.Z '1 I 11 I 00 ,'' 30 ,L, I- ANN AR13OR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1920 F KOREAN PROFESSOR TO TO SPEAK TONIGHT PT EDf Speaking on the subject, "America Go East," Prof. Homer B. Hulbert, for A 23 years a resient of Korea and a confidential advisor of the emperor of CHANGE Korea, will deliver the principal ad- dress at the third University Union STATES IS service to be held at 6:15 tonight in S Hill auditorium. OF ITS Professor Hulbert was originally INS sent to Korea by the State Department to assist in the installation of a [ITENED school system, shortly after the sign= OF VOTE ing of the Treaty of Amity between the United States and Korea in 1882. The Korean Emperor soon became an Fees Balk All intimate friend of Professor Hulbert, ionists at and intrusted him with many impor- se taut affairs. During the long, period of time that The first Professor Hulbert spent in Korea, he has become intimately acquainted with tached to the political and general ,conditions in )tber was the Korea, and is considered one of the ed, and by an best living,authorities on the situation ay in the, sen- in that country. His object of speak- Irycni ale sen-ing in this country at the present time irreconcilable is to enlist the aid of Americans In nee of power, the Korean movement for freedom. of Republican Dr. F. P. Arthur of the church of leaders to se- Christ Disciples will pronounce the .he interest of benediction, and Louis Eich of the Oratory department will read the scripture lesson. Mage b involvingthe '" uugu'nautrn Tm lfi 't JOHNSON PLACES IN EASTERN 'MEET George Did "It," 1920 Opera, Will Appear At Whitney Week Aprial5 GIVsE Gil . 21 ti those who eservations, y all ele- htening the nzth 11r | HU i l U HUU LENTEN SERVICES TODA .-.- b rASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY TO BE COMMEMORATED BY SPECIAL ADDRESSES ontome most of about the treaty r Lenten services with special music will be held in many local churches today, with sermons on the subject of en- Christian principals and faith. In- ding creased attendance at the.various stu- udge dent bible classes is expected by the fl l- churches as a result of the recent draw Y. M. C. A. campaign, may Beginning the first of a special se- ution ries of sermons dealing with the dif- ferent aspects of the life and works of Christ, Rev. Lloyd .Wallick of the Trinity Lutheran church will preach [" on "The Harder Way to Saviorhood" [ at the morning service. Special Lenten music will be rendered by the choir. "The Call of Sacrifice" will be ereal the subject of the evening sermon.- Korean Envoy to Speak In his sermon on "The Divine Un- iding rest," Rev. Leonard A. Barrett of the din- Presbyterian church will comment on our- the three responses of man to 'God, Bated and will emphasize the necessity of ap- every person becoming a co-worker, iion, with God to complete his universe. At noon Prof. Homer B. Hulbert, spe- * cial Korean envoy to the Hague peace y in- conference, will speak before Profes- were sor Henderspn's bible class. "The Bel- the glum of the East" will be the topic of laces two addresses delivered at the even. the ing seryice b' Prof. 1. B. Hulbert upon and Dr. 8. A. Beclk, botho f whom were ter's eye witnesses of recent events in MIchigan Star Captures Second in 75 Yard Handicap'; Ties for Third in High Jump DASH TAKES EIGHT SECONDS; WOLVERINE JUMPS 6 FEET 1 BULLETIN (Special to The Daily) New York, Feb. 21. - Carl John- son, the one Michigan representative at the New York Athletic club track meet held here tonight, placed in the two events in which he was entered, but was officially credited with only one position. Johnson took second in the 75 yard handicap. He started eight inches frqm the scratch line. D. D. Lourie of Princeton placed first and D. Grif- fith of Georgetown took third honors. Time for the race was eight seconds, His failure to be awarded tlfTrd place in the second event, the run- ning high jump, resulted from a tie with Walter Wahler of the Boston Athletic association. Both made six feet one inch. The Michigan repre- sentative, however, failed to jump off the tie. In this event the results were as fellows: :Egn Erickson, the Bronx, six feet three inches, first;, John Murphy, Notre Dame, six feet two inches, second; Walter Wahlen, Bos- ton Athletic association, and Carl Johnson, University of Michigan, six feet one inch. Wahlen was awarded third place. CONDEMN ERSO ROWD Lack of Sportsmanship Draws Pen- . alty at Chicago Game Hissing and jeering of the referee and Chicago players in last night's game met with the emphatic disap- loval of P. G. Bartelne, director of the Athletic association, Coach Lund- gren, and members of the iichigan five. Mr. Bartelme declared that the re- fere was acting entirely within his Jurisdiction in threatening to forfeit the game if the Wolverine support- ers failed to contain themselves, as he is d rected before the game to pen- alize in case the local crowd jeers at the decisions of the referee. Certain decisions against Michigan in the hottet papt of the game brought down the ire of the crowd on the referee, and this antagonism cas- ed him to penalize Michignn. The at- titude of the crowd met with the dis- approval pf the team, Captain Ryhen- #r and other membes of the team exhorting the students to calm down. Only a few individuals led the dem- onstrmtion, but it was immerlately taken up by the majority of the spectatons. $aner thought quieted the crowd, which in turn hissed the lead- ers of the exhibition, 43 Plucked, 30o0 Go On Probation "George Did It" is the name for the 1920 Union opera, as announced by the book committee following a meet- ing Saturday afternoon. The produc- tion will open the Week of April 5 in Ann Arbor at the Whitney theater, following which the show will go on the road for a week's -tour of Michi- gan. Rehearsals to Begin Tuesday Actual rehearsals will begin for the cast Tuesday night 'at the Union un- der the direction of, E. Mortimer Shuter, director of the musical com- edy. Members of the cast will be notified by telephone before the time' of rehearsals. The work of the chorus will not be- MICHIGAN 32-19 Superior Basket Shooting of Chicago Downs Wolverine Hopes in Hard Fought Contest 1"EA AND'VARPUSSTAR FOR MICHIGAN; GAME IS ROUGH Superior ability in shooting baskets enabled the Chicago quintet to triumph over the Wolverines last night b a 82 to 19 score. The game ,was one of the hardest fought affairs ever witnessed on tle Waterman gymnasium floor. Both teams were going at top speed all the time and considerable roughness de- veloped in the closing stages. The Wolverinet performed erratically, at times playing their foes to a stand- still, and again seeming to be help- less before the Maroon onslaught. Chicago Best at Shooting The two teams were evenly match- ed in all departments of the game ex- cut basket shooting. It was here that the Michigan five fell down. The Woverine players had just as many chances at the basket as did their op- ponents, but they were unable to make them good.. Birkhoff, the diminutive &iicago forward, was the individual star of the contest. . His marvelously accu- rate shooting from the floor, coupled with his speed and quickness, made him the most formidable member of the Maroon team. He was responsi ble for 12 of the Chicago points. Voll- mer, Hinkle, and Halladay split the remaining ounters between them. Rea and Karpus Star Rea and Karpus did the best work for Michigan. The former was in the midst of the fray at all times, while the latter was th only Michigan man who was able to locate the basket consistently. Karpus scored 10 of the points garnered by his team, despite the fact that he was taken out in the middle of the second half. Wilson played his usual strong game at standing guard. Jack Wil- lians; who has been unable to par- ticipate in any games this year on ac- count of appendicitis, celebrated his return to the game by playing a strong game at 'running guard for the major part of the contest. To Duke Dunne goes the honor of doing the most startling bit of play- ing shown in the contest. He tossed gin until a later date, probably " a Week or two after the first practice of the cast. Approximately 100 students will participate in the coming pro- duction. Is True Student Opera For the first time in a number of years, the book and music have been written entirely by the students, it having bgen necessary formerly to call upon alumni. The book, which was written by Russel Barnes, '20, is in its final form, and proofs of the music, which was written by George Roder- ick, '21E, Patrick Nertney, '22L, John S. Wilson, '20, Glenn Otto, '23, and R. S. Sherman, '23, have been returned from the publishers. "George Did It" is a musical com- edv in a prologue, two acts, and an in- terlude. E. Mortimer Shuter, direct- or, stated that the play affords unus- ual opportunity for production, and that this yedr's opera would be the equal of any of its predecessors. Unusual Number of Tryouts An exceptionally large number of students, the majority of whom show- ed talent according to Mr. Shuter, turned out for the tryouts. More than 500 students competed for the 100 po- sitions in the production, and no dif- ficulty was met in filling the places. "Intensive reharsals will start im- mediately," said Mr. Shuter, "as only a short time remains before the opera will be staged." DEAN BATES PRAISES WIORK OF SUTHERLAND NEVER WAS FINAL1 L COMPROM APPROVI (By Associated Pres Washington, Feb. 21.-The mise Esch-Dummins railroad approv4d late today by t which adopted the conferer after four hours of debate. There never was any do the outcome, leaders say, the excess of pressure fr leaders against adoption o was variously int'erpireted.' Labor Causes Rail Representative Kitchin,I of North Carolina, in the clos ment against the bill, deck the labor leaders had cause a dozen members who wer to it to rally to its support. During the debate, in wh than a score of representat part, Chairman Esch war house that defeat of the bi stage would put half the ra the country in the hands of in three months. Representative Tou, 'Den North Carolina, painted gloomy picture by declaring country would see the great, cial disaster in years if it the roads without enactmer which v _ould give them the earn a fair return. Gives Estimate Railroad adminstration place the net cost' to the go pf federal control of the ra $636,000,000, Chairman Esch house. Y Estimates Place Control at $ clare CALLS SPEAKER AUTHORITY INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS ONI "Hon. George Sutherland, '83L, who will speak at the Washington's birth- day celebration Tuesday in Hill audi- torium, is a man noted for his knowl- edge of international law and for his speaking ability," in Dean Henry M. Bates' estimation. Had Long Experience "The topic of his speech is under- stood to be as given out before, 'Wash- ington's Farewell Address and the League of Nations,' but the title has been sent here as 'The Supreme Al- legiance.' He was strongly in favor of a league of some kind before the war but at that time he had in mind only an international court, so I do not know what his ideas on the sub- ject at the present time are. I am positive that they will represent 'unch thought and be valuable, in view of his long eperience in internation- al affairs." Was Foremost Authority Speaking of Mr. Sutherland's ex- perience in governmental business and international law Dean Bates said, "He served in the United States house of representatives for several years until he was elected to the senate, from Utah. During 'his 12 years' service in the senate he became a member, of the foreign relations committee and during 'the latter years of his second term was recognized as the foremost authority on international affairs in the senate. "Altogether I believe Mr. Suther- land's address wil he one of the fin- est of the year," said Dean Bates, in closing. Ann Arbor Ne-atlvs Win Debate OPEN HIHW Representatives to I Five Day C i co rwf In observance of Washington's gm- birthday, the Congregational church ays will hold a patriotie service' this tial morning. National anthem will be ary sung by the choir, find Rey. Lloyd C. ion Douglas will deliver the sermn on ard "The Father of Our Country." Due to the Hill auditorium meeting, the PIly- mouth guild will meet at 5:1a o'clock. Prof. Claude A. Van Tyne of the His- m- tory department will deliver an ad- ;er- dress on Washington. 1.g Emphasize Mission Work .e~ The need for, missionaries in the for- )r- eign field will be presented at the nn- morning service of the church of Christ Disciples. "A Call for Re- be cruits" is the subject of several ad- be- dresses to be given by a group of mis- be sionaries, led by Rev. G. O. Cunning-; oon ham of India. The evening service will also be on the subject of mis- sions. "The Present World Hope," the third of a series of sermons on the social hope of the world, will be th (Continued on Page FEight) The sixth annual shori highway engineering will 1 under the direction of the college beginning Monday .Want Closer Relatio The conference is to las and it is planned during 1 bring the three or four hu way. representatives into a lationship regarding this service than has heretofore The course will be opi address of welcome' by Harry B. Hutchins, follo' there will be a series of 1 general discussions. Many Prominent -Sp Among speakers who v are Dean Mortimer E. Cc H. E. Riggs, Pi'of. A. H. F. F. Rogers, state highw sioner, and RaymondBee Goodrich Transportation bureau. The sessions will be he 348, Engineering building. TICKETS FOR SOPH PR4 GO ON SALE NEXT T Tickets for, the Soph P held Friday, March 19; wi] on sale Thursday evening, the Union. The number a ited to 200. The committee, headed glas Dow,'22E, plans to mal as attractive as possible v due extravagance. It will the ball room at the Uni Wilson's 10 piece orchestr engaged. It has been decided n leather programs as the p hibitive. Extensive floral and light refreshments ai for. Newark Club Donates At ameeting of the Ne held last evening at the U: to ay, will ay aftern Sixty-three men and three women a basket with one hand from the side An1 £FArIbr high sco. won fr1m students were dropped from the lit- of the court while breaking away from Ann Arbor high school won from erary colleges yesterday afternoon as an opponent. Northville ast leag tbp result of last semester's records. Mather's Absence Counts bate at Northville last Fiday night, ,If they had not withdrawn of their The Michigan team was handicap- tion was "Resolved, That the United own accord, 16 others would have been ped by the absence of Coach Mather. tatws t dropped. These studehts will not be The basketball mentor was confined States adopt a system of universal abie to re-enter without special per- to his home with acute ptomaine pa male citizens biitween the ages of 18 mission. oning. Captain Rychener handled the male ci.izn b rnsegofd18 Because they had received no pre- team throughput the game, and 25." Ann Arbor supported the vious warning, 20 others were given The Llw negative. another chance. Between 300, and Weiss........L......Vollmer Vollmex Educational Faculty in Cleveland 400 students were, placed op_ probation Karpu .......h~'..,....Birkho E and approximately the, aame nuimber jiunne............ .Halladay All of the faculty of the educational were put o the warned list. . ea...........L.G.....Hinkle (capt.) department have left for Cleveland to Registrar Arthur G. Hall states that Wilsgn.. . ......R.G.. .. Crysler attend the University of Michigan this is not a bac record considering Final acore-Chleago 32, Michigan dinner there next Wednesday evening an enrollment in the literary college 19 Score at end of first half-Chi- at the Masonic temple. The dinnet of about 4,500. He said that it was -ago 19, Michigan' 10. Substitutions- will be held at the meeting of the Na- merely a return to regular and norm- Chicago: Curtiss for Birkhoff, Wil- tional Education association. al standards of strictness, relaxed .liams for Vollmer. Michigan: Wil- because of war conditions. . hams for Weiss, Rychener for Karpus. R. 0. T. C. Forms Social Organization The figures given are not necessar- Baskets from field-Karpus 2, Dunne Formation of a social organization ily complete because of the fact that 2, Rea 2, Birkhoff 3, Vollmer 4, Hin- for members of the R: O. T. C. was a number of grades have not been ke 2, Halladay 4. Baskets from foul the purpose of a meeting held Friday turned in to the Registrar's office due -Karpus 6 -in 10, Rea 1 in 2, Birkhoff night at the Union. Capt. Robert to absences from examinations. . 6 in 11. Arthur addressed the mbn. Y.-'. r; . t Vashing- en made r func- 11 Uni- fork in 1 Tues- from 4 PRESIDENT-E ECT BURTON TO ATTEND n 4. T. '.0NLAV.I President-elect M. L. Burton will be' among the university heads who will attend an educational and milit- .ary conference March 1 in Washing- ton. The chief business at the con- clave is expected to deal with the status of college reserve officers' train-