Le, Prohtlb jon Director
ii States, Secures
sbciated Press)
* 23. - Auexpedition
of prohibition ine the
peninsula was started
)alrymiple, Federal pro-
tbr for the cent'al
h -'a party of prohibi-
r Iron County, Michi-
uty officials have been
overpowered Federal
en contrabrand liquor
deral kgents.
I for Resistance
startihg . a wild west
> not expect any armed
jor Dalrymple said. '"If
istance we will be pre-
with It. I intend to
or McDonough of Iron
sputy sheriffs and the
)f Iron River and place
arged with conspiracy
th the carrying out of
:es Commis-
te to issue
I make the
shington. and Assistant
laylord that I .have
r to make the arrests."
Have Help i
ympl~e .communicated
ets jf the Michigan
Lanising and said he
used the help of the
d at Negaunee in the
nple's plan of cam-
a \'general clean-up"
in addition to the .ar-
unty ogicials, he satd
a hold searcht warrants
suspected of making
luor, he said.
fln Chmns
'Professor Wenley Astonished AtLAO DYIIKSTEANWI
Lodge's Belief In Spiritualism a '' ll
"It is .astonishing that a man of Ience but in spite of such evidence." Hl IL V I
Sir Oliver Lodge's sentific reputa- Mostly Psychology'
itualism on the- basis of evidence Ithat do occur, Professor Wenley stat- CnPrtstaien TMeasgurFe;TON T
'which is first slender,. second very dif- ed that- there are all sorts of things PoetAantMaue
flcult of interpretation and third com- 'which happen and are connected with. Passes Senate F AXOS MICHANGADA
josed of' phenomena which can be pro- 'sychology and as yet are not ex- WASHI1NGTON DAY
duced by conjurers," declared Prof. splained. "The various' methods used SAY APPEAL TO WILSONPRGA
Robert M. Wenley- of the philosophy ldy mediums in their operitions can MAY BE EXPECTED SOON -RORA
department, in an interview yester- easily be explained," Professor Wen -UR M LE IN
day, on the beliefs of Sir Oliver Lodge hey said, "and some clever devices and SUPRscatdPrs)EM ENATLEGIAN
in spiritualism, methods have been employed by these (Byhi Astociteb. P-rs) EXSE AT RS-
Professor Wenley stated that he mediums." Professor Wenley pointed Wahntn e.2.Rira a
had received communications from out the fact that 'Sir Oliver has not bor is not satisfied with the way things Unioni to Hold Reception in IIt
Prgf. Joseph Jastrow of the University been active in physics since 1900 and are going twith iespect to its\ wage Speaker; Dean Bates WI
oWscsnwho declared recently, a great deal of his time has been de- deadwsidctdi nitkbeEntertain withs Dinner
that the whole field of spiritualism is voted to the new belief. "Spiritualism Thswsidctdi nitkbe--
o~tideof he ropr sopeof cie- cme o te fontin 880 whle hemanner in conferences here today ofHo.GogSuhrad 3
otsciestigteioper - stud of nae- ae tr e hastin10 existe asfa union officials and general committee. Hn.Grg uhla, 4
tiil inestiatin. -stuy ofnatre hs eiste asfarmen called to pass on the "president's HON. GEORGE SUTHERLAND, '83L, address the .student body of tU
Call 100 Per Cent Fraud back as 3000 B. C.," declared the pro- settlemnent proposal. Passage of the who s~will speak at the University' versity today at 4:15 o'clock:
"Table raising, slate writing adfessor, "and the evidence does not railro id bill by the senate tonight exercises commemorating Washingt auditorium on i"The Supremi
such tricks are simple 100 per cent apirtalsis in c lson rie a time." only served to add more bitterness to ton's birthday this afternoon In Hill glance.rsdn n h en
fraud," Professor Jastrow stated, "and __________thy talk -of the union worlgers. auiditorium.Thprsdnadtedan
other phenomena produ'ced by me- Committeemen Arrive egswl le ba
diums are explained by disassociated iin r IN I a ni Arrival s cores of committee chair- MoeoteUiest c
consciousness which does not amount ~H [~ U d~men, the un n leaders, closesto the UIl11D IP I or fteUiest c
tosiitaimatal bti losely rakadfl ftermmesi 1 L LD D3 JMusic wil play two selections
to ,spiitulis atallbutis rak ad fie o thir erhiporgan. Dean Bates will introd
.akin .to the state in which a person brought out some striking talk. The
wak nhssep"higher officers were inclined -to dis- rreakra.n Announced
Profesor astro staed tht hecount this evidence of the workers' rg
object'ed to Sir Oliver using his great, -- feelings, but hotel lobbies. where the Thes progra as It stood las
reputation as a physicist to (bolster 'Bill Before Congress Mteets 'Varied delegates were quartered buzzed with Sekra no evcsSgetOgnpeue...Er
up a -belief in spirits. "Blif n spir- Forms of Approval on Campus; possibilities of the situation. Taewt senCuty og..............VriyG
its is not a matter of evidence; it is Tiime Attacked .There were indications that the Taewt atr onr, Sn......Vriy0
the result of a "will to believe," is -union Iheads who have dealt with Di- *,a Necessity - Organ selectiton ...... Earl V
belcntn ieve in thoe no trbe, IMPOSSIBLE FOE. COUNTRY rector General Hines in the contro- B ANE PITUL IDAddres "he Supreme A
cause ofrany eidene of their ent-'. T BECOMJg MILITARISTIC versy were worried lest all that has gace"EH SPGRITgAL AID
caue f nyevdeceofthirexst 'been accomplished night be wrecked. WITH ECONOMICS, IS PLEA iglnce" o n.Aeorg ed but
"I believe universal military train- Committee chairmen spoke frankly of-....G
. U!ing for this country woufd be vastly the sentiment in the' local groups de- ~'United States trade with China
pmore effectilve in preventing lfuture .ciigi hs rgcneestbttesiiu reception to the students an
a ar thnayohrwao vial, "Theiv temper is not such as to war- and material benefits that we can give ty of the University for Mr.
lbincluding the proposed league of na- ratu en piitc" .,them must go hand in hand." land held in the concourse
I |n-tions," said Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, -May Ask Veto This was the theme developed by Uin
-a ~~of the engineering college, when ask.. Union spokesmen believe there was Prof. Homer B. Hulbert, of Springfield, Wil Talk oLg'i
ISSUES CALL FOR ARTISTS TO ed his opinion of the universal m4itary no way to avoid a direct appeal to the Mass., in his address, "America Go Mr. Sutherland will, accor
DESIGN MUSIC BOOK training bill now before' congress. president to veto the Cummins-Each East;" at the Union services Sunday Dean Bates, give at least in
.COVERS .In giving his reasons for his belief, measure. Heated discussions marked afternoon in Hill auditoriumt, discussion of the League of I
-Dean Cooley separated them into three all of the dasys conference of the 15 Want A ficun God "On this subject he is emipenl
A call has been issued by E. Morti- classes, financial, benefit to the youth, organizations which met separately "In ten"'years, America will haye to fitted," said Dean Bates, "by
mer Shuter;i director of the 1920 Un- and an1 answer to the objection to mil- and none werq able to finish examina- export ten billion dollars worth, more years in the senate *s the
ion opera, "George Did It," for a num- itarism. tion of the documents whichi were of goods. China is the only people authlorjty -on international law
ber, of designs for posters to .be used -War Cost 10 Billion transmitted between the union officials, that will be able to buy them," said his' years of private practice
on the program covers, sheet music "The recent war cost this country the director general and the ,.White Professor Hulber't. He character ised line. At ~present he' is condu
and musiciil scores of the opera. Stl- ten billion of dollars,' said Dean Cool- House. The president'g proposal it the Chinese as the mast hionest people large practice in 'internation
dents interested in designing these ey, "and thousands of lives and wealth was said is by no means sure of ac- in the world and declared .that in from Washington, tD. C.
posters will be gigen a resume of the immeasurable that cannot be measur- ceptance by the unions, every corner of that vast nation people "Mr. Sutherland is a man of
play at a meeting to be held at 4:30 ed iii money, I believe that if 'this . are "aching". for American goods. I al reputation in his Tine, he hi
o'clock this afternoon in room 308 country hiad been prepared as is now Bill Passes Senate "If we are -to give them the bene- ten several books" on the' subi
in the Union. proposed .to prepare it, there would Washington, Feb. 23.--The confer- fits of western civplization the accom- his years on the senate foreli
Mr. -Shuter is desirous of securing have lbeen no world war. At least this ence report on the railroad bill em- panying moral balance of Chr~stianity tions committee give a partici
suitable designs im iediately as near- country would not have been drawn bodying legislation for ibeorganization is essential. If Christianity is to exv ness to discuss the subject
ly all the music is now ready to be ing 'Granting that prebaration would of railroads in the country with the ist anywhere it must go everywhere," chosen. Hle was presidenti
sent to the publishers. 9ost a half billion a 'year, and I thinkg end of Federal control was adopted said Professor Hulbert. "Confucion- American Bar association in 1
*Work on the .production of the opera that a-very high estimate, that sum late today by the senate. It passed. isim may be a beautiful religion, but it again in 1917. Columbia - cc
is progressing satisfactorily. First would have lasted 20 %years and in- the house Saturday and now goes to is about as satisfying to the soul as upon him the degree of LL.D.
cast rehearsals will be conducted by stead of having dumped a 'debt of such the president. a cook book is to the appetite.". and the University of Mich
Mr. Shuter at 7:30 o'clock tonight at size on the present generatioji it would 'The bill, under which the carriers According to Professor Hulbert Jap- 1917," was Dean Bates sumti
the Union, those selected having been have been paid as it was incurred. It o' the country will attempt to adjust a'n and China are fundamentally differ- Mr. Sutherland's guahificatI~
notified by phone.' Chorus rehearsals would also have been paid for a -themselves to conditions arising with ent. 'The former' race was driven from speak before the University b<
will -start Wednesday night when a worthy purpose, instead of having the end of government control, went 'India 1500 B. C. and wandered until afternoon. $
few of the tentative selections will be been used to 'pay labors 10 and 20 dol- through the senate by a vote of near- they reached the islands of the Pacific. Regartiing the reception to I
given further tryouts. The results lars a day and to privde luxury for ly three to on. For 700 years the Japanese were the between 5 and 6 after the addr<
of he relminry ryots illbe n- he grater an th sty-a-hoes- .most . feudal nation' in the world, be- T. Hogan, '20E, president of th
oune rbyb the endmiaytrot ofl he whi the en n the t y-nchegot si~'l1T cause the Samuri or feudal lords cdn- said, "We hope that the stude
noee rba. y h ed ,h li e ei it.'re -e g- Is P iII oU trolled both military power and edluca- take advantage ofthis opporti
je-- Scod the training would be of . U LU iiiii i U tion while in Europe the latter trust meet Mr. Sutherland. H~is rei
was in the hands of the church. .'among national affairs and ii
cODS P O T R ~ ee it. Physically and mentally they Verne E. Burnett, '17, Put In Charge Perry Opens, Japan Ity as a speaker make this a
TO FORM LEAGUE would benefit more from it than from of "The Gleaner Forum" On the other hand there is absolute- portunity-to meet sigh a man
-. ly no heredity aristocracy on China. Plan Enteitainment
a'nything else possible. . ,.dtoBtwinCm drePry'pnd Tiishertreutfth
Vaughan and Cooley ,to Address Be. "Thirdly, the objection to militar- Verne E. Burnett, '17, ed1tr of the ut Jwhen Commodedls Perr 'oeed Ths Uionfcas thep eutof h
publcans Favoring Oandidates ism as It is claimed the system would Wolverine, summer of '16, and tele- uphrpow n 15 edlsmwsoe-o the n o officis ton vE
be, is absurd. Militarism in a coun- graph editor of The Daily' 16 and '17, rfso ubr ttdta ionsAor fm ousth muen visitF
With the purpose of founding a try of ,the traditions and sentiments is editor of The Gleaner Forum, whichi Korea is inferior to China and Japan ty. Other men will be enterti
Wood-for-President league in the Uni- of this one is a physical impossibility." is to be printed as a national news- in power, its people have as line qual- similar fashion when they '<(
versity, all students and faculty who Dean Bates Favors ][ove paper. It was published 'for 25 years ities as any other in' the world. As the expense of the Union, and
favor his nomination'by the Repub- ~Dean .Henry M. Bates expr'essed in a magazine form, but to Ancrease far back as 1406 Korea had developed wilt be given at times."
lican party will meet at 8 o'clpck expressed himself as strongly in fav- its service has now been enlarged in- moveable printing type and in 1592 .Mr. Sutherland will be ent,
the Michigan Union. .but that he believed the time provided The paper will 1e printed in Ann 500 years Buddhism was thrown out day noon with ,the law facult
Deans Victor C. Vaughan and M. E. for in the present bill too short. Arbor, according to the announcement fKrabttthprsntiehstedn.
Cooley, hitherto life-long Deort, "Military- training for this( couli-j of ,Grant Slocum of Detroit, head of religion has Korea by the throat. He Dean Bates will give a dl
and now supporters of the Wood move- try would result, in my opinion." said the Gleaners, of whom there are 70,- said that while the Chinese alphabet Mr. Sutherland Tuesdayr evei
ment, will tell just why they have Dean Bates, "in better citizens both 00 i Mhgn aloe. On ofe fea- takes seven years of hard work to the Union. The president, tb
come out fori Maj.-Gen. Leonard A. mentally and physically. I would. sug- .ue hc ilb fepca ne master, the Korean~is the finest in the and other faculty men will t
Wood. Prof. Edwin C. Goddard of the gest three, and four months if pos -est, it is promised, will be the mar- :world, and can be learned by anyone
Law School 'will be among the speak- ble2." - keting news. in four days. Professor Hulbert has RECOVERY OF MRS. TRUER
ers to enumerate-the things that 'the Col./John P. Lucas of the military Editorial headquarters are at Glean- worked himself on 20 different alpha- PEltiIITS RETURN OF PRO]
General has accomplished outside .of training department expressed him- er Temple, Woodward at Palmer Ave.,1 bets and was strong inl his praise .for-
a strictly military nature,. while it is self as decidedly in favor of military Detroit. the work dgne by the three Ipen' who Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood
expected that Col. Fred M. Alger, pres- ,traininig. of~h-pltclwere commissioned by the Korean king turned to Ann Arbor and will
ident of tbe Wood-for-President or- PrOf. J. R. Reeves Chantes poliClassesto compose an alphabet to replace the bis classes henceforth, stirt
ganization for Michigan, will be pres- science department, said: "It seems gcumbersome Chinese characters, day. He was unexpectedly cE
-ent to assist in perfecting the league to me that the experience of four 'Rourke, '21, Presides - Florida, where hIs wife was
at Ann Arbor. One member of the face years- of unpreparedness should have Prof. Arthur E. Wood's class In Rev. F. P. Arthur gave the scripture down with a severe case .of
ulty will be on the platform to an- cured the whole country of wanting to Community Problems, Sociology 29, reading and prayer at the services. nia. She, has, however, pasi
swer all questions of a political na-t 'o through such an experience again, will meet at 10 o'clock Tuesday morn- Robert R. Dieterle, '18M, was .the solo- crssand a speedy recovery
ture that may be asked cohncerniirg the .Military traiping is the only remedy." 'lng in room 205 Mason hall. ist, Mr. Russell Carter led the congre- dicted by her physician.
'movenfent of the candidates. - ' Advantages Overbalances Cost -gational singing and Grattan L.
Arrangemnents are now under con~- 'The physical training and discip- Economaics 2 will meet at 2 o'clock' Rourke, '21, presIded. STAFF MEETING TOPA
sideration for a Wood banquet to be line would so far overbalance the cost on Wednesday in room B of the Law-
held in the large Union dining room of universal training that the expense building. Quiz sections are posted on Aero Club to Have Constitution There will be u' meeting of
at an early date at which the Gen- would not be worth mentioning," said the bulletin board on the second floor .Members of the Aero club met last tire editorIal staff oLs The ]
eral, Washtenaw county workers, and Prof. Joseph A. Burshey of the me- of the Economics building. Every stu- 'night in room 306 of the Unioni and well as tryouts at 5:1& o'clock
members of the -proposed student ichanical engineering' department, when dent must report to one of these see- appointed a committee to draw up a ernoon in the teportorial i'oum
league, would be' present. asked his opinion. tions this week. ' constitution. - Pres~ building.
ssue of the Michigan
placed on sale Tues-
the campus." This
-been boldly branded
crimes number and
li on the. Gargoyle's
porary on the cam-
e' page,
>use-, to
3 of. "A
gan Wo.-
imes are
'20, managing edi-
expense- or time
Smaking tlie issue
t features of the
nbination of satire,
>r all directed good
the Chimes.
reland, Feb. 23.--Participation of
ars in school management and
tion of teachers' organizations
Lhe American Federiation of La-
rere discussed at this evening's
n of the National Council of E4-
n meeting here - in conjunction
the National Education conven-
vhich drew about 8,000 dele-
to this city. . -
is for affiliation were made by
ires B. Stillman, president of. the
can Federatigu of Teachers.
'eorge D.' Strayer of Columbia
esity opposed affiliation but fav-
treater narticination of class