11 L1ome :tt i , .nda Hepner, dean of wom- raska university, arrived; >or Friday night to spend nd Sunday as the guest A. Neuman and Mrs. Neu- .te to Cleveland where she the convention of deans of id universities and heads hools throughout the coun- +ek. ner spent yesterday visit- nitories and expressed her- ng well pleased with our housing the University ebraska university women ses similar to our Univer- i. The dormitory system been tried out but is now ted. t 18 years Miss Hepner has structor in the German de- Af the university and has fice of dean for the past She will leave today for AVOR SKNTINIG AM) ABOVE OHER SPORTS and skiing are the two ar sports among University s winter. Due to the fact niversity offers no oppor- skating, the city rink is ace available to University The unusually cold 'winter ample opportunity for ex- >yment of this sport. anking next on the list, is the boulevards and every .any followers of this sport themselves there in merry he boulevards are especial- ted to this sport and are lace where it may be en- ay great extent.- and coasting hold place nportance upon the list of rts and have their custom'- r of followers.- EDUCATIONAL Campbell has had thirty rience with Eastern Uni- rd Colleges in his Phrenol- k. , He will deliver his on r-Principles and Proofs" arge to any Ann Arbor Un- ganization. Private Phren- laminations in respect to Choice of Vocation, Brain fariage adaption, etc. Fee: ing, one dollar! study with dollars. Lectures and ex- by appointment. Address .ison. Phone 2154-R.--Adv. Because of the sickness prevalent in Ann Arbor there will be no meet- ing of the association of the collegiate ,alumnae this month. Wyvern will hold its next meeting Tuesday, Feb. 24, at 7:30 o'clock in the Pi Beta"hi house. All members of Masques are re- quested to attend an important meet- ing at 4 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon of next week in Barbour gymnasium. Plans for the semester will be discus- red. Any members who are unable to be present are asked to communicate wigh the president. Corporate communion for Episcopal women will be held at 7:30 o'clock Sunday morning at St. Andrew's church. Ali entering freshman and sopho- more girls should register at the office of the .physical director at once. Anyone willing to play the piano for dancing classes is requested to re- port at the office of the physical dI- rector in Barbour gymnasium. All women who expect to take swimming this semester must enroll in the director's office in Barbour gymnasium. There will be no Y. W. C. A. vesper services until further notice. Y. M. POOL OPEN ' TO CLUB MEMBERS Special hours will be arranged atl the Y. M. C. A. in which the faculty women, University women, and busi- nesp girls may use the swimming pool. The tank is lone of the most mol- ern in Michigan. It is of white tile; the water being pue, spring water, warmed to 75 degrees and changed daily. In this way there is no chance of infection. Women who wish to have the ad- vantage of the tank must join the swimming club at $5 for a period of six months. In order to accommo- date the University women the six months may be divided and run over into the fall of 1920. This membership entitles the women to a competent di- rector, showers, lockers, and all of the advantages of the pool. Women who are not members of the Y. W. C. A. may join that organization for a period of a year and may join the swimming club for a period of six months both for $5 at the city Y. W. .. A. Memberships may also be pro- cured at the University Y. W. C. A. The Michigan Daily is an all-Cam- pus paper.-Adv. 899 T. a Ford cars forced me Into X the game 999 999 TAXI -u 4 If Get Good Goods at Goodyear's P1155 Ptichigan--let us introduice I- 11 You. to ]Viss PlYan/rattan WOMLEN URGED TO ABANDON SEPARATE POLITICAL PARTY Leaders of the new league of wom- an voters, successor to the national kmerican women suffrage association, irge the alignment of women voters with existing political organizations and the abandonment of efforts to in- augurate a political party of their own. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, re- tiring president of the suffrage asso- ciation, adds to this a request that, after affiliating with their respective. parties, women do not go to the polls as mere endorsers of the party plat- form. * "Get into a'party and make it what you want it to be," says Miss Mary Garrett Hay, chairman of the wom- an's division of the Itepublican party. I do not believe that there should be a woman's party of any kind. Wom- en and men must work together pol- itically." 11 She's a distinctly smart yoting lady - youthful and spirited - with an air of good taste about ti hIr whole costume. Sometimes she calls on you in a ts trim suit, modishly displaying < p ;. { ° 4 +tr' ire i. i . - - j i - i E ._ y. I ' ' } M I C , _ I A I ' , { ', '; i , ii F +i , -' r x , ;! _ the season's newest silhouette, sometimes she makes her debut ,\I . I, _ ' .. 4 F. -/4 N 111 11 1 a -; -, ;- t f ;I' ,. r j G j1 . fir. ' 1 1 d ~_ . , s j ' ... i .,. . . a INt v , ' i l Alm ,. aoz t . 5 ri ,y _ --= ri - ~ r ' . iii -_ t J t ^ S 6 ' Q' ra: .. i"" I jp j ! '"' 1 :? ~ 1 -; f - : T, - r - -w in a smart, useful-looking top coat distinctly swagger, Whiche ever it may be, it's always new, and well tailored from excellent 7 materials. OLD ARE YOUI NO MATTER! PLAY BILLIARDS! how many years you have tarried on earth, you are still u like to PLAY. And PLAYING helps to keep that young I youthful look in men who are of mature years. Many EAT men of the world-authors, senators, lawyers, prime -find in BILLIARDS a most joyous relaxation and recrea- e HUSTON BROS. your "club." Make this a regular meet- or yourself and friends. You will find just the right atmos- to make your evenings enjoyable. LJp gi 1ntrocc te yp tq Miss M-a"nhOtn th@ n-t timepyop come to our Ready-to-Wear D1- partment on the Second Floor, 'TON BROS. D) BOWLING, CIGARS AND CANDIES RARETTES AND PIPES e try to treat you Right" - 6 U ,Lm 0- 0 1It ING Lave kpY at Quwy~s and The Bela 11I The First Glimpse into Fashion's Hat-Box Revealing THE NEW SPRING MILLINERY STYLES Toxorrcw we shall have on display the advance fashions in Millinery for Spring. Naturally the dis- play 0nt large, bjt for that very reason it especially recommends itself to women of taste and discrim- ination, to those- why pref r to ma e hgir selections from a limited assortment of exclusive styles. These new hats show unmistakably the fashion trv n d for Spring; the correctness of the styles is undis- puted. For pattern hats such ws thase our pries are remarkably loW, (Second Floor) FOR SALE ; WANTED lebuilt L. C. Smith type- WANTED--Turnspare time into mon- all6nt61J.dition. Very ey. / Sell guaranteed trees, shrubs, roses. Weekly pay. Permanajnt. A light six Studebaker, Write today. Guaranty . Nursery, new. A bargain price. Rochester, N. Y. F2. - WANTED - Zwet's Theoretical Me- Dress Suit $20.00. Cal chantcs and Pierces Integral Tables. R. R. J. Plate, 1115% S. Univ. Phone n £ ,r rnC.2064-J. -- I 54- ci Al r .v. f UELLANIUS .nts to work for room. LOST AND FOUND to work for board ate Address Box B. L., ILOST-A leather pocketbook contain- ing a Michigan Engineering mem- bership card and a chemistry cou- uld like roommate. In- pon. Finder please return to Win- W3 A W..AMWO f aw moppr go rmfiiiiA Entrance 124 South Main Downtown