LENTEN SERICES TODAY WHAT'S GOING 11 I: 11:30 a. m. t~o midnight~ aks and Chops $14 S. State 1, r SUNDAY' S SALE , Towels, Etc. viaster Corps Ave. WALSI ~Iv Alto I mo jr Acrd. Children 18c I Mon. and Wed. M&ts.E 5k- to $ImO2 sat. Mats., 50C to $2 . (Continued from Page One). subject of the sermon to be delivered ths mory~ug ~y Mr. Sidney S. Rob- bins in the 'Unitarian'church. A spe- cial supper for young people will be held at 5 o'clock in the church, follow- ed by, the regular, young people's meeting. Miss Ethel Fonda is to speak on the Adrian Industrial home for girls. Hold Fathe and Son Service A special father. and sons service will "take place at the Baptist church this- morning, at which Rev. J. M. Wells will deliver, the' sermon on "Blind Spots,", dealing with things, that the average person overlooks. At 3 o'clock an afternoon patriotic serv-, ice will be held. Commander Carl Lehman of the Ann Arbok post-of the American legion will present the French government certificates to the parents of men 'who died in the war. foilowedi -by "an address by Mr. "Wells on "Universal Military Training."4 At the morning service of St, 'Art- drew's Episcopal 'church Prof. Mor- ris P. Tilley of the English depart- ment. will speak in" connection with the ,(ationwide campaign recenty Launched by the Episcopal church. The usual afternoons service will be omit-' ted biecause of a: meeting of the cam-] paign committee in 'IriAs hall. Rev. Arthur W. Stalker will preach on "Religion, Life's Highest Values," in the Methodist church this morn- ing. At noon the regular students' bible 'classes will meet. A pocial half bou; of the young people of the Wes-' leyan guild will be followed by a de- votional service at.,6 .30 o'clock. WIlSON'S ADRITIC NTE HELDUPIN WSHINOTONU Washington, Yrob. 21. -President Wilson's note on.'the Ariatic settle- ;ment did not go forward to the e- tente premiers, today as had geer- silly been expeetad, but probably will be cabled early next, week. It is re-] itrated that while the pres4t set ont his argument witha great degree of finality, the noe will not close the door to any other negotiation through the usual diplomatic .channels. Discusses Notes Pubiationl The question of makingu public the text of ;all the notes ou ,te. "sitation still i s being discussed betwieen the various foreign ofcers so th~t no de- cision has yet been reached. Thre situation in Italy Js ,again re-: ported as serious. Both labor anid so- cialist leaders' are anxious that the Adriatic, question be settled so that normal conditions may b resumed as rapidly as possible. Agreement Obstrcted".' DI'Annunzia's ,presence in Fiume is being represented as the principal ~b- Eruction to an agreement among the allied and associated powers. It Is said today that if D'Anunzio eft Flume a settlement could be reached in a day. OVERSEAS1 MEN TO ORGANIz1z AT MEETING TUESDAY NIGHT Union Officials tb Co-operate; Danes aned Smokers Are Planned "I TUtESDAY 7 :00-Fresh Jan band meets in U versity Hall. 7:15--Overseas men will meet at 1 ion to effect an organization. Ev( man requested to be present. 7:30 - Cercie Franeais meeting room 202, South Wing. SUNDAY a:30-Unitarian Guild forum. Miss ,~thel Fonda speaks on "The Adrian Industrial-School for Girls." Light supper will be served to members and friends at 5 o'clock. i:45-Social hour at the Baptist guild before the Hill auditorium meeting. 6:30-Christian Endeavor society meets in Presbyterian church. Social half hour preceding. 7:30--Corporate reunion for Episcop- al women at St. Andrew's church. MONDAY 3:(0 At. 3A-Registration for higiiway short course in room 407, Engineer- ing lbulding. 1:30 P. XL-Short course in highway enginering opens in room 407 Enigl- neering building. ii #.. Anbreux'o Cor. Division and Catherine Services 7:30, 10:30, 4:30 PROFESSOR TILL.EY WILL MAKE AN ADDRESS ON THE NATION-WIDE CAMPAIGN AT THE TEN-THIRTY SERVICE. THE AFTERNOON SERVICE WILL BE OMIJTTED. REV. HENRY TATLOCK, D.D. Rector REV. CHARLES T. WEBB Curate SCHEDULE OF BIBLE CHAIR,1 CLASSES 444 South State Street Sei In] I P U 11 SEATS THURSDAI ' a B1 3 p. in., Ui- Un- rery I- .1., J., J. Shubert Present 'k Winter Garden's -Excellence TT NES :. ... .. . C _t .. 0 . - .. .. id 1- _ Y ' . . ... . . ' .. WEDNESDAY 7:00-A. S. 211. E. will hold a smoker for all members at Michigan Union. 7:20-M4eeting of Round-Up club at Union. 7:230-Meeting of Western club, room 304 of Union. 7:30-Phi Sigma meets in room B173 rof Natural Science building. U-NOTICIES The employment office of the Y. M. C. A. at Lane hall-requests that men having their application on file for Jobs wil send second semester class schedules showing the hours they have free for outside employment. Cosmopolitan essay contest time ha~s been extended from Feb. 20 to the end of spring vaication. Due to the 'Iness of Prof. Henderson the Presbyterian church 'Noon Bible class will be held by Prof.- H. B. Hulbert. The next meeting of La Socidad His- panica will be held March 2. All students holding ,proofs of senior Michiganensian sittings should re- turn the same to the respective pho- tographers today in order that prints may be run off for the yearbook. Michilganensian subscriptions will be taken this week~ on the second floor of the Ann Arbor Press building, There will be no extra copies offerea for sale later., Any Junior girl who is 'not taking Ipart in. the Junior Girls' play, but who will be willing to play the piano for some of the rehearsals shold call Miss Irene Rosenberg at Helen Need'- berry residence at once. The follo-Mng organizations must have their group pictures identified at tje Michiganensian offices Tuesday afternQ.pn: Soros4s, Psi Omega, Phi Lambda iij kion, Gamma Eta Gam- ma, Phi Rho Sigmua, Alpha Xi Delta, Xi Psi Phi, A Kappa ) s Athena Literary society, Episcopal Girlis' dormitory, §aginaw, 4lpha Fpslon Iota, and W Ql4et~c board. We cap supply your wants in sny- thing in the wall-pa~per and paint trade. C. H. _Ma~no? $ Co.- Adv. l Morning Tbome: Course I--"Upper Room" Class -Saturday Evenings, 7 to 8 o'clock. Course 1I-"University Men's Class" - Sunday Mornings, 9:30 to 10:15 o'clock. Course III1-General Survey of the Bible - Thursday Even- ings, 6:30 to 7:30 o'clock. Course IQ - Methods of Bible Study and Teaching-Friday Afternoons, 4:10 to 5' o'clock. Course V-A Discussion Class -Friday Evenings, 6:30 to 7:30 o'clock. TRINITY Fifth Ave. anq William St. 10 ; 30 a. m-, 'The Harder Way to SaviorhoOd." 11: 30 a.. i., Students' Bible (Glass. 7:30 p. M., "The Call to Sgeri- f t e,' I LUTHER AN CHURCHES ST. PAQI?8 Huron and Chapin Sts. Rev. Carl A. Brauer Sunday School, 9:00. a. mn. Church Services, 10 :00 a. 7: 30 p. mn. III .1 Mn., Y 9 ;00 a. 10: 30 a, bat as 7 -30 P. :4 4 SyMbol IMack, Zambouni ant George Baldwin, Kath. iger, Katherine Wyley 'uller Golden, Etc. es Bewilderingly Bedecked- Former Prof. Hale,, in Ann Arbor Prof. W. J. Hale, formerly of the chemistry department, spent several days in Ann Arbor last week in ord- er that he might have access to cer- tain literary works in the library. In the course 9! his short stay he vis- ited many of hisfinds 4p former facu~lty associates. elated Prpsg ~~.4y Mats. Wed. and Sat., 50c to $1.50 Week Starting Sunday, Feb. 22-Nights 50c to $2.00 JOY opacity Audiences - An organization of overseas men, Ewi ich will arrange for Social events durig th~e coming semester, will be 5perfected at a meeting to be held at 57:15 oclock Tuesday night at the SUnion. gmiokers and dances will prob- 5ably be on the program. SUnion officiais, expressing a desire 5to co-operate, statedI Saturday they Swere willing to let the peen hold ismokers in the lobby and even to 5turn over one of the regular week- Seud dances to overseas men. E With approximately 500 overseas t f s men in the university, backers' of the< r .movement expect an exceedngly large_ 5turnout Tuesday night. Th~ey say that, Sa large number of men outt wj1 as- sure the 'success of an organizton. .= The Michigan Daily, the only morn- 5ing paper in Ann Asior, contains all 5the latest Campus, City' and World n. = News-Adj.g hill Fatronlus Ott sdrvewrtftu. "THE "DIMI1E UNREST" U hNoon, Prof. Homer B. Hulbert speaks to Students' Bible Class on "The Korean Question," Mr. Hulbert was special Korean en=- voy to the Hague Conferences., 6:30, C. E. Service with social half-hour at 6 o'clock. 8 p. rm., Dr. S. A. Beck and Prof. Hulbert-"Th Belgium of the East." 1PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner Huron and Division Laons=4 A. Barrett, MIinister. Mrs. Thompas S. Evans, $ec'y for University Wom~en. Benj. C. Fairman, .Qst. in Stu- dent Word. This morning at tou-thirty,i service will be hold at the1 tional Church in celebration ington's Birthday. Mr. Doi speak on "The Father of Ouri Special patriotic music will ered. !' In i Telegran Wa ington's Birthday Dance Monday, February 23rd Dancing 9 12 r i r4 rim A t '. m U U U U U U w 'im I 10i r