IS Go l ON i trola for'\ urse ยข..., 4 , . TABLE MODELS $25 and $35 ASTER'S VOIC' ,....a S " TUESDAY 4:00--All members of Glee club meet at rear door of Hill auditorium. 4:15-Leture by J. I. Hodges on "th'e Compressibility of Liquids" at the February meeting of the Univer- sity in room 151 of the Chemnistry building. The public is invited. 7:00-Freshman band meets in Uni- versity Hall. 7:15-Overseas men will meet at Un- ion to effect an organization. Every man requested to be present. 7:15 - Athena Literary society will meet on the fourth floor of Univer- sity hal. 7:30 Cerele Francais meeting in room 202, South Wng.' 7:3- - Student coun1 committee on freshman conduct meets in room'306 of the Michigan Union. Sophomore members requested to be present. WEDNESDAY 7:15-Sigma Delta Ci meets on third floor of Union. 7:15-U. S. Marine Corps club meets ip room 316 o Unipn. 7:30-Gogebc County club meets in room 325 of Union. Constitution committee '*ill report progress. At tendance of all Gogebic iron ore range students requested. 7:30-Meeting of Round-Up club at Union. 7 :30-Meeting of Western club, room 304 of Union. THURSDAY 6:00-Difiner for all ambulance serv. ice- men at Union. 7:30-A. S. 11. E. smoker at Unioi. See Goodwllie about program and ,speakers. 7:30-Leonard Wood rally. Deans Cooley and Vaughan will .speak. 7:30-Phi Sigma holds regular meet. ing. in room B173, basement of the Natural Science building. Date changed from Wednesday. U-NOTICES Al men who were in aryy ambulance service ae invited to attend a din- ner given. at 6 o'clock Thursday evening in the Union. Those who desire to attend are requested to call J. M.. Seabright, phone 184. i'he employment office of the Y. M. C. A. at Lane hall requests that nen having their- application on file for jobs wil send second semester class schedules showing the hours they have free for outside employment. .osmopolitan essay contest time has been extended froin Feb. 20 tothe end of spring vacgtion. The next meeting of La Socidad His. panica will be held Marh 2. All students holding proofs of senior Michiganensian sittings should re- turn the same to the respective pho- fographers today in order that prints may be run off for the yearbook. WILSON GIVES APPROVAL TO LATEST ADRIATIC NOTE Washington, Feb. 23. - President Wilson gave his approval today to the draft of his latest reply to *, e en- tente premiers on the Adriatic ques- tion. It was understood that the'corn- mun cation was either being coded for transmission or atually was going forward tonight to Ambassador Davis a: London. The foreign governments are understood to have consented to publication of the complete corre- spondence an delivery of the reply to the entente premiers is expected to be followed by publication of the entire series of notes. GOMPERS FORCED TO DECLINE INVITATION TO SPEAK HERE Samuel Gompers, labor leader, was forced to send his regrets in answer to an invitation received from the Ora- torical association, to spgak before the Michigan student body,' Professor Trueblood announced last night. Heavy work, Professor Trueblood declared, was given s .the reason in a letter to him, by Gompers for his inability to appear here. SCHOOL FOR JANITORS OPENED AT ST. LOUIS, MO. St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 23..-A school for janitors has been opened here by the Board of Education. A course consists of 30 lessons, and includes the rudiments of stationary engineer- ing. The "pupils" are taught the lat- .est scientific methods of mop-swing- ing, window washing, ,and coal shov- eling. War "Veterans" Given Home Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 23. - Be- cause of their, service to the United States, seven homing pigeons of the world war, are to receive a perma- nent home. MULLISON'S SADDLE LIVERY Call 87 for horses and cutters'or SPECIAL EXECUTIVE ORDER The celebration of Washing- ton's birthday having been made this year, by action of the Sen- ate council, a University func- tion, it is ordered that all Uni- versity work, excepting work in laboratories, be suspended Tues- day afternoon, Feb. 24, from 4 to 6 o'clock. , H. tB. HUTCHINS, President. !- Students' Dancing Classes START TONIGHT Classes to be held under the direction of Mr. and Miss )foses' in the Arcade Dance Hall start tonight. Beginners.. .....7 .im. Advanced . . .. p. m. Exclusively for University Men and Wpmen. For further particulars call 1666-J. .,, x , these well-known Ann Arbor. dealers sell NUNNALLY'S Student Salesmen- TEARN BIG MONEY Selling Complete New Line Sanitary Brushes, Mops, Dusters, including several Brand New1 Specialties. Positively Best Student line in Amer- ia. Write and Be Convinced. SANFORD BRUSH CO., ,544 W. Lake St.,_ Chicago Our Spring Suitings are e now ready, are You? the famous Candy of the South J-'. ip e1 ,# I e : , E. C. Edsill Fisher's Pharmacy Sugden Drug Company John A. Tice Tuttle Lunch Room 4", I4 604 Ea Karl 2Ialcolm THE CANDY OF ThE SOUT AND OPTOMETRIST 113 SOUTH MAIN STREE' ast Liberty St. Malcolm Building 4 . 1- .. - 'i,. - 3, t Jr- , - n ALL f1 '*' ' pI. I' '; I I ,. ,E MODELS 70 - to .c IS MASTERS VOICE" ruan. a. " -; . - .t t.. . .: You can gettwice as ma y ordinary cigarettes for the price ofM aD. But you cheat your- self of everything that makes a cigarette worth While. - the delight the satisfaction, the axis- to racy of pure Turkish tobaCCo-none like itI ;.. r r t\ A iii r - -l =r i / I ..f 100% 'PURE TURKISH the world's mast famous tobacco for cigarettes :r - MUWn++ .Judge for yourself-! 4~9 Mks& tfthe I kptCizdTw*lslr 'isd E tea i w&r athedie ord 'ET'MODELS 30, $200, $250 and up I -J A :. k 1Usr x.--- C ' '' _' _" S, 4I I IA c lb