BE ick' Edna' THE MAJESTIC ence," the modern ch F. Ray Com- st will produce at ay evening, Youth rful man who car- s arm and has his Experience, who takes this as an and introduces t like~ other young find work attrac- ced that he does pany his new ac- er, before Death uth is glad to en- Work. n's most signific- Whitney is Mrs. medy, "Mis' NellyI ng to Ann Arbor uccessful*run in are said Jr.," the Altemas. A chorus declared to be the most beautiful ever assembled in a produc- tion produced in Detroit, and gorgeous costumes of the latest style are also promised. GARRICK-DETROIT, "Nightie Night," to be presented next weeki at the Garrick-Detroit, . is a warning against meeting your old friends after marriage. If Billie Mof- fat hadn't met Trixie Lorraine on the train and promised to reconcile her with her husband, there would be no broken wrist watch, no pink pajamas, no troubles in the Moffat family, and no "Nightie Night." Martha M. Stanley and Adelaide Matthews are the authors of "Nightie Night." It ,will be presented by a cast headed by Francis Bryne. LOCAL MAIl ERVICE CUT TO ONE DELIVERY 2NONDAY Postmaster Abbott announces the collection and delivery schedule for Monday, February 23. "There will be the regular morning delivery, but none in the afternoon. There will be no rural deliveries dur- ing the day. Persons expecting par- ticular pieces of mail may avail them- selves of our special deliverey service, by calling the postoffice, describing the mail desired delivered, and paying a fee of ten cents for each piece upon delivery. "Collections will be made on the regular Sunday schedule. The Arcade branch will be open until noon." Chinese Vases On Display in Library Uniques of great interest are those from the University Chinese collec- tion displayed in the Library. This collection was presented to the Uni- versity when President Angell was in pffice, shortly after his ministry in China had ended. The vases in the upper reading room are from this col-' lection and have been stored away un- til the new library should be complet- ed. Michigan Daily advertising Is the Few emergencies catch Constance Talmadge unprepared in "Two ,Weeks," her comedy success which will be shown today, Monday and Tuesday at the Majestic. Upon flee- ing fron an escort who is rude to her, she unknowingly seeks refuge in: the home of three crusty bachellors. IThe butler halts her at the door but a smile accompanied by the plea that her hand has been injureddarouses his sympathy and admiration and he proceeds to bathe and bind up the wound. He is caught in the act by his employers, but one by one they suffer his fate. THE 4RCADE Nazimova wil appear for three days at the Arcade beginning today in "Stronger Than Death." The story is an adaptation of Charles Bryant and I. A. R. Wylie's novel, and takes place in the heart of India. Nazimova has the role of a London music hall dancer who goes to the orient to rest. There she is instrumental in fore- stalling a revolt of Indian natives. She is rewarded by the love of a herm- it doctor, the strong male figure in the picture. COMMENCEMENT HOMECOMING PROBABLE, SAYS ALUMNUS I i. I1 , Ad. written by Maurice Berman City Y.M. C. A. I and last week nt Sunday eye-: rrick. Than Dozens of Lett is a good photograph of yourself sent . !to your friends:---a lasting remembra a artistic one too, if we do the work RA NDALL STUi 121 E. Washingtin Street ni", Kath- win, Vir- R Never in the history of the Univer- sity has there been a more auspicious time for a general "homecoming" of the alumni than the coming Com- mencement to be held on June 24, ac- cording to the February issue of the Michigan Alumnus. The war period was not entirely over last June, and a general return ,of the members of the nore recent classes is expected. President-elect Burton will deliver the Commencement address and many of the alumni will take advantage of this opportunity to get acquainted with him. ,Want Second-Hand Oratory Texts There is an extreme shortage of text books for Oratory I. ' Mr. Immel of that department requests those who have had the course to assist by re- selling their texts to the bookstores. FOR 91UICK BREAK FASThl SERVICE EAT 'AT VIII WHITNEY THEATRE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Messrs ,d Cohan&,aris , present in a (omedy C oonshine adnessand Make -/LAUV Direction AnnISOm SEATS NOW SELLING LOWER FLOOR $2.50 BALCONY $1.00-$1.50-$2.00 LD 11 one recognized means of rs4hg student trade., wow SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Theat Tuesday Februr / 9 -in- Than Death" COMPANY OF 82 PEOPLE' 1081EE SCENES IT WAS THE DANCE OF FATE The Lives of Hundreds of People Depended on the Waning Strength of Sigrid, the Dancer- Did She Fail Them? EX See this Breathless Drama of a Great and Beautiful Love .NAZIMOVA Added Features: Christie Comedy, "Fair But False" BRAY PICTOGRAPH 1. Bigger and Better this year than ev Elaborate Scenic Effects - New Cc £ncorsed by tAe c/ergy 1iom Coast PHIL DIAMOND'S ORCHESTRA nday Matinees and all Evening Shows s,35 cents Children, 10 cents SUNDAY SHOWS AT 1:30 3:00 4:30 7:00 8:30 PRICES- L $2.00.