ants Schools and provide scholarships or special idents provisions for self-help. America will then, assume the educational leader- t help build ship to which her new responsibilities e future ,by call her." of her uWi- all over the Griffin to Speak at Convention eau of edu- The second semi-annual convention Interior, in of the Michigan Retail Dry Goods as- d: "School sociation will be held March 10 and 11 in Grand Rapids. Prominent institutions among the speakers will-be two local been pros- men, Prof.'C. E. Griffin of the Econm- ge numbers ics department of the University, and entists have Mr. E. F. Mills of the Mills company. Q. liarmn nvn Purdue-Plans are being made at Purdue University for ther annual in- formalt Blanket Hop to be given in March. The purpose of the Hop is .to raise funds to buy "P" blankets for the varsity men. The dance last year was very successful, and as a result, over thirty "P" men were furnished with their blankets. Ohio--A beautiful custom has re- cently been inaugurated at Ohio State university at the request of the Amer- ican Legion, as a token of reverence to the Ohio State men who died in service. "Taps" are sounded each Wednesday at a designated hour. Once each week there is a pause in the confusion of campus activities in honor to its haloed dead., Chicago-Two Chicago university women recently advertised in the Daily Maroon for men to accompany them to the Washington Prom. They advertised that they would furnish the dress suits and the taxi, but all sleuthing on the part- of the young men has failed to reveal the identifica- tion of these two mysterious girls. Indiana--The first session of the Educational conference will be held at Indiana University on May 5, 6, and 7. Herbert C. Hoover has tentatively accepted an invitation to address the conference and many other educators of note will be present. Indiana-The influenza ban was lift- ed at the University of Indiana Tues- day when the committee on student health announced that the "flu" con- ditions were sufficiently improved to justify the continuing of the regular campus activities. All rules on col-3 lege meetings and week-end trips were withdrawn by the committee. Patronize the Daily Advertisers. ............ TRADE er clientele antries ad- n students :he United ar with its Yale Beats Princeton at Hockey Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 21.-Prince- ton went down to defeat before the Yale hockey team in a game played here last Saturday. The final score was 4 to 0, the Yale goal being seldom in danger. l D C Pipes are certainly a man's smoke. They the smokejoy which every man seeks. It's in mellow French briar, which is guaranteed against cracki burning through, in quality of bit and band, and in works ship and design. Select several shapes today at any dealer's. Smoke a cool one every time. W M. DEMUTH & CO.. NEW YO WORLD'S LA RGEST MAKERS OF FINE P1 - , ,. . FUN" FUN F U N!! u like pictures with just a touch of spice to make you smile, but not enou h to offend? so, see the JBLE C11OMEDY FAUESO D A Y TO-DA Y /TUESDAY Why at the TO-MORROW, TUE OF C 0 U R SE !!4! . .................. . rU /" , r r :. ,/ , .' ! .ki. ..s/ 41 4 a/ I .x rSl I 1' Hit the High C's of Laughter with Constance and Ham ' this super show I i. ARNING-- th cracked lips are cautioned to avoid the eek. The management positively refuses to sibility for either split lips or side aches that ion of gild to uplift bootlegging, aided by a chorus of ered) so tough they eat dynamite, rambling the farm, love scenes in the old cow plot and rock pile. VE COMEDY CREATION; A TRIUMPH [IG YOU HAVE EVER SEEN BEFORE COME WHEN THE SHOWS START Sunday-1:30, 3:00, 4:80, 7:00, 8:80 Monday, Tuesday-2:00, 3:80, 7:00, 8:30 ALL3SEATS 35C Those who are able to do so are requested to attend the matinee shows and avoid tO big night crowds / -ABOVE- ALL Constance Talmadge trips lightly on the screen in a new and saucy picture "TV WEEKS," with a bathing costume of moonbeams and midnight witchery. All a Arbor will hold its sides with laughter as "Goldie Locks" vamps the three crusty bears in a play that is just naughty enough to be nice-the story of a little show who spends 'two weeks unchaperoned in the home of three bachelors - scintilla with genuine humor and piquant, spicy fun,-but never overstepping the border good taste. -COME EARLYI