mar. gobert H. Clancy, '07, fiel'd secre eign This body will begin its work, H3. No names will be accepted of the University of Michigan clu ha- which will include the supervision of MI after that date. . , Detroit. and the organization of the,building, main- -DEAN VAUGHAN. Barbour Is Donor r the - , tenance of the property, administra- --- __ Levi L. Barbour, wealthy De L yd rg tion of the funds, and fixing of' the FACULTY MEN SPEAK AT WOOD- mLloyd Gere Reiterates Pledgeonsalaries, dues, charges, and cones FOR-PRESIDENT MEETufacturer, t has been ani neri- Turkish Problem; Disagreement sions, in a short time. A meeting will IIUIW UUIVIIVTkWIUIILJ ed, was the man who gave the g l Seems Endef be called in the near future. Presi- Rthe University. eace dent Hutchins' absence in New rk Y "orkLttGnaW.II Conditions that surround the e FrEARtRELIiIUS FEELING has caused the postponement of -ieonoftia re authf uoe treat 1I EAST KAY BE AROUSED meeting, which otherwise would prob- do his duty under all circumstanees Sion of this Targeum of.mone ban- ably have been held Saturday. not because he is a Republican but be- SENATOR EARLE POINTS OUT the University asked only that the ates . o tTo First Selection cause he is a man and I believe lie WHAT IS EXPECTED turns be used in the furtheranc :ask fordn, Turey. n c.-D taninople t This being the firt selection of gov- will make of this country a demos- OF BOARD education for oriental women. ned ask,°YoraTurkey and Constautinopleernors, the men were selected for autocracy, x "racy, not anauorc, for which we Barbour is greatly interested in that was rached by the Allied supreme varying terms, Douglas for four years, and our brothers and our sos have do-operationfowas the keynote df the contrn the eato n d ft r council after long consideratlon of the President Hutchins for three, Profes- discussion following 'the annual din te difficulties of the Turkish situation, sor Sadler for two, and Mrs Stevens fought,' ean ictor C. Vaughan of ner of the Michigan Road Commis- reason gave the gift to the Uni nethe for one year. Each year as the pres- the Medical school, told about 500 stu- sioners' and Engineers' association, sity under the conditions named. ent body serves their respective terms, dents at the "Wood-for-President" given last evening at the Michigan Consists of Prbperty an05, house of commons today. another man will be selected for iour rally last night in the Michigan n-TeifUnion.tconsists of a valuabl V V70- Referring to the agreint made years, which will be the regular terma Resolutions Are Passed' of property located at 61 Wood i de- earlyrin the war, under whiteh Russia of office h Pres. William P. Rosse opened the e to was tP obtain Constantinople, Mr. , Authorhed in 1917 Law school and Dr. Hugh Cabot of program, emphasizing the value of ions Lloyd George (said disagreement was Authorization of a Bard of Gov- the Medical school, also spoke. co-operation between the commission- t tr Unab ert ices ended, so far as Russia was cOn er'i ernors was given in the Union con- Oed Is Fair ers and engineers. A resolution fav- was to be ed as viousy de rred ed, by the revolt of 1917 and the peace stitution of 1917, but owing to the in- "I am fairly well acquainted with oring the appointment of a commit- wate u ofB'tLios.te of 10 men to confer and advise nated. ofBreitrLitovsk . completed state of the building, there General Wood's administration in th th e ito gnera adi e mon to $ 7 weiterates Ple .was no need for the body. jowever, Cuba," Dean Vaughan said. "I know w accounting sytemwas introdue The Board of Regents, in accep weld He reiterated his pledge that there the constitution, recently adopted, how just, how fair, and how wise it d andaunanimously carried, the gift, made immediate arrangem off- would be provision for "a different again provided for a Board of Govern- ,, -ie M LH iopt aaw/ng of he ncoe on Ican porter at the gates." The premier said rand with the building nearing s. The speaker saw service Mr. L. H. Neilson, depty state ty an ec e n Lori- bewas aidunderneatthe demands completion, Steps were taken Thurs- Cuba in the medical cors during the highway commissioner, introduced a poe wrty as decaedlt i for the :expulsion 4f the' Turks theredatoflthpacs Spanish-American war, ecnd resolution. aiming toward cas- Teporta' leaed to FredI wasysomethingtf t1hetoldefling.of Professor Goddard's address dealt er co-operation between town and Angus Smith of Detroit, who will Sso int the en f important matters cne largely with the military aspect of county commissioners, with special it for an automobile salesroomi. C. ing Union policy and administration reference towards connecting county, lease is for a period of 99 year L the Mohammedan believe that t4ie will be taken up at the first meeting Woods career. Uiest nrndrn ht'i teme dicated by a protit flag oflte Bard of Govenors "I am for General Wood because of state, and national highway improve- total of $2,3.67,000 will be netted terms were dictated by' a profit olang of the Board of Governors the fact that he is not. primarily a ment. University irent, during that'ti ( before that of Christendon edemilitary man," he state. "His duties Senator Earle Speaks The gift, concretely, is the dee dared it wuld be fathl t British UNION ENDEAVORS called for administrative abiities Horatio S. Earle, Republican can- the property on Woodward Aye government In the east and at was un- worhy an the pueto b wahv- ,RE IL hch took note, not only of efficiency didate for governor, opened his. ad- The first year rent will bring $A ssa-wrthyand thepurpose to be ahiev TO REVISE FILEeSobut to recognize humanity; not only dress with the promise, were he elect- and the 1,st $33,000. loan 1d,'by -orce. /to deal with men, but to adapt his ed', "To mnake things hum" 4 Has bade Many Gfts of Preeaution Taken Endeavors are being made by the ;measures to men." , Mr. Earle told the assembly, "You Mr. Barbour has, with this pr :11 F Necntended that everyprecaution Uonto correct the address file of are the men who are to invest for the tation to the University, ciaxe contend th preaty n the its members. Moving of the students state of Michigan two hundred mil- series of gifts that are made per the hadeen taken intThe eatyfor has caused the present list, which is "He is military enough to take care lion dollars. You mit consider that nent in the memories of studenti te expects that America had not taen consulted quite frequently by visit- to be in such a military position that Yo are building roads not only from Michigan by Barbout gymnasim, lathe Turkish adt-rtob ins at-e.aefeaedt ak ae for village to city, anl from town to new Betsy Barbour dormitory day toteTrihenae r, to be icorrect. we are~prepared to take care of our-, In order to correct its files, the selves whenever justice, our right, town, roads not only required for the women now under'contructon, res-COLEY CLUB TRIES CASE Union is requesfing that any student, and our self-preservation calls on us traffi of today, but, you must see to another gift of 100,000 Yor a sil m- . OF "STATE VERSUS KONTIGEI? who has moved since entering the to do so. I believe that General Wood it that the roads built now are s purpose to the last gift. ml- ~~~~~~~~able to carry the traffic from cityt ups otels it ost Unuiversity this year, send in on a is a sane, satisfactory, and efficient cit a weenough built to it rith The case of the "State versus Mon- post card, his name, class, new ad- way will carry us through this with-th tigel" was tried at 7:15 o'clock last dress, and phone number, to the as- out biulding up a military establish- stand the service that will be required tins night in the practice court'onthe sistant recording secretary doing the ment." University HISChoice ped second floor of the Law building. work "Ability to deal with men directly senator Earle closed his remarks ted The prosecuting attorneys, for the Work on reorganizing its list of ad- is the basis of General Wood's char- Sysator Ea se his wis rea Will Take Step to Stop Imports use state, were Miss Victoria Adam.s dresses will begin about March 1, by acter," declared Dr. Cabot. The speak- byganit wa hisof Nwnissnthat the " wic tmeofical hpetht llte r ase t netie oo'sprvaeorganization there represented shouldofonestsfrmT.S the '22L, and H. W. Smith, '20L, while the which ine officials hope that all the er was at one time Wood's private not be used for political purposes. as counsel for the defense was composed changed addresses will have been physician. When asked concerning his opinion Toronto, Ont., Feb. 26.-An emi ted, of Floyd Cone, 20L, and ,. Olds, '22L. corrected. se of a post card is re- "We need in the President's chairUniversity, Mr. Earlesaide go on trading istocks,bonds L. Larks, '20L, acted as presIding judge quested, so that the work of the com- for the next four years a man who believes in it well enough to send hi other securities frotx countries nf \the cOurt. The aof mittee will be less difficult. , knows how to plik subordinates," hefectt nthcor.nocase "was oneof son here, and he was going to see t side Caada will go into 'effectto S larceny action, and the defendant, .continued. ",ewant a man who is safe and it that his grandchildren came -here Tbis action is taken by finanial E Montigel, was charged with attempt- M. A. C. CHANGES sane. No one combines these qualso. terests at the request of Sir HE ing to put over fraudulus deals in the ATHLETIC CONT-OL Woe. If you Drayton, minister of finnee, to the sales of timber land. want him, take off your coats and go MAY REQUIRE CLASS DUES tet the home security market, Fri- There was a short meeting of the and t him, was f r Cabot's ad- RECEIPT TO ET PROM TICKET Trading with Americanexcha the' club before the comn~mencement of the What is thought to be a great stride an ge , . . for cash thus will comet an the trial, at which it was announced that in the improvement of the system of vice.stthough there i 'ork -at the net meting of the club, administration of sports at M. A. C. Hobbs Seks Sophomores desiring to attend the for the time beingthuhheel tent Thursday eveIng r the r was made at a meeting recently where The importance of the Michigan Prom must pay their class dues to- restriction against buying, on i rctTra illevening, March 4, another the Wad In contlo aeceetly un- presidential Republican nominee. was day, as it may be required that the re- gins, except that imposed by adv f herac will eithe involve ,ont. dew a copterorgaation explained by Prof. William H. Hobbs ceipt must be shown when the Prom exchange. Action was forced. by -Ther wThde chan cosisetsof her cration of the ,geohogy department. "Michi- ticket is purchased. Dues will be re- flooding of th'e Caadian security i and oaedfcorporation law. Te gebos of ere gangs tne first state with a large ceved from 9 to 12 and from 1 to 5 ket with bonds and stoks fromG: in sentativesc bose fom allophasero- number of electorial votes to hold a o'cl6ck in U niversity hal. Britain, under which the sellers rc STUDENTS OF ST. CLAIR COUNTY chosen from all phases of primary," he stated at the conclusion ed a handsome profit, because of are the college's ativity. The body willt and WILL FORM PORT HURON CLUB includethe director of athletics, the of the meeting. "If Leonard Wood Zoology Museum Receives Steel Cases premium on the Canadian dollar. d -resdentf the 'tolleg e s, the secretarycarries the issue in this state, it will Steel cases to take care of the en- In a statement the Bond Deal T a t r e president of thecollege the secretary, add a great deal of inertia that will tire botanical collection, which has association gives intimation that Ton hl the so eeratleticand the deasltcarry him throughout the country suc- just been made a separate division of tion will.be taken to prevent the on the campus for better athletics and big, the secretary of the alumni, two cessfully." the Museum of Zoology, have been re- portation of non-essentials, espe Mts scholaiship, all students of the Unit- members of the faculty, the managers Harold A. Furlong, '21, was elected ceived as a gift from Mr. C. Bilhington ly from the United States, and 1 ot- versity from St. Clair county are to of the four major sports and three temporary president of the University pf the Detroit News corporation. the issuance of the new securities cal meet at 7:15 o'clock next Tuesday alumni at large. "Wood-for-President" league. He re- The new division of botany was put non-essential purposes in Canada as- evening on the. third floor of the Further arrangements were made ceived nine months of training under under the active care of Miss Rob- be discouraged. im- Union to form a Port Huron club. for a committee of 75 to 100 mem- General Wood and won the congres- erta Deam, '20, at the last meeting of Agents of American manufactr It is thought that a'angements bers scattered throughout the state sional medal of honor, the chevalier the Regents. The new division is al- in Toronto who learned of the p as- will be made to have some sort of a to take care of the athletic interess of honor, and the croixde-guerre with ready of considerable size,' which is posal were greatly, agitated and a ab- gathering in Port Huron during the of he epollege in their various locali- palms "for distinguished serivce over- the reason for its being made a sep- ous for information as to the p p .i , vacat"ion , .ties. seas. arate division. able course of Parliament is ho i star or 1 ed F in te