;II " " " : was it is C UCHL nt ne. Graham or , as second The idea of having a school owned book store is by no means a new one, .It has been tried out in many colleges and has proven a great success. Case is even better situated for installing such a store than most schools. We have the large Case club building where room could be found for such a store. Freshman caps could also be sold at the *sclfool book store at cost. Each term, as the time for the purchasing of ibooks rolls around, this need of a student book store becomes more apparent. It is a thing which would at once gain the hearty support of the stu- dent body for it could effect a, visible saving for every Case man. A student book store seems to be the eventual solution ; why not now? - Ctse Wants Second-Hand Copies of "Dickenson Conteinporary Dramatists" tl ice. an" ex. +w + 4n q Rwr.iY w.r. f .i +. li r.i +igwwrrifrM .. wiM1MM w CAREY The increase in velocity of the wind reported Fri-, day in Ann Arbor was no doubt due to the sighs of relief or despair issuing from sundry thousand student throats on receipt of the semester grades.- Villa declares United States owes him $20,ooo.-- Headline. Will Mr. Villa kindly come around and collect. It will clear up definitely the vexing mys- tery whether the Mexican gentleman is really dead or alive. I DETROIT UNITED LINES . (Oct. 26, 1919) Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern Standard Tirme) Detroit "Limited and Express Cars-6 : o a. in., and hourly to 9: ro pim. Jackson Limited and Express Cara-8:48 a. m.,. and every hour to 9:48 p. m'(Ex- presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.) Local Cars East Bound-6:o5 a. m., 9:o5 a. m. and, every two hours to 9:05 p. m., 1o:50 . M. To Ypsilanti only, - :45 p. ., i :o a. mn., and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bouad--7 :48 a. m. and s2: 2 a: n. Courteous and satisfactor, TREATMEPNT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $550,000.00 Resources .........$4,000,000.00 Northwest Cor. Main & Huron. 707 North Un versity Ave. Text Books New and Second Hand 4 For All Departments W HUNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE: 1'~ THE AEi~ Now'that the.marks have been mailed out, get used to the second semester. let's E. , g news for any has fl barge :)WS: Jtoseph ould the vote for thestraw a.: S i. A college ne duty that hat of being i upon by ligible fool's mighty good the country younger men K. Jerome to "rule the Some More of the 2.75 Per Cent Variety Detroit physician-It's possible that you drink too much coffee. Student (laughs in a hollow voice)-Bum guess, Doc. I'm eating at an Ann Arbor boarding house. Willie, at the mirror, f Sucked the mercuryo ff, Thinking in his childish error .It would cure the whooping cough. Willie's mother, at the funeral,. Sadly turned to Mrs. Brown,, "Twas a cold day for Willie, When the mercury went down." Where Ignorance Isn't Bliss "I never felt so cheap in all my life." "How's that.? "I took girl to a show the other night and she had to explain all the innuendoes to'me." Dear Noah:- What is meant by liquid music? Chopping. I'm surprised that college students should dis- play such profound ignorance of the fundamentals of music. Anybody knows that liquid music is the music got from a kettle drum. She Ought to Have Swithed Him "Is he tactless ?" "Tactless? A girl came into the drug store where he was working and asked for some hair tonic. He gave -her the once over and then sold her a bottle of Rough on Rats." Yes, you're quite right, Clarice. A willowly girl is a skinny girl that has lots of money. Our Daily Novelette I .;The eager way in which he ran to meet the post- man indicated clea ly that he was expecting a let- ter. His wishwas gratified for I saw the postman hand him a letter wlich he hurriedly tore open. In his anxiety he dropped the little white enclos- ure which it contained. Another student, I mused, getting aid from home. II r As I went on my way I could not help thinking of this incident. The fellow had all the appear- . ances of a scholar. Doubtless here was a student who appreciated the p'riceless boon of a higher ed- ucation-a man who had a l6fty: conception of the innumerable benefits to be derived from a col- lege course which is pursued in the right manner. I did not for a single instant doubt but that, any money which his parents might send him would be like the bread cast upon waters, "it would come back to them a hundred-fold." III That night coming out on the ri :i.5 from De- troit I heard a loud altercation, and on investiga- tion I found the conductor in the act of ejecting my studious friend because he could not pay his face. I paid this for him and then addressed him rather sternly. "Look here, you got your allow- i.nce. this morning and yet.now I find-you broke. What did you do with all your money?" "Why," he replied with disarming frankness, "I spent $i6.oo for a quart of booze and I lost $20.00 shooting craps ." "But what did you do with the rest of your money," I pursued. He knitted his ,'brows and after a few moments of concentrated thinking he shook his head dolefully, "I don't know; I guess I must have spent the rest of it foolishly." J. W. K. Fa'mous Closing Lines "Another doughnut," said the warden as they brought in the man who had gone insane over fi- nancial matters. NOAH COUN.T Tu ttle's Lunches Nun'nally's Candy Maynard St. Nickels Arcade Up the Stairs Students' Dancing Classes START TONIGHT Classes to be held under the direction of Mr. and Miss Moses in the Arcade Dance Hall start, tonight. Beginners........7 p. m. Advanced.........8 p. m. Exclusively for University Men and Women. For further particulars call 1666-J. Hey Boy! Have You Tasted The Good Food At The ARCADE? Pure foods at low prices, prepared by experts. Everything displayed on our forty-foot steam and serving tables. Select just what appeals to your own individual appetite. Bakery goods fresh from our own ovens. Delicious coffee with rich Jersey cream. Kindness, courtesy, and good service prevail here. .......... CAFETERIA I liw. I .-and Spur is a top notch cigarette ' even too rless and com- i 0- be manifest r the future superficial. tudent who Le very one versity man e extent as- ation to be- is duty to- Pur' , .~ '. " uf..N 4 4 r . * ., .* V %" - . z Y L if i -ti ,! Na ''f Can you pick a good one when you see it? °Get right up there where Spur Cigarettes are galloping in the lead. Judge Spurs by that good o d to.- bacco taste-American and Impoted tobacco, blended in a new way. Judge 'em by their good-breeding, emphasized: by their smart package of brown and silver. They're crimped, not pasted So they burn slower and draw easier. Rolled in satiny, imported paper. Something about that package and that cigarette just naturally fills the bill. You know Spurs for winners the minute the dealer trots 'em out. .:, ., . A Case den :ed. , is 1% . E..c a" - .. + ant.asi' 4Ya! G ' iny.era .dy. m students are in- aterial at "a cer- book stores do' r can not be ex- r business propo- lucting his busi- )n now arises as college, some of r to "make both .ipport a private the owner. Dur- nfiment at Case zoo -v -Lou .1.,' are 401 t I e s " Ll . . I